How to Homeschool: Easy Science Experiments

We continued to share more fun activities you can do with your student at home while you navigate homeschooling together. Yesterday was all about science! We welcomed first grade teacher Mrs. Lamb back to Facebook Live, and she shared two great science experiments she discovered on We’ve listed the steps and her ideas to further your student’s learning experience below.

Orange Fizz Experiment:

This experiment allows students to discover what happens when an acid combines with a base. Hint: Mrs. Lamb and her kids describe it like experiencing a healthy version of orange soda!

You will need:

  • 1 citrus fruit – An orange or clementine works perfectly.
  • Baking Power – You only need just enough to dip a piece of fruit.


  1. Peel your fruit and separate it into pieces.
  2. Dip a piece of fruit into the baking power. You don’t have to cover the entire fruit. Dipping a portion will work well.
  3. Pop the fruit into your mouth.
  4. Share what you experience!

Further Learning:

Mrs. Lamb shared she likes to combine subjects together as much as possible, so she encourages parents and students to share the results of the experiments through writing about the experiment and the results, turning to PowerPoint to work on tech skills to create a presentation, and talking through what happened.

Explode a Bag Experiment:

Like the orange fizz experiment, this experiment also showcases what happens when carbon dioxide is emitted and contained. The results may take you by surprise!

You will need:

  • Ziploc Bag
  • Baking Soda (1 tablespoon)
  • White Vinegar (1/4 cup)
  • Baking Sheet


  1. Pour the white vinegar into the bag.
  2. Twist the bag so when the baking soda is added, it’s in the envelope at the top of the bag.
  3. Seal the top of the bag.
  4. Release your hand to allow the mixture to combine.
  5. Shake the bag and place it onto your baking sheet.
  6. Step away and watch it explode!

Further Learning:

Mrs. Lamb suggests turning your phone onto video in order to capture a slow-motion video of your facial expressions and the exploding bag. Then share your video with friends, family, and teachers to share what you’re learning!

Make sure to tune into Mrs. Lamb’s Live on our Facebook page to try both experiments this weekend! Also, keep watching because Mrs. Lamb (and her kids!) offers tips for healthy snack recipes, how to limit screen time, and creative challenges you and your family can do together.