How to easily earn free gift cards just for shopping online

I’ve always been sort of old school, at least when it comes to my coffee preferences. While the ladies at work love to rave about spiced this and spiced that, I’ve always preferred just plain old no-frill lattes. Why mess with something so good? This was true, at least, until I discovered the flat white. It was L-O-V-E love at first sight!

get gift card rewards for shopping onlineA flat white is kind of like a fancy latte, just a little smaller and much, MUCH foamier. It’s amazing, and I thought it was going to be my new favorite coffee drink—until a third surprise contender entered the race at the last minute that is. Winning out for best coffee ever is (drumroll, please): coffee that I pay for with free gift cards for online shopping!

Okay, I know this last one isn’t really a type of coffee drink, per se, but I think you get my meaning. The absolute best coffee is the one you get as a reward, rather than having to pay for it out of your monthly budget, especially when—let’s face it—there are some months when we all have to skip the fancy stuff to save a few bucks by drinking the breakroom coffee at work (read: the holidays).   

It’s not just coffee, though. In my personal experience, everything tastes, looks, or wears better when you pay for it with gift cards earned through shopping rewards. Movie theater popcorn? Smells so much better. Lotion from Sephora? Feels aaaa-mazing. Even paper towels ordered from Amazon seem a little more absorbent when you pay for them with a free gift card.

And, once you get the hang of how to earn free gift cards for online shopping, you’ll start having a whole new set of favorite things, too… things you pay for with those gift cards.

Free Gift Cards for Online Shopping: How Rewards Apps Work

Discovering that you can get free gift cards just for shopping online was kind of like discovering the flat white. I’ve always shopped online, but I’ve kept my savings techniques to the basics. I like that what I buy gets delivered right to my house, and I like that I can sometimes save with lower prices. I was content there. I’d known about (and loved) apps that pay you to grocery shop for a while—and these apps are easy to use—but I didn’t know about online rewards options.

Much like how a flat white is just a foamier variation of a latte (a gloriously foamier variation), apps that give you free gift cards for shopping online are basically just a variation of apps that you can use in brick and mortar stores. To take this idea back even further, you can even think of them as a replacement for multiple rewards program cards, if that helps.

There’s really nothing complicated at all about how they work. The best shopping rewards apps give you points for a activities that you probably already do when you’re online shopping anyway, like:

  • Visiting online stores: This one’s easy, just browse an online store and earn some rewards points. That’s all there is to it.
  • Viewing select products: Hey, what do you know? This one is also easy! You just look at the listings for select products, and you rack up some points.
  • Making mobile purchases: Super weird, this one’s easy, too! (Sensing a pattern here?) Buy the things you were going to anyway and easily earn rewards points.
  • Watching videos: Last but not least, you can also find shopping rewards apps that give you points for watching videos about products online. Easy, easy, easy.

The Best Apps for Earning Free Gift Cards for Online Shopping

Okay, so, at this point, I think I know what you’re thinking: where is the best place for me to go to get one of these bad boys? Well, Starbucks, of course… Oh, wait! You meant where can you get a shopping rewards app that works well for shopping online, didn’t you!

Here are my favorite picks for online shopping rewards apps:

  • Swagbucks: Swagbucks is a cool program that gives you points for things like using their search engine for web searches, filling out surveys, and—ding, ding, ding—shopping at certain online stores. Once you have 450 points, you can cash them in for a free $5 Amazon gift card or for many other online hotspots, as well.
  • Ebates: Ebates lets you earn cash back from online stores, too. You get a $5 welcome bonus for signing on, then, with Ebates, you can also easily browse plenty of promo codes and coupons to push your savings even further.
  • Shopkick: Shopkick is my personal favorite. I just have the most fun with Shopkick. This free app gives me points, called kicks, for all the activities I do online anyway, including visiting online stores, learning about products, buying household items, and even watching videos from various brands—as well as in store. I also love that Shopkick boasts a great sense of community on all of its social media channels; I often find myself on there sharing tips about shopping, enjoying the jokes Shopkick makes, and the funny gifs other Shopkickers post in response—or even just chatting away about my family and how I tackle our budget.

Anything you buy is sure to seem a little bit better when you purchase it with a giftcard you earned for shopping activities you would have been doing anyway, right? I even have more fun doing the actual online shopping—and I can’t recommend apps like Shopkick highly enough. I mean, everyone shops online these days, so why not earn yourself some rewards points while you’re at it?

Start earning free gift cards (and flat whites!) today—just for shopping online. Download Shopkick’s free app and join a community of creative Shopkickers who’ve already discovered how much they can earn just for shopping online.

If you love social media as much as you love coffee, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping inspiration.

Image courtesy Pixabay user HutchRock

3 free iPhone and Android apps that pay you money to shop

I’ve been a dedicated shopper since I was a teenager. Okay, so maybe dedicated is just a nice way of saying that when I was in high school, I wanted to spend as much time as I possibly could at my favorite stores, looking at new tops, trying on jeans, and chatting with the sales associates about which season I am (I’m an Autumn, BTW).

android apps that pay you to shopIt’s hard to imagine now that I have kiddos and a career, but I spent a lot of time at malls, often just to be seen and hang out. My girlfriends and I would start most weekends with our regular Friday trip to the food court, then we’d hit up American Eagle, Forever 21, PacSun—you know, the teen classics. Occasionally we’d buy something. but usually we’d just browse—that was the joy of shopping! A joy that has now become a lifelong dedication to having fun while I survey the racks—although not nearly as often as I used to.

These days, while I still like to get together with my BFFs and go for a Sunday browse through the mall, my shopping sidekick is usually my smartphone, a few favorite apps, and a toddler. If someone would have said to my teenage self, “Someday, there will be iPhone and Android apps that pay you money to shop your favorite stores,” first, I would have asked, “What’s an Android?” But, once I wrapped my head around the future of technology, I would have said, “Pinch me, I must be dreaming!”

I mean, getting paid to go to stores I love to go to anywaycould there be anything better? In my opinion, not really—except maybe sharing my three favorite free iPhone and Android apps that pay money with you, so we can all spend more time out in the stores having fun and earning rewards together! Before I get started with my list, though, maybe you should pinch yourself so you know you’re not dreaming!

Receipt Hog: An Easy iPhone and Android App That Pays

I was drawn to this app right away because of the name. I pictured a cute little pig carrying a purse brimming with receipts, trying to collect as many as she can. That’s not exactly how this apps works, although gathering receipts is part of it. You don’t have to hold onto them and keep them all to yourself, though.

Instead, like all my favorite shopping rewards apps, you can use Receipt Hog when you go out shopping with your ladies. All you have to do is take a photo of your receipt after making a purchase. It could be for groceries, new clothes, makeup at Target, light bulbs at Home Depot—everything is eligible.

Also, like all the best free shopping apps that pay, this one makes earning rewards fun. After you take a picture of your receipts, you get to take a paid survey or play a cool little slot machine game for prizes or coins. These are then traded in for cash or Amazon gift cards. Fun and easy!

Ebates: Get Paid Money From an iPhone or Android App

The name for this one makes me think back to my shopping days in high school, specifically to the times that my friends and I couldn’t find something we wanted at our favorite stores so we had to fire up AOL and look online instead. When we still couldn’t find something at a traditional web store, we looked for it on eBay!

Except for the name—Ebates—this app doesn’t have much in common with eBay, but my ladies and I like to use it just as much. With Ebates, you can get up to 25 percent cash back on things you buy from your favorite stores. Oh, and, coincidentally, you can also get cash back on some eBay purchases, too! I guess I’m not the only one who thinks about eBay when she hears Ebates.

Shopkick: The Best iPhone and Android App That Pays You Money to Shop

The name Shopkick makes me think about myself out shopping, wearing a karate suit and kicking items into my cart as I go like some kind of shopping ninja. Shopkick is another great iPhone and Android app that pays you money to shop at your favorite stores—and even pays you to grocery shop.

It’s a little different than the other two I like to use, though. With my other two apps, the rewards only add up once I’ve made a purchase (or ten). With Shopkick, I get points (called kicks, hi-ya!) for the shopping activities I do every day, like walking into my favorite stores, scanning barcodes of featured items, and, of course, buying and trying out new brands and products. It’s my high school self’s dream come true!

Here’s a pro tip if you just can’t decide which app to pick: you can use multiple rebate apps to maximize rewards. For example, I like to use Shopkick while I’m in the store, racking up points that I can cash in for gift cards later. Then, when I get home, I like to take pictures of my receipts and double my rewards by claiming them both on Shopkick and Receipt Hog. It’s a win-win!

I might be dating myself but, when I was in high school, spending hours looking at every rack in Forever 21, apps weren’t quite yet a thing. Little did I realize then that iPhone and Android apps that pay you money to shop at your favorite stores would become a reality, one that would help me take my shopping game to the next level.

It’s a lot of fun to use these apps, too. Shopkick is my favorite, though, because you can literally earn rewards for shopping anytime, anywhere; it turns every trip to the store into a little scavenger hunt for points. It also has a really active social networking scene; you can go on Shopkick’s Facebook page to share tips about shopping or other daily mom stuff (like what the heck to feed your picky eaters). In fact, I’ve never thought about this before, but it feels a little bit like it used to back in the day hanging out at the mall with my girls!

Ready to explore the best iPhone and Android apps that pay you money for shopping—and have fun doing it? Download Shopkick for free and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered the rewards of shopping with us.

And, if you love social media as much as you love being a rack hound, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping inspiration.

Image courtesy monkeybusinessimages

Free Android and iPhone Apps That Make You Money While You Shop

I would say I’m a pretty decent shopper. In fact, I’m really good when it comes to getting in and out of stores as quickly as possible. Once a week or so, it’s my turn to run out to Target or to get groceries for the family. I always imagine myself being timed, weaving through the other shoppers, making sure I snag everything I need, then speeding back to the register while racing against the clock.

make money using iPhone appsIt’s not that I don’t like shopping, it’s just that I usually have other things on my mind, things like work and stuff that needs to get done around the house—and fantasy football, of course. Shopping feels like an obstacle between me and the more important things I want and have to do (see: fantasy football).

Recently, though, I’ve gotten into a new sort of game: Android and iPhone apps that make you money while you shop. It’s really changed shopping for me. These apps—which mostly involve completing tasks while you’re out at the store—are engaging, both because they turn shopping into the sport I’ve always kind of imagined it to be and because they let me save money that I can spend elsewhere.

I’ve actually been toying with a few different apps, getting a feel for how they work, the tech involved, the amount of savings that are possible with each, and whether or not I actually like to use them, which is probably the most important factor. Now, I’m ready to share with you what I’ve learned. My wife has also picked up the habit, and we’ve become a can’t-be-beat point-getting team, making money while we shop with these apps. Here are a few of my favorite recommendations. Go, team!

Slidejoy: A Simple App That Pays to Replace Your Pics

I have the coolest picture on the home screen of my phone. It’s my wife and me on our honeymoon in Puerto Vallarta, tanned (and relieved the wedding went well), knee deep in bright blue water. I’m sure you have a cool picture on your home screen as well, either of your kids, a vacation, or your favorite team. There is, however, a way you can use your home screen to make money while you shop, if you’re willing to sideline that family pic, via smartphone apps.

I tried this app for myself for a while before ultimately going back to my honeymoon photo. Slidejoy isn’t the only app that pays you to have ads on your home screen while you shop, but it is the one I used longest and liked the best.

  • How Slidejoy works:  With Slidejoy, I was making about $10 a month, although there were some months I only made $5 and others where I made $15. All I had to do was check my phone, then swipe left to learn more about a news story or promotion or swipe right to use my phone. I made the same amount of money regardless of whether or not I clicked on the ads, so I basically got paid just to have it on my phone.
  • The tech: The only problem I found was that this app is only available on Androids. When I switched to a new iPhone recently, I had to give it up.

Mobee: An Android and iPhone App That Makes You Money

When I was a kid, I used to watch Inspector Gadget. Each time he was assigned to a new mission, the message would self-destruct, even though it was just a piece of paper. Sometimes I think about that when I’m using one of my rewards apps because it shows me missions on my phone that are nearby, missions you can make part of your routine when you go out shopping, and it makes me laugh a little.

I’ve tried quite a few of these apps. Some have more missions than others, and some have super simple missions, like going to Starbucks and answering some questions about the quality of the service and of the coffee, while others have harder missions like straightening up a product display and taking a picture. Mobee is the app I enjoyed the most, though.

  • How Mobee works: There’s nothing super unusual about Mobee that sets it apart. Where I live, it just seems to have the most missions with the simplest objectives and the highest amount of cash back. Most missions on Mobee give you between 250 and 750 points. Once you earn about 500 points, you can cash it in for a gift card to Starbucks or any other places. I usually go with Starbucks, so the way I see it, doing a mission or two every time I go out shopping earns me a free cup of morning coffee that’s much better than the burned stuff they have in the breakroom at my office. Not too shabby.
  • The tech: Mobee is available for both iPhone and Android.

Shopkick: The Best Android and iPhone App to Make Money While You Shop

Growing up, I was a Cub Scout. I never quite made it to Boy Scouts because I got into video games and that was that, but I did go on a few camping trips with the Cubs. My favorite part was always the troop scavenger hunt, where I’d get to run around the woods with my friends looking for clues to find some special item.

This last app on my list basically turns every trip to the store into a scavenger hunt for points, called kicks, which you can then redeem for gift cards. It’s like making money while you shop. It’s probably my favorite of the bunch, and it’s definitely the one I use the most.

  • How Shopkick works: Shopkick is a shopping rewards app that gives you kicks for going to the store, scanning barcodes on certain items, and making purchases. I have Shopkick open on my phone all the time because it sends me push notifications whenever I get within proximity of a chance to score more points. That’s what makes it like a scavenger hunt. How it works is pretty simple, too. Sometimes I’ll be out—alone or with the family—and I’ll see a notification. I’ll make a quick stop into a store just to score points. Other times, I’ll get points from Shopkick for finding certain items while I’m in Target or any other store where I was already going anyway. It’s essentially a free app that pays you to grocery shop, among other things. In my opinion Shopkick’s notifications and points system makes it both the coolest tech and the platform I engage with the most when it comes to both Android and iPhone apps that make you money while you shop.
  • The tech: Shopkick is available for both iPhone and Android.

Now that I’m using apps that pay me to shop, I’m definitely kicking butt with the budget and also having way more fun when I’m out. I mean, it’s a natural fit for me because I use apps to do basically everything these days, from booking flights to keeping my work calendar to checking my fantasy football scores every Sunday (and Thursday and Monday…) Now, I’ve been able to integrate the app life I live into my weekly shopping. It’s easy and not a bad way to spend an hour, which are two things I never expected to say about running out for diapers.

Learn how you can start getting paid to shop before the next time you have to make a Target run. Download Shopkick’s free app and get ready to be wowed. Welcome to the fun, Shopkicker!

If you’re as social media savvy as you are shopping savvy, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping fun.

Image courtesy pressmaster

Rewards Sites That Actually Work (Online and In-Store)

One of my ladies, Janette, is the absolute best at telling you what you need to hear. She prides herself on being upfront and telling the truth. For that reason, she’s always been a great person to know, especially when you need a second opinion. I’ve known Janette since college, and she’s given me great advice about everything from shades of eyeshadow to guys I was dating. And she was convinced my husband was The One even before I was!

rewards sites to earn money and gift cardsWhen another of our gal pals asked us over for brunch recently, she asked Janette and me if we had any ideas about how she could earn some extra money. “Well, I have one really fun technique up my sleeve,” I told her. “I use reward sites to earn money and, in my experience, these reward sites actually work.”

I spent the rest of brunch sharing notes about my personal favorite sites, from ones that pay you to take surveys after you shop to others that offer rebates once you’ve made purchases to the apps that turn each trip to the store into a fun little scavenger hunt for points and savings.

I told them about all my favorite ways to take shopping to the next level, and then I waited to see if they received the extra special accreditation that I’m now calling The Janette Test. In other words, did they meet with Janette’s approval? I’m excited to tell you that all my favorites did! I now have a finely-honed and Janette-approved killer list of reward sites that actually work, and it’s my pleasure to share them with you today.

Reward Sites That Actually Work: The Good

I was happy to see that none of the sites that I told my ladies about over brunch totally failed the Janette Test. In fact, they all landed in one of three Janette-given designations: good, better, best.

The site I like to use that landed the good rating was a survey reward sites, which is exactly what it sounds like—a website that gives you rewards for taking surveys online.

  • Survey Junkie: I think there are about 2 billion survey reward sites on the Internet these days (small exaggeration), but I like Survey Junkie because it makes me feel like I’m contributing to companies and brands I love by giving them my important opinions and useful feedback, which, as a devoted shopper makes me feel pretty good! What Survey Junkie does is match you up with surveys from companies based on the demographics you belong to. I don’t get many questions about the best tractors to use for plowing a field, but I am a prime target for questions about finding the ultimate deal on shoes. You have to wait for the site to make you eligible for new surveys, and, to be totally honest, I often run out. You can complete surveys on multiple devices, and you can redeem your points for either gift cards or PayPal, whichever you prefer. Most surveys give you between 20 and 200 points. When you’ve accrued 1,000 points, you can cash them out for a $10 gift card.

    Janette Test Says: “Hmm, sounds legit, but I bet I’d get bored with it fast. I could see myself running out of surveys and then forgetting all about it. Still, this one sounds pretty good.”

    Location: Online

Reward Sites That Actually Work: The Better

I’m not sure I would ever admit this directly to my ladies over brunch—I do have my shopping reputation to maintain, after all—but there are days when the instructor pushes us extra hard at spin class and even I don’t have the energy I usually do for hitting the aisles.

That’s okay, though. There are some rewards apps out there that reward you for the type of stuff you always do online, like playing games, watching videos, and just surfing the web. Here’s a little bit about my favorite…

  • InboxDollars: InboxDollars goes a bit beyond your normal survey rewards site because, like I mentioned above, in addition to taking surveys you can also earn free money for playing games, watching videos, and just straight up searching the web. Let me take a cue from Janette and be totally honest here: the videos you get points for watching are totally picked at random and they aren’t ever popular shows that you’ve heard of. In other words, get ready for random videos about how to make maple-glazed butternut squash. Anyway, this site doesn’t pay you in gift cards, instead only paying you in cash. And, you have to earn $30 before you can cash out.

    Janette Test Says: “I like the flexibility in being able to earn gift cards with a free app, instead of just cash. I mean, you can do what the name implies and use them as a gift, plus they’re also just as good as cash. Oh, and $30 sounds like a lot for a minimum cash out. The videos and web surfing part is good, though, so I think I like this one better than the first. Next?”

    Location: Online

Reward Sites That Actually Work: The Best

As someone who knows how thorough the Janette test can be, I was a little nervous to share what I knew about my favorite rewards site that I use. As it turns out, though, I didn’t have anything to worry about!

  • Shopkick: Shopkick is a mobile shopping app that you simply must have to up your shopping game. I know it’s done wonders for mine. How Shopkick works is that it gives you points (called kicks) for shopping behaviors you already do, things like scanning barcodes, making purchases, and even walking into your favorite stores. You just keep the app open and it will alert you to chances for scoring kicks nearby, an added layer of fun that turns the normal shopping experience into a cool scavenger hunt. Once you get a certain number of kicks, you can then cash them in for gift cards to all your favorite stores. Like the other apps on this list, it’s also totally free to download.

    Janette Test Says: I think I’m all in on this one. I mean, I don’t really have to go out of my way much, or even at all, to use it. Plus, unlike the survey apps, I can see myself using this almost every day because of the scavenger hunt point scoring system. You’re right, I like this one the best!

    Location: Online and In-store

As you can imagine, I was thrilled that all three of my favorite free smartphone apps that pay you money scored so high on the Janette Test, and I was especially happy that she’d liked my personal favorite, Shopkick, the best.

So, yes, it can be difficult to find killer reward sites that actually work out there, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. I obviously recommend starting with Shopkick, which is my personal favorite—and Janette tested and approved. You can’t go wrong with that!

Get to know one of the best reward sites that actually works—and even passes the Janette Test with flying colors! Download Shopkick’s free app today and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered the rewards of shopping with a free sidekick.

And, if you love social media as much as you love your smartphone, join Shopkick on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for a little daily shopping inspiration.

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The Best Gift Card Deals to Earn Holiday Shopping Rewards

When I sit down and make my Christmas gift list each holiday season, I usually make two categories. The first one is for family and friends: my kids, my husband, my sister in Chicago, my BFF from college. Everyone on this list gets a thoughtful, individualized present that I spend hours picking out while sipping hot cocoa in front of my laptop.

gift card deals for holiday Christmas shoppingThe second list, though, is what I like to call my gift card list. This list is usually for acquaintances, like my co-workers, neighbors, teachers at my boys’ school. I want to express my thanks for them being in my life, of course, but I don’t have the time to really dive deep and get them personalized presents. So, gift cards it is!

During the holidays, the gift card list can be a wonderful thing for those of us on a budget because most of my favorite stores (and I’m guessing yours, too), offer gift card deals this time of year. You know the type: buy $100 in gift cards and get $25 free. In my world, you don’t look a free gift card horse in the mouth; I take advantage of these deals whenever and wherever I can! That particular free gift card deal isn’t the only one out there, though! And, if you’re on a budget like I am, it literally pays for you to know about all of them.

Christmas is a time of togetherness and sharing; when it comes to saving money on our holiday shopping, we’re all in this together! That’s why I want to share some of the best free gift card deals for the holidays with you so that you and yours can have as merry a time gifting everyone special in your lives as me and mine.

Gift Card Granny: One of the Best Gift Card Holiday Deals

Last year, my gift card holiday shopping list reached a record high of 17 people. My boys are growing up, which means their world now includes soccer coaches, multiple teachers, tutors, and carpool moms. And my sweet kiddos want to make sure our family shows all of those people how much we appreciate them.

While gift cards may not be the most personal gift, with a little thought, you can still make the recipient feel extra special—and stay on budget. My favorite way to do this is through a site called Gift Card Granny. Gift Card Granny actually buys unwanted gift cards from people and then sells them online at a discounted price.

Here are some of the deals I found the last time I looked, although the available deals do vary as cards are sold and new ones purchased:

  • TJ Maxx: 8% off
  • Whole Foods: 9% off
  • Olive Garden: 14% off
  • Sephora: 17% off

  • Fandango: A whopping 21% off

That’s a pretty diverse set of offerings—and a diverse range of discounts. But, if you have 17 people on your gift card list like I do, saving those little percentages really adds up to big savings!

Costco and Sam’s Club for Deals on Christmas Gift Cards

I’ve heard rumors about other boy moms who are somehow raising three strapping young men without a membership to a warehouse store like Costco or Sam’s Club, but I’m still kind of skeptical that it’s possible. I know those types of stores are invaluable for our family, especially when it comes to making sure we have the mountains of snack foods we need to satisfy their infinite appetites!

Another area where our membership to a warehouse store helps out is during the holidays when it’s time to start checking people off of the gift card list. Costco and Sam’s Club sell gift cards in bulk at a discount rate the same way they sell cheese poofs in giant containers or 100-roll packs of toilet paper. In other words, you have to buy a lot of gift cards, sure, but you get them all at a discount. Think two $100 gift cards for $149.99. Deals like that are pretty common at warehouse stores.

Why Shopping Rewards Apps Offer the Best Deals to Earn Holiday Gift Cards

There comes a day each holiday shopping season when I look at my list and then at my budget and then back at my list in disbelief. It’s just part of the process; I’m sure you’ve been there, too! Luckily, there’s actually a way to get free gift card deals without spending any money at all or, at least, not more than you normally do when you go shopping.

Luckily, there’s actually a way to get free gift card deals without spending any money at all or, at least, not more than you normally do when you go shopping.

I’m talking about how Christmas shopping with smartphone apps can brighten your holidays. There are plenty of shopping rewards apps out there that will help you earn free gift cards for a wide range of activities, including taking surveys about your shopping experience, completing tasks such as taking photos of displays in stores, or for behaviors you do all the time, like buying products or even just walking into stores. You can even find free apps that pay you to grocery shop, which in my house means the never-ending work of feeding three hungry boys can add up to free gift cards for people on my holiday shopping list.

Of all the best gift card deals for the holidays, my personal favorite falls into this last category. It’s a shopping rewards app called Shopkick, and I actually use it year round to earn points, called kicks, cash them out, and start accumulating gift cards for Christmas presents. What’s especially nice about Shopkick is that it’s very user-friendly and fun. When you get awarded points for going to certain stores, scanning certain items, and making purchases, every shopping trip turns into a fun scavenger hunt that makes it easy to stick with Shopkick year round. Take it from me, there’s no better gift to give your budget this year!

Learn how you can start earning free gift cards for the holidays before your next trip down the grocery aisles. Download Shopkick’s free app and get ready to be wowed. Welcome to the fun, Shopkicker!

If you’re as social media savvy as you are shopping savvy, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping fun.

Image courtesy Milkos

How You Can Use Multiple Rebate Apps to Maximize Rewards

I used to have a drawer in my kitchen where I put all my coupons, rebates, special offers, etc., all those invaluable little pieces of paper that made stretching my budget to the max possible. It was just an ordinary drawer, but it was absolutely full to the brim with money-saving paper scraps.

how to use multiple rebate apps togetherThere were coupons that came in the mail, in the Sunday newspaper, and on the back of my receipts. Sometimes, I was able to find the brands or products I was looking for; other times, to be totally honest, sorting through it all was a bit overwhelming. Okay, it was really overwhelming.

Then I discovered shopping rewards and rebate apps and pretty much ditched my coupon drawer—forever. Goodbye old paper coupons, hello easy to use smartphone app! Now that drawer has turned into our family junk drawer and I’m not even sure what’s in there. A souvenir postcard from our last vacation? Gluesticks my boys brought home from school? I think I even saw some old banana chips. Not very a-peeling (ha!), but better than the pile-o-stress that used to be at home there.

Now, when I first switched from paper offers to using smartphone apps to help stretch my budget, I found myself asking, “Can you use multiple rebate apps?” There was a lot at stake, budget-wise, so I looked into it. The answer? A big ole YES! Yes, you can use multiple rebate apps, but it takes a little bit of planning, strategy, and skill. These rebate apps aren’t the same as the coupons of yore because with rebate apps you often get reimbursed after your purchase rather than at the register. The end result is the same, though: savings. So, get ready to take back your coupon drawer!

Can You Use Multiple Rebate Apps (and Other Frequently Asked Questions)

When I first made the transition from a packed drawer full of paper coupons to a small group of smartphone rebate apps, one of the most stressful things was figuring out exactly what each of the rebate apps I was using actually did.

It’s not hard to find rebate apps—they’re incredibly easy to search for on the app stores—and I found plenty of options right away. But, for a long time, I would open my phone and get a sense that I wasn’t using each app to its full advantage—and that if I could just learn more about them, I might be able to save even more money. And it turns out I was right!  

One of the keys to knowing how you can use multiple rebate apps to maximize rewards is knowing everything there is to know about each app, from how they reward you for purchases to when is the best time to use each one. Here are the most common questions I found myself asking, and the answers I found:

  • FAQ #1: What exactly is a rebate app? Rebate apps help you earn cash back on your purchases. Unlike coupons that save you small percentages as you buy, you get reimbursed later, typically in a lump sum that accounts for several purchases.
  • FAQ #2: Do rebate apps cost money to download or use? None of the apps that I use cost a cent and I would highly recommend you stick to free rebate and rewards apps as well. It seems like common sense to me, but I don’t think you should have to pay money to save money. That’s not good for your budget.
  • FAQ #3: Do I need to mail in paperwork to get rebates with these apps? Say goodbye to holding onto scraps of paper. With rebate apps, there’s no need for paperwork. You should hold onto receipts, of course, but to get rebates with most of these apps all you have to do is take a picture of your receipt to prove you bought an item. Some apps even have scanners that you can use to scan a barcode to do this.
  • FAQ #4: What payment methods can I use with rebate apps? Cash, checks, credit cards, debit cards, prepaid bank cards, gift cards…basically, however you usually pay for your groceries, clothes, household goods, etc. is how you can pay while using rebate apps!
  • FAQ #5: How do I get paid by rebate apps? One of the biggest differences between most rebate apps and the old coupon-in-the-drawer system is that those coupons used to save you money at the time of purchase. That’s not how most rebate apps work, though. Instead, you use the rebate apps at the time of purchase and then you have to wait until the app approves your receipts. It usually totals up how much you’ve earned in rebates over several purchases and then gives you the option of when you want to redeem your points, generally paying you via an online service like Paypal, or via gift cards you can use at your favorite stores, like Amazon, Target, and Walmart, just like cash.

What Features Should I Look for in the Best Rebate Apps?

To be totally honest, there is one thing I miss a little bit about my old stuffed coupon drawer: I used to make a little game out of clipping coupons, turning each Sunday morning into a scavenger hunt through my junk mail, newspaper, and receipts to find all the best deals. So, maybe that’s why, in my personal opinion, the best rebate apps are ones that turn the actual shopping process into a fun game.

With my favorite shopping rebate app, you get rewarded for scanning barcodes or photographing your receipt, as well as for just walking into some of the most popular stores, in the form of gift cards at places like Best Buy, Target, or even Amazon, turning your time in the aisles into a fun scavenger hunt! And, if you really miss couponing, there are even coupon apps you can pair with a rebate or rewards point app to earn even more.

Of all the apps available on the app store, my personal favorite is Shopkick, which does all those things I described above—and more! There have been shopping trips where I use a rebate app after a purchase to get money back that goes into my Paypal account, while at the same time collecting points, called kicks, on my Shopkick app that I can save up for gift cards, all while having fun with my husband and my boys working together to turn our afternoon at the store into a game.

So, yes, my old packed-to-the-brim coupon drawer is now a thing of the past, but my budget savings are still alive and well. In fact, now that I’ve figured out how you can use multiple kinds of rebate apps to maximize rewards, I’m saving more than ever—and having fun with my family and friends in the process! I don’t even know where my old coupon clipping scissors ended up. Oh wait, they’re probably in that junk drawer with the rest of the stuff we don’t use much.

Ready to explore the best free shopping rewards app—and have fun doing it? Download Shopkick for free and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered the rewards of shopping with us.

And, if you love social media as much as you love stretching your budget, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping inspiration.

Image courtesy Pixabay user juliaorige

How to Earn Target Gift Cards Using a Free App

They know me at my Target. I can be found roaming the aisles every Sunday afternoon while my husband hangs out with the kids and helps them finish up their homework for the week ahead. I usually start every trip with a treat to enjoy while I browse the Target app for deals: an iced vanilla latte from the in-store Starbucks. The staff starts making it as soon as I walk in and, get this, they even spell my name right! Yeah, they definitely know me. What can I say…it’s my favorite store.

earn target gift cards using an app
You, yes you, can get paid to shop at Target | Image courtesy Unsplash user Anthony Ginsbrook

I’ve been shopping at my Target for years now; at some point, I started to wonder if there was a way I could get rewarded for that kind of loyalty. You know how delis will give you a punch card to earn a free sandwich after you’ve eaten there ten times? Well, that’s what I wanted from Target. Basically, I wanted to know how to earn Target gift cards for being a frequent flyer down their aisles. To be honest, I thought my idea was merely a Target shopper’s dream—until recently. But, as it turns out, earning Target gift cards is actually a thing (and a lot of fun).

As a Target devotee, I already love the Target app—and I really love the savings I get by using it. But I recently discovered there are free shopping rewards apps you can use alongside the Target app to help you get even more out of every shopping trip! They turn going to Target into a cool scavenger hunt for points, which, most importantly, you can redeem for free gift cards. For budget shoppers like me, these rewards really hit the target (#sorrynotsorryforthepun).

How to Earn Target Gift Cards: First, Do Your Homework on Apps

So, you want to learn about how I earn Target gift cards using a free app? Step one is to do your homework (groan). I know, I know, but, just like we tell our kids, homework isn’t so bad if you really want that A. And who doesn’t want an A in earning free Target shopping sprees?

Here’s your homework to-do list:

  • Download the Target app (if you haven’t already): This app lets you plan your trip, get the low-down on deals, order online, browse the weekly ad, and more. You can use it in-store to scan barcodes and get prices. It’s pretty darn handy to have as a shopping companion.
  • Pick out a shopping rewards app: More on this below, but the CliffNotes version is that you want to choose a free shopping app that’s intuitive and easy to use alongside Target’s app, one that will help you earn points for the shopping you already do. It should also be fun! The one I use gives me points for scouting for and scanning new products, showcasing items that I might have otherwise missed. It makes my weekly trips to Target kind of like a game (as if going to Target wasn’t already fun enough). And, most importantly, all those rewards and points add up to, you guessed it, free Target gift cards. It’s like getting paid to shop!
  • Put your Target and shopping rewards apps to work: What? You need a reason to go to Target? How about getting rewarded for shopping?

Okay, okay. Class is dismissed. Time to head out to the mama playground known as Target. But, before you go, I think it’s my turn to be put to the test. After all this talk about earning free Target gift cards, don’t you want to quiz me on my favorite shopping rewards app? Because, yeah, there’s an awesome app for that. And, I can point you to it so you can skip the research.

The Best App for Earning Free Target Gift Cards

When I first started studying up on shopping rewards apps, I knew the key would be to find one that complements the Target app I was already using. I wanted an app that was easy to use so it wouldn’t feel like a chore (the way collecting bundles of multiple rewards cards for every store I visited used to). After all, you get the most benefits from a rewards app you actually use so I had to find one that would blend with my long-established Sunday Target routine.

apps that pay you in Target gift cards
Browsing the aisles? Get paid! | Image courtesy Pixabay user kc0uvb

I also wanted to find one that was fun. There are a lot of rewards apps out there that will give you points and incentives for taking surveys (not my cup of iced vanilla latte, thank you very much). They may be easy to pair with the Target app, but I didn’t want to spend my precious alone time filling out survey after survey. That just feels like another task to check off my neverending to-do list.

Call me crazy, but I wanted points just for walking into Target (trust me, I never leave empty handed so I felt like this was well-deserved). I also wanted to be rewarded for scanning barcodes of both my favorite products and new finds and, of course, for all the goodies that make it up to the self-checkout with me. I wanted my Target app to tell me about weekly steals and deals, but I wanted my shopping rewards app to, well, reward me for rolling that red cart around. And, believe it or not, I found my dream app!

My favorite rewards app is called Shopkick, and how it works is pretty simple. Shopkick gives me points (which it calls kicks) for the shopping I already do—and turns every trip to Target into a treasure hunt that helps me earn free gift cards. I just rack up the kicks, then redeem them for codes I can use just like gift cards. Pro tip: you can also invite friends to use it and earn even more kicks! Plus, their social media is awesome. I’ve made some new mama-on-a-budget friends in the comments of their Facebook page.

So, get ready to reap your free Target gift card rewards. After all, now that Target’s combined its store app with its Cartwheel app into one mobile savings machine, all of us Target fanatics out there (woot, woot!) have a little more room in our lives—and on our phones—for a shopping rewards app to pair with the old classic. Can you tell I get as excited about scoring rewards in the aisles with Shopkick as I do about my weekly iced vanilla latte? I’ll raise my green-strawed cup to that!

Ready to combine the best free shopping rewards app with your trusty Target app? Download Shopkick for free and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered the rewards of shopping with us.

And, if you love social media as much as you love your local Target, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping inspiration.

Free Apps That Pay You to Grocery Shop

My group of mama friends and I recently got together for a rare girls’ night and a glass of wine. The hors d’oeuvres had been served, the glasses filled, and we were getting down to serious business—chatting about our families. A friend with teenage sons happened to mention her astronomical grocery bill, inducing a round of head nods from most of the ladies. And that’s where the conversation started to get interesting. You see, these gals also happen to be my favorite shopping buddies—and I had some shopping gossip to spill.

apps that pay you to grocery shop
Earn points for the shopping you already do | Image courtesy Unsplash user Zoe Deal

“There are free apps that pay you to grocery shop.” Heads turned and glasses returned to their coasters, then one friend squeaked out, “Someone pays you to push a cart around a grocery store?”

To put it mildly, everyone was a bit skeptical at first, but I persisted; anything to save my friends with growing families from a stifling budget. I whipped out my smartphone and, within moments, had turned my friends into super savvy shoppers, ready to tackle the aisles searching for rewards. Several of them have even joined me in a quest to earn free gift cards to tuck into our kids’ Christmas stockings this year.

Now my posse and I love opening our favorite shopping app while strolling the aisles together. It’s like we’re on a scavenger hunt every time we go out to the store—a scavenger hunt for big-time rewards. And, guess what? You’re invited to join in! I bet you’re ready to find out how.

How Apps That Pay You To Grocery Shop Work

If you’re anything like most of my mom crew, you probably haven’t changed your grocery shopping technique for years. Maybe you get a few things online these days, but for the most part the process goes like this: go through the fridge, jot down a list of what you need on the back of some junk mail, ask the kids if there’s anything special they want, tell them sorry but a lifetime supply of Ben and Jerry’s isn’t an option, head out to the nearest grocery store, then rinse and repeat in a few days.

Smartphone shopping apps that actually pay you to grocery shop are a game changer, though. Actually, I should say they’re turning everyday shopping into a game! One you can play against yourself to see how far you can push your savings. And, they’re incredibly easy and intuitive to use. Even my friend Sharon who’s still a Facebook holdout loves using the app.

Here’s how getting paid by an app to grocery shop works:

  1. Walk into your favorite grocery store; think Target, CVS, Walmart, or the local upscale market that’s your secret happy place. Earn rewards.
  2. Open the app and scan product barcodes. Earn more rewards.
  3. Purchase your family’s favorite products—and maybe some new ones you’ve been curious about. You guessed it, earn even more rewards!

And those staples you like to have shipped right to your house? You can get paid when you buy those, too. You can even get points for watching product videos and for referring friends, family, and coworkers; it really is almost too easy.

How You Get Paid for Using Shopping Apps

Remember the friend I mentioned above, the one who isn’t known for being shy about speaking her mind? Well, she also wasn’t shy about getting down to money talk after I’d shown her that, yes, these apps are indeed real, not a figment of my savvy shopper dreams. She wanted to know exactly how the payout of rewards works.

get paid to grocery shop using free apps
Bring home healthy choices for your family—and your pocketbook | Image courtesy Unsplash user Kelly Sikkema

First of all, I told her to keep in mind that, no, these apps don’t pay you the way a job would; you’re not going to get an hourly rate for cruising the aisles. What you will get are valuable rewards that bring back the thrill of the hunt.

What kind of rewards? I’m talking free gift cards at your favorite stores, like Target, Best Buy, and even Amazon, allowing you to treat yourself, your spouse, and (sometimes, wink, wink) your kids. It really is like a game, a game you’re guaranteed to win.

How much are these rewards worth? While they vary from product to product and store to store, they’re always worthwhile. I can tell you that this year alone I was able to cash in on shopping rewards worth over $200 on Target gift cards, which made it oh so much easier to get the kids the supplies they needed for school. I think I even had some leftover for new sunglasses if I remember correctly.

Above and beyond the financial rewards, my grocery shopping app also brought a bit of extra fun into my marriage. I was actually able to get my husband to use a loyalty or rewards program for the first time! All of a sudden he was offering to run the store on weeknights just so we could increase our rewards total. Now on the weekends, we even use the app together, stopping in at each other’s favorite stores and scavenging for points.

Which Type of Shopping Rewards App Should You Download?

If your crew of besties is anything like mine, you probably have what I like to call a healthy diversity of opinion; it keeps things interesting. As with friendly opinions, there are also a few different styles of shopping apps available.

  • #1: The Survey App. Apps that reward you for filling out surveys about your shopping experience
  • #2: The Coupon App. Apps that give you coupons and discounts
  • #3: The Rewards Program App. Apps that reward you with a fun and easy method for earning points for shopping you’d do anyway

Did that last one intrigue you? Ding, ding, ding, this is also my personal favorite! It offers the thrill of the scavenger hunt, all without altering how I already shop. I just watch my points pile up while I peruse my local stores and try out new or family favorite brands.

The app I recommended to my own friends is Shopkick. It’s user-friendly, generous with the points (called kicks!), and did I mention yet just plain fun? Honestly, the real challenge with this app sometimes is waiting to get enough rewards to earn the bigger gift cards, without cashing them in early for a quick Starbucks treat, a constant temptation (darn you, pumpkin spice).

So, let’s recap. My friends learned I’m not some crazy person who invents fake apps; there are, in fact, ways to get paid to grocery shop! And, we all learned how to bring the fun back to grocery shopping by racking up rewards and getting paid while shopping for our growing (and hungry) brood. Teenagers may have an endless pit for a stomach, but they’re no match for my Shopkick app!

Learn how you can start getting paid to grocery shop before your next trip down the aisle. Download Shopkick’s free app and get ready to be wowed. Welcome to the fun, Shopkicker!

If you’re as social media savvy as you are shopping savvy, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping fun.

Date night outfit ideas on a dime!

As a mommy of three boys who desperately looks forward to a date night with the hubby when the opportunity arises, one of my first thoughts on the subject is usually “What am I going to wear?!?!?” This is always a bit of a struggle, as my normal wardrobe consists of business casual for the workday and yoga / athletic wear for the after hours baseball games and kids sporting events that consume nearly every evening. Needless to say, neither my closet nor my budget allows me the luxury of Jimmy Choo’s and a fabulous new little black dress to wow the hubby. So, what is a girl to do when looking for a fresh date night outfit?

Utilize the All-Powerful Pinterest

More often than not, a few lingering minutes on Pinterest actually does my heart and my fashion sense some amazing good. Many times I stumble across a date night outfit that I LOVE, and then I head straight for closet with that inspiration to see if any of my current clothing items can work together and achieve a knock-off version of that style. It is always amazing to me when I find a gem buried in the back of my racks that is just what I need to pull an outfit together.

Raid a Friend’s Closet

As a mom on a budget, one of my favorite thrifty tips for clothing is to have a friend or sister who will share her wardrobe with you. Even if your bestie isn’t the same pant or shoe size, many tops and accessories can be made to fit a variety of people. Plus, if you both share what you’ve got, it doubles the options for both of you and gives a lot more possibilities for new outfit combos.

Shop Used Clothing Options

Another way that I keep my date night wardrobe hot without breaking the bank is by buying used. From thrift stores and garage sales to Facebook marketplace and Ebay auctions, there are TONS of very nice clothes out there that can be purchased for pennies on the dollar because they hung in someone else’s closet for a bit before finding their way to you.  

Looking for new outfit ideas for date night? We've got you covered!

Mix up an Old Favorite

If your husband is anything like mine, he remembers baseball stats from 2 years ago, but likely couldn’t tell you what I wore the last few times we had a date night. Being a woman of opportunity and budget, I use this to my advantage and recycle old date night outfits. Of course, I remember what I wore and like to keep things fun and fresh, so I mix up that repeat dress with a fun cardigan, a different shoe choice, and maybe a scarf or belt accessory.

So now that you have some ideas brewing on HOW to find fab outfits, let me give you some advice on WHAT to wear! Here are my favorite “go-to” ways to dress amazingly using a lot of what I already have on hand.

Dress Up Jeans with a Sexy Top

Whether you are into a super skinny pencil jean, a slightly distressed boyfriend style, or even white or brightly colored denim, pairing jeans you already own and love with a sexy top is a great way to create a new style without having to reinvent the fashion wheel. My most recent favorite is my dark grey skinnies paired with a slightly sparkly black top. Depending on the date, pair with either heels or flats to finish the look. You can find affordable options at T.J. Maxx or Marshalls (and don’t forget to earn free gift cards while you’re shopping!). 

Monochromatic with a Jacket

When I was in high school, my mom warned me never to wear the same color on top and bottom. As I grew older and learned to beat to the rhythm of my own fashion drum, I found that I really love pairing a monochromatic outfit with a jacket, blazer, or cardigan of some sort. All black is a favorite for its slimming quality and goes great with my cutesy cropped jean jacket for a casual look, as well as with my khaki blazer if I want a bit more sophistication.  I also sometimes opt for a monochromatic gray outfit when I am feeling edgy and pair it with a stunning leather jacket. If you want a bit more depth and color, add a scarf to the mix and you’ve got a great date night style.

Show A Little Skin

As a mom, I am not normally the epitome of a sex kitten when I am in my natural habitat of work or home.  My husband thinks I am beautiful no matter what I wear, but one of the things that I have come to realize is that choosing an outfit for date night that shows a little more skin than normal really gets him excited. While I stay away from these styles for the office or PTA meetings, I do have a few outfits in my repertoire that I bring out especially for him. Ideas to try include off the shoulder or no shoulder tops, shorter than normal skirts or dresses, low cut blouses or those with open back designs.

No matter what style, fabric, color, or genre your date night outfit falls into, be sure that you have fun with it! The sexiest outfit you will wear is one that you feel beautiful, confident, and fabulous in.

5 apps that replace Cartwheel & still save you money at Target

With Target’s Cartwheel shutting down in a week, you might be left scrambling to find an app alternative. Don’t fret — here are some other apps that can replace Cartwheel and still save you money at Target.



Never miss a deal again with Retale. Check out weekly ads and circulars from local and national retailers (including Target). Find the best offers that save you money. Browse by product category (deals on pet food, anyone?) or by store. You can even get store locations and opening hours directly from the app!



With Shopkick, you can earn free gift cards to Target without even buying anything. Just open the app at the entrance of your local Target or grocery store, and scan products around the store in a fun treasure hunt to earn points (called “kicks”). Get bonus kicks if you purchase a featured product and submit your receipt in the app. Redeem your kicks for free gift cards to Target, Walmart, and much more. Don’t have Shopkick? Download it today.



Price matching is so much easier with Earny. Based on receipts emailed to your inbox, Earny searches for price drops on your recent purchases and claims the difference on your behalf if you didn’t get the best price. Earny will notify you on every refund you get. Earny always has your back.



SavingStar is a digital coupon app for thousands of grocery stores and drugstores that is linked to your individual store loyalty cards. You choose the digital coupons you want to use and the reward is applied to your loyalty card. When you reach $5 in savings, you earn cash!



Mobile coupons made easy — SnipSnap lets you take a picture of printed coupons and transforms them into digital, mobile-ready ones. You can also browse an online directory to take advantage of coupons that other friends have “snipped.”

Top work from home jobs for Moms

After I had my daughter I wanted to earn extra money, but I knew I didn’t want to put my daughter in daycare to do it. I started looking for work from home opportunities and — after sifting through the scams and pyramid schemes — I was happy to see just how many great opportunities are out there that offer a flexible schedule and other features that were important to me as a mom. I ended up finding work that let me be the stay-at-home-mom I wanted to be while still bringing some income into the household.

A few of my friends asked if I could help them find something similar — here are a few of the best work from home jobs I found during my search.

Get Paid to Talk on the Phone

No, you won’t be chatting with your friends, but this is work almost anyone can do, and there are plenty of work from home customer service jobs out there. Many of these opportunities don’t even require past experience so as long as you have a little office space, you’re qualified!

Get started at:,,,,,

Write the Next Great American Novel

Ok, not really. But if you have a knack for writing, graphic design, or some other creative talent, you may be able to find work as a freelancer on sites like Guru and Upwork. I did this, and I was able to earn some money while the kids were watching Frozen again.

Get started at:,

Help Companies Market Their Widgets

I had a friend who had worked at an ad agency for years before she left the workforce to raise her kids. She missed the work, so she was pretty thrilled when she learned that there were many stay-at-home opportunities in the marketing field. She was able to find remote work with an agency that offered her the flexible schedule she needed. Plus, she never missed the kids getting off the bus!

Get started at:,,,

Watch TV and Earn Money

Yes, there is more to it than that. You’ll also have to caption the videos that you watch. Some of the video caption companies that offer remote work don’t require any experience, and you set your own schedule. One mom who did this said she loved the fact that she was able to stop and start instead of having to work a set number of hours all at once. That’s something that any mom would appreciate!

Get started at:,,

Influence the Next Generation

Several of my friends are teachers who truly loved the work they did. One said she loved challenging the kids to be their best, and that she really missed it when she quit to stay home with her twin boys. When her twins were about a year old, she found a remote teaching job, and she’s been doing it ever since. She only works a few hours a day, but could work more if she wanted. She teaches kids in the U.S. and in other countries and calls her job “the best of both worlds,” because she gets to raise her boys and do the work she loves.

Get started at:,,,

Help Heal the Sick

Of all the remote opportunities I found, I have to say this one surprised me the most. I didn’t think there’d be any work-from-home jobs for my nurse friends, but I was wrong! One friend explained that she really just wanted a way to keep her skills sharp (she’s an RN) while also taking a few years away from her hospital job to spend time with her daughter. She landed a remote nursing job that lets her keep her skills up while still being home for every one of her daughter’s milestones!

Get started,,,

Have you found a great work from home opportunity? Tell us on twitter @Shopkick

Maximize your back to school savings

Back to school shopping lists these days contain a lot more than just boxes of pencils and crayons. There are folders, ear buds, school backpacks and sometimes even laptops that make up the growing list. If you have to shop for more than one child, it can feel like Christmas in August. Back to school shopping is big business and is expected to grow 4% in 2017 compared to 2016 sales. That’s saying a lot because back to school sales set a record last year. Although it is obvious people are spending money, you don’t have to break the bank to get your kids off to school. Knowing some saving tips as well as the best times to buy certain products can make all the difference if you’re hoping to get to the head of the class as a savvy shopper.

Back to School Clothes

Meet my New Bestie, “Clearance”

End of summer sales can be your BFF.

Since many kids go back to school at the end of August when the mercury is still rising, they’re still going to need summer clothes. You can get great deals on clearance racks with end of the season sales. Many of this merchandise starts getting marked down after Fourth of July. This is a great time to stock up for that first month or two of school.

Sales Tax-free Week

Many states have a sales tax-free week during the summer. This is when parents across the country flock to stores to take advantage of buying items like new school shoes, jeans, jackets and any other items. Since each state has different rules, it’s best to check out where your specific state stands so you can get the best deals and stretch your dollar. Many of these tax-free holidays land in late June and August.

Back to School Supplies

Back to school Supplies

Take Stock

These days many teachers will send home a school supplies list the last day of school so students have all summer to get ready.

When you get the list first take stock of what you have at home and what is salvageable from the previous year. You may be surprised to discover how many things you don’t have to buy brand new.

Dollar “Dazed”

Once you know what you do need to buy, take a trip to your favorite dollar store and get dollar dazed by all of the school supplies. You can grab a good sized multi-pack of pencils, pens, erasers, and even crayons for just a buck each. Kids don’t need designer school supplies. As long as they write, get the job done, and don’t cost you a fortune, everyone’s happy. If you still want to hit the big-box stores, experts advise to go in July. There may be deals to be had there because retailers know everyone typically rushes to the store in August and many are not thinking back-to-school shopping while they’re still going to the beach in July.

Backpacks Don’t Need Characters.

Getting a new backpack for the start of the school year is a rite of passage. But, try not to get stuck in the character trap with your kids. According to Money magazine, backpacks, lunch bags and any other school supply with a character’s face are typically 20 to 30 percent more than plain items. If a themed backpack is a must have, experts advise telling your child he or she can decorate the bag with stickers or something else with a character face.


Don’t be embarrassed to price match. There’s nothing shameful about saving money, is there? Quite the contrary; saving money can give you a rush! If a store like Wal-Mart offers a price match policy, take them up on it, even for school supplies.

Timing is Everything

For big ticket items like laptops and notebooks, one of the best times to buy is between the last week of July and the first three weeks of August. Retailers know college-bound students and students even younger will be looking as they do their back to school shopping.

Since back-to-school shopping is often referred to as one of the biggest shopping seasons of the year, set a budget as you would during the holidays. Besides helping you save money, it will also teach your kids the value of a dollar and how to stretch it. Happy shopping and saving! Want to save more while shopping back to school? Download the Shopkick App to earn free gift cards while shopping.