6 tips for building an effective online retail marketing strategy

6 tips for building an effective online retail marketing strategy

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An online retail marketing strategy requires the management of a lot of moving parts. Retailers must connect with consumers online and gain their attention with organic and paid search strategies. They must also compete with a host of other retailers who may offer lower prices or faster shipping. The most effective strategies aren’t focused on connecting with customers for the first time. Instead, they’re about making the most of repeat visitors. 

One of the biggest challenges to guiding consumers through the online sales funnel is cart abandonment. The current cart abandonment rate hovers at about 75% for online retail sales. There are common barriers during online shopping that keep consumers from moving to sales completion. When planning an online retail marketing strategy, it’s critical to understand, address and resolve those checkout barriers. 

Common Causes for Cart Abandonment

The last crucial step within the online shopping journey, checkout, is where most sales are lost. For some reason, before the consumer submits the official order, they often choose to navigate away from the web page. Typically, their failure to make the purchase will fall into one of six categories: 

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Low buying intent:

This is arguably one of the most common causes of cart abandonment, in that the consumer never intended to make a purchase or wasn’t extremely motivated to buy. They may have added items to their cart out of passing interest or accident, but they had little intention of following through.

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Lack of retailer trust:

Trust is an important component in online sales, both in customers sharing credit card data, and having confidence in the efficacy of the product. Without it, consumers are unwilling to purchase products.

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Comparison shopping:

Consumers may have multiple windows open as they shop and often seek out the lowest cost option. In this case, they abandon one cart because they found a better deal elsewhere. 

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Excessive shipping time:

Shipping can be a deal-breaker for customers, especially with powerhouses like Amazon and Walmart offering same-day options. Fifty-six percent of shoppers ages 18 to 34 expect same-day delivery, meaning demand for rapid shipping is only going to grow. 

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Outside distractions that require an individual’s attention, like a knock at the door or phone call, can keep consumers from finishing their sale. Once they’re off the website, they’ll be less likely to return to make the purchase. 

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Sticker shock from add-ons:

Taxes, shipping fees, and other add-on costs can significantly increase the price that the consumer initially thought was fair. This is another one of the most common causes of cart abandonment and can damage trust as well. 

Retailers must have strategies in place to combat cart abandonment, no matter the reason. In the digital space, there are possible solutions to every one of the above causes that should be part of the online retail marketing strategy.   

1: Leverage Limited Time Offers to Encourage Purchase

Consumers who window shop make up the low buying intent crowd. They’re not particularly focused on purchasing anything, so they can be a hard sell. A retailer who understands shopper buying behavior will use this as an opportunity to improve the buying intent of these consumers by leveraging scarcity.

Typically, retailers do this by offering a coupon code or discount that is only available at that moment, but these types of margin-diluting strategies aren’t necessarily required. Amazon’s time tickers and quantity listings underneath each ad are examples of using a non-discount-based scarcity strategy.
The consumer will see a notification if quantities are running low, like “only 12 left, order soon.” Or, they may receive an alert that lets them know they only have so many hours left to order and receive free next or same-day shipping. Both of these small statements let consumers know that time is of the essence, prompting them to take immediate action.

2: Engage in Online Reputation Management to Establish Trust

Lack of consumer trust is more of a problem for emerging retailers than it is for established ones as consumers can easily see evidence that an established retailer is trusted. They look to several avenues both on and off a retailers site to determine the level of trust. Some may include: 

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SSL Certificates:

An SSL certificate ensures consumers that their payments are secure on a given website. The indicator is provided by the “https” in front of the web address, with the “s” denoting a current SSL certificate. Even consumers who don’t know to look for this “s” will likely receive a warning from their security software if they are on a site without a current SSL Certificate. In some cases, they’ll be blocked from visiting it entirely.

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Onsite reviews:

Consumers will check the reviews on a retailer’s site regarding a specific product. However, they’re more likely to look off-site to see the overall reputation of the retailer as they’d expect a more unbiased perspective. 

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Organic search:

If the consumer wants information on the reputation of a retailer, the first thing they’ll likely do is plug the name into a search engine and see what comes up. If there are sites that mention negative experiences, problems with products or lack of security, they’ll be unlikely to continue on to purchase. 

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Social media:

Social media creates transparency for individuals who want to see how retailers respond to consumer criticism, complaints, and questions. This can be a great place for retailers to establish trust by addressing customer issues quickly and openly. 

These are the primary digital indicators that will help consumers determine if they can trust a site or not. They may also ask friends and family if they have had any experience with the site before making a purchase. Retailers must carefully cultivate relationships with consumers to create the necessary trust needed for online sales success. 

3: Use Rewards to Provide Greater Value to Customers

Nearly one-quarter of online shoppers compare the prices on a brand or retailer’s site to other purchase platforms to see if they can get a better deal. Removing this barrier to purchase is difficult, as the primary factor is often not flexible. Retailers don’t usually want to sacrifice profit so they must find an alternative to keep consumers on their site and reduce their urge to comparison shop. 

Retailers can do this by using rewards platforms as a portal to products. This was a strategy that eBay leveraged when working with Shopkick to improve its overall mobile experience. The online retailer used Shopkick’s app as the jumping-off point, where consumers received rewards points (aka kicks) for viewing and purchasing curated products through the app. Through this strategy, eBay increased sales, gained new users, and improved the overall app installation rate.
This also kept consumers from comparison shopping and seeking products elsewhere as receiving the rewards points required entrance through Shopkick. The incentive took the place of any cost reduction the consumers would have seen through comparison shopping, making it a reasonable trade-off. 

4: Partner With Third Parties for Faster Shipping

Rapid shipping is no longer a bonus to consumers—it’s a requirement. The longer a consumer must wait for an item, the more likely they will be to abandon their cart. Rapid shipping also improves retention as 75% of consumers report that they are more likely to purchase from a company again after receiving same-day delivery on their first product. 

Many retailers are taking a more segmented approach to distribution, opening multiple centers in strategic locations where they can deliver products faster. However, these set-ups are often long, multi-million-dollar endeavors and do nothing to solve lack of shipping channels in the short term. There’s also the issue of grocery items, which consumers typically expect to receive either the same day or within a single day. 
An alternative is to partner with a third-party provider like Instacart, Postmates, or Shipt. These third party delivery services do the shopping for consumers, and allow them to quickly receive products without actually visiting the store. Of course, a brick-and-mortar location is a necessity. The same goes for curbside delivery and in-store pickup, which can also be viable alternatives for speeding consumer product receipt. For online-only vendors, using either a shipping service or establishing shipping partners will be a necessity. 

5: Make Remarketing Part of Your Online Retail Marketing Strategy

Consumers often abandon their carts if they don’t have the time needed to complete their purchase. Retailers can improve follow-through by taking the complication out of their checkout—for example, by allowing consumers to check out without creating an account and saving payment information for later. However, when that doesn’t work, brands can also look to remarketing and follow-up emails to remind consumers of the product they left behind. 

Retailers who make use of follow-up emails should typically plan out three messages that incorporate various conversion marketing elements to encourage consumers to buy. This typically works as follows: 

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First email:

The first email is a simple reminder with a link that the consumer can follow to return to their cart. This one should go out on the same day—or ideally within one hour—of them leaving their cart. This works to get consumers who’ve simply forgotten to check out to return. 

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Second email:

The next email should go out 24 hours after the first—or if there is an event like a sale—at the same time the event begins. This can help to encourage consumers who may not have had high buying intent but are still interested in the product. 

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Third email:

The third and final email should go out one week after the consumer abandons their cart. This email can include a coupon code, promise of free shipping, or other rewards to drive scarcity and incentivize a return visit. 

After the third email, the consumer is unlikely to return, so the retailer will want to move on to warmer prospects. In cases where the retailer isn’t given an email, they can instead look to remarketing to gain a potential customer. 

Remarketing software will store session cookies, allowing brands to display ads of the abandoned product on Google, Facebook, and other websites the consumer visits. This will remind the viewer of the product and provide an easy way to return to the site when they’re ready to purchase. 

6: Maintain Transparency to Reduce Sticker Shock

When a consumer sees one price on the website, and then a much higher one when they try to check out, they’re likely to abandon their cart and feel misled by the retailer. This is bad for sales and for relationship management. To avoid this, retailers must strive to be as transparent as possible during checkout. 

While eliminating unnecessary fees is the obvious first step, brands should also clearly state fees that can’t be eliminated, like shipping and tax. Walmart does a good job of maintaining transparency during the checkout process, as consumers will see the price they pay, shipping options, and estimated tax based on their area prior to entering their information. In addition, the retailer offers free shipping on many of its items to keep sticker shock down. 
A strong online retail marketing strategy isn’t just about getting new customers to visit a site—it’s about getting prior browsers to return. These hot leads are more likely to make a purchase as they’re already familiar with the site. Retailers should make it a priority to remove the common barriers during online shopping to encourage sales. With strategies centered on reducing shopping cart abandonment, online retailers can significantly improve their marketing ROI. 
Our partners use our innovative shopping app to improve sales and encourage return visits to their digital commerce spaces. For more information on how Shopkick can enhance your online retail marketing strategy, contact us.

4 effective retail marketing trends that will drive success

4 effective retail marketing trends that will drive success

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Retail marketing trends are moving brands towards a future where consumers expect better experiences both online and in the store. These consumers don’t want to be limited to making purchases exclusively via one channel; they want a shopping experience that can translate across digital mediums. They want to leverage their smart speakers and other voice-enabled devices to find products. Above all, they want a high-tech experience with a low learning curve.

About 66% of online shoppers rely on more than one channel for purchases. Brands must be prepared to cater to multichannel shoppers by having representation on platforms consumers will use to guide their purchase decisions. Rather than focusing on a single segment, the future of retail will involve the components of a digital and traditional marketing campaign and how they’re combined to drive a single purchase.

#1: Social Commerce Has a Strong Impact on Retail Marketing Trends

Social commerce is a popular emerging option for sales as consumers view it as a more genuine experience than other shopping sites. By purchasing items via Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and other social platforms, they can see how other consumers view the product, check out reviews and reach customer service as needed. Due to these genuine interactions, this is a very effective method of advertising. On Instagram alone, 75% of users report that at least one of their purchases was influenced by content they saw on the site. Here are a few platforms brands should consider, as well as their pros and cons.

Platform Pros Cons
Facebook: Facebook is the most obvious option for brands gaining a foothold in social commerce. The site provides online stores, having rolled out the service in 2015, and has an extensive ad targeting campaign to support sales both on the site and off.
  • Easy implementation is a major benefit, as most Facebook stores can be set up in only a few clicks.
  • Facebook is a great place to reach consumers as it boasts more than 2 billion active monthly users.
  • Facebook stores are mobile compatible for users who prefer to browse with their smartphones.
  • Brands and retailers don’t have a lot of control over the design of their store, as they have a preset group of templates to choose from.
  • Facebook stores are not nearly as sophisticated as standard e-commerce sites.
  • Ads are needed to drive traffic, which will likely be expensive for a brand without a strong following.
Snapchat: Snapchat has slowly been expanding its options by both allowing consumers to use image search to make Amazon purchases and, in some cases, buy directly.
  • Innovative features including image search and augmented reality drive consumer interest as they allow them to enjoy more immersive, intriguing shopping experiences.
  • Many Snapchat purchase options work seamlessly with onsite advertising options like Sponsored Lenses, Geofilters and Snap Ads with Attachments.
  • Only select brands can create sales sites on Snapchat, though this is likely to expand in the future.
  • Snapchat has a younger audience which is not as affluent as other generations.
  • Brands must have permission to contact users directly.
Instagram: Instagram began offering brands the ability to create shoppable posts in 2018 and recently added on-platform checkout options for select markets and brands.
  • Brands enjoy high levels of personalization based on user browsing habits.
  • Products can be tagged in posts for easy discoverability.
  • User-generated content boosts product views and encourages brand trust.
  • Onsite checkout is not available for all retailers or in all markets.
  • Onsite purchases could create problems for financial reporting, as there is limited financial data available for brands.
  • Image-reliant marketing limits options for text and keywords.

While this is by no means an exhaustive list, these three social media sites are among the most popular for social commerce. Brands should consider how purchases on social media apps and platforms will change distribution models in the years to come, as such behaviors are likely to make direct sales more prevalent.

#2: Voice Search Creates Visibility Challenges for Brands

Voice shopping is expected to exceed $40 billion in value by 2022. This is a valuable marketing area to target, but brands will be challenged by segmentation. Currently, consumers typically voice search in two ways: via mobile device or through smart speakers. However, each mobile platform and smart speaker model has different options for voice-enabled shopping apps. Rising to the top of all of them will be near impossible, so brands must target a few high performing platforms, like Amazon’s Alexa and the Google Assistant, to ensure they reach the largest number of consumers. Brands will need to reconsider their organic marketing strategies in these areas to gain the most visibility. Essentially, they should:

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Focus on distinctive titles:

Distinctive titles will help brands reach the top of the listing when consumers’ searches get specific, as they are likely to do when seeking out grocery products. For example, instead of “toothpaste,” a brand would want to narrow the focus and list it as “whitening toothpaste” or something equally descriptive.

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Target programs like Amazon Choice:

Most platforms will likely create programs similar to Amazon’s Choice platform, which prioritizes voice search items based on overall reviews, delivery times, ratings, and product popularity. Working to gain inclusion on such lists will exponentially increase brand visibility.

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Grow brand awareness now:

It’s expected that consumers who use voice shopping to buy CPG products will already have a specific item in mind. Establishing proper brand recognition is crucial to reaching these consumers. Strategies to create spontaneous brand recognition should start now—before smart speaker ownership reaches full saturation.

For the time being, there is no way to “pay to play” in voice search. Those who provide such platforms appear primarily focused on the reputation and the ratings when it comes to making product recommendations. Brands should prepare for this by cultivating strong consumer relationships and focusing on online reputation management.

#3: Mobile Takes a Larger Role in Online and In-Store Commerce

Consumers research heavily before indulging in offline purchasing in almost all categories. In 2018, mobile-influenced offline spending was more than $1 trillion. Modern smartphones play a much more prevalent role in the purchase of products both online and in the shopping aisle than ever before. In fact, nearly half of consumers with smartphones report using them to research products in the store.

Shopkick focuses on the in-store mobile experience when driving sales for clients. This was the goal of a leading supplement brand that wanted to increase both awareness and sales of its B-12 vitamins. After they chose to contact Shopkick, we established a marketing campaign that included multiple touchpoints to drive interest and increase incremental sales. A pre-shop in-app campaign familiarized consumers with the products themselves and encouraged them to learn more. When consumers arrived at the store, they were incentivized to locate products and scan UPCs to receive kicks (aka rewards points).
Overall, the program garnered 36 million impressions and 46% of those who purchased the product reported they had not planned to do so prior to the campaign. Mobile allows brands to travel with consumers in the shopping aisle and increase their purchase intent with timely notifications. This is a proven sales driver that brands should consider leveraging either through third-party partnerships or by developing their own proprietary shopping apps.

#4: More Consumers Demand AR/VR to Aid in Purchase Decisions

Almost 50% of consumers report they are more likely to shop with retailers who offer virtual or augmented reality experiences. AR is likely the most attainable option for brands, as it works with most smartphones without the need for specialized equipment. However, as VR technology becomes more affordable, it’s likely this area will open up for marketers and retailers as well. There are many different ways that brands use AR and VR to streamline their work and improve the customer experience. Some examples of such use include:

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In-store assistance:

Shopping in the store for someone with limited mobility is often a challenge, as they have difficulty seeing products outside of their direct eye line. Programs that allow these consumers to scan the store through their phone’s camera and see things like the price, product description, and other pertinent details are invaluable for making shopping accessible for everyone.

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Recreating the in-store experience:

Virtual reality has the potential to bring the in-store experience to the comfort of the consumer’s home, allowing them to browse items and shop without leaving the house. Already, major retailers like Walmart are exploring the potential of VR shopping experiences for consumers. These types of programs would be ideal for supporting popular shopping options like in-store pickup and grocery delivery.

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Employee training:

One of the original purposes of AR was for employee training, and that remains a primary use today. With it, retailers and brands can teach employees how to do their jobs with enhanced 3D tools which help them learn faster while minimizing the risk of errors and injuries.

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Try on or try out options:

Some brands face barriers in online shopping as consumers need to see products in person before they buy. This is especially true for items like cosmetics and furniture, which can be difficult to return. Allowing consumers to use an AR overlay to see how a certain eyeshadow will look on them, or how a couch will fit in their living room, provides brands with an opportunity to minimize a common barrier to purchase.

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Location-based features:

While location-based marketing isn’t a type of AR use, it can significantly enhance the AR experience. Brands can understand this simply by looking at the popularity of AR games that tie the consumer’s location to their experience. These apps engage the user by only unlocking certain features when a consumer enters a specific area, which makes them great for guiding consumers to products in the store.

The primary focus of AR and VR for marketers is how it helps encourage consumers to purchase products. For now, brands that wish to leverage it should consider how AR will make the consumer purchase journey easier. This is a constantly growing category and most of its possibilities have yet to be discovered.
Retail marketing trends indicate a cross-channel future. Consumers won’t choose brick-and-mortar over online or vice versa. Instead, they will expect ways to heighten the in-store experience with mobile apps and other dynamic technology. Brands that wish to prepare for the future of retail should consider ways to cater to these demands.
If you want to improve your customer’s in-store experience, check out our success stories for more details on our innovative app. Our partners enjoy the benefit of our active user base, high conversion rates, and improved incremental sales and you can as well.

4 factors influencing consumer decision making

4 factors influencing consumer decision making

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When analyzing the factors that influence consumer decision making, one needs to look no further than the four Ps of the marketing mix: pricing, promotion, place, and product. With competitive pricing, strong promotions, optimal shelf placement, and a good product, brands can be assured of their success. However, optimizing all four of these components isn’t always possible when brands focus strictly on traditional marketing methods. Instead, brands will need to look to digital innovations to elevate their marketing mix. 

Mobile shopping apps, rewards programs, and digital marketing tactics can all be used to close the gap in these spaces. They can guide consumers to products, make them more appealing for purchase and help them stand out among competitors in the shopping aisle. By leveraging these tools to direct consumers, brands can close sales and increase their market share. 

How Digital Marketing Impacts the Factors Influencing Consumer Decision Making

Factors within traditional marketing that influence consumer decision making have not changed very much, but the way brands leverage them has—thanks to advancements in digital technology. In the past, brands would rely on celebrity endorsements, new and improved product formulas, premium shelf space, and steep discounts to drive sales. However, these all have drawbacks as they often fail to offer a reasonable ROI based on their overall expense. 

Digital spaces help brands enhance all parts of their marketing mix through more cost-effective strategies. Traditional discounts are offset by rewards. Everyday shopper recommendations on social media provide word-of-mouth marketing that outperforms celebrity endorsements. Mobile apps can direct consumers to products in the aisle and brands can differentiate their products not by changing them, but by marketing them in a new way. Here are four ways that brands can use technology to leverage the factors influencing consumer decision making. 

#1: Reduce Reliance on Discount-Based Pricing With Rewards

While price will likely always be a vital factor that drives purchase decisions, it’s not the only component consumers take into consideration. Quality, sustainability, and convenience are also crucial motivators that encourage consumers to buy. Aside from that, steep discounts actually have some opposite effects when it comes to improving sales. Some to consider include: 

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Economic unsustainability:

Competing with white-label or private-label brands is often a challenge for most large, household name CPG companies looking for long-term, sustainable results. Brand-name companies typically have higher overhead costs, meaning it’s not as easy to offer cut-rates on products and maintain profitability.

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Reduced perceived quality:

There is a direct correlation between price and quality perception. Typically, the lower the price, the lower consumers view the quality of a product. Often, quality is a deciding factor for consumers choosing CPG brands, so using steep discounts could actually deter them from buying.

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Ephemeral loyalty:

Discounts may be good for gaining one-time users, but they’re not typically strong for creating ongoing customer relationships. Discount-driven consumers will usually switch to a cheaper product as soon as the price goes back to normal. 

Discounts can be a decent strategy for brands that wish to improve sales, but relying entirely on them is a mistake. An alternative to discount-dependence is rewards programs. In such programs, consumers receive points which can be redeemed for gift cards and other items. Through the reward, the consumer gets the value-driven experience they crave, while brands gain the sale without having to offer an immediate discount. It’s not uncommon for consumers to even view those rewards as having a higher value than their simple face amount, as there is an emotional return for receiving them.

#2: Direct Consumers to the Right Place With Mobile Apps

Approximately 96% of consumers who visit a mass merchandiser or grocery store make at least one CPG purchase. This makes shelf space and visibility absolutely imperative in gaining sales.  However, premium shelf space is finite and can be expensive when dealing with retailers who use “slotting fee” systems where brands must pay for their space in the store. An alternative to paying those high fees or fighting for space is to use mobile shopping apps to direct consumers to products. 

This is a strategy Shopkick uses when improving in-store sales for partners. A leading cleaning product brand partnered with the mobile shopping app with a goal of increasing in-store purchases. The campaign featured branded greetings when consumers arrived at a participating location, putting the product at the top of shoppers’ minds upon entry. By awarding consumers with kicks (reward points) for scanning the brand’s products with their smartphones, Shopkick was able to drive shoppers right to the product at shelf and incentivize interaction and purchase. Following their choice to contact Shopkick, the brand saw an overall 92% increase in purchase conversion on days when the promo was in effect. In addition, 52% of purchasers reported they were driven to try the product due to the content they saw in the app.
Mobile shopping apps have a strong impact when driving in-store sales as they encourage consumers to seek out specific products. Even premium shelf space can’t get consumers to do that, as they may see the product but never handle it. Shopkick’s strategy leverages priming by encouraging consumers to physically touch the product, which instills a sense of ownership and increases sales. Of course, not all mobile shopping apps are created equally. To leverage this strategy in the shopping aisle, brands must seek out an app which: 
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Gamifies the consumer experience:

Gamification, or turning an everyday exercise into a game, engages consumers during their shopping journey and encourages them to participate. In Shopkick’s case, the app works like a digital scavenger hunt. This makes the experience fun and keeps user retention high.

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Rewards them for participating:

Rewards need to tread a thin line between offering affordability for the brand while providing enough of an incentive that the consumer believes the app is worth it. If consumers feel it is too hard to obtain these rewards, they’ll likely stop using the app.

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Engages them with pre-trip ads:

While most purchase decisions are made in the shopping aisle, brands must still prime consumers for sale before they reach the store to gain the best results. Using an app that allows them to view digital content like mobile video can ensure the brand is top-of-mind both before and during the consumer’s shopping trip. 

Mobile apps allow brands to gain an advantage in the store and engage consumers on a deeper level. Not only can this increase sales, but it can also help boost brand affinity and encourage ongoing product loyalty.

#3: Carefully Cultivate Influencers to Promote Products

In the age of social media, brands are now turning to influencers to help endorse their products. These individuals have massive online followings, which many brands leverage to drive sales of their products. The assumption is that the right product recommendation from an influencer can garner hundreds of thousands of sales. In some cases, if the relationship is carefully cultivated, this is true. In others, the ROI fails to meet expectations as there wasn’t enough leg work done in selecting the influencer. 

It’s estimated that advertisers will lose $1.3 billion due to fake follower numbers this year. For that reason, many well-known brands, like Unilever, are pulling away from larger influencer marketing and are targeting individuals with smaller followings. These individuals have clout within their social circles and know many of their followers outside of the digital space. By targeting these individuals with offers and discounts, brands can benefit from their trustworthiness.
Influencer marketing isn’t going away any time soon, but the brands who use this method are changing their approach. Instead of looking solely at the number of followers these individuals have, they check out user engagement through comments and mentions. They work closely with these influencers so they can understand the real ROI of such campaigns. Before closing a deal with an influencer, a brand should consider: 
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Follower count vs. comments:

Often, if an influencer is buying followers, their comment count won’t correlate to their overall follower count. If they have a million likes but only one or two comments, it’s a likely sign that their numbers are inflated. Even if the numbers are genuine, the lack of comments indicates a lack of engagement that will result in poor sales.

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Available content:

Brands should do a thorough review of the influencer’s content not just to see if they’ll represent the brand well, but if there will be conflicts. For example, if the influencer has been touting the benefits of Brand A since they started their channel on YouTube, viewers will likely be suspicious when they suddenly switch camps and start endorsing Brand B. It’s best to find influencers that are already actually using branded products, or ones without existing preferences.

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Growth potential:

There’s a certain lifecycle to consider in gaining the right influencers as their popularity window is shorter than that of a mainstream celebrity like a movie star or professional athlete. Ideally, brands want to connect with someone before their fame reaches their peak to get the best endorsement deal and benefit as the individual’s clout in the market grows. 

Influencer marketing continues to be crucial for brands that want to effectively promote products online. However, brands need to cultivate these relationships carefully and determine some acceptable key performance indicators to gain the greatest benefits from these partnerships.  

#4: Differentiate Products With Digital Value-Adds

CPG brands are challenged by the ability to differentiate their product in a crowded marketplace. About 30,000 new consumer products are launched every year and the vast majority fail to gain a following. Standing out in this marketplace isn’t a matter of creating an entirely new product. Instead, it’s about finding methods to offer old products in new ways. This is a strategy that many challenger brands have leveraged with great success. 

Consider Dollar Shave Club, a niche company that started out as a small indie brand before being acquired by Unilever after its service took off. The company didn’t reinvent the razor. Instead, they reinvented how razors were delivered. They turned shaving into a subscription service that provided consumers with something they value just as much as discounts or high quality; convenience. Consumers didn’t have to remember to buy razors anymore. Instead, they paid a monthly subscription fee and received razors in the mail as they needed them. This is a type of strategy that’s only possible in the digital space because brands need to be able to advertise the service as a value-add. It’s the service that helps the product stand out from other razors in the marketplace.
Another great example of this comes from General Mills and the company’s long-standing Box Tops for Education fundraiser. There are hundreds of different cereals on the market, but General Mills has managed to stand out with their educational fundraising. Through the fundraising efforts, General Mills establishes itself as a brand parents can trust. In the past, the company ran this through a physical program where box tops were actually mailed in. However, they’ve shifted to a digital program to improve giving and cut expenses. Soon, consumers will be able to scan their receipts from General Mills products and then donate to the school of their choice. This will occur through a mobile app which will also allow individuals to track the giving efforts. It’s a way of digitally breathing new life into an old program that set General Mills apart. 
Marketing mix standards of product, pricing, promotion, and placement continue to influence consumer decision making, but digital marketing has made it easier to enhance these aspects. Mobile apps allow products to stand out, both from the competition and in the shopping aisle, while rewards and influencers help to establish trust and affinity for brands. By leveraging a strategy that incorporates all of these components, brands will be poised to increase their sales and improve their market share. 
Our partners take advantage of the factors influencing consumer decision making through our intuitive app. Check out our success stories for more details on how our app improves in-store sales.