Shopkick Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15 marked the start of Hispanic Heritage Month, which lasts until October 15. Here at Shopkick, we are proud to celebrate our employees and partners across diverse backgrounds and foster an inclusive culture both internally and within our app for our Shopkick Community. We are invested in learning about different cultures, as this is what makes each of us unique. We are thrilled to share some stories from our team members, Shopkick community, and partners on their favorite Hispanic traditions, foods, brands, and more!


Question: What is your favorite Hispanic food or dish that you made with your family growing up?

Sam Alvarez (Marketing Associate): My favorite Cuban dish is arroz con bistec (rice with steak). Cuban steak is very thin and marinated with garlic and topped with onions. My Abuelo was a chef from Cuba so having any of his dishes was delicious and authentic!

Stella Araya-Weil (Senior Account Director): Adobo! Adobo is actually the national dish of the Philippines with Spanish roots coming from the word adobar, meaning marinade, sauce or seasoning. The dish is either pork or chicken (or both!) and it is marinated in soy sauce and vinegar. The history of the dish goes back to Spain and Portugal, as the Spaniards occupied the PI Islands for 300 years.

Kimberly Ruiz Beck (Chairman, Ruiz Foods): My Grandmother Rosie was an amazing cook and as kids, we loved any time we knew we were going to her house, especially when she was preparing a meal.   She could tell what a dish needed just by taking a small taste. “Add a pinch of cumin,” she would say.  And she’d be right. It was fun to be side-by-side with her in the kitchen, learning as much as I could.

Her enchiladas, tamales, chile rellenos … and so much more … were such family and friend favorites that her recipes became the flavor profiles for our El Monterey frozen Mexican food line. Grandma Rosie believed in quality and great taste, a commitment my father, Fred, and his father, Louis, embraced when they formed Ruiz Foods. I am proud to say it is a commitment we have also made as we continue the tradition of offering our consumer a wide variety of Mexican food products.

Araceli Castaneda (Senior Marketing Associate): Making tamales with my family growing up will forever be one of my favorite foods. While these can be exhausting to make, especially when cooking for the whole family, I’ve always enjoyed helping my mom and aunts in the kitchen. Plus, I get to learn the recipe that I can continue to pass on!

Eric Batista (Shopkick Community Member): Hands down picadillo. It’s such a simple meal, but with a ton of flavor. This was the go-to for big family get-togethers growing up and brings back such great memories.


Question: What is your favorite Hispanic tradition or activities?

Sam: Making cascarones. These are similar to Easter eggs, but we decorate the outside of the eggs and fill them with confetti. It is a tradition to “crack” the confetti eggs on each other’s heads during Easter egg hunts.

Stella: Celebrating Dia de los Muertos, Day of the Dead – a Mexican custom after Halloween that is celebrated November 1-2. Ornate costumes with makeup are worn, and families gather and decorate gravesites to commemorate loved ones who have passed on. It is a day of festivities and remembrance and honoring those who have passed. Every few years we try to celebrate the Holiday in Mexico as a family – coincidentally my daughter was born on November 1 so there are so many reasons to celebrate.

Kimberly: There’s nothing better than family gatherings. When I was young, it was always my favorite time to get together with my siblings and the rest of the family.

Now that we are all grown with families of our own, our gatherings may not be as frequent, but when we get together it can seem what I like to call ‘controlled chaos’. With four generations, family gatherings can be quite large but when my children’s grandmother says it’s time to eat, the chaos magically quiets and everyone sits down in anticipation of her chile verde, enchiladas, or mole.

It’s the getting together over great food, sharing, laughing, and catching up on what everyone is doing that is the most enjoyable and memorable.

Araceli: My favorite tradition continues to be celebrating Noche Buena aka Christmas Eve with my family. We all gather to enjoy delicious foods, play games, dance (or sing karaoke) and open our gifts at midnight.

Eric: If we’re talking holidays, definitely New Year’s, my family roasts’ a whole pig – a common tradition in Cuba – and we all gather for a full day of celebrating, eating, and a few too many cocktails (if there is such a thing ). Though the majority of my family now lives in the US, we love to keep a lot of our Cuban Heritage traditions going, especially those that involve family and food.


Question: Is there anything you would want others to know about Hispanic Heritage Month?

Sam: A lot of people are confused about why Hispanic Heritage Month starts on September 15 and ends on October 15! It’s because many countries celebrate Independence Day on September 15 – 16 and Mexico celebrates Race Day on October 12!

Stella: I am originally from the Philippines, which culturally is a combination of Asian + Hispanic influences. I love and support Hispanic Heritage month as an ally and homage to my Spanish background… my maiden name is Araya and my mother’s maiden name is Espinosa – both my mother and father’s sides have Spanish ancestors.

Kimberly: For me, Hispanic Heritage month is a reminder of what my Grandparents experienced when they were growing up. They were born in Mexico, emigrated to America, and believed if they worked hard and remain dedicated, they could see their American Dream come true. In 1964, my dad and grandfather did just that when they co-founded Ruiz Foods. Over 50 years later, we employ over 4,000 Team Members in five manufacturing facilities in the United States. We remain committed to provide our consumer with great tasting food and I am proud to say our El Monterey frozen Mexican food is #1 in the marketplace.

Araceli: Hispanic Heritage Month gives everyone the opportunity to celebrate the importance of Hispanic and Latinx cultural and leadership contributions to communities throughout the United States.

Eric: Hispanic Heritage Month is such an amazing time to share with others about Hispanic culture and history. I love the teaching aspect of the month – if you are ever unsure why we celebrate, just ask, I can’t speak for everyone, but I know for me, my family and friends, love using Hispanic Heritage Month as a moment to teach others and spread the knowledge.


Question: What is your dream Hispanic brand to be featured in-app?

Sam: Jumex! They have lots of juices that I drank growing up as a kid! My favorite is Mango.

Stella: It would be a dream to have Hispanic destinations/countries/states with high Hispanic population featured in the app. As far as brands are concerned, I think our shoppers would also love cerveza, chips and salsa brands!

Araceli: My dream Hispanic brand to be featured in-app would have to be Jarritos. The fruit-flavored sodas from Mexico pair great with any dish, especially tacos!

Eric: Café Bustelo! It’s our go-to k-cup brand of coffee. My mom might think I’m crazy for choosing Café Bustelo in the morning over traditional Cuban Coffee, but it packs a punch. Bring them in the app, please.


We are so proud to have a diverse group of employees, users, and partners here at Shopkick. We celebrate all cultures and differences, and we are thrilled to be celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month! The Shopkick app has been a great place to showcase and celebrate Latinx brands and foods like Siete Foods, El Monterey, Tyson tortillas, Ulta Beauty’s Latin-founded brands, Walmart’s Hispanic-focused books, and many more. No matter your tradition or heritage, at Shopkick, we celebrate your authentic background and look forward to many more celebrations.


This shopping app for clothes will have all your friends envying you!

One of the best feelings in life is when someone compliments your outfit, and then asks you where you found such a cute shirt or pair of shoes. I’m always happy to tell my friends where I got something, but I would be lying if it didn’t make me feel good to be a subject of their envy, if even for a moment. I love the attention so much that it motivates me to spend more time and energy shopping at my favorite stores. However, the problem with spending more time and energy at my favorite stores is that I’m also spending more money. Luckily for me and my budget, I recently discovered a shopping app for clothes that rewards me for making purchases

Now, not only are my friends envying my outfits, but they’re also envying the fact that I’m able to use a shopping app to help me shop for clothes (and make money while shopping). But don’t worry, I don’t mind sharing the wealth. So, if you’re looking for a shopping app for clothes, I’ve got you covered. 

How to Find the Right Shopping App for Clothes

learn how to use a shopping app for clothesOne thing I should note right away is that there are lots of different shopping apps for clothes to choose from. There are apps that you can use to find and buy clothes, there are apps that you can only use at certain stores, and there are apps that work like digital coupons, although those are much more common for something like grocery shopping than for clothes. At the same time, there is also a certain type of shopping app for clothes that you can use at many different stores, and these are the ones I would recommend. If you’ve done as much clothing shopping as I have, you know that to find the perfect shoes or handbag, you may have to visit more than one store. You need a shopping app that you can use at your favorite stores

You also want to make sure you find an app that gives you rewards for shopping online, too. When I was younger, I used to buy all my clothes in physical stores, but these days I buy about half my clothes in-person and the other half online, especially now that I shop at stores where I automatically know what size and fit I need. Many of my friends do the same, and I suspect you’re nodding your head right now too, thinking about your own shopping habits. So make sure to get a shopping app that you can use online, too!

Look for Apps That Reward 

In addition to being versatile, the best shopping apps for clothes, in my opinion, all work with a rewards system. What this means is that instead of having some kind of sale alert or coupon functionality, they give you rewards points instead. You can then trade these rewards points in for gift cards or use them to earn cashback. I think it’s pointless to use an app that doesn’t reward you. If you’re rewarded for making a purchase, you’re probably going to purchase again to earn even more rewards. 

In addition to being versatile, the best shopping apps for clothes, in my opinion, all work with a rewards system.

Give Shopkick a Try

If you’re in need of a suggestion for a shopping app for clothes, I would recommend Shopkick—it checks all the boxes I talked about above. You can use it both online and in-person. It gives you points for several different activities, including walking into stores, scanning barcodes on items, and making purchases. Finally, it also gives you rewards points, which it calls kicks, that you can trade-in for gift cards that are just as good as cash.

What I also like about Shopkick is that the list of stores where you can use it is so large. I can use Shopkick at stores with great savings on designers like T.J. Maxxx, Marshalls, and Kohls. I can also use it for the stores where I like to get my work or going out clothes, like Lane Bryant and Banana Republic. I can even use it to get workout clothes at Under Armour! The list of stores is always growing so it’s best to check with the app often so you know which stores to find the best deals and earn the most kicks. And, while you’re checking it, click the “Discover” tab to learn about new products, too! 

I highly recommend Shopkick as the shopping app for clothes that will have all your friends envying you. The list of stores is unmatched, you can use it both online and off, and it’s a whole lot of fun. With Shopkick, I’ve been saving more and more money while shopping for clothes. And you know what that means, I can afford to buy more clothes at my favorite stores!

It’s time to get your kicks while shopping for clothes! Shopkick is the best shopping app for clothes that will have all your friends envying you. Download the app today! 

Image courtesy of Syda Productions

Counting Cupids: Shopkick Valentine’s Day Stats!

We polled over 11,000 of our Shopkick users to find out what they had in the works for the big Day of Love this year. See what we found out below!

Men Know Their Expectations This Year

40% of Men, compared to only 31% of Women, believe it’s “very important” to give a gift this Valentine’s Day. What’s more, they plan on outspending women 2:1. Men have an average of $207.60 earmarked for their significant other, while women are only looking at spending an average of $89.54 on their loved ones. But ladies, you’re off the hook, as over half of men (55%) don’t find it important at all to receive a gift this year.


Moms Still Wanna Have Fun

Over half of respondents (55%) said they are even more excited about Valentine’s Day since becoming a parent. Whether it’s candy, arts & crafts, or valentines for the whole classroom, parents will be rolling their sleeves up, and spending an average of $44.39 to spoil their kids this season.


Hopelessly in Love With You

Overall, over 75% of respondents (including three-quarters of men!) consider themselves “romantic.” While 44% of these self-proclaimed romantics start planning Valentine’s Day a full month out, the remaining 25% of Valentine’s Day scrooges cut it close, with over 50% waiting until the day before or the day-of to start their planning!


Need Some V-Day Inspiration?

Check Shopkick for a roundup of our favorite Valentine’s Day gifts you can get kicks for. Whoever said you don’t get when you give? Don’t have the app? Download here to start earning free gift cards for your shopping today!

How will you be celebrating Valentine’s this year Shopkickers?

Date night outfit ideas on a dime!

As a mommy of three boys who desperately looks forward to a date night with the hubby when the opportunity arises, one of my first thoughts on the subject is usually “What am I going to wear?!?!?” This is always a bit of a struggle, as my normal wardrobe consists of business casual for the workday and yoga / athletic wear for the after hours baseball games and kids sporting events that consume nearly every evening. Needless to say, neither my closet nor my budget allows me the luxury of Jimmy Choo’s and a fabulous new little black dress to wow the hubby. So, what is a girl to do when looking for a fresh date night outfit?

Utilize the All-Powerful Pinterest

More often than not, a few lingering minutes on Pinterest actually does my heart and my fashion sense some amazing good. Many times I stumble across a date night outfit that I LOVE, and then I head straight for closet with that inspiration to see if any of my current clothing items can work together and achieve a knock-off version of that style. It is always amazing to me when I find a gem buried in the back of my racks that is just what I need to pull an outfit together.

Raid a Friend’s Closet

As a mom on a budget, one of my favorite thrifty tips for clothing is to have a friend or sister who will share her wardrobe with you. Even if your bestie isn’t the same pant or shoe size, many tops and accessories can be made to fit a variety of people. Plus, if you both share what you’ve got, it doubles the options for both of you and gives a lot more possibilities for new outfit combos.

Shop Used Clothing Options

Another way that I keep my date night wardrobe hot without breaking the bank is by buying used. From thrift stores and garage sales to Facebook marketplace and Ebay auctions, there are TONS of very nice clothes out there that can be purchased for pennies on the dollar because they hung in someone else’s closet for a bit before finding their way to you.  

Looking for new outfit ideas for date night? We've got you covered!

Mix up an Old Favorite

If your husband is anything like mine, he remembers baseball stats from 2 years ago, but likely couldn’t tell you what I wore the last few times we had a date night. Being a woman of opportunity and budget, I use this to my advantage and recycle old date night outfits. Of course, I remember what I wore and like to keep things fun and fresh, so I mix up that repeat dress with a fun cardigan, a different shoe choice, and maybe a scarf or belt accessory.

So now that you have some ideas brewing on HOW to find fab outfits, let me give you some advice on WHAT to wear! Here are my favorite “go-to” ways to dress amazingly using a lot of what I already have on hand.

Dress Up Jeans with a Sexy Top

Whether you are into a super skinny pencil jean, a slightly distressed boyfriend style, or even white or brightly colored denim, pairing jeans you already own and love with a sexy top is a great way to create a new style without having to reinvent the fashion wheel. My most recent favorite is my dark grey skinnies paired with a slightly sparkly black top. Depending on the date, pair with either heels or flats to finish the look. You can find affordable options at T.J. Maxx or Marshalls (and don’t forget to earn free gift cards while you’re shopping!). 

Monochromatic with a Jacket

When I was in high school, my mom warned me never to wear the same color on top and bottom. As I grew older and learned to beat to the rhythm of my own fashion drum, I found that I really love pairing a monochromatic outfit with a jacket, blazer, or cardigan of some sort. All black is a favorite for its slimming quality and goes great with my cutesy cropped jean jacket for a casual look, as well as with my khaki blazer if I want a bit more sophistication.  I also sometimes opt for a monochromatic gray outfit when I am feeling edgy and pair it with a stunning leather jacket. If you want a bit more depth and color, add a scarf to the mix and you’ve got a great date night style.

Show A Little Skin

As a mom, I am not normally the epitome of a sex kitten when I am in my natural habitat of work or home.  My husband thinks I am beautiful no matter what I wear, but one of the things that I have come to realize is that choosing an outfit for date night that shows a little more skin than normal really gets him excited. While I stay away from these styles for the office or PTA meetings, I do have a few outfits in my repertoire that I bring out especially for him. Ideas to try include off the shoulder or no shoulder tops, shorter than normal skirts or dresses, low cut blouses or those with open back designs.

No matter what style, fabric, color, or genre your date night outfit falls into, be sure that you have fun with it! The sexiest outfit you will wear is one that you feel beautiful, confident, and fabulous in.