5 Surfaces to Sanitize in Under 10 Minutes

Between spending much more time at home living in our spaces rather than passing by throughout the day to having a desire to be extra vigilant to keep spaces tidy, we have made sure to keep our most visited spaces cleaner than ever before. Although we (and you!) feel like we have sanitized every surface, there are likely a few that might be flying under the radar. The good news is these five areas are quick to clean, and we think you can cross them off of your list in 10 minutes or less. Keep reading below! 

1. Cell Phone & Tablet:

Cleaning your cell phone and tablet might make you feel alarmed, but there are plenty of products that are safe to use on your tech. Look for tech cleaning kits at stores like Walmart, Target, or an office supply location, which often include a cleaning solution and a microfiber cloth. This article also points out other methods for cleaning your tech, like using hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes.

2. Counters:

One of the most visited areas in your home is your kitchen, especially as we all make more meals at home. So, make sure to wipe down your kitchen counters regularly. You might even want to wipe them down before and after meals to be extra vigilant! Speaking of counters, don’t forget to wipe down the counters in your bathroom.

3. Door Knobs, Handles, Faucets, & Switch Plates:

We are always closing doors, touching faucets, opening cabinets, and turning lights on and off. As a result, each represents a surface that should be wiped down regularly. A disinfectant wipe will do the trick! 

4. Computer:

Whether you’re working from home or working from an office, our fingers are always touching our computer’s keys. So, wipe them down! Make sure to use a computer friendly product when you do clean off your keyboard. A tech specific cleaning solution and a microfiber cloth will do the trick! This article goes into even more depth about how to properly clean this frequently used item.

5. Remote:

Whether you’re watching cable TV, a movie, or binging shows and movies from a streaming service, you are likely using your remote. Make sure to clean your remote often! Consider using a disinfectant wipe on it either at least once per day.

To make the process less daunting, set a timer and clean as much as you can in a 5-10 minute window. Then repeat later in the day to clean any areas you may have missed.

Let us know your best cleaning tips on Facebook!

How to Keep Your House Clean

Anyone else feel like they are constantly cleaning? Through researching and talking with friends and family to ask for opinions, we’ve landed on five tips that we’re already putting to the test.

Put Things Away:

It’s tempting to allow dishes to sit in your dishwasher, laundry to remain unfolded, and toys to stay where kids were last playing with them, but try to put things away instead. Run your dishwasher overnight and put your dishes away while you’re waiting for coffee to brew in the morning. Fold your laundry in your laundry room so you only need to put it away. Ask your kids to put away their toys at the end of the day so they can start playing again in an organized space the next day. By putting things away as you go, you won’t have to spend more than a few moments tidying up at any one time. 

Clean Room-by-Room:

We like to clean each room completely – whether we’re cleaning it quickly or doing a deeper clean – rather than jumping from room to room. By doing this, we’ve found it’s easy to stick to a schedule. Another idea is to do a task a day (i.e.: vacuum, dust, mop, etc.).

Let Small Tasks Add Up:

When we think of small tasks, many of the chores we’ve mentioned, like running and emptying the dishwasher and putting things away, come to mind. We can also add sticking to a laundry schedule, sorting through mail, making sure keys are kept in a central location, and shoes aren’t scattered to the list. If you have kids, they can easily help to ensure these small tasks add up throughout the week – it’s their space too!

Do a Quick Clean: 

Sometimes when we think about cleaning a room, we think we need to completely scrub down every corner of the space. In most cases, that doesn’t have to be true! You can quickly clean a space by dusting or wiping down surfaces, vacuuming, and generally tidying up within 20-30 minutes. By completing a quick clean of high traffic spaces, like bedrooms and bathrooms, frequently, you will feel confident cutting back on the amount of times you choose to deep clean the same rooms.

Create a Playlist:   

Cleaning does not have to be something you dread! One of the best ways we’ve found to enjoy the time we spend tidying is by creating a playlist. Look to songs that put you in a great mood and want to move with purpose or cue up a podcast or two to listen to while you clean. Either promises to take your mind off of what you’re actually doing (cleaning!) while making you feel encouraged to complete the task even faster. 

What are your top tips for cleaning? We’re ready to hear what you do! Leave your comments for us on Facebook.