Use a shopping app to save money on your everyday purchases

I like to think of myself as a budget-stretching expert. Though, I must admit it took me a while to actually get good at finding the best and most efficient ways to save money. When I first began stretching my budget, I found myself doing things like clipping coupons or signing up for programs that didn’t have enough of a savings-to-time-and-energy-required ratio.

I remember thinking it would be great if I could find new ways to save money on things I already do. That way, I wouldn’t have to invest any extra time into saving money. Thankfully, I’ve learned that I can use a shopping app to save money on my everyday purchases and it’s such a wonderful thing! 

So that you all don’t have to go through what I did at the beginning of my budget-stretching adventures, I’d like to share what I’ve learned.

How to Use a Shopping App to Save Money

Find a Shopping App You Like

The first step to using a shopping app to save money on your everyday purchases is to find one that you really like. The goal is to find new ways to save money on everyday purchases and you’re not going to be able to do that unless you find an app that you enjoy using every day. 

Finding an app that has a fun concept is key. There are apps designed to help you save money while you perform an interesting task or make a purchase. The ideal shopping app to use to save money on your everyday purchases should be one that’s fun, works at the stores you like to shop at, and saves you money on the purchases you regularly make.

Make Sure Your App Also Works When Shopping Online

the best shopping app to save moneyOver the years more and more of my shopping has moved online. At first, online shopping felt like a novelty. It was a fun thing I did when I was looking for a rare item or something new I hadn’t tried before. Now, it’s a key part of my daily shopping routine. In fact, I think my so-called everyday purchases are probably split evenly between online and in-store shopping! 

If you’re like me, you’ll absolutely want to find a shopping app to save money that works with all of the purchases you make. Some shopping apps out there are online-only and others are better suited for helping you rack up savings in-store. In order to maximize your savings, you’re going to want to find an app that can work for all types of shopping. You’re also want to find an app that’s convenient—one that works alongside other rewards app—so that all of your rewards are in one easy-to-redeem location.  

What Is the Best Shopping App to Save Money?

My personal favorite shopping app to save money on everyday purchases is called Shopkick; it has absolutely changed the way I look at my everyday shopping. The way Shopkick works is that it gives you kicks for your everyday shopping. You can get your kicks by doing the stuff you already do when you shop online or in the store. This includes walking into stores, scanning barcodes of participating products, watching online videos, and, of course, actually making purchases. Then, you can trade your kicks in for free gift cards! It really is that simple, and you can use Shopkick both online and in-store.

What I also like about Shopkick is the way the app makes me actually look forward to doing my shopping. Shopping when you’re very busy can sometimes feel like a chore, but with Shopkick’s incentives, it feels much more like I’m going out on a fun scavenger hunt for points and savings. It’s like a game to see just how many kicks I can earn and my prize is saving money by using the free gift cards.

Shopping when you’re very busy can sometimes feel like a chore, but with Shopkick’s incentives, it feels much more like I’m going out on a fun scavenger hunt for points and savings.

I’m so grateful that I discovered Shopkick. With all the errands I have to run, I don’t have much time for savings programs that require extra activities outside of my normal routine. The beauty of Shopkick is that it lets me save money for the everyday shopping that I already do and it works in conjunction with some of my favorite rewards app such as the Target rewards app; I can’t recommend it enough. 

It’s time to get your kicks! Shopkick is simply the best shopping app to save money on your everyday purchases, both online and in-store Download the app today start earning kicks! 

Image courtesy of STEKLO

The best shopping app for groceries when you’re on a budget

With three growing boys at home, I find myself spending a lot of time at the grocery store near my house. In fact, I spend so much time there that I have a favorite cashier, and her name is Andrea. That’s right, we’re even on a first-name basis. During each of my many trips to the grocery store, I always make it a point to hop into Andrea’s line. She’s fast and always makes sure I get the right prices on my items. It always surprises her when I find such great deals on items.  

As she rings me up, we also talk about trending topics and the latest shows. I also tell her about all the cool ways I find to make things work on my budget. Even though she works at the grocery store, I was surprised to find out that she didn’t know the best shopping app for groceries when you’re on a budget. It made me wonder how many others out there who are on a budget would benefit from hearing about the best shopping app for groceries, which is why today I’d like to share with all of you what I told my friend Andrea.

Shopping App for Groceries

What is a shopping app for groceries?

I couldn’t believe Andrea had never heard of a shopping app for groceries. So, before I could get to the business of telling her about my favorite, I had to explain to her what it is and how it works. The way a shopping app for groceries works is actually really simple, once you become familiar with it.

Any shopping app for groceries that is worth having is free to download. It should also work with either an Apple or an Android smartphone, so technology problems really aren’t a barrier. There are different types of shopping apps out there. Some of them are limited to only being used at certain stores, while others can be used practically anywhere—even online. 

What are the benefits of a shopping app for groceries?

the best shopping app for groceriesMy favorite types of grocery shopping apps are those that give you rewards you can trade in later for cash or gift cards. The main benefit of these apps is that you save money. There are different ways these apps work, but the best of the bunch gives you rewards for the shopping you already do. You can then trade those awards in for savings. The best shopping apps for groceries change the shopping experience altogether by adding a new layer of fun that actually makes you look forward to going to the store, as crazy as that sounds.

What is the best shopping app for groceries?

I think at this point in our conversation Andrea was hooked. She just wanted to know which shopping app for groceries I recommend she download. And you know what? I was more than happy to tell her about my favorite: Shopkick.

Shopkick gives me points for the things I do when I’m out shopping already, including walking into the store, interacting with products, and making purchases. These points are called “kicks” and you can trade them in for gift cards to use at your favorite stores. This helps me save money which is big for me for obvious reasons. More than that, though, Shopkick has changed the way I think about going to the store. I used to hate going grocery shopping. But with Shopkick, I have really started to look forward to going to the store, even if it’s my third trip for groceries that week. 

For those who might not enjoy going to the store as much as I do, Shopkick also caters to you!

For those who might not enjoy going to the store as much as I do, Shopkick also caters to you! You can discover products, recipes, and shop within the app via Walmart Grocery online if you can’t make it to the store.  

I hope you enjoyed hearing all that I have to say about the best shopping app for groceries, Shopkick. With three growing boys at home—and a budget that isn’t all that flexible—anything that helps me save money and have more fun doing errands is near and dear to my heart.

I really hope you all give Shopkick a chance. I’m almost certain you’ll love it as much as I do. There’s just no better way to save money while also having a good time shopping for groceries!

It’s time to get your kicks! Shopkick is hands down the best shopping app for groceries when you’re on a budget. Download the app today and start getting your kicks now! 

Image courtesy of Dmitry Kalinovsky

3 rewards app hacks (that you didn’t hear from us)

Sometimes I don’t think people really know the meaning of the phrase “hack.” For example, I’ve been taking a class at nights and one of my classmates recently said to me: “So, life hack: the best way to get ahead on this next test is to do all the reading and study the night before.” He said it like he was giving me some secret information that only he had figured out. I thought to myself, “Um, that’s not a life hack…that’s just life.” 

If you ask me, a life hack is a way to do something much easier. It’s usually something that’s not quite obvious and that a lot of people don’t already know about. I have friends who have told me about really valuable life hacks for things like washing their cars. But I think I’ve discovered some of the most valuable: rewards app hacks—all of which are so valuable, that if anyone asks, I’d deny telling you about them!

So without further adieu, let’s get to the three rewards app hacks that you didn’t hear from me!

The Best Rewards App Hacks

1. Find a Rewards App to Use Online

My first rewards app hack is a simple one: find a rewards app that you can use online. I know, it sounds obvious, but I just know so many friends who think in order to use a rewards app, you have to go to a physical store. That is true for some, but it’s not always the case. That’s why the first rewards app hack that I have to share with you today is to make sure you get one you can use both online and in brick-and-mortar stores.

Why is this a valuable thing to do? Well, because let’s face it, nobody has time to go to the store to do all of their shopping these days, and even if they did, there are some deals that you can only find online. It’s valuable to have a rewards app that you can use online because I’m pretty sure that all of us these days are doing some, or even most, of our shopping online. By only getting an app that you can use in-person, or even worse not realizing you can use the rewards app you have online, you could be leaving valuable rewards on the table. For obvious reasons, you don’t want to do that!

2. Use Two Rewards Apps at Once

3 rewards app hacksNow that you’re using your first rewards app hack, and collecting your rewards both online and offline, it’s time to move on to our next rewards app hack. This is one that I’ve been using for years. What you do is basically use two rewards apps at once. So, let’s think about the different types of rewards apps. 

There are store loyalty apps, like those that you can download from Target or Starbucks. There are also some rewards apps that require picking certain deals from a list that the developers update every week. There are also credit card rewards apps and programs that give you points every time you buy certain things with your credit card. Finally, there are rewards apps that you can use each and every time you go out shopping. The trick to this is to just remember to use more than one. So, let’s say you use your credit card that gives you 2% back on purchases. When you do, remember to also use a rewards app that gives you points each time you go out shopping, which is a nifty hack to basically double your savings! It really is that easy. 

3. Learn to Love Shopkick

Okay, so my final rewards app hack might fall into the category I described at the start, but I still really want to share it because it’s also my absolute favorite. Basically, this one entails simply downloading and using this app called Shopkick. That’s really all there is to it. You go to your smartphone, find Shopkick, download it, and use it each and every time you shop. Why do I like Shopkick so much?

Well, I’ll happily tell you! Shopkick is just a blast to use. It gives you reward points, which it calls “kicks,” for going shopping and doing things like walking into stores, scanning barcodes of participating products, and, of course, making purchases. You can also use it when you go shopping online, getting points for making purchases that way too. Before long, you’ll even start to like shopping more with Shopkick because it turns each and every trip to the store into a fun scavenger hunt for kicks. I just love it, and I’m sure you will too!

We all know life and shopping can be a hassle at times, but with these hacks, it’ll be that much easier for you!

There you go, three great rewards app hacks that you can start using today. So remember, the first step is to download a shopping rewards app—don’t forget my favorite, Shopkick. The next step is to go shopping. You can go shopping online or in-store and you can use Shopkick at the same time you’re using some of your other favorite rewards apps, such as the credit card that gives you a percentage back on purchases or the branded app to your favorite store. We all know life and shopping can be a hassle at times, but with these hacks, it’ll be that much easier for you!

It’s time to start earning kicks! Shopkick makes shopping a rewarding experience. Download the app today and start using all of our rewards app hacks to earn kicks! 

Image courtesy of WAYHOME studio

How to earn rewards on your everyday purchases

My friends and family have always said that “kids are magical.” I think I have to agree. I mean, my three boys have this trick where they can make anything I buy disappear in what feels like the blink of an eye. Shampoo? Gone before I know it, usually because they love to make bubbles in the bath. Cereal for breakfast? Oh, I better say goodbye to that the minute it comes in the door. Even toothpaste has a way of ending up empty, and, much to my dismay, all over the sink.

Replacing all those “magically” disappearing items around the house can really add up—I don’t think my budget is a big fan of magic. Fortunately for me and my budget, I’ve recently found great ways to earn rewards on everyday purchases, the kind of purchases my kids are so great at making disappear. These methods have really made a difference, helping me find new ways to turn my own shopping into magic with great savings through gift cards and other rewards.

Now, I know magicians are not supposed to share their tricks, but I just can’t help myself here. Today I’d like to teach you all how to earn rewards on your own everyday purchases, so you and your budget can start benefiting just as much as I have. 

Trick #1: Consider Ditching Old-Fashioned Couponing

There are a few different ways to earn rewards on everyday purchases in order to lessen the blow on your budget when you have to constantly replenish. You can always clip coupons, but, quite honestly, who really wants to deal with that kind of hassle? Literally clipping out and organizing coupons is time-consuming, and when you’re as busy as I am with three growing boys, the stacks of mailers and newspaper inserts tend to pile up, reminding me every time I happen to glance at them that I don’t have the time.

learn how to earn rewards on everyday purchasesThat’s why I prefer using shopping rewards apps. These are apps that do exactly what we’re here to talk about today—they give you rewards for your everyday purchases. There are a few to pick from—and I’ll go into specifics about my favorites in a moment—but for the most part, these are apps that make grocery shopping easier, as well as most of the other shopping you have to do on a regular basis. You simply download them, get a feel for how they work, and watch the savings start to roll in…like magic! 

Trick #2: Combine Loyalty Programs with Rewards 

I think the most important thing for newbie shopping rewards app users to understand is that there are two distinct types of shopping rewards apps to choose from:

  • Branded rewards apps: These are essentially the new evolution of stores having shopper loyalty programs. They are apps created and maintained by specific stores—think Target, Ulta, Starbucks—that you can only use at those stores. They have specific deals and perks designed to reward loyal shoppers. They’re really quite helpful, although maybe not as helpful as what we’re about to talk about next.
  • Shopping rewards apps: These are apps that you can use at many different stores as well as online to earn rewards on your everyday purchases. They’re very versatile, and depending on how you use them, they can act as both grocery shopping rewards apps, as well as apps that rake in points for shopping online and at the mall. When you have to shop as much as I do, that kind of versatility is crucial.

Another really helpful thing to remember here, at least for me, is that you can use these two types of apps in tandem. So, let’s say you’re grocery shopping on a budget—like I am most months—you can use Target’s branded app to learn about exclusive deals for users of that app, while also using a shopping rewards app that gives you points for making purchases at Target. Cool, right?

Trick #3: Earn Rewards on Everyday Purchases with Shopkick

So, at this point, you’re probably wondering what these shopping rewards apps are all about because I’ve made them sound a bit like magic. Let me explain by telling you about my favorite of the bunch. It’s called Shopkick, and what it does is basically turn every trip to the store into a scavenger hunt for points, which the app calls kicks. Essentially, you go about your usual shopping and get your kicks by doing things like walking into stores, scanning the barcodes on items, and making purchases at checkout.

Shopkick is easy to use, too! I highly recommend you try it out!

These kicks are the rewards for your everyday purchases, which you can trade in later for gift cards to many of your favorite stores. I also really like this app because it almost always has bundles of special offers that help me stretch my budget even further. These bundles give me extra kicks for buying certain items, and I absolutely love feeling like I’m earning more points than I would have otherwise. Shopkick is easy to use, too! I highly recommend you try it out!

So, there you have it. These are my favorite tricks to earn rewards on everyday purchases. Thankfully, the days of coupon clipping are over and have been replaced by apps that are easy to use on your smartphone. Honestly, you won’t miss cutting out paper coupons at all. I know I don’t.

I’m far too happy with all the money I’ve been saving through my shopping rewards apps. I used to shake my head and marvel a bit at how fast my boys went through items like cereal and shampoo. I still do now, but I don’t worry about my budget nearly as much. And that’s a wonderful thing!

It’s time to get your kicks! Shopkick makes shopping a rewarding experience and allows you to earn rewards on your everyday purchases. Download the app today and start taking advantage of our bundles and other features to earn your kicks instantly! 

Image courtesy of Stokkete

3 holly, jolly Christmas shopping hacks for last-minute shoppers

One of the things I’ve always loved about shopping is the challenge. Most of the year, when I say challenge, I’m talking about hunting for the best possible deal, whether that’s in person or online. When it comes to Christmas shopping, however, there is an entirely different set of challenges. There’s making the list of friends and family you need to shop for; making sure you actually find something for everyone on your list; and, of course, making sure you get everything on your list in time for the actual holiday.

There’s no bigger challenge than overcoming the odds to check everything off your Christmas list at the very last minute. Waiting until the last minute is risky, of course, but when you find yourself in that position year after year, you start to develop some very useful hacks. I know I’ve certainly learned some great Christmas shopping hacks over the years, so much so that I am absolutely confident in my ability to finish my list, even if I’m still out there at the last minute.

3 Christmas Shopping Hacks 

3 Christmas shopping hacksSince Christmas is the season of giving, today I’d like to share some of my most useful tips with all of you. Waiting until the last minute can mean that you inadvertently put yourself at risk of not finishing your list, but with these three super helpful Christmas shopping hacks for last-minute shoppers, you can rest assured that it will be a very merry Christmas for all of your friends and family!

1. Ask About Price Matching

This first Christmas shopping hack is for anyone out there who likes to shop at online retailers that are a bit off the beaten path and might not offer free next-day shipping like Amazon. I know in recent years I’ve found great last-minute gifts at obscure online retailers. The problem, however, can be that their shipping window is either too long to get the gift to you in time for the holiday, or that expedited shipping costs so much that you might as well drive to wherever they’re located and get it yourself, which for obvious reasons isn’t an option.

The good thing, though, is that in order to compete with online stores, almost all brick-and-mortar retailers these days offer price matching. You just have to ask. If you find something for a cheaper price online, simply ask a brick-and-mortar retailer that sells the same item if they’ll match the price. In this day and age, I would be shocked if they didn’t. That one simple question could potentially save you both valuable time and money at the end of the Christmas shopping season.

Here is a quick list of some retailers that may price match:

  • Bass Pro Shop / Cabela’s
  • Bed Bath & Beyond
  • Best Buy
  • Dick’s Sporting Goods
  • Fry’s Electronics
  • The Home Depot
  • JCPenney
  • Kohl’s
  • Lowe’s
  • Michael’s
  • Office Depot
  • Petco
  • Staples
  • Target

Holly, Jolly Score: 3/5 Hollies

2. Use Customer Loyalty Apps 

The next item on my Christmas shopping hacks list is also primarily for shopping at brick-and-mortar retailers, but don’t worry, we’ll get to one of the best Christmas shopping savings tips for in-person and online shopping in a moment. 

This tip involves using your smartphone to download the shopping apps offered by your favorite retailers. These are apps that have a wide range of features, from rewarding loyal customers with points to offering push alerts about new sales.

Here’s how these apps can save you time or money:

  • push notifications for sales
  • rewards programs
  • exclusive deals for users
  • in-store pickup after ordering on the app

The great thing is that there are just so many stores out there these days that have apps designed to help their loyal customers, which can really save you time, money, and sanity at the last minute during Christmas shopping. I know I’ve used my Starbucks app to purchase things like gift cards and mugs at the last minute. I’ve also used it to order coffee when I need a second wind to finish my last-minute shopping. So check around! Chances are, almost all of your favorite stores have apps of their own.

Holly Jolly Score: 4/5 Hollies

3. Use a Mobile Rewards Shopping App 

The last of my absolute favorite Christmas shopping hacks is an app called Shopkick, which you can use to make both your online and your brick-and-mortar shopping more fun! Simply put, Shopkick is one of the best Christmas shopping apps, if not the best. See, the way Shopkick works is that it rewards you with points, called “kicks,” for things you already do while shopping like walking into the store, scanning items, and making purchases. It’s also a level better than any of the usual free apps that give you gift cards because you can also get kicks when shopping online by watching videos, browsing through lookbooks, and of course, making purchases.

Then, you can redeem your kicks for cash back or free gift cards. Shopkick is my favorite Christmas shopping hack for a few reasons. I just love that I can use it to save even more at big online retailers from the comfort of my home. At the same time, it also gives my last-minute shopping a bit of a scavenger hunt vibe, which is really helpful when I’ve been out shopping hard for weeks and on the brink of being overwhelmed. 

What’s also great is that you can use Shopkick alongside the retail apps we mentioned earlier, doubling the opportunities to bolster your budget! Finally, getting my kicks is the absolute best way to take a little bit of the sting out of the pain that your budget suffers during the holidays. Plus, the Discover Tab in the app even has a handy gift guide, if you run out of ideas. Using Shopkick to help with your last-minute Christmas shopping is really a win-win situation!

Holly Jolly Score: 5/5 Hollies!!!

Earn Rewards During Your Last-Minute Shopping Trip

So there you have it—my gift to you. There are plenty of other hacks out there, too, but these have become my favorites over the years. I know I’ve used all three more than a few times to save myself time, money, and energy at the last minute.

There are plenty of other hacks out there, too, but these have become my favorites over the years.

I know that of those three, Shopkick is my absolute favorite. It’s such a versatile app, and I love that I can use it both online and when shopping in-store. I also love how much fun it brings to the holiday shopping process, and I truly hope you enjoy using it just as much as I do!

Christmas is almost here, but there’s still time to get your kicks! Shopkick makes shopping a rewarding experience. Download the app today and start getting your kicks as you finish all of your last-minute holiday shopping! 

Image courtesy of izzzy71

25 days of Christmas shopping: Saving tips for your 2019 budget

The Christmas season is officially here, and (sing it with me, now!) these are a few of my favorite things: goodwill, cheer, and Christmas shopping saving tips! Yes, it truly is the most wonderful time of the year, if you love Christmas shopping—which I do! 

With three boys in the house, Christmas is also my favorite season for building family memories (and not just because the threat of coal in their stockings keeps all of my guys in line!) My boys, however, are not the only ones on my list. Just like last year and the year before that, I have quite a bit of Christmas shopping to do. But this year, I have a list. I don’t mean my usual shopping list, it’s a list of 25 Christmas shopping saving tips that can keep my 2019 budget from turning as red as Rudolph’s nose. 

If you’re as excited to go holiday shopping for your friends and family as I am, here are 25 more great reasons to look forward to it! Consider these shopping savings tips my Christmas gift to you this holiday season.

25 Christmas Shopping Savings Tips for 2019

Get smart. And by that I mean, go Christmas shopping with your smartphone. December is cold—in some places, very cold! If you want to wrap up in a blanket and shop from your couch, you do you. And, there are plenty of apps out there that will reward for shopping, whether it’s online, in-store, or both—and I’ll be sharing all of my favorites below! 

2 | Get in the mindset that saving money can be fun. Which brings me to my next 23 tips….

Christmas shopping3 | Apps are your friends, so show them some love. My philosophy is that there’s strength in numbers during the holiday shopping season. You’ll want to roll with three or four apps like they’re your personal shopping crew.

4 | Charge your phone before you go shopping. Don’t think you need to be reminded in this day and age? Think again. Your phone is your lifeline to your apps, as well as your shopping list. Forgot what little Bobby wanted? Don’t worry, he emailed you an Amazon link. No idea what to get your dad? Call your mom. She’s the only one that knows he recently picked up skateboarding. Otherwise, you might be heading back to the mall to spend a little more later when you realize you haven’t yet nailed the perfect gift.

Get your kicks with Shopkick! I actually love using the shopping app Shopkick all year long, but it’s also my favorite way to earn money for Christmas gifts. Shopkick makes the crazy insanity that is Christmas shopping insanely fun, while also helping you effortlessly earn free gift cards for walking into shops, as well as for buying gifts in-store and online. Each year, my Christmas budget is getting bigger and bigger thanks to my Shopkick rewards. 

6 | Download apps that have holiday gift guides. These tech-based shopping buddies can give you ideas in every price range so you can check off every last person on your list this year without blowing your budget. 

7 | You must have an app that gives you cash back for purchases. There are apps that give you cashback by racking up points, as well as coupon-based apps that save you money upfront. As fun as Christmas shopping is, you know what’s even more fun? Getting paid to shop!

Christmas shopping savings8 | Use an app that introduces you to new products. I get it: familiar products are comforting. But haven’t you bought your grandma that same scented lotion for six years running now? She probably still has two bottles under her bathroom sink. Time to mix it up! Bonus: New products sometimes have introductory prices saving you some pretty pennies, or your favorite app may offer bonus points toward rewards when you buy featured products. 

9 | Don’t forget to socialize! Everyone’s busy this time of year, but you can usually make time to go out shopping together, so pick out an app that you can use with your friends when you do, turning the sometimes crazy business of Christmas shopping into a fun social experience. Some apps even let you earn points toward gift cards when you get your friends to download and sign up, which can go a long way toward saving this season.

Do not—and I repeat—do not be afraid to embrace coffee. It’s hard to really focus on how to save this holiday shopping season if you’re dragging. And, you may just find that you can cash in on a Starbucks card for a free coffee ahead of your afternoon spree if you were using your rewards apps wisely in the morning!

11 | And download the Starbucks app to get points for all the coffees you’ll be drinking—even the free coffees you earn from shopping rewards apps!

12 | Taking advantage of holiday shopping hours. Remember that staying out late is your friend, especially when combined with tips nine and ten above! Put those kids to bed, like I do, then stock up on the late-night deals offered at your local retail stores. 

13 | Download retail store apps. These store-specific apps reward loyalty for repeat business—because you and I both know that your Target runs are going to be daily instead of weekly this December.

14 |  Download the Target app. Speaking of Target, download their app pronto for an even better shopping experience at a store that has basically everything. If you need more convincing, just go ahead and refer back to the tip above!

Make time to browse. Yes, having a plan is crucial to successful Christmas shopping, but some of the best bargains I’ve found have been sales on things I didn’t even know I was looking for. You can browse in-store or in your favorite shopping rewards app.

16 | Download the Ulta app. The Ulta app is the ulta-mate (get it?) way to check your besties off your list. Oh, and while you’re at it, make sure to get yourself something from Ulta, too—since you’re saving so much this holiday season. You’ve earned it! And if you haven’t, I’m sure you’ll earn it very soon in the form of a gift card from your favorite shopping points app. 

17 | Give Google Opinion Rewards a try. For a cash influx to support your budget, try filling out some surveys through Google Opinion Rewards. It only takes a few minutes to earn and redeem rewards you can use to boost your Christmas budget.

18 | Find an app that gives you points for walking. Walking into stores, that is. Look, sometimes even your favorite store is a bust when you’re shopping for a specific person on your list, but the very best shopping rewards apps actually let you earn points and savings just for walking in the door of your favorite stores. 

19 | Don’t exceed the cash limit in your office Secret Santa this year. I know I’m always tempted, but I find I buy more creative gifts when I stick to the limit, while at the same time saving a bit of money on my shopping.

Download the Best Buy app. Tech and gadgets are the hottest gifts year after year. Best Buy has a very cool app if you have any tech-savvy friends or family members on your list—and you know you do. 

21 | Make sure you’re earning points for shopping online. We’ve mentioned this a few times, but it deserves its own place on this list. Make sure that the same app that gives you points for shopping in your favorite store, gives you points for the shopping you do online too. Because, let’s be honest, Amazon Prime shipping is an honest-to-goodness lifesaver, amiright?

22 | Try out coupon apps. I know, couponing is so 5 years ago, but there are some modern coupon apps, like Honey, that help streamline things, and that you can combine with apps like Shopkick to help you save even more money on your Christmas shopping—and your Christmas grocery list. 

23 | Go on a scavenger hunt. Remember tip #2? Saving money can be fun! Using the Shopkick app to go on the hunt for the perfect gift puts the playfulness back into your Christmas shopping—and helps you get back into the Christmas spirit of surprises, for yourself and your loved ones!

24 | Don’t forget to put all these apps you’ve downloaded to use. Take a moment to make a plan, and wake up your smartphone, before you step out of the car. When I’m really busy, I keep it simple: I open up Shopkick, and the app for the store I’m about to walk into. When I’m really, really busy, I just load up Shopkick, because almost no matter where I am, I’m earning rewards for browsing and buying. 

Don’t forget your own self-care. This is less of a Christmas shopping savings tip, and more of a tip for your own emotional well-being: take a quiet night for yourself at some point to simply enjoy the holiday season. Heat up some cocoa. Put on your bunny slippers. Watch your favorite holiday movie (Love Actually!). And sit back, relax—and maybe peek at all the rewards and savings you’ve racked up on Shopkick and the rest of your favorite shopping, coupon, and store apps.

The Ultimate Tip to Save While Christmas Shopping This Year

Christmas shopping saving tipsI want to leave you with some words of wisdom and encouragement. With Shopkick, there are tons of ways to earn rewards right from the app—no need to go anywhere. These include kicks for watching videos and instant surprise kicks from going on Easter egg hunts right within the app itself. Users can also earn big points and rewards by shopping on their phones at stores like Amazon, Walmart, and more. I know I have!

With Shopkick, there are tons of ways to earn rewards right from the app—no need to go anywhere.

I hope you find these Christmas shopping saving tips helpful—but I know you’ll like using Shopkick as much as I have. It’s just so much fun to get your kicks with it, earning points from things like walking into stores, going down aisles, browsing products, and making purchases. Plus, the money you save can make all the difference in your Christmas budget this year!

It’s time to get your kicks! Shopkick makes shopping a rewarding experience, no matter what time of the year it is. Download the app today and do your Christmas shopping to earn kicks and boost your 2019 budget from red to green! Then keep on using it into 2020 to keep the savings rolling in.

Shop Amazon Prime Day Deals with Shopkick

Are you addicted to Amazon Prime? I signed up for a subscription a year ago, and I have been hooked ever since. I love the convenience of shopping online with Amazon, placing orders for the items I need without fear I’ll pay a hefty shipping charge (you never pay for two-day shipping!), and knowing my purchases will be dropped off on my doorstep within two days. Sometimes, I even happen upon a box the very next day! Plus, when you’re a member, you receive access to Amazon Prime Day, which kicks off TODAY!

If you are not yet an Amazon Prime member, I highly suggest jumping onboard right now. Better yet, sign up for your first year of Amazon Prime with Shopkick! When you do, you will immediately earn a $20 Amazon gift card you can use during a future shopping trip. Plus, you will be able to access all of the Prime Day deals happening today through 11:59 p.m. PST tomorrow, July 16.  

Not only can you earn a gift card for signing up for Amazon Prime with Shopkick, but you can also earn plenty of additional kicks when you shop the sale using the app. Here’s how:

Amazon Devices

Amazon Kindles are wonderful because you have access to a never ending supply of books right at your fingertips. If you’re a member of your local library, you can also download books right to your Kindle from your library’s app. It’s wonderful, and it makes traveling even more enjoyable because you can pack light with one device. Shop for a new Kindle through Amazon Devices and SAVE during Prime Day. Plus, you will earn extra kicks!

Amazon Fashion

Take a look at Amazon Fashion while you’re perusing all of the sales! Amazon has their own fashion brands, such as Lark & Ro, Mae, Ella Moon, and Arabella. Expect to find everything from comfortable basics and active wear to outfits perfect to wear to work. Similar to Amazon Devices, you will earn kicks when you shop Amazon Fashion brands through your Shopkick app!

Amazon Subscriptions

Have you tried Audible? It’s part of Amazon Subscriptions, and it’s a complete library of audiobooks. If you’re trying to read more books each month, Audible may be a great choice for you because you can listen on the go or while you’re relaxing on the beach. When you sign up for an Audible Gold membership with Shopkick, you will save. You can also check out Amazon Music Unlimited and Kindle Unlimited memberships.

Amazon Home

Amazon Home is always stocked with the latest finds for your home, whether you’re searching for décor or appliances. Expect to save money because Amazon always has some of the best deals. When you shop via your Shopkick app you will also earn kicks toward a gift card, which feels like getting cash back on your purchases.

 Happy Prime Day shopping, Shopkickers! Let us know your shopping strategy on Facebook.

Top 5 Apps to Use While Shopping in Stores

I have a question that’s often met with a great debate: Do you like shopping in stores in person, or do you prefer shopping online? I am not a stranger to the joys and pure convenience of shopping online. After all, nearly everything we need is at our fingertips without a closing time. However, I find it’s enjoyable, and often eye opening, to shop in stores. 

My allegiance to shopping in stores may be due to the fact that I truly love any excuse for an outing – I typically catch up on podcasts or audiobooks while I drive, and I often join with friends to shop together. Plus, I almost always discover something in stores that I would have scrolled past online, especially if I’m searching for a new piece to add to my current season’s wardrobe.

In the past, the point that may have encouraged me to shop online rather than in stores was the ability to save money by using apps. But, I have discovered great options that completely justify my in-store allegiance and create the same type of seamless experience. Whether you’re running to Target, shopping for clothes, or purchasing your weekly groceries, I like to think of these apps as the top five best apps to use while shopping in stores. Here’s the rundown:

1. Target:

Because it’s so easy to add one more thing to my cart when I’m shopping at Target, I have turned to Target’s app for years. Their app used to be called Cartwheel, but they merged the Cartwheel feature together with the ability to search and shop. The combination has proven helpful, so now I can look through Target’s weekly ad to see the latest deals, click through the Cartwheel ads to see which of my frequently purchased products or categories are on sale, and even see if my local store has something in stock without ever leaving the app. Paired with the ability to save 5% each time I make a purchase with my Target card, the app has been such a helpful way to save money in stores!   

2. Shopkick:

I discovered Shopkick last year, and I have used the app ever since! Shopkick allows you to earn “kicks” or points when you’re shopping in stores or online. I use the in-store shopping feature the most because I am able to earn kicks for simply walking inside. The walk-in kicks are typically awarded at the store’s entrance, so I like to make sure I have my app open when I arrive. While I walk down the aisle in stores like Target, Walmart, or even CVS, I scan products currently featured in the app to earn even more kicks. You can also submit your receipt when you have purchased products that you have scanned to earn even more!

My favorite feature about the app is I am able to cash in my kicks for gift cards or even cash back through PayPal whenever I’m ready. You only have to earn 500 kicks, which I can do in a single errand run, particularly if I am visiting Target and Ulta, to cash in for a $2 gift card. You can also cash in for gift cards of higher value! Last year, I saved my kicks and cashed in for a $25 gift card to take with me on my trip to Disney World. 

3. Ebates:

Thanks to a recommendation from a blog I read daily, I rarely shop without Ebates when I am shopping online. As long as you have their plugin turned on, Ebates notifies you whenever you’re visiting one of their partners’ websites where you can earn cash back. Last year, I realized they also offer the same feature in stores!

When you open the app, you can explore their “In-Store” section located at the bottom of your screen. There, you will uncover the many brands who team up with Ebates. Simply link your credit card in the app, and you will earn cash back on every purchase you make in the stores supported by Ebates! It’s a great way to save with very minimal effort. But, please note: your cash back arrives in the form of a “Big Check” once per quarter, so your cash back is not immediate.

4. Fetch:

The grocery store where I shop weekly is a family owned business, so it’s not supported by many of the most popular apps. They simply don’t know the company exists! That’s why I’m such a fan of the app Fetch.

Fetch is best used when shopping at the grocery store – any grocery store. What’s great is the app is filled with products from 250+ brands, like Breyers, Campbell’s, and Kraft. Whenever you purchase a product from one of Fetch’s supported brands, you can submit your receipt. The technology developed within the app compares the items you purchased with those currently highlighted on Fetch to uncover where you can earn points. The main downside I have experienced is you can only earn points when purchasing a brand’s specific product.

5. RetailMeNot:

RetailMeNot takes the questioning out of couponing and wondering whether you have all of the latest deals at your fingertips. I use RetailMeNot most when I am shopping in stores like The Gap, Pier1, and Staples.  Although the app does have cash back features, I use it most often for its coupons.

I cannot be the only one who tosses nearly every deal that arrives by mail only to realize later during the promotional period that I do actually need something from that store. It’s the worst! With RetailMeNot, I can find the coupons I previously threw away and present them on my phone at the cash register when I check out. Though I may have initially felt frustrated when I have tossed a coupon that arrived from a retailer, RetailMeNot saves the day because they have the same deals from the retailers saved in the app with none of the paperwork to cart around in my bag. Win-win!

Have I convinced you to shop in stores? What apps do you like to use to save money? Pro tip: you can pair multiple apps together to save when more while you’re shopping!

Three Ways Shopkick Can Replace Walmart Savings Catcher

As I have gotten older, I have started to appreciate any time I get to spend with my girlfriends so much more. Some of us live in the city while others have opted for the suburbs. To add even more layers to our group, we’re all experiencing different life stages too. Though we may be different, our conversations always flow easily from our careers and our passions to our families and even ways we’ve found to save money.

During one of our most recent nights in, we ended up diving into where we shop and which stores we favor most for different items. Of course, Walmart was a fan favorite! As a result, it was inevitable for us to share our views on Walmart’s recently announced decision to stop supporting their Savings Catcher program.

Like so many others, a few of my friends have saved hundreds by submitting their receipts to Walmart who then reimburses them if they found products offered at lesser prices. Some have used their savings from Savings Catcher to pay for vacations, others have rolled their money forward to pay for future shopping trips, and a few have opted to save up their savings in order to purchase holiday presents. Naturally, the closure of the program is an upsetting one!

Outside of using Savings Catcher, I’ve also found Shopkick is a great way to save even more. While I won’t be able to continue to use Savings Catcher, I can still continue to use Shopkick. So, I shared three ways my friends can join me and start using my go-to shopping app, and I thought I would share them with you too!

1. Earn Kicks Without Making Purchases:

The biggest bummer about Savings Catcher is you can only save when you discover a product you’re purchasing is offered less at another retailer. With Shopkick, you can earn kicks whether you’re making purchases or not. Open the app when you’re walking into stores and earn kicks simply because you went inside of a store. Scan products while you’re walking around (you can even scan at Walmart!) to continue to earn. Watch videos in the app, and discover new inspiration by viewing lookbooks at home. I think saving when you’re not spending is a total win, but of course you’ll earn gift cards much faster if you make purchases.

2. Shop Online & In-Store:

You can use Savings Catcher online and in Walmart’s stores, but those are the only places where the program works. With Shopkick, you can earn kicks at a complete variety of retailers both in-stores and online. Some stores offer opportunities to earn by walking in, scanning, and submitting your receipt, and others offer the chance to earn kicks when you purchase your items with a credit card that’s linked to your Shopkick app’s account. I would much rather be able to save while I shop at a variety of stores I visit all the time than just at one store and only if I can find the product cheaper elsewhere (which takes time too).

3. Redeem Kicks for Gift Cards:

My friends are most upset about losing one way they frequently turn to, to save money, but I reminded them they can create a similar experience through Shopkick. Each time they earn kicks, they count toward their grand total. Once you earn as few as 500 kicks, which I’ve done in a single day of errands, you can redeem your kicks for a gift card to retailers you frequent, like Starbucks, Target, Amazon, and even Walmart. Use your gift card to treat yourself, help pay for items for a vacation, or to pay for gifts during the holidays (aka: all of the things you were doing through Savings Catcher, but now you can earn kicks through many avenues!).

My friends joined Shopkick during our girls’ night, which was the first time I ever witnessed so many friends joining an app at the same time. Savings Catcher users, join us and continue to save while also earning gift cards with Shopkick!

Make sure to download Shopkick for free, and join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more shopping inspiration!

P.S.: Even MSN recommends Shopkick as a replacement for Savings Catcher!

How to Earn Money for Future Shopping Trips

Whether you’re working to keep your budget in check for all of your daily to-dos, dreaming of taking an upcoming trip, or stashing away extra cash to create more margin for fun in 2019, we’re here to help. Did you know you can earn money for future shopping trips whether you’re in stores or relaxing at home? It’s groundbreaking, if we do say so ourselves, and so easy you will wonder why you haven’t hopped on the earning train before now!

There are many apps and programs that allow you to earn money. Some apps reward you for meeting your daily, weekly, and monthly fitness goals, others ask you to complete surveys in order to earn cash or points, and additional apps encourage you to clip coupons to save for your next shopping trip. But, we have three even better ways for you to earn money for your future shopping trips, and you’re likely already doing them! Take a look at our three tips below.

Explore Online Content:

Do you start or end your day by reading blogs, finding inspiration, or catching up on the news? We do too! We always experience a thrill when we read the latest post from a favorite blogger or discover a new-to-us recipe to put into our weeknight lunch or dinner rotation. Exploring content online is a complete experience, and it’s one we most often participate in during times when we’re relaxing (think: over coffee in the morning or in between commercials in the evening). Did you know you can earn money for future shopping trips by exploring content?

We tend to browse on our phones because it’s quick and easy, and one of the new concepts we’re seeing and enjoying are virtual inspiration books! They’re are exactly what they sound like – short and content-filled books complete with slides from brands we know and brands we’re happy to discover. We’ve found these books contain inspiration for hair, makeup, fashion, home décor, and even recipes. If you’re thinking inspiration books are just like the slideshows you see online you’re correct, but these have a twist. They allow you to earn money for future shopping trips because you’re viewing them through our app!

Watch Videos:

One of our other go-to ways to explore new content is by watching videos. They’re always a great way to catch up on the news, see what’s gone viral, and discover new content. And, we’re so excited they represent a way to save and earn even more for future shopping trips!

Rather than watching videos on YouTube, open your Shopkick app instead. Once the app is open, start exploring the Discover page of the app. There you will find a host of videos to watch from known brands. Expect to find inspiration for recipes, drinks you have to try, just introduced workout gear, sneak peeks of upcoming magazines, and much more. Every video is short, sweet, and to the point, plus you will be earning kicks that add up quickly for you to trade in for gift cards to the stores where you already enjoy shopping.

Why find yourself down a YouTube video rabbit hole when you can be earning kicks through Shopkick?  

Discover New Products In Stores:

Online shopping is quick and easy, but we don’t think it will ever replace the experience of shopping in stores. To us, wandering down the aisles is fun and relaxing, and it’s an activity that always results in a host of new inspiration. You can take even a simple “window shopping” night out to new heights by earning money for future shopping trips!

The products supported by the Shopkick app are available in a number of stores where you probably already go on a weekly (or daily!) basis. Plan a night to wander through the aisles of Target (a favorite pastime for many!), and scroll through the app to see which product barcodes you can scan to earn kicks, or reward points, while your browse. Not only can you scan products, but you can also purchase them, take a picture of your receipt, and submit it in the Shopkick app to earn even more kicks. A stroll through the grocery, beauty, or home aisles can result in hundreds of kicks you can redeem for gift cards to your favorite stores, like Target, Amazon, Starbucks, Disney, AMC Theaters, and many more.

Whether we’re reading articles or watching videos, we’re all constantly consuming online content. Not to mention, we all run errands to browse and shop on a weekly basis. Rather than simply viewing content or walking through the grocery store, why not turn to Shopkick to earn kicks and gift cards for future shopping trips? Think about saving gift cards for future vacations, gifting them to friends and family for their birthdays, or treating yourself for something you will enjoy! It’s as though your purchases are on us.  

Don’t forget to download Shopkick for free, and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who have already discovered the rewards of shopping with us.

If you love social media and stretching your budget as much as we do, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping inspiration.

Shop and Save for the Holidays: Blue Weekend is Here!

One of our favorite weekends is back once again, and it’s back just in time for the holidays! It’s Blue Weekend! This celebratory shopping event will unite Shopkickers from around the country together to check off even more of the gifts on your list. Whether you’re shopping for parents, partners, kids, or friends, December 14-16 is the time to shop, save, and earn kicks!

To help you earn the most kicks possible and to make sure you’re well on your way to redeeming your kicks for gift cards before Christmas, we thought we would highlight a few of the best places to shop during Blue Weekend for décor, style, athletic, tech, and kids’ finds. Let’s dive in!

Décor Finds:

Gifting décor is one of the easiest ways to bring joy to parents, friends, and hostesses this holiday season! Consider popping HomeGoods in order to discover some of the most unique pieces at some of the lowest prices. Items like pillows, throws, and mugs always add to the festive cheer, and they definitely have a holiday theme. Just make sure to note, the kicks for HomeGoods are only available in select states!

Yankee Candle also offers plenty of wonderfully scented candles, and you can also personalize them. It’s the ultimate holiday gift!

Both stores are wonderful places to shop for White Elephant or Secret Santa gifts – give something they will love rather than a gag! Just by walking in to select HomeGoods or Yankee Candle, you will earn kicks, and there are more available when you submit your receipt at Yankee Candle!

Style Finds:

We’re certain you have plenty of fashion fans on your holiday gifting list, and TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and Ulta Beauty are three of our go-to spots!

TJ Maxx and Marshalls are both filled with name brand pieces at incredible prices, and it’s never a surprise to find a host of designer items in either store (or both!). Is there a better feeling than gifting your family and friends the designers they love? It feels like the ultimate surprise! Expect to earn kicks simply by walking inside either or both stores!

If you have a haircare, skincare, or makeup fan amongst your family and friends, Ulta is the store to visit! Their team of experts will be able to effortlessly guide you toward products to pamper your loved ones, and many of them may be from brands you haven’t thought of yet. Be prepared to find name brand and designer finds, fragrances, and more that will look amazing wrapped under your tree or tucked inside of a stocking. Make sure to link your credit card before you make your purchase in order to earn kicks!

Athletic Finds:

Many of us are starting to experience winter’s coldest temperatures, but that doesn’t mean we all still don’t want to work toward our fitness goals! If your friends or family thrive when they’re able to work-out or if they’re setting new fitness goals for 2019, help to hold them accountable by gifting them everything they will need from some of the top brands.

Shop at Reebok for traditional and on-trend sneakers, socks, and workout gear. Plus, they have specific finds for sports! Shoe Carnival has a plethora of top shoe brands, particularly if you’re shopping for sneakers. Modell’s Sporting Goods has plenty of workout gear and gifts for sports fans (you need to be ready to cheer for your teams post-workout!). Just note, the kicks for Modell’s are only available in select states! The ladies on your list will love Fabletics budget friendly finds because all of their workout gear is on-trend, plus the company was started by Kate Hudson. Does it get any better? In order to maximize your cool down, stop into Jockey for the best loungewear your recipients will love to wear (and, don’t be surprised if you walk away with a few new finds for yourself too!).

All of these brands are offering kicks by walking inside the stores, which totally counts as exercise!

Tech Finds:

The holidays are the time for new tech, and Best Buy is the place to go! Step inside one of their many stores, and think about upgrading your phone. You can also prep for awards season and the Super Bowl by purchasing a new TV, and you should stock up on movies and seasons of favorite shows too. Don’t forget to peruse their selection of cameras, computers, and printers. Make this the best tech year yet! Don’t forget to link your credit card before you make your purchase.

Kids’ Finds:

We don’t know about you, but we always become the most excited to shop for all of the kids on our lists! Carter’s and OshKosh B’gosh are two of the first places we visit every time. They have adorable clothes for babies and toddlers, plus they also have clothing for older kids too. Find pajamas, tops, pants, and shoes in palettes they will love! Both brands are offering kicks to Shopkickers who walk inside, plus you can earn even more when you shop with a linked card.

If you’re searching for a new toy set for a boy or girl, LEGO® should be on your list! Walmart and Target sell many of their building sets, and we speak from experience when we say they provide hours of imaginative, building fun. Kids are able to explore other worlds while they piece together their sets, whether that means escaping to soar with a favorite character or pretending to be an entrepreneur. The options are nearly endless, and the kids on your list will have plenty of indoor fun ahead of them during the holiday season and well beyond!

Where will you be shopping during Blue Weekend? Let us know on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter! Make sure to join our social media fun too because you will discover a whole community of passionate Shopkickers just like you.

Race Prep: Get Ready for Black Friday in 5 Steps

For years, Thanksgiving has nabbed my number one spot for Favorite Holiday. From baking pies with my best friend the night before to gathering together with my family for dinner on Thanksgiving, I love everything about it! With that said, there’s always one moment I enjoy most: Black Friday prep during Thanksgiving morning. This is like my Super Bowl.

Just like a runner training for a race, Black Friday is all about the prep! In order for you to not only survive but thrive during the biggest shopping weekend of the year, I thought I would share my five best tips with you. Consider this a peek inside my own personal Black Friday Shopkick game plan!

1. Gather:

Before you set out on your Black Friday race, put together a list of all of your gift ideas for your friends and family. Throughout the year, I tend to keep a running list of ideas in my phone. Just before Black Friday, I’ll explore my ideas, pull out the ones I think will work best, and create a holiday gift guide in my phone to refer back to as I jump from store-to-store. I find this list is a great way to feel organized and focused rather than waiting for inspiration to strike.

2. Plan:

Every year on Thanksgiving morning, I turn on the annual parades and peruse all of the Black Friday ads. I cannot be the only one who gets a serious adrenaline rush when I spot items on my list that are going to be on sale! Once I’ve viewed all of the ads and pulled my favorites, I create a route. This piece is key. Knowing which stores I will visit (and which ones will be offering big kicks when I use Shopkick!) helps me plan my route ahead of time rather than making rash decisions while I’m driving in the dark. I tend to visit my furthest point first and then shop my way closer to home. Pro Tip: Review how to earn kicks on Shopkick if you’re feeling a little rusty, visit the Explore page for tons of inspiration, and make sure you’re signed up for emails from Shopkick to be among the first to know when new deals drop!

3. Fuel:

Your list is prepped and ready, but are you? If you’re planning to be the first to nab a great deal, this is the time to bring out the camping year. Find your beach chair, grab a sleeping bag, and don’t forget a lantern, charger, and snacks! If you’re going to be waiting outside for your number one store to open, make sure you have all of the fuel you will need. This is the time to let your inner Boy or Girl Scout shine. Those scouting badges are about to be worth their weight in gold.

4. Pace:

Just like a race, Black Friday is a marathon not a sprint. My family and I tend to enjoy an earlier dinner together, which means I can visit my first store (or stores!) on Thanksgiving night (I can’t say I’ve ever camped before a store opening, but I definitely do know how to prep for one – see above!). I love crossing a few gifts off of my list just before Black Friday’s official start because it means I can stop for breakfast in the morning before the rest of my shopping commences. Also, I never panic if I can’t find an item or a size is sold out. Cyber Monday is (literally!) on the horizon, and I know I won’t miss out on the deal.  

5. Medal:

Once your car is filled with merriment and you have earned hundreds of kicks while using Shopkick in stores (and online!), it’s safe to say you will have earned your Black Friday medal. Seriously, you’re about to be on your way to having Expert Shopper Status, and that deserves a reward. Cash in your kicks for a gift card to your favorite store, and make sure to treat yourself. You did it!

Let’s crush Black Friday, Shopkickers! It’s time to get on the race course.