Highbush Blueberry

Highbush Blueberry Council partnered with Shopkick to drive brand awareness and incremental in-store sales

Campaign Goals

Highbush Blueberry Council was looking for an innovative way to build awareness and consideration of its product offerings amongst shoppers at home, drive excitement and product engagement in-store, and ultimately influence purchase conversion at grocers across the nation.

Shopkick Solution

To increase pre-shop awareness, Shopkick utilized branded in-app lookbook and recipe content, keeping the product top-of-mind and inspiring shoppers to add blueberries to their shopping lists.

Once in-store, shoppers were offered kick rewards for finding the featured blueberry brand in the produce section, and scanning the product’s barcode.

During the last step of the consumer shopping journey, Shopkick incentivized purchase by offering heightened kick rewards for buying the blueberries and submitting a receipt. Shopkick’s unique rewards model drove conversion and valuable incremental sales when it mattered most — while shoppers were in-store with the product in-hand.



Shopkick successfully drove brand awareness, consideration, and conversion for Highbush Blueberry Council without the use of discounts or coupons, preserving brand margins.
  • 13.9 million impressions delivered
  • 54% of shoppers who scanned converted to purchase
  • 56% of purchases were unplanned prior to store trip
  • 4:1 campaign return on investment





Scan to purchase rate


Of purchases were unplanned



Build brand awareness

Drive product engagement

Boost sales amongst existing and new customers

Retailer Distribution


Products Used

Branded Lookbook and recipe content, Promotion Units, Push Notifications, Purchase Validation


Georgia-Pacific partnered with Shopkick to drive awareness and sales during its new product launch

Campaign Goals

When Georgia-Pacific launched its Dixie Ultra® Deep Dish Plates, the brand partnered with Shopkick to build awareness and drive trial and consideration for the new, innovative product. Georgia-Pacific was looking to educate consumers on Dixie Ultra® Deep Dish Plates at home, guide them to the product in-store, and finally, reward them for trying out something new. The brand was looking to drive product engagement and influence sales by interacting with users at every step along the shopping journey – at home, in-store, and through purchase.

Shopkick Solution

Shopkick first built pre-shop consideration with in-app content to educate consumers, keep the product top of mind, and encourage store visits. In store, Shopkick incentivized users to seek out the product, allowing them to see and feel the difference in Dixie Ultra® Deep Dish Plates, compared to their usual paper plate. Using Shopkick’s innovative 2D image recognition and post-scan video features, the brand highlighted differentiating product details and delivered a branded video while the product was in shoppers hands. By rewarding consumers and engaging them throughout the shopping journey, Shopkick increased trial and consideration and ultimately drove shoppers to purchase.


The campaign received over 16M impressions and was highly successful in educating consumers before their trip to the store, boasting a 99% branded video completion rate.
  • More than 1.7 million in-store impressions were delivered at Walmart stores nationwide.
  • Shopkick drove incremental purchases: nearly 50% of purchasers were not initially planning to buy Dixie® products before their visit to the store.


Campaign impressions


Viewable video completion rate


of purchases were incremental



Build brand awareness

Drive trial and consideration

Boost sales

Retailer Distribution

National Walmart retailers

Products Used

Branded Lookbook, Branded Video, Promo Units, In-Store Scans, 2D Image Recognition, Post-Scan Video, Purchase Validation, Dynamic Kicks

Halo Top

Driving awareness, consideration and sales while scaling distribution nationally

Campaign Goals

Halo Top was scaling distribution and looking to build awareness and drive trial of the full portfolio of Halo Top flavors sold at national retailers.

Shopkick Solution

Shopkick first built awareness and consideration of the full portfolio of Halo Top flavors through engaging video content, where users earned a small reward for engaging with the video.  Upon completion, shoppers could save the ice cream and be reminded to engage with Halo Top products at their next store visit.

Next, to drive traffic and in-aisle engagement with Halo Top at multiple retailers, Shopkick leveraged proximity messaging to drive to the frozen aisle and intercept with high impact messaging. 

To drive purchase conversion at shelf, Shopkick rewarded shoppers for scanning the product and for uploading a verified receipt. Finally, Shopkick served an in-store consumer research study to all shoppers who had engaged with Halo Top products, in order to collect valuable insights for the Halo Top team.


Shopkick users were highly engaged with Halo Top content and products throughout their entire shopping journey. The video saw a 95% completion rate and drove activity further down the funnel such as in-store engagements and purchases.

The campaign successfully reached a new audience, with 59% of shoppers first becoming aware of Halo Top ice cream through Shopkick, which was more effective than traditional media in driving awareness.

The campaign had a 17% purchase conversion and of those that did not buy, 47% had future purchase intent.


Of video viewers purchased


New buyers


Sales ROI



Scale distribution nationally

Drive awareness and consideration

Drive foot traffic to the frozen aisle

Drive sales and conversion

Capture consumer insights

Retailer Distribution


Products Used

Kicks for Video Promo Unit In-Store Scans Purchase Validation Consumer Research Study


Supporting the new product launch of Nutri-Grain Bakery Delights Crumb Cakes

Campaign Goals

Kellogg’s was launching a new product, Nutri-Grain Bakery Delights Crumb Cakes, and they partnered with Shopkick to reach and engage consumers across their entire purchase journey to build awareness and drive trial and consideration.

Shopkick Solution

Shopkick first introduced the product and grew awareness through pre-trip content. This content both educated consumers about the new Bakery Delights Crumb Cakes and encouraged shoppers to seek out the product in-stores.

Shopkick then used small rewards to drive consumers to the Snack Bar aisle, integrating both digital content and physical product engagement at-shelf. By rewarding consumers for seeking out Nutri-Grain Bakery Delights Crumb Cakes, Shopkick increased trial and inspired incremental, unplanned purchase.


The program built awareness among consumers previously unfamiliar with Bakery Delights Crumb Cakes. The program drove trial and converted competitive purchasers in-aisle, resulting in incremental sales, as 47% of purchasers had not purchased a Nutri-Grain product in the past year. 


Purchase conversion rate


Future purchase intent





Support new product launch

Build awareness

Drive trial

Retailer Distribution


Products Used

Lookbook, Scan, Promo Unit, Receipt Validation

Bomb Pop

Bomb Pop partnered with Shopkick to reach new audiences, boost awareness, and drive sales around the 4th of July

Campaign Goals

Popular frozen treat brand, Bomb Pop, was looking to reach shoppers in a 4th of July shopping mindset and boost sales of its festive products around the busy summer holiday. Bomb Pop wanted to engage shoppers at home by building brand awareness and inspiring users to add Bomb Pop products to their shopping lists. In store, the brand was looking to drive purchase conversion and incremental sales without the use of margin busting coupons.

Shopkick Solution

Executed by integrated marketing agency Blue Chip, Bomb Pop used Shopkick to drive awareness and sales among a large incremental audience and to engage users at every touchpoint of their shopping trip – at home, in-aisle, and through checkout. Shopkick first helped Bomb Pop reach users at home with branded in-app content to build intent to shop. Upon arrival to the store, shoppers were greeted and rewarded with a message from Bomb Pop, keeping the brand top of mind. Then, using kick rewards, Shopkick incentivized shoppers to seek out, scan, and purchase Bomb Pop products.


The 2 month campaign received over 23 million impressions and was largely successful in driving incremental sales. According to a post-scan survey:
  • 44% of shoppers first became aware of Bomb Pop via Shopkick
  • 68% of purchasers were not planning to purchase Bomb Pop products before their visit to the store


Lookbook completion rate


Of purchasers weren't planning to purchase before visiting the store


Of shoppers first became aware of Bomb Pop via Shopkick



Build brand awareness

Drive trial and consideration

Boost incremental sales

Retailer Distribution


Products Used

Branded Lookbook, Promo Units, Big Scans, Dynamic Kicks, Purchase Validation, Cross-Promotion Purchase Validation, Own The Trip, Consumer Research study


Kraft partnered with Shopkick to drive sales during the holiday season

Campaign Goals

Kraft® was looking to boost sales of its baking products at Walmart locations during the busy holiday shopping season.  Pre-shop, the brand wanted to build awareness and consideration amongst an incremental audience, and encourage shoppers to add Kraft® baking products to their shopping carts leading up to the winter holidays.  In-store, Kraft® wanted to reach consumers as they were in a holiday baking mindset, guide them to the products at shelf, and incentivize interaction.  In the busiest shopping season of the year, Kraft® was looking to drive sales and preserve its margins without the use of coupons or discounts.

Shopkick Solution

Shopkick first built pre-shop consideration with holiday inspired content and in-app recipes to boost product awareness and engage consumers at home.  In-store, Shopkick created a fun and memorable experience by sending shoppers on a scavenger hunt to seek out the featured products in-aisle. At shelf, Shopkick drove consideration as shoppers physically engaged with the products by scanning their barcodes for rewards points. Finally, by offering elevated kicks for purchasing all three featured Kraft® baking products, Shopkick increased purchase likelihood and boosted sales.


The campaign drove over 9M in-store product engagements at Walmart locations across the nation, and over 18M total campaign impressions. With an average 27% of scanners converting to purchase, the campaign drove an impressive ROI of 7.6:1.  Additionally, the campaign was successful in driving incremental purchases. In fact, on average, 55% of purchasers were not planning to buy the featured Kraft® baking products before their visit to the store.




Campaign impressions


of purchases were unplanned



Build brand awareness

Drive trial and consideration

Boost sales

Retailer Distribution

National Walmart retailers

Products Used

Branded Lookbook, Promo Units, In-Store Scans, Purchase Validation, Cross Promotion


Driving trial, consideration and cross-selling across the brand portfolio

Campaign Goals

Purina was looking to grow awareness and use in-store messaging to drive trial and consideration of different Purina brands at Target during the holiday season.

Shopkick Solution

Shopkick first introduced and inspired at home by using aspirational in-app content to build product awareness and drive demand. 

Next, to drive traffic and in-store engagement, Shopkick leveraged proximity messaging to motivate to store and intercept at the entrance so Purina would stay top of mind throughout the shopping trip.

Finally, in order to isolate and convert at shelf, Shopkick used small incentives to break habitual shopping patterns and drive trial-in-aisle product engagement and incremental conversion.


Shopkick’s solution led consumers to the pet food aisle, integrating both digital content and physical product engagement at shelf. Shopkick increased awareness among consumers previously unfamiliar with the product (36%) and drove incremental sales as the majority of purchasers reported that Shopkick motivated their decision (85%).


Incremental Sales


Future Purchase Intent





Grow Awareness

Drive Trial and Consideration

Drive Incremental Sales

Retailer Distribution


Products Used

Lookbook, Own the Trip, Scan, Receipts, Survey

Rimmel London

Cutting through the clutter at the beauty aisle to launch new products

Campaign Goals

Rimmel London was looking to drive awareness of the Rimmel London products suite and encourage shoppers to seek them out at shelf, cutting through the clutter of the beauty aisle to drive purchase and gain consumer insight.

Shopkick Solution

Shopkick first leveraged in-app content to build awareness of Rimmel London products and influence perception of Rimmel as a top beauty brand. Next proximity messaging drove to store and kept Rimmel London products top of mind while consumers were out shopping and when they entered the store. Finally, Shopkick drove ‘trial-in-aisle’ direct product engagements with multiple Rimmel London products while shopping, driving proven incremental conversion through purchase validation.  


Rimmel London built awareness, drove users to discover its products in-store at crowded shelves, stayed top-of-mind and captured major share of wallet from other beauty brands.


of purchasers had never used Rimmel London products


Share stolen from a competitor





Drive Awareness

Drive Trial

Steal Share

Capture Consumer Insights

Retailer Distribution

Walmart Target Drugstores Ulta K-mart

Products Used

Lookbooks, Own the Trip, Promo Unit, Scans


Leveraging video to build awareness, increase in-store engagement, and motivate sales

Campaign Goals

Barilla had launched a new type of Pasta, Pronto, but it had relatively low awareness with consumers.  Pronto is not like other pastas, it is prepared in one pan – no need to wait for water to boil, and no draining required. Pronto also had no packaging differentiation from other Barilla product, so communicating benefits had to primarily be done outside of the store. This required a great deal of consumer education to make its features and benefits understood. Barilla engaged Shopkick to drive awareness, engagement and sales of Pronto pasta.

Shopkick Solution

Shopkick engaged consumers throughout their entire purchase journey, from planning and inspiration, to in-store product engagement, and finally purchase conversion and sales. The first step was to introduce the product and build awareness before shoppers even went to the store. We rewarded consumers for engaging with in-app native video and lookbook content. The goal of the video was to grow awareness of Barilla Pronto Pasta, explain its unique benefits, and then encourage consumers to seek out the product in-store. After consumers were made aware of Pronto and could see it in action through the video, we rewarded store traffic and in-store product engagement. We led consumers to the aisle, and then incentivized physical product engagement in aisle, where users picked up the product off the shelf, scanned the barcode, and made a purchase decision.  


Barilla successfully engaged consumers throughout their purchase journey, and was able to understand how behavior out of store and engagement with branded content impacted in-store activity. By using video on a native advertising platform like Shopkick, Barilla was able to reach consumers who were in the context of shopping: such as product discovery and trip planning and then connect that engagement to behaviors down the funnel like aisle visits, product engagements and purchase conversion.


of users first became aware of Pronto through Shopkick


of video viewers converted to purchase


lift in future purchase intent

"To have such a rich, experiential connection to customers before they even enter a store is powerful; add a rewards structure that encourages physical brand engagement and you see the kind of lift we experienced: significant sales growth"
-Debbie Zefting, Director of Shopper Strategy and Engagement



Drive Awareness

Drive Awareness

Drive Awareness

Retailer Distribution

Target, Walmart, National grocery chains

Products Used

Lookbooks, Video, Scans, Kicks for Receipts


Tyson Foods partnered with Shopkick to drive product awareness and consideration in the lead up to the Super Bowl

Campaign Goals

Tyson Foods was looking to reach shoppers in a Super Bowl shopping mindset and drive sales of Tyson Chicken Wings & Bites at Sam’s Club stores.  Pre-shop, they wanted to build awareness and consideration, and inspire consumers with game day food messaging.  In-store, they wanted to drive foot traffic and in-aisle engagement with Tyson Chicken Wings & Bites. They were looking to preserve their margin by incentivizing traffic, engagement and sales through rewards and not discounts.

Shopkick Solution

Shopkick first built pre-shop consideration with lookbook and video content to drive awareness of Tyson products. Shopkick then drove foot traffic, in-store product engagement and purchase conversion by motivating with kick rewards.    


The 2 month campaign received over 4.5 million impressions and drove over 57K in-store product engagements at Sam’s Club.
  • 62% of traffic was from new or infrequent customers, and the campaign saw a 25% Scan conversion to Purchase Rate.
  • Total sales impact was over $193K with 14K+ units sold, and a campaign ROI of 4:1.




of shoppers were either new or infrequent customers


Video completion rate



Build brand awareness

Drive trial and consideration

Boost sales

Retailer Distribution

Sam's Club National grocery chains

Products Used

Branded Lookbook, Branded Video, Promo Units, In-Store Scans, Purchase Validation, Big Scans, Consumer Research Study


Mobile shopping drives sales and a new native audience to eBay

Campaign Goals

eBay was looking to increase exposure to mobile users, given that about 61% of eBay’s transactions are touched by mobile in some way.  eBay was therefore eager to reach Shopkick’s loyalty program and valuable audience, as eBay does not have its own loyalty program but being a part of other loyalty programs is a large part of its sales model. eBay’s partnered with Shopkick to reach a new audience and drive sales on mobile.

Shopkick Solution

Shopkick first built intent to shop by curating products and showcasing top offers to drive awareness of product assortment and special promotions. 

Shopkick then drove site traffic, app installs, and purchases by motivating with kick rewards. 


eBay saw positive results across all key metrics including new user acquisition, frequency of purchase, and overall sales volume. 


App install rate


New audience (had not purchased in past 12 months)


Repeat purchase rate

Shopkick is an opportunity to get in front of a captive audience that wouldn’t necessarily be native to us—we’re reaching a new audience
-Marie Langhout-Franklin, Head of Partner Marketing



Acquire New Consumers

Drive Mobile Sales

Drive Repeat Purchasers

Retailer Distribution


Products Used

Lookbook, Kicks for Purchase, Mobile Shopping


Claritin partnered with Shopkick to boost awareness and drive sales in peak allergy season

Campaign Goals

Claritin, a leading allergy relief brand, was looking for a way to build product awareness and drive in-store sales at Walmart during peak allergy season. The brand was in need of a full-funnel solution to build awareness at home, motivate traffic and in-aisle product engagement, and drive purchase consideration and conversion in-store. 

In the brand’s key season, it needed a way to differentiate itself and direct attention away from competitors. In order to drive sales without damaging profit margins, Claritin turned to Shopkick to increase awareness, engagement, and purchase intent without the use of coupons or discounts.

Shopkick Solution

Shopkick first used educational in-app content to boost awareness of Claritin allergy products, but also to shine light on a charitable partnership the brand was taking part in during the spring season. This content helped drive both awareness and brand affinity amongst both knew and existing customers. 

Once in-store, Shopkick offered rewards for engaging with products across Claritin’s brand portfolio in the crowded allergy relief aisle, effectively shutting out the competition. By rewarding shoppers for picking up the products in-aisle and scanning their barcodes, Shopkick increased consideration and purchase intent when it mattered most: while the consumer was at-shelf, with the product in their hands.


Shopkick’s full-funnel solution helped to drive awareness and engagement for Claritin, with over 28M total campaign impressions. The campaign was highly successful in driving sales, boasting an impressive 4:1 ROI. Many of the sales driven were incremental, as 59% of those who went on to purchase after engaging with a Claritin product at-shelf weren’t planning to make a purchase before visiting the store.




of total spend was incremental


campaign impressions



Build brand awareness

Drive trial and consideration

Boost Sales

Retailer Distribution

National Walmart retailers

Products Used

Branded Lookbook, Promo Units, In-Store Scans, Purchase Validation, Consumer Research Study