Earn rewards
every time
you shop
Scan products, snap images of the shelf,
& upload your receipts to earn points
(we call them kicks!).
Saving has never
been easier

What Shopkickers are saying

I have been using this app for years and LOVE it. It has helped me pay for my Disney trips and is sooooo much fun.

I have never written a review for an app before the also never enjoyed one as much as I’ve enjoyed this one before!! I tell everyone I know about it because it’s SO beneficial!!! You can earn real gift cards and it’s not impossible to do so. Seriously, thank you for bringing this into my life!

I love this app because it not only is fun, it helps me earn gift cards, introduce new items to try and I get my daily walking in by going through the stores.

This is definitely one of the best , if not the best reward apps out there!

This app has always been phenomenal. I have been using this app for about 10 years. It is hands down the best out there for rewards (and I use a lot of reward apps).
crafty grrl

I don’t go shopping without using this app. Whether I’m in a store or making a purchase online I check this app. I have been an app user religiously for many years. When I go back and do a rough calculation of how much I’ve earned I am amazed. I have bought so many things with the points I’ve earned.
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