Calling all beauty lovers: Ulta Beauty is on Shopkick!

Now shopping for your favorite blush or finding the best shampoo is more rewarding and productive than ever. Treating yourself to rewards while shopping at any of the 1k+ Ulta Beauty locations across the country using Shopkick is as easy as one, two, three! Literally.

ulta beauty store details in shopkick app

As if a trip to Ulta wasn’t enough of a treat, you can now earn kicks by scanning specific items in the aisles, shopping with a linked Visa or Mastercard and submitting receipts.

Here is how it works:

Step One: Scan

Scans are an easy way to earn rewards while you roam the aisles at Ulta learning more about the products you love. You can explore the hair aisle, get dizzy in the fragrance section, or check out some new must haves such as mascara or lip gloss, and get rewarded at the same time. Just scan the items on the Scans page to earn kicks! And don’t forget to earn additional kicks for completing all available scans in the store. It’s like getting a prize for breathing!

ulta beauty submit receipts for purchased items in shopkick app

Step Two: Link Your Card

You can also make every Ulta beauty run rewarding by making purchases with a linked Visa or MasterCard. Every dollar spent brings in three kicks!

ulta beauty linked card rewards in shopkick app

Step Three: Take a Picture

After picking up a new lipstick (or two or three) and that nail polish you’ve been wanting to try, earn additional rewards by uploading your receipt with kick-earning purchases to Shopkick. Simply take a photo of the printed receipt in the Receipts page and watch the kicks add up!


ulta beauty submit receipts for purchased items in shopkick app

[/left][right]ulta beauty kicks from submitted receipts for purchased items in shopkick app[/right]

Best Step: Cash it In!

When you are done shopping with Shopkick, redeem all your kicks for an Ulta gift card and start over! Of course, if you have other treats in mind, you can always check out the rewards mall.

Haven’t tried earning rewards at Ulta yet? Download Shopkick here.

Is the Average ROI on Mobile Coupon Advertising Strategies Worth the Investment?

Advertising might have seen its fair share of changes over the years but one thing remains consistent: giving customers a deal is probably the first thing marketers think of when they’re trying to get them to try out a new product. As technology has advanced, deals have gone digital, with coupon codes and mobile apps replacing the standard circulars of old. In 2015, 80% of retailers who invested in digital advertising reported they spent at least a portion of their advertising dollars on mobile coupon strategies.

average roi coupons for smartphonesHowever, the question needs to be asked if this strategy offers the kind of brand awareness and market growth companies are seeking—or if marketing professionals are erroneously choosing coupon advertising as a marketing mainstay because it appears safe. When we do the math, we can clearly see that the average ROI on mobile coupon advertising isn’t quite as high as many brands may hope.

If you’re considering digital coupon offers as an aspect of your brand’s growth strategy, you must first consider the potential cost, which includes not only the cost of the discount that will inevitably cut into your bottom line but also the cost of implementing the program, converting consumers to buyers, and paying for the technical aspects of the program. These combined costs have the potential to make that seemingly safe marketing bet decidedly less so—especially when there are more profitable options that have the ability to maximize conversions while limiting campaign costs, both incidental and direct.

Calculating the Average ROI on Mobile Coupon Advertising

Calculating the ROI on mobile coupon advertising is challenging as you can’t always obtain the most accurate numbers until after you have run the campaign. One thing you can’t argue, though, is that coupons are effective for at least a one-time conversion, as 79% of consumers report that they have tried a new brand based on receiving an offer. However, that one-time conversion might actually come at a loss.

Here’s what you must consider when calculating the potential return on investment of mobile coupons for your brand:

  • The price of your featured product: This is the amount the consumer pays for your product.
  • The cost of the discount: This is the immediate cost to your company for selling the product at a discount.
  • The cost of the campaign: The is the overall amount you pay to make consumers aware of the coupon deal.
  • The number of times redeemed: This is how many times your coupons are used at purchase.
  • The campaign cost per redemption: This is the cost of the campaign divided by the number of times your coupon is redeemed.

Additionally, it should be noted that while the average redemption rate for mobile offers is 25%, the actual redemption rates of the coupon can cause your costs to fluctuate significantly, as you cannot successfully predict how many consumers will use your coupon. And, mobile coupons have some unique traits that limit their effectiveness over the long term, meaning you may not be making up that loss with future purchases at full cost.

Issues that Reduce Mobile Coupon Impact and ROI

When a company chooses to implement a mobile couponing strategy, they’re often seeking out ways not only to make an immediate profit but to increase market share. However, this isn’t always as effective as brands may hope for a number of significant reasons:

  • Mobile coupon advertising comes at an immediate cost: Taking a loss, even a small one, when trying to sell a CPG product is a risky strategy. Right out of the gate, you’ve already cut into your bottom line by reducing your product’s price—with no guarantee it will pay off in the end.
  • Product perception may be harmed: There’s a reason why high-end brands don’t focus heavily on discounts; consumers often equate low-cost with low-quality. This is an issue for brands as quality is quickly becoming a brand differentiator. Reducing your price can reduce the perception of that quality—and 86% of consumers report they’re willing to pay more for better quality, across industries.
  • It may not accurately target the right audience: Consumers who seek out discounts tend to be price-focused. That means that when they’re looking for a new product to purchase, they’re not going to use loyalty as a basis for purchase, but price. Unless you discount the product every time they buy, you can’t hope to gain return customers over the long-term.

Mobile coupons may be trendy with consumers, but many brands will find themselves disappointed by the ROI and long-term impact of such campaigns. They can be quite costly and, when your goal is to gain greater market share, they lack longevity. Most of these mobile couponers will only stay with your brand until the offer is redeemed. For a longer tail option that keeps consumers coming back, mobile shopping apps that offer rewards may be the best alternative.

Using Mobile Shopping Apps as an Alternative to Coupon Programs

Coupons are limited in their long-term impact for your brand because they are only used once. As an alternative, shopping apps that offer points that build into valuable rewards are used repeatedly by the consumers who download them, automatically giving this strategy an edge over coupons.

They work by connecting brands with consumers as they’re ready to make a purchase. About 60% of shoppers use their phones to find products before they buy. Therefore, partnering your brand with mobile shopping apps can significantly increase the likelihood of your products being discovered as the users of these apps tend to be very actively engaged.

Another unique benefit of these platforms is in the way they allow your brand to track and influence consumer behavior. With coupon-based programs, the only individual habits you can track are from those consumers who actually redeem your coupon. With a shopping app, however, you’re better able to pinpoint what’s trending in the consumer’s space with real-time data. This allows a much more diverse market sample that can be highly valuable if your brand’s primary selling point isn’t its price but its quality.

Finally, as mentioned, some shopping apps – like Shopkick – offer rewards, not discounts. These apps work by creating brand awareness through strategically timed notifications that increase the likelihood of purchase, much like a coupon does, but without the need to offer a discount.

When you consider the relatively short shelf life of mobile coupon-based strategies, as well as the surprisingly high cost, you may find that the ROI simply cannot justify a coupon campaign for your company. Coupon-based programs often don’t target the right consumers and they can cost your brand not only its limited marketing dollars but also its reputation by lowering its perceived value. Mobile shopping apps, however, can follow your consumer throughout their purchase pathway, helping you create timely opportunities for brand interaction. That interaction breeds growth, ultimately resulting in a greater share of the market for your brand.

At Shopkick, we offer our partners the ability to connect with their target audience without implementing costly coupon campaigns. If you’re interested in partnering with our solution to increase your company’s market share, brand awareness, and customer engagement, contact our team today.

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Mobile Shopping Apps: Why You Must Have One to up Your Shopping Game

“I coulda been a contender.” Brando may have made that line famous, but I prefer a sentiment closer to “I am always a contender!” I can turn just about anything into a personal challenge, even trying to beat my personal record for Instagram likes. Shopping for my family is no different.

A couple weeks ago, I found an absolute steal on trendy accessories at Target. I even pointed out the savings to the cashier who agreed I had hit the savvy shopper jackpot—it was a nice little bonding moment. Hey, I can’t possibly be the only one on a first name basis with my local Target associates!

the must have mobile shopping apps
Swap your outdated loyalty cards for an all-in-one app always at your fingertips | Image courtesy Pixabay user RawPixel

For me, experiences like that make shopping more fun—and let me modernize my wardrobe guilt free. I’ve gone to what some might consider extreme lengths to keep my savings on point and my deal record strong. I wake up at 2 a.m. for Black Friday every year. Every. Year. I’ve hidden dresses at the back of a rack so I could come the next day when I knew they’d be on sale. And, I’m a pro at finding the nearly unnoticeable flaw on a designer handbag so I can snap it up for half off. But who hasn’t, amiright? If you’re a master shopper, I’m looking at you.

I thought I knew every trick in the book—and then came rewards apps. Let me tell you, one shopping diva to another, there are some unbelievable shopping apps you simply must have if you’re always looking for ways to up your shopping game! Since I downloaded one to my smartphone, I’ve pushed my shopping to a whole new level. I’ve finally discovered smartphone apps that reward me for the type of competitive shopping I’ve done for years. It’s like, finally.  

So, get comfortable while I tell you why I can’t stop raving about these shopping rewards apps. Then, let’s hit the aisles with our smartphones out and start racking up some rewards points together. No coulda or shoulda; it’s easy to get out there and be a shopping rewards contender!

Mobile Shopping Apps: Why You Must Have One to Focus Your Rewards Game

As someone who’s more than a little obsessed with beating my own personal bests at pretty much anything, I can assure you the key to improving your shopping game is focus. And paying attention to mobile shopping rewards apps is step one in getting your focus on point.

The new generation of mobile rewards apps centralize the points you earn from the stores you already visit and the brands you buy time and again, whether it’s an incredible pair of wedges at Marshall’s or running to Target for your favorite face wash and a gallon of milk. There’s no need for multiple rewards cards that you can never find anymore. One thing I always have on hand? My smartphone. It’s so nice to solve these problems.

My favorite app also makes me feel like I’m part of a secret society of covert, competitive shoppers going under the radar to snap up points for big rewards, like free gift cards to Best Buy and Amazon. They really do help me focus my rewards game to make sure I’m earning while I spend—and that I have fun while I roll down the aisles.

How Mobile Rewards Apps Change the Game by Incentivizing Browsing

Incentivize your shopping with mobile apps you must have
Earn a free pick-me-up while you shop. Cheers to a new era in shopping! | Image courtesy Unsplash user Clem Onojeghuo

You’re sitting down, right? Your favorite store may be trying to reward you just for walking in. Am I blowing your mind? I know it blew mine when I first learned about it. See, all you need is a smartphone with space for a free app, and I know you have one of those (how else would you get driving directions to the mall out in Timbuktu for a mega sale?). All you have to do is hit download, open the app, then start getting paid to shop!

By downloading a free retail rewards app, I earn points for every aspect of my shopping experience, from walking through the door to exploring new products, and even buying kitchen staples. As soon as I’m in sight of that store entrance, my app and I are on the hunt. A shopping rewards scavenger hunt, that is.

How to Pick the Best Retail Mobile App for You

The new era of digital shopping has inspired a wave of retail mobile apps, each uniquely innovative in their own way. Every serious shopper needs to sit down and explore their options, comparing apps with their own shopping style. Here are a few things I personally looked for before choosing an app to be my shopping partner-in-crime:

  • A fun way to earn: Some retail rewards apps only offer points for filling out surveys. I don’t mind filling out the occasional survey, but they can start to feel more like work than something I’d do for fun. Make sure you’re going to enjoy the process of earning rewards. Your app should engage you while you shop, like a best friend with an eagle eye for new, hot products that have just hit the shelves.
  • Great rewards you can actually use: Look at the types of incentives an app offers before you download it. Some offer coupons to help you save a few cents here and there, but my app helps me gather points so I can earn bigger rewards, like gift cards to my favorite stores or a Pumpkin Spice Latte and a cream cheese danish at Starbucks (mid-shopping fuel, y’all!).
  • Easy to use: One of my closest friends isn’t what I would call technically savvy, but the retail mobile app my group of besties uses is so simple that even she’s using it like a pro. She’s snapping up rewards as fast as I am, and it makes me so proud to have her out there with me!
  • Free to download: This should go without saying, but don’t pay to play. Make sure the rewards app you choose is free to download and use.

If an app that offers all four of my criteria sounds like a savvy shopaholic’s dream, let me introduce you to my (very real) favorite shopping rewards app, Shopkick. The first time I opened this app, it was a revelation. I was getting rewarded for browsing the aisles and buying the latest fashions—and it all felt like a game (or a dream come true, perhaps?).

Shopkick was instantly rewarding me with points, called kicks, just for being my motivated shopper self. Plus, I’ve been getting bonus points for encouraging my crew and their families to sign up as well. I’ve been pushing myself to shop better most of my life but, with Shopkick, there’s never been a better time to be perusing the product shelves. Rewards, aisle 10!

Explore how Shopkick’s innovative retail mobile app works to bolster your shopping game, changing your shopping experience forever. Download the free Shopkick app to start Shopkicking before the next time you walk through those double doors. You can also get real-time updates on how Shopkick is revolutionizing shopping by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Holy wholesale: Boxed brings smart shopping to Shopkick

Holy wholesale! Boxed, the awesome online wholesaler, has launched with Shopkick. Stock up on just about everything you need and get free gift cards in return. When you visit Boxed or make purchases from them through the Shopkick app, you’ll be able to earn Shopkick points (called “kicks”). Redeem those kicks for free gift cards to stores like Best Buy, Sephora, and much more.


Bulk shopping means big savings

Wholesale sizes mean you get more for your money and shop less. Boxed delivers bigger savings without membership fees everywhere in the lower 48 states. What’s not to love about a 2 day shipping time? You even get free samples with your delivery!   Boxed has the A+ lineup you need to stock up for back to school shopping in minutes. Buy in bulk, get free gift cards: Shop with through the Shopkick app. Don’t have Shopkick? Download it today and join the millions of Shopkickers who have redeemed over $63.8 million in free gift cards.

5 apps that replace Cartwheel & still save you money at Target

With Target’s Cartwheel shutting down in a week, you might be left scrambling to find an app alternative. Don’t fret — here are some other apps that can replace Cartwheel and still save you money at Target.



Never miss a deal again with Retale. Check out weekly ads and circulars from local and national retailers (including Target). Find the best offers that save you money. Browse by product category (deals on pet food, anyone?) or by store. You can even get store locations and opening hours directly from the app!



With Shopkick, you can earn free gift cards to Target without even buying anything. Just open the app at the entrance of your local Target or grocery store, and scan products around the store in a fun treasure hunt to earn points (called “kicks”). Get bonus kicks if you purchase a featured product and submit your receipt in the app. Redeem your kicks for free gift cards to Target, Walmart, and much more. Don’t have Shopkick? Download it today.



Price matching is so much easier with Earny. Based on receipts emailed to your inbox, Earny searches for price drops on your recent purchases and claims the difference on your behalf if you didn’t get the best price. Earny will notify you on every refund you get. Earny always has your back.



SavingStar is a digital coupon app for thousands of grocery stores and drugstores that is linked to your individual store loyalty cards. You choose the digital coupons you want to use and the reward is applied to your loyalty card. When you reach $5 in savings, you earn cash!



Mobile coupons made easy — SnipSnap lets you take a picture of printed coupons and transforms them into digital, mobile-ready ones. You can also browse an online directory to take advantage of coupons that other friends have “snipped.”

New gift cards now available on Shopkick

Want stuff from Amazon without spending a dime? Shopkick, the free app that rewards you with gift cards for shopping online or at your local grocery store and mall, just added Gift Cards to their list of rewards. Gift Cards never expire and can be redeemed towards millions of items!

How does it work?

During your normal shopping runs, earn Shopkick points (called “kicks”) simply by walking into stores like Best Buy or OshKosh B’gosh and opening the app at the entrance. At the grocery, scan product barcodes around the store to earn kicks. It’s like a fun treasure hunt! No purchases are necessary to earn kicks, but you can earn bonuses if you make a purchase and scan your receipt.

When you’re at home or just browsing on your phone, earn kicks for visiting online stores like Groupon or Spring and making a purchase through the Shopkick app. In no time you’ll be racking up hundreds or even thousands of kicks! Redeem those kicks for $5-$25 Gift Cards or many other free gift cards from retailers like Best Buy, Sephora, Target, and Walmart.

Don’t have Shopkick? Download it now.

Happy Shopkicking!


* is not a sponsor of this promotion. Except as required by law, Gift Cards (“GCs”) cannot be transferred for value or redeemed for cash. GCs may be used only for purchases of eligible goods at or certain of its affiliated websites. For complete terms and conditions, see GCs are issued by ACI Gift Cards, Inc., a Washington corporation. All Amazon ®, ™& © are IP of, Inc. or its affiliates. No expiration date or service fees.

Join the battle to defend net neutrality

Our free and open Internet is at risk. We’re proud to join the fight to defend online freedom during the Internet-wide day of action to save net neutrality, July 12.

What is Net Neutrality?

Right now we have access to every website from every Internet connection in the world.  This democratization of information is easy to gloss over and often taken for granted.  After all, this is all we know – the Internet started this way and has always been this way. Net Neutrality is the basic principle that protects our free speech on the Internet.

What are we fighting for?

Today, this very fundamental right is under threat.  The companies that provide the underlying Internet network connections (telecom and cable companies mostly) want to charge more for our right to access certain websites depending on the content within them.  This will mean that the Internet will become more like cable TV, and will offer premium ‘channels/websites’ for an additional fee.  Without net neutrality, cable companies don’t have to let you use the best things on the Internet; they can force you to use their things unless you pay additional fees. In other words, instead of improving services, cable companies can just make other people’s services worse.

This image from Software Engineering Daily displays what the future will look like without net neutrality:

Internet with and without net neutrality

At Shopkick, we proudly join many major tech companies including Facebook, Google, and Amazon in the fight to save Net Neutrality. Together, we can stop censorship and corruption.

On July 12, the Internet is joining forces to let the government and the world know that the Internet must remain a place of freedom; and should not become like cable TV.  Join the fight to ensure that every website is treated the same, and stop cable companies from charging extra for the content you enjoy today.

Join Us

Learn more and join the action here: