Stick to your New Year’s resolution to save money with Shopkick

The #1 New Year’s resolution among Shopkick users this year was to save money, with almost 65% of people we polled making this a goal in 2018!

But while many of us may still be feeling optimistic about our 2018 resolutions, many have also already dropped them to the curb. In fact, about 80% of us will forget our resolutions by week 6.

Let’s be honest: sometimes willpower is just not enough to stick to our plans in moments of weakness (looking at you, Starbucks!). Let us clue you in on a few secrets that will help you set your savings habits on auto-pilot and end your year with a bit more cash in the bank!

Spend less, save more

See how Shopkick can help users like Adriana M. meet their savings goals in 2018.

resolution save money with shopkick

1. Buy in Bulk

Sites like Boxed and offer amazing deals on everyday products when you buy in bulk, all delivered right to your door – it’s like Costco from home!

Stock up on staples you know you’ll go through like pasta sauce, healthy snacks (the more you have in the house, the more you’ll have to stick to that other healthy eating goal), or…wine, anyone?

Plus, get kicks for every $1 you spend on Boxed or when you buy through Shopkick. Saving money for saving money? Inception!

Check out our roundup of some of the best bulk buys in the app this week.

2. Cook at Home

Research shows people spend an average of $2,000 a year on buying lunch alone! Add that to dinner for a family of 4 every night, and you can imagine how much you would be able to add to that piggy bank if you opted to make your meals instead.

Need the tools to get started, or maybe just re-inspired? Check out these great kitchen appliances from, as well as some other at-home sidekicks that will save you money over time when you make things like coffee and seltzer water on your own, too.

3. Make More Money to Save Money!

We know it sounds crazy, but the best way to save more money is to actually to make more money. So hypercharge those kicks and get paid for what you already do – shop!

Shopkick users rack up kicks to cash in for gift cards for everything from checking into stores and scanning products, to making online purchases, or even simply watching videos.

“Shopkick has been like a part-time job for me,” says April Mahoney from Houston, Texas. “It has helped me make money to buy items for myself and my business, as well as Christmas gifts for family.”

The best part? Shopkickers who save don’t have to sacrifice all their little indulgences or take away from their savings to do so!

Sarah Johnson from Bristol, TN, for example, plans to save money without having to give up her love of shopping. “The more I earn in gift cards the easier it will be to stick to a budget, because momma loves to shop.”

We’re with you Sarah!

Many Shopkickers use their gift cards to fund their annual Starbucks budget, while others save up for family vacations to Disney World with little to nothing out of pocket. After all, the third most popular resolution among Shopkickers this year? Enjoy life to the fullest.

So set a goal, earn more kicks, and save your paycheck for the important things.

Get Started

Visit the app to check out the latest kicks and start working toward your savings goal this year. Don’t have the app? Download it here to join the fun and start earning your free gift cards!

How are you using Shopkick to stick to your New Year’s Resolutions this year? Follow us on Facebook and let us know!


How to make the most of retail store apps for Android or iPhones

Without realizing what I was doing, I’ve apparently gotten most of the people in my life hooked on using retail store apps for their Android or iPhone. I mean, I’m well aware that I love using these apps, but I guess I hadn’t realized I’d been selling their greatness to anyone and everyone who would listen. You see, I’m a business major and, to me, shopping is serious business.

Android apps for retail storesHow most retail store apps work, whether for Android or iPhone, is pretty simple: shop, earn, and redeem. But what I wanted to know was how to make the most of them to really up my shopping game with a free app. I wanted to pinpoint what my college business professors might call a set of best practices for using free shopping rewards apps on my smartphone.

Let’s take a look at some of my personal recommendations for getting the most out of retail store apps—because you don’t have to be a business major to get down to the business of savings and rewards.

Free Is the Way to Be for Retail Store Apps for Androids and iPhones

Here’s a definition of what best practices are, taken straight out of my old college notes: Commercial or professional procedures that are accepted or prescribed as being correct or most effective. And here’s the definition of them that we’re going to use today: retail app usage procedures that are accepted or prescribed as being correct or most effective.

Now that we have that clear, let’s start with the most obvious tip I can offer when it comes to retail store apps for both Androids and iPhones: free is the way to be.

You simply shouldn’t have to pay a cent to use a great retail store app, whether it’s for a specific store or one you can use at all the spots you shop.

This is more than just a catchy little rhyme, it’s also vital to understand. You simply shouldn’t have to pay a cent to use a great retail store app, whether it’s for a specific store or one you can use at all the spots you shop. The point, after all, is to save not to spend. Or maybe I should say save while you spend in 2018.

Retail Store Apps Should Be Versatile

Since I started urging all my friends to use retail store apps for their iPhone and Android smartphones, I have, on rare occasions, encountered some hesitation. Like most of us these days, many of them have started to do the bulk of their shopping online.

They understandably worry that taking the time to download and start using a retail store app won’t be worth it to them, since they find themselves going online to buy almost everything, from paper towels to books to clothes to electronics. Hey, I’ve been there. I get more and more things online every year, too!

That’s why our second best practice for using these apps is to make sure the one you choose will also help you earn points for shopping online. My favorites are the ones that let you get paid to shop online, even if you’re making purchases from your mobile device. It’s generally pretty simple to use them when you shop from a desktop, too—as simple as it is to use them in person at brick and mortar stores. You get points for plenty of online shopping activities, including:

  • Visiting online stores
  • Viewing select products
  • Making mobile purchases
  • Watching featured videos

These are all things you’d probably be doing anyway, so why not earn while you do? This is why making sure you get an app you can use when you shop online ranks second on our list of best practices.

Go for the Best Retail Store App

When I went back to look for an exact definition of best practices in my old college notes, I noticed something else I’d underlined: always collaborate with the best and brightest. I think this is also true of using retail store apps. While using multiple apps to maximize rewards is definitely a great strategy, my advice is to never lose sight of which app is the best. To me, that means the app that is both the most fun and gives you the most chances for savings.

While using multiple apps to maximize rewards is definitely a great strategy, my advice is to never lose sight of which app is the best.

Since shopping is a thing we all have to do all of the time, it’s vital to get an app that gives you reasons to look forward to using it, like turning every trip to the store into a fun scavenger hunt for points. For me, the app that does this best is Shopkick.

How Shopkick works is cool because when you use it, you literally start scoring points, called kicks, the moment you walk into the store. Then it becomes a hunt to find featured products and scan their barcodes for prices and info. Finally, it also gives you points once you make your purchases. Plus, it fits in with the first two best practices for shopping apps we established above.

You may have your own school of thought on these apps, but for me, the choice is easier than Business 101: Shopkick is not only at the top of the class, but in a class of its own.

Start making the most of retail store apps for your Android or iPhone by using Shopkick. Download the free shopping rewards app and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered the fun of shopping with us!

And, if you love social media as much as you love your smartphone, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Image courtesy Wayhome Studio

Get paid to shop: How apps save shoppers money

There’s a cashier at my local grocery store, Maya, whose lane I always, always, always insist on going down. We’re super friendly, she does the best job bagging groceries that I’ve ever seen, and she always gives me tips about what’s on sale.

I haven’t kept track of how many deals Maya has helped me take advantage of over the years (or, for that matter, how many inside jokes the two of us have had), but I know if I added up all those savings, it would be massive! She calls herself my personal coupon clipper. She even mentioned she wishes she could just walk around with her favorite customers, like yours truly, helping them find the best deals and rewards for buying their favorite products. That’s when a lightbulb went off.

an app to get paid to shopActually, I told her, I do have an amazing shopping helper, I’m using it right now—and you can too! I get paid to shop by using a free app that’s fun and easy. She was intrigued, of course, and I even held up the line explaining it to her, but once the guy behind me heard what I was saying, his annoyance turned to awe. He and the cashier both downloaded my favorite app on the spot.

If you want to get in on our shopping savings as well, read on. Then, next time you’re in line, pass this onto your favorite cashier.

Learn How You Can Get Paid to Shop With a Smartphone App

While Maya, my favorite cashier, may be an expert at when to take advantage of sales at our local grocery store, I was able to fill her in on the concept of free apps that pay you to grocery shop. Now, she and I have had some really long conversations in the past, but this informative talk about how to use my favorite apps was not one of those. It’s not that we rushed it or anything, but how these apps work is just so simple:

  • #1: Earn points. Depending on the app you use to get paid to shop, how you earn your points may vary, but all of my favorites give you rewards points for multiple tasks, most or all of which are things you tend to do while you’re out shopping anyway, like scanning barcodes to get prices or product info, and, of course, for actually making a purchase. Some of these apps even give you points just for walking into a store!
  • #2: Cash in your points. Once you’ve earned enough points, it then becomes as simple as trading them in for cash back in the form of gift cards at all your favorite stores. Basically, these apps quickly get you cash back on your receipts, kind of like those old mail-in rebate form, only so much quicker.

It’s that simple. Seriously.

Get Paid to Shop With My All-Time Favorite App

Maya, the cashier extraordinaire, was basically sold at this point, and then we found ourselves in this weird reverse position of her thanking me for finding new ways to save. The app I recommended she use to get paid to shop? Shopkick, of course.

The app I recommended she use to get paid to shop? Shopkick, of course.

There are other shopping rewards and cash back apps out there that you can use, but Shopkick just simply does it all! It even has a kicking (sorry for the pun!) social media community of likeminded Shopkickers who are truly awesome about sharing their own tips for savvy shopping, as well as jokes, recipes, and mommy stories. I came to Shopkick for the savings, but I’ve stayed for all the fun I’ve had hunting for points—and for the friends I’ve made commenting on the funny things Shopkick shares on its Facebook page.

It really felt good to help Maya out with her own shopping game for once. She told me she’d been using old-school methods like cutting out coupons and in-store rebate savings programs, but she was excited to upgrade her shopping rewards repertoire to the easy-to-use Shopkick app. It was even the first thing she mentioned to me the next time I came through her line! In fact, she said she’d been telling her other customers all about it, too, which probably means there will be even more of us using it soon. So, see you in the aisle, Shopkickers!

Learn how you can start getting paid to shop before your next trip out to the aisles. Download Shopkick’s free app and get ready to be wowed. Welcome to the fun!

If you’re as social media savvy as you are shopping savvy, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping fun and inspiration.

Image courtesy: Dean Drobot

Retail shopping apps for iPhone and Android to kick off your savings

I’m a huge fan of playing fantasy football on my iPhone. I’m in a league with my old college buddies and we offer our yearly champion a little reward: we all pitch in to buy the winner a gift card to his or her favorite store. It’s a nice little incentive, but let me tell you, if you break it down by the many, many, many hours you have to spend making roster moves and setting your lineup, the reward is relatively small compared to the time investment.

iPhone retail apps save money shoppingHey, that’s okay! Win or lose, fantasy football is just plain fun. Plus, these days I’ve discovered other apps for my phone that can help me earn bigger and better rewards with much less time and energy (not to mention nail-biting anxiety) than it takes to capture first place in my super competitive fantasy football league. I’m talking about an awesome concept we can all root for: retail shopping apps for iPhone and Android that help you get paid to shop.

Now I’m hauling in rewards for all kinds of stuff I’ve been doing forever, like buying all the latest electronics, getting new clothes, and even shopping for paper towels. These retail shopping apps for my iPhone even pay me for buying groceries. Crazy. Crazy but true. And now I want to share my favorite shopping rewards apps with you, because, unlike a super competitive fantasy football league, we’re all on the same team here!

How Retail Shopping Apps for iPhone and Android Work

I think the biggest learning curve when it comes to fantasy football is how the apps work. I mean, I already knew a ton about football and which players are the best, but learning the ins and outs of how the fantasy football app itself worked took some time. The first season I played, I was shocked when my lineup locked at game time and I couldn’t acquire any new players until the following Wednesday.

So, let’s start by going over how retail shopping apps work. A lot of stores have branded apps as well, but we’re going to focus today on shopping rewards apps you can use at lots of different stores because those are the ones I use the most—and the good news is that they’re all incredibly easy to use!

The exact mechanics of how they work can sometimes vary depending on which one you decide to use, but all my favorites basically function like this: you get points for the shopping that you already do and then you trade those points in for rewards, usually in the form of gift cards. The app I use gives me points for buying featured products and taking a picture of my receipt, for scanning barcodes, and even for just walking into some of my favorite stores. It’s even more awesome than my Seahawks winning the Superbowl a few years ago (maybe).

The Top Benefits of Retail Shopping Apps for iPhones and Androids

I still remember the day when my buddy in college recruited me into his fantasy football league. I was skeptical—super skeptical. It just seemed like it would be a lot of hassle and take up way too much of my time. I was there to meet people and study, after all (mostly study, I swear!). My buddy laid it on pretty thick, though, by emphasizing how much fun it would make watching football every week, something I knew I was going to do either way. That was a really convincing argument. I mean, how can you say no to something that improves and enhances something you’re already doing?

Well, that all pretty much sums up my case for why you should embrace using retail shopping apps for your iPhone or Android: it enhances something you know you’re going to be doing already. I’m talking about shopping. You can’t avoid it, so you might as well get rewarded for doing it.

I touched on some of my favorite benefits of using a shopping rewards app above, but like the details of any epic fantasy football win, I don’t mind talking about them again:

  • #1: You’ll get paid to shop. Using a shopping rewards app scores me points for my budget while I’m at Target, Best Buy, or the grocery store—even online. It’s as simple as this: I have to shop for essentials (and tech accessories, of course) anyway, so why not haul in some big rewards for doing it?
  • #2: You’ll earn gift cards to your favorite stores: I love having gift cards to my favorite stores because, believe it or not, I actually keep a pretty careful budget. Having a gift card feels like I’m getting things for free. That’s why my second favorite benefit for retail shopping apps is that all the best ones let you trade your points in for free gift cards to stores like Amazon, Starbucks, and Walmart.
  • #3: You’ll feel like shopping is a game: I don’t mind shopping, but I also don’t love it—not until recently, at least. Now that I use retail shopping apps, there’s a challenge involved, though: how many points can I accumulate in one trip? It turns everyday shopping trips into a scavenger hunt. I’m a fan.

The Best Retail Shopping Apps for iPhone and Android

I think my long-time fantasy football league has now used three different platforms over the years to keep track of our rosters: Yahoo, ESPN, and CBS Sports. They all have different features, so it was kind of confusing each time we switched; in retrospect, I kind of wish we’d just picked one and stuck with it. That’s actually what my advice is to you with retail shopping apps: find one you love and stick with it (although you can also use multiple rewards apps to maximize your rewards, but that’s a different ballgame).

My personal favorite is an app called Shopkick. I’ve tried a few others, but I love this one because it’s super simple, it pays out in gift cards to all my favorite stores, and it gives me chances to score points, called kicks, at almost every turn, starting when I walk into the store. Shopkick has really maximized my shopping game with a single mobile app, kind of like how the Patriots would be nothing without a certain QB. One major difference between Shopkick and fantasy football, though, is that there are rarely heartbreaking defeats or subsequent trash talk.

Shopkick is super simple, pays out in gift cards to all my favorite stores, and gives me chances to score points

So yeah, I highly recommend taking out your iPhone or Android and downloading Shopkick. And fantasy football season is the perfect time to do it. There have been a ton of weekends when I’ve scored serious shopping points by stocking up on snacks before having my old buddies over to watch a game. Shopkick will definitely help you kick off your next shopping trip—and that’s no fantasy.

Ready to put down the fantasy football and pickup retail shopping apps for iPhone and Android? Download Shopkick for free and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered the rewards of shopping with us!

And, if you love using your smartphone to stay up on social media, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping inspiration.

Image courtesy Rido81

How to earn Whole Foods rewards using a free app

I still remember the very first time I went to Whole Foods. I felt a little nervous, like a kid on the first day of school, because everything was so new and different from the traditional grocery store around the corner from my house. I had to drive to the other side of town, find street parking, and navigate unfamiliar aisles. But you know what? Once I got past my initial jitters, I absolutely loved it.

rewards for shopping at Whole FoodsWhole Foods is the best, from the super fresh local produce to the brands you don’t find anywhere else to—this is my boys’ favorite part—the delicious pre-made items that let me get together a very nice meal even when I’m short on time. Depending on what’s going on in a given month, though, sometimes my budget can make me a little hesitant to head on over there. I’m getting quite a bit more value with all the cool items and fresh produce at Whole Foods, but I’m also spending a little more.

I recently found the perfect way to get around this dilemma, though: free shopping apps that let you earn Whole Foods rewards points! With these apps, you can earn rewards just by shopping at Whole Foods, plus any number of other stores I go to all the time. And, just like their ready-to-eat snacks and meals, these apps are all incredibly easy to use. But the best part? Unlike those meals, they’re free!

Step One to Earn Whole Foods Rewards: Familiarize Yourself with Shopping Apps

The first time I went into Whole Foods, I was disoriented; there were so many new and different products that I’d never seen before. But I stuck with it, exploring the store aisle by aisle, and now I love, love, love Whole Foods!

The world of shopping rewards apps can feel like this too. Just like all the new products and brands at Whole Foods, when you try to choose one to start using, there are so many choices that it can be hard to know which one is going to help you earn the most Whole Foods rewards. Luckily for you, I’m here to be your guide!

Let’s start by narrowing our free shopping apps for Whole Foods rewards down to two basic categories:

  • The Whole Foods store rewards app: Whole Foods makes it easy to save with them by offering its own app. Remember when we talked about how to earn Target gift cards using a free app? This is a whole (get it?) lot like that! With the Whole Foods Market app, you get exclusive digital coupons, plus an easy-to-use reference guide that makes it easy to know exactly what’s on sale and when you should buy it. This app has seriously taken my shopping at Whole Foods to a whole (#sorrynotsorry) new level.
  • Multi-store shopping rewards apps: When it comes to my grocery shopping, I don’t like to stick to just one store. The best system for me is to get a few items at my neighborhood spot, a few more at Walmart or Target, and the really good produce and higher end stuff at Whole Foods. I’m actually like that with apps too, I can’t stick to only one. So, in addition to my Whole Foods app, I like to use some shopping apps good at lots of different stores too, apps that are free and can help me drastically increase my Whole Foods rewards! How these apps work is generally pretty simple: you go to Whole Foods, or Target, Walmart, etc., and you earn points and incentives for the things you do while you’re shopping anyway, like walking into the store, scanning barcodes to get more info about featured products, and making purchases. Easy! The key thing to remember is that using multiple rebate apps can maximize rewards.

Step Two to Earn Whole Foods Rewards: Establish a Routine

While my trips to Whole Foods are somewhat inconsistent, my routine when I go there is steady and strong:

  1. Check the Whole Foods app for sales and digital coupons, then make sure I have my favorite shopping rewards app open as well.
  2. Make a list of what I need, heavily influencing it based on the savings offered on the app.
  3. Enter the store and scan all the products that my shopping rewards app is featuring.
  4. Make sure I use my shopping rewards app to snap a quick picture of my receipt as soon as I get back to the car so I get rewarded for my purchases each and every time I shop.
  5. Repeat!

This routine is automatic for me now, but I couldn’t really do it without my favorite multi-store shopping rewards app, Shopkick. Shopkick works at Whole Foods as well as all my other favorites stores, like Best Buy, Target—even Amazon! And, it turns all my shopping trips into a fun game to collect as many points, called kicks, as I can. With Shopkick, my trips to Whole Foods are like a scavenger hunt. I get points when I walk in, points for hunting down and scanning featured items, and points for making purchases.

Thanks to Shopkick and the Whole Foods app, my grocery trips are pretty carefree these days, regardless of what my budget is looking like during any given month. I just get so much out of this dynamic digital duo that the savings have made it possible to add Whole Foods to my regular repertoire of grocery stops. Now if only someone could invent an app that makes city parking easier.

Start getting paid to shop at Whole Foods with Shopkick. Download the free shopping rewards app today and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered the fun of shopping with us as their savings sidekick!

And, if you love social media as much as you love your smartphone, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Image courtesy SweetLana

How to take pictures of your receipts and get money using a smartphone app

Of all the hobbies I have, I think photography is my favorite. I’m not an expert with a camera—not by any means—but as more features and higher resolutions have been added to smartphone cameras, I’ve dabbled more and more. Image stabilizers and filters have really made it easy for even novices like me to take high-quality photos. I recently discovered portrait mode on my iPhone, and I’ve never taken such elegant and beautiful photos of my kids. Now, if I could only get them to sit still…kidding!

get money by taking picture of receiptI think one of the reasons I’ve gotten so good with my iPhone camera is that it goes with me everywhere. My phone is always in my hand or in my purse, and my purse is always at my side. I whip my phone out at a moment’s notice to take pictures of all kinds of things, from fireworks shows to amazing scenic vistas during our last vacation in Italy—even the absolutely nuts way that the baristas sometimes jot my name on my cup at Starbucks.

I really think I could have been a photographer in another life, but, alas, I don’t get paid for my pictures…at least not in the traditional sense. But, I recently found a way to use my phone’s camera to earn rewards that translate into real money. It’s not about taking high-quality photos or participating in a 7-day black-and-white challenge, but instead, I use my phone to take a picture of my receipt and then get money back for certain purchases.

Since I have my camera with me always, this has been a very cool discovery, one that I’d like to share with you today! Not to sound like one of those lame infomercials, but just follow these two easy steps for how to take pictures of your receipts and get money…

How to Take a Picture of Receipts and Get Money Step 1: Know Your Apps

One thing that kicked my photo habit into overdrive was my life-changing discovery of Instagram. Instagram was seriously a revelation because it combines so many of the things I love: taking photos, editing photos to make them look even better, sharing photos with friends, and getting to see the very cool photos all my friends are taking! It’s so many of my favorite smartphone features rolled up into one stylish app.

Sometimes I imagine what life would be like if I’d never discovered it, which brings me to first piece of advice: know your apps. When it comes to getting money by taking a picture of a receipt, first and foremost you need to know your shopping rewards apps.

Shopping rewards apps help you make money for things you buy anyway, and I use them so much now that they have become just another part of my shopping routine. How it works is super simple:

  1. I go shopping for groceries, electronics, clothes…you name it.
  2. I make my purchases.
  3. I go out to my SUV and snap a quick photo of my receipt with the shopping rewards app.
  4. I get points for certain purchases.
  5. When I save up enough of those points, I get money in the form of gift cards to my favorite stores.

See? Super simple!

How to Get Money by Taking Pictures of Receipts Step 2: Know the BEST Apps

Just like there are many different models of camera phones, which all have varying levels of quality, there are also different shopping rewards apps that let you take a picture of a receipt and get money for it. The one thing they all have in common is that they are capable of working the way I described above. Some, however, have other fantastic features, too.

My favorite is actually one called Shopkick, mostly because it’s far and away the most fun, but it also gives you multiple ways to earn points—points you can cash in later for gift cards to Best Buy, Target, Starbucks, Walmart, or plenty of your other favorite stores. With Shopkick, you get points, called kicks, for taking photos of your receipt, sure. But, you also get points for other things you do every time you go shopping, like simply walking into the store or finding certain products and then scanning the barcodes. You can also use it at A TON of different stores, including most of my favorites. And, if photos aren’t your thing, you can also use Shopkick to get paid for shopping online.

With Shopkick, you get points, called kicks, for taking photos of your receipt, sure. But, you also get points for other things you do every time you go shopping, like simply walking into the store or finding certain products and then scanning the barcodes.

Plus, Shopkick is fun! All my ladies are on it and we’re always trading tips about how to score the most points. When they’re not around, I like to head to Shopkick’s social media pages where I can share tips and jokes and even my favorite photos with the other Shopkickers. It helps me earn money and has introduced me to a fun community. You can’t beat that combo, amiright fellow moms?

So yes, taking artsy photos with your smartphone is great, but taking pictures of receipts and getting money is great, too—maybe even better. And shopping rewards apps make it all so easy. All you have to do is download them to your phone which, if you’re anything like me, means they’re with you everywhere—including whenever you’re out shopping. Think of it like Instagram, except that after you take a picture, you get money instead of likes!

Ready to use your smartphone to take pictures of your receipts and get money? Download Shopkick for free and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered the rewards of shopping with us!

And, if you love using your smartphone to stay up on social media, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping inspiration.

Image courtesy stokkete

The best cash back grocery rebate app features

I love, love, love new technology. My boys and I love learning new phones, apps, and other tech together—and I’m pretty good at it compared to some of the other moms I spend time with on the soccer sideline! Recently, my boys and I got such a kick when my old phone died and I had to get myself a new iPhone X. Absolutely had to (wink, wink).

apps for grocery rebatesThe boys, who are far more tech savvy than I ever was at their age, heard about something called animojis from their friends at school. Apparently, you can create and share adorable cartoons that actually copy your voice and facial expressions. It’s so cool; I had no idea my new phone could do that. I’m proud to say I caught on quickly, but it made me wonder what other features my new phone had that I knew absolutely nothing about. Turns out, there were quite a few, like fake phone call apps for when you really need to appear busy and grocery rebate apps, which combine two of my favorite things: shopping and saving.

The best grocery rebate apps basically make me money while I shop. They’ve become as vital to my monthly budget as my smartphone is to keeping in touch with all my old college girlfriends. And, based on the sideline gossip, I’m not the only one who feels this way; all the other moms are talking about which grocery rebate app is best, too. Here’s what I’ve learned from listening in on my fellow soccer mom rave reviews.

The Best Grocery Rebate Apps All Have These Features

Just as certain features have become irreplaceable on our phones—camera, Bluetooth, maps—the best grocery rebate apps also have some features that I can’t live without (as well as some extra ones that make some of these apps even more amazing).  

The best cash back grocery rebate app features are:

  • Cash back and gift cards to stores you love: This is the foundation of any great shopping rebate app, kind of like being able to make phone calls is for your phone (though my boys would say the foundation of any good phone is its internet connection). These apps simply must pay you for shopping; otherwise, they aren’t doing their jobs! Most of the best apps do this by giving you points after you make purchases and take photos of your receipt. You can then redeem those points for cash or gift cards to a variety of stores. Rewards vary from app to app.
  • New product introductions: Another cool feature that some of the best grocery rebate apps have is helping you to learn about new products. This is usually done by paying you for scanning barcodes. Then, once you’ve scanned the barcode, the app gives you points as well as cool info about the price and details of featured products.
  • Game-like feel: One of the things I love most about these apps is that the best of them turn shopping into a game by making it more like a fun scavenger hunt for rewards and points. Now I get excited for each grocery run as I compete with myself to see if I can earn more points than I’ve racked up before.
  • Updates on the latest deals: Some of these apps will also give you alerts or weekly updates about the latest deals, which can help you plan your weekly shopping to maximize the reward points you earn.

The Best Grocery Rebate Apps. Period.

Knowing the features of the best cash back grocery rebate apps is a good place to start, but the natural next step is to learn which of these apps have any or all of these features. Here are a few of my own personal favorites:

  • Checkout 51: This app is one of the simplest. After you’ve gone grocery shopping, you upload your receipt by taking a picture of it and earn credit for eligible purchases. Once you accumulate $20 of credit, you can cash out and Checkout 51 will mail you a check. Simple!
  • SavingStar: SavingStar is a lot like Checkout 51, but it incentivizes healthy eating by giving you the chance to save 20% on your fruits and vegetables every week. I know my boys aren’t happy about this (they’d prefer one that rewards sugary snack foods), but as a health-conscious soccer mama, I love it!
  • Shopkick: Shopkick, though, is my hands down favorite. It simply has the most features. With Shopkick, you can get points for taking pictures of your receipts, just like the other two apps on my list. But, Shopkick has additional features that allow you to earn points, called kicks, for other things you do every time you go to the store as well. How it works is simple: you have your Shopkick app open when you walk into a store, and you earn points. If you scan the barcodes of certain items to learn more about them, you get more points. You take pictures of your receipts after your trip, and, of course, you get more points. These extra features offered by Shopkick are great because they give you extra points, which leads to extra rewards! These features also mean that it’s easy to combine Shopkick with any of the other best grocery rebate apps, so you can use multiple rewards apps to maximize rewards! Now that’s a home run! Or should I say GOOOOAAAALLL!

Another thing I really like about Shopkick is that it has an amazingly engaged social media community. In the early days when I first started using it, I was able to go on Shopkick’s Facebook page and get all the help I needed with my questions—plus some bonus tips on non-shopping related mom stuff and a steady stream of absolutely hilarious jokes. You might say the best feature of all was the online friends I made. Shopkick truly kicks it out of the park!

Ready to explore one of the best grocery rebate apps—and have fun doing it? Download Shopkick for free and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered how rewarding it is to shop with us.

And, if you love social media as much as you love stretching your budget, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping inspiration.

Image courtesy obey leesin

The best rewards program for shopping at Walmart

Growing up, my mom always got stuck playing referee between my siblings and me. We were always fighting. Nothing serious, of course, just the usual kid stuff, but she still had to be the one to step in and break it up sometimes. Okay, a lot of times. Her strategy was to separate us first, then give us all a good lecture.

Now that I’m a mom of three boys, I can understand why the talking-to had to come second. Safety first, of course. While her speeches always varied depending on what had started our silly argument in the first place, she always ended them with the same line. The only thing that will always be there for you is your family.

walmart shopping rewardsIt’s a great tidbit to remember, even now, because, adults or not, my brothers and sisters haven’t stopped being impossibly irritating every so often. But, I’d like to add a second part to my mom’s advice. My own mommy saying is, “The only things that will always be there for you are your family—and Walmart.”

And it’s really true. I mean, the Walmart where I live is even open 24 hours a day! No matter what I need or when I need it, Walmart is there for me. Poster boards to help with a last-minute science project at 10 pm? Check. Groceries for the bake sale tomorrow that my kids told me about after dinner? Check, check. Cleaning supplies for the new puppy my kids and my husband just had to bring home? Check, check, check! I can get all this and more at Walmart, all the time, and almost always at much lower prices than I’d find anywhere else.

So, yeah, I’m a Walmart devotee, which is why I was ecstatic recently when I discovered that there were programs that actually give you rewards for shopping at Walmart. Not to name any names, but I think with the new savings I’m racking up, Walmart is now technically there for me more than some of my siblings (they know who they are!).

Kidding, of course! But in all seriousness, the best programs that pay out rewards for shopping at Walmart are easy to use and will help all you other referees, I mean moms, out there stay under budget. Let me share my favorite Walmart rewards programs below.

Walmart’s Savings Catcher: Get Rewarded for Being a Vigilant Walmart Shopper

One of the main reasons I think of Walmart as always being there for me is because I always know what to expect from Walmart’s prices: low, low, low. That’s kind of their thing, really. Maybe that was why I was so surprised when I found out about Walmart’s Savings Catcher, which is a great way to push the store’s prices down even lower.

Walmart’s Savings Catcher is the type of rewards program that I’ve been familiar with for years. The way it works is super simple. If you can find a local competitor with a lower advertised price on something that you recently bought from Walmart, well, then, Walmart will make up the difference by giving you a Walmart Rewards eGift Card or even a Bluebird Card by American Express. It’s like getting paid just for saving your receipts!

If you can find a local competitor with a lower advertised price on something that you recently bought from Walmart, well, then, Walmart will make up the difference…

The downside? You can only use those rewards cards at Walmart, but, at least for me and my family, it’s never long before we have to make another shopping trip there. There are some other rules, too, though. For example, you can only submit seven receipts each week. I’ve never found that to be a problem, though, as that’s a pretty high bar to reach for the average shopper.

Chase Bank’s Reward Program for Shopping at Walmart

Come to think of it, there are actually quite a few things that I’ve been relying on for much of life. I have a favorite brand of shoes, I’ve always driven American-made cars, and I’ve always been a fan of the Chicago Bears (okay, maybe that last one is a bad example). I’ve also always used a Chase credit card.

Earlier this summer, Chase offered a Walmart rewards program to earn points for all the purchases I made at Walmart. This particular promotion was only available during the month of August for cardholders of Chase Sapphire Reserve, Chase Sapphire Preferred, and the Chase Freedom Unlimited cards, which luckily included me!

I was allowed to spend up to $250 (which I did) to earn up to 2,500 rewards points (again, nailed it). When I’m ready, I can cash those points in for travel rewards. Maybe this is wishful thinking, but I’m putting this one on the list because my guess is that it’s only a matter of time before Chase runs this promotion again.

Shopkick: The Ultimate Rewards Program for Shopping at Walmart

The first two of these programs, you may have noticed, are only available at certain times or under certain circumstances. That’s why I think it’s pretty safe to say that I’ve saved the best rewards program for shopping at Walmart for last. Allow me to introduce you to Shopkick, which you can use any time of the year, day or night, to earn major rewards on featured products.

How Shopkick works is incredibly easy and intuitive. You earn points, called kicks, for walking into Walmart, for scanning barcodes on featured products, and, of course, for making purchases. You can then save up those points and trade them in for gift cards to a ton of popular stores. I’ve been using Shopkick for a while because it’s a great way to get paid to grocery shop and now that it’s available to use at Walmart—and at!—there’ll be no stopping me in my quest to stay on budget.

You earn points, called kicks, for walking into Walmart, for scanning barcodes on featured products, and, of course, for making purchases.

And, I’m super into Shopkick’s social media, too. I’m spending I don’t know how much time each day on their pages, enjoying all the jokes that Shopkick makes and sharing funny gifs with other Shopkickers in response to their statuses. Just like my real family, my Shopkick family can always be relied on to make me laugh! Shopping, fun, and savings all in one place—pinch me like my brother used to do when my mom wasn’t looking because I must be dreaming!

Learn how you can earn big rewards for shopping at Walmart. Download Shopkick’s free app and get ready to be wowed. Welcome to the fun, Shopkicker!

If you’re as social media savvy as you are shopping savvy, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily fun and inspiration.

Image courtesy dolgachov

How to quickly get cash back on apps for receipts

I remember one semester in college when I really, really wanted to take a classic spring break road trip down to Florida with all my friends. Everyone was going to pack into a minivan and head down to Panama Beach. After all my hours and hours of study, plus the healthy dose of snow that had fallen that winter, fun and sun and surf sounded like an absolute dream! There was only one obstacle in my way: money.

take picture of receipt for cash back appsI knew that if I was going to make it to the promised land of destressing from academia, I was going to have to scrimp and save. Luckily, if I learned anything during my college days, it was how to make a little money go a long, long way. I was a pro.

One of the best techniques I had for stretching my budget was saving up my receipts. I know, I know, this doesn’t sound like an effective way to find some extra cash, but it really works! You’d be shocked at not only how many of those things have coupons on the back, but how many businesses—from restaurants to bookstores—offer cash back if you find a better deal.

The broke college life started my habit of looking at receipts as a viable way to save money (you know, back when I had super important financial obligations like spring break trips…ha!), but you know what? Now that I’m running a budget with three growing (and very hungry) boys at home, my college education is finally paying off (I kid). And, now that smartphones are a thing, this whole process is easy with a capital E!

How this all works is simple. I go shopping, buy things my family needs, take pictures of my receipts, and get rewarded! This wonderful concept has already taken my savings game to the next level and I just know that if you commit to it, it will do the same for yours. So, here are some of my favorite tips for how to quickly get cash back on apps for receipts.

Tip #1: Save Your Receipts to Get Cash Back on Apps

The semester that I saved up for my college spring break trip, I used an old shoe box to store all of my receipts. These days, you can quickly photograph and catalog proof of purchase for everything you buy with all the best cash back apps for receipts. Maybe you don’t need the shoebox anymore, but the advice is still sound: to make this work, you absolutely must save all your receipts.

Most stores still hand out paper receipts without asking, but if they don’t, they’re quick to print on if you ask. I have a lot of friends who say they have gotten so used to throwing out receipts that their first impulse is to automatically scrunch them up, where they get lost at the bottom of their shopping never to be seen again. Break that habit—for the good of your checkbook!

My advice? Make taking a picture of each receipt an automatic part of your shopping trip…

My advice? Make taking a picture of each receipt an automatic part of your shopping trip, just like jotting down a list, fighting for parking, and desperately digging in your purse for your keys while keeping one eye on your kiddos and not dropping a single bag (just me?). It’s the first thing I do when I get in the door of the house after shopping, even before I put the milk away. But, if it works better for you to snap a quick photo of your receipt as soon as you sit down in the car, hey, you do you! Whatever works, because if you get good enough at saving receipts, you can eventually make money while you shop using apps.

Tip #2: Get Your Friends to Also Earn Cash Back on Apps for Receipts

What I remember most about that college spring break trip is how much fun it was to be down there with my friends, all of us relaxed and not a care in the world. In fact, I think most of the big moments in my life are like that. It’s the company that makes a memory special.

All the best shopping rewards receipt apps are like that, too. In fact, most of them actually give you points that you can convert into cash or gift cards for getting your friends and family to sign up with you! In my experience, what’s even better, though, is sharing notes with your friends about the stores and products that are earning you the most points and rewards while you shop through your app. I’ve found myself texting my girlfriends while I’m still in the aisles as if they were right there with me.

In my experience, what’s even better, though, is sharing notes with your friends about the stores and products that are earning you the most points and rewards while you shop through your app.

One key thing you must do to maximize your savings is to use your cash back on receipts app over and over again. When your friends are into it too, that becomes so much easier—and a lot more fun!

Tip #3: Use the Best Apps That Offer Cash Back for Receipts

Just like we wouldn’t have made it down to Florida without one of us having an old minivan, you’re going to need a vehicle that can get you to the savings and rewards you deserve—and by vehicle, I mean you’re going to have to pick out an easy-to-use app (or apps since you can use multiple rewards programs apps together).

Here’s a quick list of some of my favorites that I’ve shared with my own friends:

  • SavingStar: SavingStar is a pretty typical receipt savings app. You buy products, you scan your receipt, and you get cash back into your special SavingStar account. Why I like this app, though, is that it actually has a heavy emphasis on buying groceries, which, again, with three hungry boys, I have to do all. of. the. time. Anyway, SavingStar is cool because it even has things like the Healthy Offer of the Week, which encourages my family and me to buy healthy fruits and vegetables. Very cool.
  • Checkout 51: Checkout 51 works almost exactly like SavingStar (real talk, many of these apps work pretty much the same way), with one of the main differences being that Checkout 51 does this thing where it rolls out a new set of offers each Thursday at 12 a.m. Um, don’t even ask me how many times I’ve stayed up until midnight just to see the new sales.
  • Shopkick: Now we come to my all-time favorite (cheering, fireworks going off, you name it), Shopkick. Shopkick is a receipt savings app, but it also gives you points, called kicks, for scanning the barcodes of featured products and even just walking into some popular stores. You can even use it for your online purchases at many popular websites! And, speaking of using it with friends, Shopkick also has an absolutely fantastic social media community of shoppers who share tips about shopping (of course) and a ton of other things as well, like recipes and jokes and gifs! I love it, and while I’m known to use all three of these apps together, Shopkick is definitely the one I spend the most time on—and have the most fun with.

Now that you know how to quickly get cash back on apps for receipts, it’s time to go out there and get it done! All of the apps above are great about letting you cash in when you reach a certain minimum balance, none of which is higher than $20. And don’t forget to use them all with your friends! Everything’s more fun together, and, hey, who knows? Maybe you all can save enough money that you can take a special spring break moms trip together this year—with your kids to the zoo. #momlife

Ready to explore the best cash back apps for receipts—and have fun doing it? Download Shopkick for free and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered the rewards of shopping with us.

And, if you love social media as much as you love stretching your budget, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping inspiration.

Image courtesy stokkete

Get paid to shop online: Free apps for mobile shoppers

Remember when cellphones first became popular and they were used to, well, make phone calls? These days, phone calls are actually only one of a million ways I seem to use my cellphone (i.e why we now call them “smart”phones, ba-da-bing). It’s a map, a camera, an address book, a way to get messages to friends and family, a portal to the world, and, maybe most importantly, a way for me to do all my shopping at tons of stores no matter where I am physically.

get rewarded to shop onlineI’ve suddenly remembered I was out of face wipes while at coffee with one of my ladies. A few clicks on Amazon and a new pack was on its way—and I didn’t have to spend my social hour trying to remember a mental shopping list. Or, let’s say I’m out of snacks for the kids’ lunches. I can buzz on over to my Target app to order crackers and trail mix while getting a much deserved monthly pedicure. I can even order my family’s dinner at Panera while I’m walking to my car in those silly flip flops and have a big brown bag of soups and sandwiches waiting to be picked up in minutes.

It’s all very convenient, but what makes it even better (and also more fun) are apps that let users get paid to shop online—for free! Imagine this: you order all the things I described above and, oh, you also get paid to do it. Okay, now stop imagining because it’s real! Here are some of my favorite apps for mobile shoppers. Give them a shot so we can all get paid to shop online for free, together! Maybe we can squeeze a second pedicure in this month thanks to the extra space in our budgets. See you at the spa!

Checkout 51: A Free App to Get Paid to Shop Online

My phone has so many functions that I can no longer live without—alarm clocks, notepads, and my work email, just to name a few—but I think the feature that has emerged as my clear and absolute favorite is, without question, the camera. I’m an Instagram addict—and I know I’m not alone! There’s nothing like posting a pic of some clever latte art or a floral arrangement I made for our mantle and just waiting for the little hearts to come pouring in from all my online buddies.

But, I also use my camera for more functional reasons, too. I use it to snap pictures of important slides during presentations at my office and to take pictures of important receipts so that I don’t lose them in the junk drawer. I think that’s why I’ve come to like Checkout 51 so much. It’s basically a rebate app, where you get paid to shop online for free after you make your purchases.

I like to use it both in-store and online. When you use it in-store, you just snap a quick picture of your receipt for purchasing certain products and offers and get paid; when you use it to shop online, you do the exact same thing with your purchases there. Easy, easy, easy!

Pro tips: The Checkout 51 app lists its new deals on Thursday of every week. And, it’s an especially effective choice if you’re in the market for free apps that pay you to grocery shop because you can use it with Amazon grocery.

Get Paid to Shop Online With the Free App BeFrugal

Another thing about my smartphone that I’ve gotten too used to these days to live without is the easy access to information. The website I search the most on my phone is IMDB, short for Internet Movie Database. It seems like I’m always having conversations about actors and actresses, like, “Was James Franco in this?” or, “I know Anne Hathaway was in that.” Sometimes, the only way to settle these debates about who was in what and when is to open up IMDB. What, I wonder, did we ever do without such quick access to information?

This next shopping reward app, BeFrugal, is a cool one because it’s also based on information. It’s another rebate site that gives you cash back for making certain purchases online. I’ve gotten deals for as much as 30% back! The rebates go into your account, and then you can cash them in using your PayPal account. Again, this one is also super easy.

The info part that I like so much is that, with BeFrugal, if you find another site offering a higher percentage back, BeFrugal not only applies that higher rate to your purchases, but it also gives you an extra 25% on top of it. How cool is that? Um, a whopping 25% more cool, I’d say.

Shopkick: The Best App to Get Paid to Shop Online for Free

Games. Have I mentioned the games on my smartphone yet? I’m a big fan of the popular puzzle ones, especially Candy Crush. Man, have I spent a lot of time crushing those little candies!

What I love about this third app, Shopkick, is that it turns any and all shopping into a game. The way the app works is that it gives you points, called kicks, for all kinds of things. When you go shopping at a store, this includes paying you to scan barcodes, purchase featured items, and even to simply walk into some popular retailers.

Shopkick also gives you points for the shopping you do online, as well as browsing webshops, watching videos, and, of course, making purchases. I love using this free app to hunt down piles of points and then convert them into gift cards to all my favorite stores. It’s soooo much better than Candy Crush since it comes with big savings!

So there you have it, three of my favorite apps that will turn your phone into an even more useful part of your life than it already is, i.e. a headquarters for getting paid to shop online with free apps. And, you can even combine apps like Checkout 51 with BeFrugal and Shopkick to take all your savings to the next level—and for doing things you already do!

Sometimes I try to think of ways my phone could be even more useful than it is now. Unless it actually grows legs and goes out and does all my shopping for me, thanks to free shopping rewards apps, I’m not sure it’s possible.

Start getting paid to shop online with Shopkick. Download the free shopping rewards app and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered the fun of shopping with us on your team!

And, if you love social media as much as you love your smartphone, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Image courtesy Yastremska

Free shopping apps that pay you in Amazon gift cards

Man is it a lot of work trying to stay up with the latest tech! I totally had to have the iPhone X the day it came out, so I called ahead to my local AT&T store. When I found out they would have six of them in stock on a first come, first serve basis, I decided to spend the night camping out in a tent on the sidewalk. I mean, have you seen the iPhone X? It has a face scan you use to unlock your phone! It’s so cool! How could I pass that up?

So, yeah, I’m the guy who gets each new iPhone on the day they come out, but I’ve camped out for other tech, too, everything from Playstations to the Xbox and even Black Friday sales so I could score a major markdown on a new tablet. Yes, it takes dedication—but it’s also really fun!

amazing gift cards shopping rewards appsThe thing that starts to catch up with you after a little while, though, is all the money you spend. It’s expensive to be an early adopter! I know that the other techies who camp out in front of AT&T stores love to bemoan the prices as well. What they don’t know, though, is that there are actually ways to use that new phone or tablet to download free apps that pay you to easily earn Amazon gift cards just for shopping!

With these apps, you can haul in Amazon gift cards for things like going to stores, shopping online (my personal favorite), and scanning new or featured products. Pro tip: you can then buy some of your necessities with the Amazon gift cards that the apps pay you, stuff like paper towels and shaving cream, etc., and save your hard-earned cash for new tech—even if you have to camp outside to get it. Here’s what you need to know about my favorite free shopping apps that pay rewards in Amazon gift cards.

Meet Your New Favorite Tech: Shopping Apps That Pay You Amazon Gift Cards

Believe it or not, I’ve made some really great friends camping out waiting for new tech toys. There was Steve from the PS4 line, who’s as big an NBA fan as I am. Then there was Lisa in the iPhone 7 line; we still like all of each other’s photos on Instagram. And, of course, Carlos from all those years ago waiting for the first iPad to go on sale. I just recently went to his wedding!

I think we’re a special breed, those of us who care so much about technology that we’re down to camp outside of stores on shopping center sidewalks. Maybe that’s why they’ve all appreciated it so much when I’ve introduced them to another very good friend of mine: shopping apps that pay you Amazon gift cards.

Shopping rewards apps are actually one of my favorite uses for the new technology I’m always chasing. They’re pretty simple, really. How these apps work is that they let you earn points for shopping. So, let’s say I have to run out and get some stuff at Target. The shopping rewards apps give me points for things like going into the store, points for scanning barcodes of featured products, and then finally for buying household items I always need. Then, when I have saved up enough points, I can trade them in and—boom!—it’s Amazon gift card time. Hello cord extenders for my new Super Nintendo classic edition!

The Best Free Shopping Apps That Pay You in Amazon Gift Cards

Ok, so I’ve gotten so into these apps, that I’ve now transferred them through the cloud to, I think, three new phones (but who’s counting, besides my wife?). Here are a few of the ones I love to use the most:

  • Mobee: Mobee turns you into a mystery shopper, which means that it gives you secret missions (way rad) at stores and restaurants in your area. These usually last between 10 and 15 minutes and they almost always  require you to do something like take a picture of a display in a store or tell them what you thought about shopping there. Then, you get points for the missions you complete, points you can swap for Amazon cards.
  • Shopkick: Shopkick is my favorite shopping app because its interface is, in my humble techy opinion, the most engaging. Shopkick turns trips to stores like Target or Best Buy into mini scavenger hunts for points, called kicks. You can easily fit hunting down kicks into your normal shopping routine—or spend a little extra time hunting for them. With Shopkick, you get points for just walking into the store, for scanning barcodes, and, of course, making purchases. It’s so much fun that I’ve got most of my tech friends using it, too. We’re always texting each other tips about how to up our weekly point earnings.

Shopkick gets my vote for best shopping app because the tech it uses turns shopping into a game, which makes me so much more likely to actually head out to the stores instead of putting it off and putting it off until I have to—or my kid is actually out of diapers.

So yeah, these days I’m talking my friends’ ears off about the iPhone X I camped out for and how many points I’m earning in my never-ending quest to score free Amazon gift cards just by shopping. What can I say, as any tech nerd will tell you, part of the fun of getting a new toy, app, or device is talking about it!

Ready to use your smartphone to turn shopping into a game where you win Amazon gift cards? Download Shopkick for free and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered the rewards of shopping with us—and how fun our tech is!

And, if you love using your smartphone to stay up on social media, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping inspiration.

Image courtesy Denys Prykhodov

The best shopping apps to make money fast (for what you buy anyways)

I have a lot of friends these days who I only follow on Facebook and rarely see in person. Life has taken us in different directions, or to different cities, or just to places where we don’t have the time to get together on the regular like we once did.

As much as I miss them, I love seeing all the interesting things that my old friends get up to. I have a friend from high school who went on to become a fashion model on Instagram and another who lives in LA following her passion to become an actress. A college friend, Dan, is actually a motivational speaker; he travels from city to city sharing tips with people looking for advice, mostly on how to improve their finances. His key phrase always sticks in my head: make money while you sleep.

make money fast on free appsMy friend Dan’s big financial advice is to develop passive income streams, like rental properties or investments that help you earn money while you’re focused on your day job. Which of course got me thinking about… shopping.

Hear me out! I’m a big fan of shopping rewards apps to make money fast while buying the things my family needs anyway—and there are plenty of these apps out there to choose from! I can guarantee you’ll find one you love using to easily earn shopping rewards you can cash in. I even have my own version of my friend’s saying now, although I’ve yet to tour the country giving speeches about it. My saying is: find apps to make money fast for what you buy anyways. Pretty good, right? I know my bank account thinks so. Here are a few of my favorites.

Earny: Quickly Earn Money for Online Shopping

One thing I’ve learned from my friend’s posts on Facebook is that a key to financial health these days is to diversify, diversify, diversify. So, the first of my favorite rewards apps that actually works to pay me for online shopping is… drumroll, please…. Earny!

Earny scans your email archives for receipts from online shopping, then compares whether prices have dropped. If they have, Earny helps you claim the difference in price, either through the retailer or through your credit card company. This is a super cool app to make money fast for what you buy online.

Shopkick: The Best All-Around Shopping App to Make Money Fast

I had a chuckle the other day while I was watching one of my friend’s motivational videos. He said something about how there are certain things in life that you just can’t turn into money-making opportunities, like when you have to run errands all day or when you are getting some of your shopping done on your mobile phone or online. I couldn’t help myself, I had to reply in a comment, “Um, hello? Have you heard of Shopkick?”

Shopkick is my favorite and truly the best of the apps to easily make money fast because with Shopkick there are so many fun and easy ways to earn points, called kicks, that you can then turn into gift cards for Amazon, Starbucks, Walmart, Target, Best Buy, or tons of other great stores.

With Shopkick, you earn points just for walking into certain stores! Then, it also gives you points for scanning barcodes of featured products, and, of course, for ultimately making your purchases. Shopkick, like the other shopping rewards apps on this list, is a free app that even pays you to grocery shop!

Pro tip: you can use both of these apps together, doubling your points and money back. I know, right? WOW!

Once my money-motivator friend heard about how Shopkick works, he became an immediate fan as well. He even messaged me personally to tell me that he was going to start telling the people he coaches about Shopkick and the other shopping mobile apps.

Yes, I know, I probably spend a little too much time on Facebook, just like everyone else, but little interactions like this are a really easy way to stay in touch with old friends. It’s always nice to catch up with them—and it’s even nicer when you can pass each other tips on how to make the most out of your finances and your next shopping trip!

Get to know one of the best apps to make money fast for the shopping you do anyway. Download Shopkick’s free app today and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered how much you can earn with the help of our free sidekick.

And, if you’re on social media catching up with friends, be sure to also join Shopkick on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for a little daily shopping inspiration.

Image courtesy LightField Studios