10 Work from Home Tips

With our current climate, many people have had to jump into working from home without having the opportunity to properly prepare emotionally, mentally, and physically. It’s safe to say, it’s a big shift all around! Understandably, you might feel as though you’re attempting to determine your new normal as you go. To help you create a work from home life you can grow to enjoy, we thought we would offer our top 10 work from home tips. For many of our Shopkick teams, working from home is part of our weekly routine. So, here’s how we get things done:

10 Work from Home Tips:

1. Keep Your Routine

If you had a morning routine you enjoyed before the quarantine went into effect, make sure to keep that going! If you like to get up and workout first thing, continue doing that. Maybe you look forward to drinking coffee and checking social media – keep it up! Routines help us to feel “normal”, and having that sense of normalcy will keep your productivity going throughout your day.

2. Get Dressed

Shopkickers, getting dressed it key! We know it’s tempting to stay in your pajamas all day because the option of going out is suddenly no longer a true possibility. But, getting dressed will likely make you feel more alert and ready to tackle your day. Again, this also relates to the above of creating and continuing your routine – getting dressed will likely make you feel better. And, for that reason, it’s worth it!

3. Explain Your Work to Family

Working from home can feel tricky, especially if you’re home with kids, other family members, or partners who aren’t joining you by working from home. Your loved ones might spot you and think because you’re also home, you’re free to spend time together. So, set work from home boundaries. Maybe your signal to be interrupted is an open door, or perhaps you step away to enjoy a snack or lunch together. Reminding those you love and who also love you that you’re still working even though you’re home will help everyone to adjust through the transition.

4. Create Your Workspace

If you typically work in an office setting, you likely spend your days at your desk. However, the options will likely feel endless at home. Decide where you would like to work, but don’t feel limited in your options. If you have a desk at home and you enjoy working there, go for it. But, if you would prefer to work from your table or living room, that’s fine too. As a general note: kitchen counters, especially those that have bar height counters can serve as excellent standing desks. Move around your house! It may help your productivity and inspiration.

5. Soak in the Sun

We’ve all woken up to a rainy day and felt like going back to sleep. Working without natural light in sight has the ability to make you feel tired before you begin, so work where you can see the sun. Natural light helps us to feel energized, and working by a window also offers the opportunity to enjoy a nice view and even catch a glimpse of people walking outside.

6. Don’t Snack

One of the top questions many people ask when they’re first starting to work from home is how to avoid snacking. The answer is simple and complicated at the same time: don’t do it! To go back to the first point we mentioned about keeping a routine, keep your breakfast and lunch times intact throughout the day. This will help you to feel satisfied because you will already know when your next mealtime will occur. The other tip: choosing not to work from your kitchen (and the source of the snacks) will likely help if you feel like your willpower is in question.

7. Socialize

The biggest complaint many have to offer about working from home is the lack of socialization. You likely went from eating lunch with coworkers and attending in person meetings throughout the day to being by yourself for hours on end. So, make it a point to meet with coworkers for meetings, meals, and even post-work cocktails over Zoom and Google Hangout. If you’re leading work meetings, start things off by asking everyone round table style how they’re doing. A quick catch up has the ability to remind everyone that though you’re not all physically together, you’re still equally as connected virtually.

8. Go for a Walk

It’s easy to not even realize how many steps you take walking to and from your car into work and throughout your workplace during the day until you’re at home without the need to move around as much. So, get outside! Take a walk in the morning before you start working, plan to walk again after lunch, and consider taking another walk at the end of your day. Use this time to listen to music, an audiobook, or a podcast. You’ll feel refreshed and energized to keep going, and you’ll get your steps in.

9. Log Off

When you’re working from home, you’re likely working from your computer, which is now just feet or a few rooms away from you at all times. The temptation to work at odd times or to keep working into the night is definitely there. But, if you typically walk away from work when you work in-person, keep that up! The best way to make sure this happens is to sign out of all of the apps and programs you use rather than keeping them open on your desktop. Knowing you have to login oftentimes provides enough of a barrier to keep you from continuing to work.

10. Plan Your Evening

The other thing that will help you to sign off from work and feel as though you still have separation between your personal and professional lives is to make plans during the evening. Schedule a call with friends, let your family know you want to have a movie night together, remember to watch your favorite TV shows, workout virtually, make dinner, catch up on chores, etc. Knowing you have things to do will make you feel encouraged to use your time well during the day so you can rest at night.

Do you work from home? What do you find helps you to embrace it? Let us know on Facebook!

Top work from home jobs for Moms

After I had my daughter I wanted to earn extra money, but I knew I didn’t want to put my daughter in daycare to do it. I started looking for work from home opportunities and — after sifting through the scams and pyramid schemes — I was happy to see just how many great opportunities are out there that offer a flexible schedule and other features that were important to me as a mom. I ended up finding work that let me be the stay-at-home-mom I wanted to be while still bringing some income into the household.

A few of my friends asked if I could help them find something similar — here are a few of the best work from home jobs I found during my search.

Get Paid to Talk on the Phone

No, you won’t be chatting with your friends, but this is work almost anyone can do, and there are plenty of work from home customer service jobs out there. Many of these opportunities don’t even require past experience so as long as you have a little office space, you’re qualified!

Get started at: LiveOps.com, ariseworkfromhome.com, arise.com, windycitycallcenter.com, workingsolutions.com, careers.concentrix.com

Write the Next Great American Novel

Ok, not really. But if you have a knack for writing, graphic design, or some other creative talent, you may be able to find work as a freelancer on sites like Guru and Upwork. I did this, and I was able to earn some money while the kids were watching Frozen again.

Get started at: Upwork.com, Guru.com

Help Companies Market Their Widgets

I had a friend who had worked at an ad agency for years before she left the workforce to raise her kids. She missed the work, so she was pretty thrilled when she learned that there were many stay-at-home opportunities in the marketing field. She was able to find remote work with an agency that offered her the flexible schedule she needed. Plus, she never missed the kids getting off the bus!

Get started at: Guru.com, Upwork.com, Flexjobs.com, Jobspresso.com

Watch TV and Earn Money

Yes, there is more to it than that. You’ll also have to caption the videos that you watch. Some of the video caption companies that offer remote work don’t require any experience, and you set your own schedule. One mom who did this said she loved the fact that she was able to stop and start instead of having to work a set number of hours all at once. That’s something that any mom would appreciate!

Get started at: Rev.com, abercap.com/careers/, captionmax.com

Influence the Next Generation

Several of my friends are teachers who truly loved the work they did. One said she loved challenging the kids to be their best, and that she really missed it when she quit to stay home with her twin boys. When her twins were about a year old, she found a remote teaching job, and she’s been doing it ever since. She only works a few hours a day, but could work more if she wanted. She teaches kids in the U.S. and in other countries and calls her job “the best of both worlds,” because she gets to raise her boys and do the work she loves.

Get started at: t.vipkid.com.cn, apus.jobs, connectionseducation.com, tutor.com

Help Heal the Sick

Of all the remote opportunities I found, I have to say this one surprised me the most. I didn’t think there’d be any work-from-home jobs for my nurse friends, but I was wrong! One friend explained that she really just wanted a way to keep her skills sharp (she’s an RN) while also taking a few years away from her hospital job to spend time with her daughter. She landed a remote nursing job that lets her keep her skills up while still being home for every one of her daughter’s milestones!

Get started sykesassistance.com, piedmontcareers.org, altegrahealth.com/careers, 83bar.com

Have you found a great work from home opportunity? Tell us on twitter @Shopkick