6 Spaces to Organize at Home

In between planning safe ways to celebrate Halloween and completing fun apple crafts, we have been thinking about other ways we can spend time at home as days become cooler and shorter. Our brainstorming sessions have led us to want to make our homes even cozier, so organizing is definitely on the horizon!

When you hear or see the word “organize”, your mind may wander to thoughts of full days spent cleaning and big spaces becoming decluttered. That sounds overwhelming to us! So, instead, we have smaller areas and projects on our minds. From your hall closet to your kids’ playroom (and a few additional spaces in between), here are the spaces we’ll be organizing and how you can join in too.

1. Closet:

No, we’re not suggesting you pour through your entire closet and decide which items “spark joy” like Marie Kondo. Instead, set aside 15-30 minutes to organize your hall closet or laundry room.

Place coats you and your family will wear during the fall and winter front and center and possibly relocate items you know you won’t need or wear again until the spring or summer. Then review hats, gloves, and scarves. Does every glove have a match? Does everything you own still fit? Do you like the items in the closet? Plan to toss or donate anything that no longer fits the bill.

For even more organization, think about investing in baskets or clear Tupperware containers for each person in your family. Then place their hats, gloves, and scarves inside their baskets or bins. It’s a great way to keep an eye on everyone’s things while establishing a go-to spot for each person.

2. Kitchen Drawers:

We spend a lot of time in our kitchens, and the space becomes even more of a hub during the fall and winter. So, organize your drawers! 

Go through your kitchen gadgets and review what you have. Does everything work? Do you use all of the items? What can you toss? What do you need to repurchase? Throw items away, create a pile to donate, and make a list of anything new you would like to add.

Another idea? Purchase organizers for drawers that have always housed loose items, and make your utensil drawer look pristine. 

3. Pantry:

Your entire family likely visits your pantry multiple times per day, so it can become disorganized quickly and easily. Set aside time to get the space back in order!

Consider reviewing expiration dates to make sure all of your products are still usable. Then review where everything is placed and decide if that works best for your family. We’ve found having zones in a pantries works well. For example, dry ingredients for dinner are together, condiments are grouped together, breakfast foods have a space, and snacks have a nook too. We also know families who have opted to purchase organizers to keep specific things together!

Ideally, your pantry should be a spot anyone in your family can visit, find what they need quickly, and close the door again.

4. Refrigerator:

Similar to your pantry, your refrigerator is another frequently visited area in your kitchen. So, are the items in it all up to date? Consider making sure condiments and other food items haven’t expired. Decide if you’re going to eat any leftovers. Make sure foods are grouped together (your crisper really does keep fruit and vegetables fresh longer!). 

If you want to take things to the next level, reimagine how you store food and drinks in your refrigerator. Consider taking water bottles, juice boxes, and soda out of the boxes or plastic it may arrive in, and place each container loose inside. You may even want to invest in organizers to keep the interior even more organized!

5. Desk:

Many of us continue to work from home or perhaps you’ve worked from home for years. When was the last time you organized your desk? The top is likely fairly polished, but your drawers may not have been organized for a while. 

Think about removing everything from your desk’s interior and reviewing it. Decide if you need to keep all of the items. Review paperwork that may need to be placed in another spot for safe keeping, and toss anything you no longer need. Another thing to do: test your pens, pencils, and markers. Then toss what has dried up and place items that are the same in cups or bags. 

Knowing your workspace is organized both outside and inside will definitely help your productivity during the days and weeks to come!

6. Kids’ Playroom:

Your kids’ playroom is definitely the largest project to take on. But, you can definitely tackle this room in stages, which means you can take on specific areas at a time.

If you want to tackle the whole room, open all closets, storage containers, and bins so you can see everything your kids own. Then review and organize items area-by-area. Take care to consider how often your kids play with specific toys, whether or not they may have outgrown items, and if there are pieces you know are missing. You may even find you want to rotate toys into new areas. For example, toys you wish your kids enjoyed more or those you know they love might be best in prominent, easy to reach areas. On the flip side, toys that require help or supervision might be best further out of reach. 

Another thing to do is to tackle specific areas at a time. For example, you might spend time reviewing books or dolls or Legos. Decide what you would like to keep, toss, and donate. Then review another section another day. Organizing anything one grouping at a time will add up as you go, and you will know you have been thoughtful with your efforts!

Some may find it helpful to organize the space without their kids present, while others may want to involve kids in the process. Neither option is wrong! Whatever you do, make sure the process and the organization method you choose is something your kids can either help you to maintain or maintain on their own. 

What space will you organize first? Do you have any organization tips to add? Let us know on Facebook!

4 Simple Hacks for Productivity

Do you feel like you’re due for a reset whenever a new season begins? We’re right there with you! Currently, we’re tempted to edit all areas of our lives, from recipes we’re cooking to how we’re staying organized. Instead of tackling everything all at once (life is better in moderation anyway!), we thought we would do a deep dive into one area: productivity.  

One of the best feelings at the end of the day is knowing you spent your time well, and that looks different for all of us. One person might say they feel like their day is an A+ when they complete every task on their to-do list, while someone else might say they had a great day because they enjoyed a great workout, read a book, or spent time with family. Although our days may look different, the feelings that offer us fulfillment are the same: we did what we set out to do. 

So, here is our question to you: Why limit your great days to those that happen now and again? Here are four quick and easy tips to get your productivity on track so you can give the day an A+ more often than not!

Focus on the Small Picture:

Just like you, we create long to-do lists. However, sometimes we end up feeling overwhelmed by the number of tasks we need to complete rather than energized by having things to do. So, break it down and hone in on the “small picture” rather than focusing solely on the “big picture”.

For example, if you want to organize your closest, you have uncovered your big picture goal. But, a quick look inside will tell you there is quite a distance between how it might look now and the ideal situation you have in your mind. So, create smaller goals. Something like sort t-shirts into groups to keep, toss, or donate groups or place same season clothes together feels much more doable. 

The important thing to keep in mind is each small task you complete acts as a building block. Sooner rather than later you will have built your way toward placing a check mark next your big picture goal! 

Set Three Goals:

Similar to the above, it’s unlikely you will be able to complete a long to-do list in one day. So, choose three goals or tasks to work on throughout the day. It may look like working out, meeting a deadline, and attending a soccer game. If you finish a task or all three, feel free to add an additional goal if time allows. The key thing is if you *only* complete those top three goals, you will still end the day knowing you got your three *most important* things done. And, that counts! 

Limit Your Screen Time:

We see this suggestion time and time again, but we still find we spend quite a bit of time on our phones. Our suggestion? Make physical changes by creating barriers, so your phone truly isn’t an opinion.

Consider charging your phone (or other screens!) in another room if you’re trying to work or even watch TV uninterrupted. Another idea is to set a “screen time” within your phone’s Settings. A message will pop up when you’ve spent too much time on social media, for example. A third idea is to create “no phone zones”, whether that involves not using your phone in certain rooms or areas of your home (the dinner table!) or times when you need to put it away (right before bed). 

By creating physical barriers, you will find you not only spend less time in front of a screen but also that you want to spend more time doing something else!

Block Your Time:

If your high school had block scheduling, this concept will likely sound familiar. Essentially, the idea is to section your day off into specific “blocks” of time. For example, you might start your day off with a block of time to spend with your kids and your dog. Then, you might have a block of time devoted to emails. After that, you might tackle a more difficult project for another period of time before pausing for lunch and to-dos that don’t require as much effort.

The goal with blocking your time is to allow yourself to have the space during your day to devote serious time to focusing on one specific task. That way you don’t feel as though you’re popping from one thing to the next before anything is complete.

What are your best productivity tips? Keep sharing on Facebook!

6 Ways to Lower Your Stress

Throughout the past few months, it’s safe to say we have all oscillated in feeling a complete variety of ways. One day we might be relishing in our ability to safely stay at home and spend time with our loved ones, and the next day we might feel as though we are itching for the sense of normalcy we felt at the beginning of the year. There is no one right way to feel (we’re leaning into it all!), but we have found it’s important to discover new ways or dive back into old habits in order to keep our stress levels in check. Whether you’re facing decisions about school or a desire to go back in time, try one of these six ways to lower your stress levels below. 

1. Read:

One of the best ways to disconnect is to get lost in a great book. There are plenty of sites to turn to for inspiration if you’re looking to create a reading list or simply find one great read. Try Reese’s Book Club, Read with Jenna, the Bad on Paper Podcast Book Club, and/or this list from Real Simple about the best books from 2020 (so far). The great thing about reading is you can slot in a few moments throughout the day to read a page or two or you can set aside a full block of time to complete a number of chapters. Once you start, we think reading will become a daily habit you look forward to throughout the day!

2. Exercise:

Exercise looks different for everyone. Some people love to get in a spin workout at home on a stationary bike with an app; others like to run, golf, or play tennis; while other people prefer to take a walk. No matter what you choose to do, make sure it’s something that doesn’t feel like a chore. The idea with exercising to lower your stress is to move in ways that bring you joy and boost your mood, rather than spending any time dreading working out as though it’s a to-do you would rather skip over. Before your workout, create a playlist, download a podcast, or purchase an audiobook!

3. Cook:

Whether it’s on our blog or in our app, we love sharing new recipes with you! We find cooking is a great outlet because it combines the process of following steps with an opportunity to be creative. Plus, it’s something that requires focus. Altogether, we find we do feel more relaxed and stress-free when we try cooking or baking a new recipe. The best news? You will (likely!) end up with delicious results to enjoy with your family or share with friends. 

4. Craft:

Similar to cooking, spending time working on a craft also involves working with your hands. Because it’s physical (and clearly creative!), we find our stress starts to dissipate because we have a fun task to focus on. Think about working on a DIY project, making something with your kids (Good Housekeeping has plenty of ideas!), paint, or learn how to sew or stitch. Don’t be surprised when you end up with a number of completed projects and a newfound hobby! 

5. Write:

Oftentimes, things are less stressful than they may seem in our minds once we can stare at them on paper. So, make a list! You might note things you need or want to accomplish, ideas you don’t want to forget, or even specific things that have been adding to your feelings of stress. Journaling or even typing an email to yourself are both known as being great tools to help you process whatever you’re feeling. Once it’s on paper, work to complete the to-dos or try to release your thoughts.

6. Connect:

Sometimes feelings of stress can be magnified when we spend too much time mulling things over within ourselves. So, call a friend or family member and talk! You don’t have to run through all that might be bothering you. Instead, it might be helpful to ask them questions about their lives as a way to turn off your own thought process. Another idea: meet for coffee, a meal, or ice cream together. Sometimes even five minutes spent with another person is enough to fill our wells for quite a while.

It’s safe to say we’re all experiencing stress, albeit for different reasons and in different ways, but it’s important to find ways to cope. So, how do you combat your stress? Let us know on Facebook!

5 Easy Backyard Projects to Complete This Summer

Travel plans and vacation may be cancelled this summer, but that doesn’t mean you can’t create an outdoor oasis at home! While it’s a bummer that we’re not jetsetting to our next adventure, we can’t wait to make incredible memories at home this summer. Here are 5 easy backyard improvements to get your home staycation ready. 

1. Give Your Furniture a Makeover

Re-sand, paint, or stain your outdoor furniture! Whether you want to spruce up an old table or you’re getting a little tired of your current patio set, this is a super affordable option to make your furniture feel brand new. Pro Tips: be sure to sand off any rust, remove loose paint, and consider your climate when choosing new paint. 

2. Upgrade Your Light Fixtures 

Light fixtures may seem like a small detail, but they can make a big statement. Swap your old fixtures for new ones, or paint them along with your furniture to give them a new look. We love this tutorial from Confessions of a DIYer! If you’re feeling fancy, you can even automate your lighting so it’s on a timer schedule. 

3. Start a Garden

Is “backyard to table” the new “farm to table?” We think so! If you’re a beginner gardener, we recommend starting with tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, and green beans. Not ready to take on fruits and veggies yet? Start an herb garden and use your herbs in summer cocktails! We recommend trying this Cucumber Basil Gimlet with your homegrown basil and cucumbers. 

4. Power Wash 

Is it just us or is there something insanely satisfying about watching buildup on your outdoor spaces be washed away? Plus, power washing can make any sidewalk, patio, or piece of furniture look brand new! You can opt to rent a pressure washer from most improvement stores, or you can invest in one to always have on hand for any cleaning needs. 

5. Add Solar Lighting 

Outdoor lighting will allow you to enjoy your outdoor oasis long after the sun has gone down. Solar lighting is a win because a) you don’t need to worry about finding an outlet and b) no electricity needed! Your electric bill will thank you. We love these blown glass solar lanterns from Home Depot and this path lighting from Lowe’s! 

There you have it! 5 simple projects to create the ultimate backyard haven this summer. Don’t forget that you’ll earn kicks with every dollar spent online at Home Depot and Lowe’s through your Shopkick app!

12 Foods to Always Stock at Home

Because we have been enjoying many more meals at home (and we think this will continue for the foreseeable future!), we thought we would share the foods we have been keeping on hand to make meal and snack prep simple and quick. Keep reading below for 12 foods we’ve learned to always keep stocked in the pantry, refrigerator, and freezer! 

The Pantry: 

1. Pasta and Jarred Sauce:

Pasta is part of many of our weekly meal plans, and it’s a quick and easy meal that almost always allows for leftovers. Consider adding ground meat or vegetables to your pasta, and stir in sauce from a jar in order to keep your meal prep simple.  

2. Rice:

Rice has a long shelf life, which means it’s likely to not expire before you use it. Plus, it pairs well with many different lunch and dinner recipes. Consider mixing it into taco bowls for a Taco Tuesday!

3. Soup:

Rainy days make us crave soup and grilled cheese no matter the season, so we always like to keep it in our pantry. If you’re looking for a challenge, try making your own soup from scratch! 

4. Prepackaged Snacks:

If you have kids, think about dedicating a shelf (or a few!) to snacks your kids can reach and enjoy on their own. Prepackaged snacks work wonderfully for kids because they’re already portioned, which means there’s not a need for them (or you!) to portion out the proper serving size. They’re also helpful for adults too, especially now when multiple snacks throughout the day has become part of the norm.

5. Boxed Baking Mixes:

Baking has become one of our go-to hobbies while at home, and sometimes it’s just as fun to whip together a boxed mix as it is to create a recipe from scratch. We love having a box mix for cake or cupcakes, brownies, muffins, or cookies on hand for a fun treat that’s also serves as an activity.

Refrigerator and Freezer:

1. Yeast:

We mentioned in this post that we have been baking bread often, so we’ve found it’s helpful to keep yeast on hand. Yeast does keep for a while, so you won’t need to worry about it expiring. Plus, you will always be ready to bake your next bread recipe!

2. Sliced Fruit:

There are preferred ways to store your fruit, and it’s best to only cut up what you plan to eat in order for it to keep and not spoil. But, if you know you will be eating your fruit quickly, keep it prepped in your refrigerator, so it’s ready for you to grab and go! 

3. Cut Vegetables:

The same notes about fruit we mentioned above are also true about vegetables. But, we all do feel more encouraged to snack and cook with vegetables that are washed and cut in advance. One great trick for vegetables is mini carrots! Most are snack sized already, and they’re also already washed. 

4. Salad Mix:

If you’re looking for a new option for lunch, consider adding prepackaged salad mixed to your refrigerator. Some even have dressing and other ingredients, like nuts, cheese, or dried fruit, included, so your salad will be ready to serve and enjoy in minutes.

5. Meat:

We like to keep meat, like ground beef and chicken, on hand. You will want to make sure to defrost it in advance, which does involve thinking ahead, but meat does keep longer overall if it’s frozen.

6. Pizza:

We like to enjoy pizza on the weekends, but it’s fun to do an impromptu pizza night during the week too! As a result, we always keep a pizza or two in the freezer that we can heat in the oven with a moment’s notice. You can still add toppings to frozen pizza too, so don’t be afraid to add those ingredients to your shopping list.

7. English Muffins or Bread:

If you’re not planning to bake bread or you would prefer to keep other ready made options available, consider storing your bread in the freezer where it will stay fresh longer. As a note, English muffins are wonderful for breakfast paired with eggs, plus you can also make sandwiches with them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. And, they’re the perfect base for English muffin pizzas – a favorite among kids and adults alike!

Let us know how you are stocking your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer on Facebook!

5 Surfaces to Sanitize in Under 10 Minutes

Between spending much more time at home living in our spaces rather than passing by throughout the day to having a desire to be extra vigilant to keep spaces tidy, we have made sure to keep our most visited spaces cleaner than ever before. Although we (and you!) feel like we have sanitized every surface, there are likely a few that might be flying under the radar. The good news is these five areas are quick to clean, and we think you can cross them off of your list in 10 minutes or less. Keep reading below! 

1. Cell Phone & Tablet:

Cleaning your cell phone and tablet might make you feel alarmed, but there are plenty of products that are safe to use on your tech. Look for tech cleaning kits at stores like Walmart, Target, or an office supply location, which often include a cleaning solution and a microfiber cloth. This article also points out other methods for cleaning your tech, like using hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes.

2. Counters:

One of the most visited areas in your home is your kitchen, especially as we all make more meals at home. So, make sure to wipe down your kitchen counters regularly. You might even want to wipe them down before and after meals to be extra vigilant! Speaking of counters, don’t forget to wipe down the counters in your bathroom.

3. Door Knobs, Handles, Faucets, & Switch Plates:

We are always closing doors, touching faucets, opening cabinets, and turning lights on and off. As a result, each represents a surface that should be wiped down regularly. A disinfectant wipe will do the trick! 

4. Computer:

Whether you’re working from home or working from an office, our fingers are always touching our computer’s keys. So, wipe them down! Make sure to use a computer friendly product when you do clean off your keyboard. A tech specific cleaning solution and a microfiber cloth will do the trick! This article goes into even more depth about how to properly clean this frequently used item.

5. Remote:

Whether you’re watching cable TV, a movie, or binging shows and movies from a streaming service, you are likely using your remote. Make sure to clean your remote often! Consider using a disinfectant wipe on it either at least once per day.

To make the process less daunting, set a timer and clean as much as you can in a 5-10 minute window. Then repeat later in the day to clean any areas you may have missed.

Let us know your best cleaning tips on Facebook!

6 Ways to Store Produce to Keep it Fresh

Our refrigerators look and feel as though they are more stocked now than ever before. Because we’re trying to stick to our healthy (or somewhat healthy!) regimens, much of what’s inside our refrigerators is produce. With an increase in purchasing produce also comes an increased desire to make sure it stays fresh throughout the week. We’ve been researching some of the best tips and tricks, and we’re sharing what we’ve learned and uncovered on our own below. 

1. Make Sure Produce is Dry:

When we arrive home from the grocery store, one of our instincts is to rinse off our produce. While that’s a great idea in theory, produce can start to go bad if it’s too wet in your refrigerator. If you do plan to wash your produce, make sure it’s completely dry before you put it away. This is when your salad spinner comes into play!

2. Skip Rinsing Berries (for now):

You will absolutely want to rinse off your berries before you eat them, but berries don’t love being exposed to too much moisture. As a result, according to this article, it may actually be best to leave your berries in their original packages for now and rinse them off in bunches that you plan to eat right away.

3. Treat Herbs Like Flowers:

When you bring flowers home, you likely place them in a vase. Sometimes, you might even place your vase by the window. Many herbs like to be treated the same way! So, save space in your fridge and add herbs to your windowsill or countertop instead.

4. Line Your Crisper:

Chances are high that your produce will either produce moisture while inside your refrigerator or not all of the water from the rinsing you did when you got home will have dried off. So, line the bottom of your crisper’s drawer with paper towels. We know they are a hot commodity, but they will help to keep your produce fresh.  

5. Store Fruit Properly:

Before you add all of your fruit to your refrigerator, double check that’s where it likes to be stored. Items like apples will stay fresh longer when placed in the refrigerator, but they will ripen faster if they’re left at room temperature. Bananas, on the other hand, don’t like to be in the refrigerator. Instead, keep them at room temperature.

6. Don’t Over Buy:

The temptation to purchase all items in bulk is definitely there right now, but try to keep in mind what your family will eat throughout the week. If you still find that you’re having to toss items, think about buying less or stop at the grocery store midway through the week to pick up additional produce once your family has finished the first batch of berries or bananas, for example. Produce has definitely been kept well stocked!

What ways have you uncovered to keep your produce fresh? Keep the conversation going on Facebook!

10 Easy Flowers to Grow in Your Garden

After talking about easy indoor plants to care for inside your home on Monday, we thought we would step outside once more to explore flowers for your garden. Growing a garden is a summertime ritual many of us at Shopkick greatly look forward to each year. It’s a chance to embrace spending time outside, exploring a hobby for a complete season, and adding plenty of color to decks, porches, and balconies. But, where to start if you’ve never planted flowers before may give you pause. So, today we thought we would share 10 of the easiest flowers to plant in your garden or simply in a few pots outside. Take a look!

10 Easy Flowers to Grow in Your Garden:

10 Easy Flowers to Grow in Your Garden | www.shopkick.com

1. Begonias:

Begonias are a classic flower to grow during the late spring and throughout the summer. We often spot them in red, which is sure to brighten up your outdoor space. If you have a spot that offers some shade, begonias will do well there. An important thing to note: Begonias thrive most when pruned, which means popping flowers that have died off of the stem in order to encourage the new growth underneath to flourish.

10 Easy Flowers to Grow in Your Garden | www.shopkick.com

2. Dusty Miller:

Dusty Miller is often included in wedding bouquets because it resembles greenery. For that reason, it’s also popular to add to pots and flower boxes to act as a “filler” of sorts. Think about placing Dusty Miller in between flower groupings to add texture and fullness.

10 Easy Flowers to Grow in Your Garden | www.shopkick.com

3. Geraniums:

If you’re considering making your own hanging pots, look no further than geraniums! These flowers easily cascade over the side of pots, which looks lovely when hanging. Plus, they are one of the more fragrant summer annuals, but their scent is always fresh rather than overpowering. Geraniums also do well in pots if you don’t have a spot to hang them!

10 Easy Flowers to Grow in Your Garden | www.shopkick.com

4. Gerbera Daisies:

If your kids will be involved in your garden, consider planting gerbera daisies. The flowers can be found in a variety of colors, and many of them are bright and fun. Like other flowers, gerbera daisies do like both water and sun, so if you have both available, you will be all set!

10 Easy Flowers to Grow in Your Garden | www.shopkick.com

5. Lantana:

If you’re hoping to attract butterflies to your garden, add lantana! It’s available in several different colors, but one we always enjoy seeing is yellow. It does tend to grow taller than some other flowers, and it looks wonderful when paired with petunias and vincas in the same pot.

10 Easy Flowers to Grow in Your Garden | www.shopkick.com

6. Marigolds:

Marigolds are one of the easiest flowers to grow on a list that’s already filled with easy options! They do like sun and drained soil, so you will want to make sure they don’t become over watered. Marigolds are also known to keep critters, including bugs and deer, away from gardens, which makes them an excellent choice to add to vegetable patch exteriors.

10 Easy Flowers to Grow in Your Garden | www.shopkick.com

7. Petunias:

Similar to vincas, which we’ll talk more about below, petunias are relatively easy to care for. They do well in full sun and definitely thrive when watered regularly. In order to encourage new growth, make sure to pop off flowers that have died from the stems. New growth is likely well underway underneath!

10 Easy Flowers to Grow in Your Garden | www.shopkick.com

8. Salvias:

If you live in an area that experiences high heat, salvias will thrive in your conditions. These red flowers love warm temperatures and water, so if you can combine both you will see great results. Salvia also grows taller, which means it’s a great flower to include if you’re looking to add height to your garden.

10 Easy Flowers to Grow in Your Garden | www.shopkick.com

9. Vincas:

If we could only choose one flower to suggest for you to grow, it would be vincas. These flowers are hearty and beautiful, and they love being in the sun. They tend to spread to fill pots throughout the summer, and while they do thrive when watered regularly they can also survive well on less. Another perk? Depending on your climate, your vincas may last through early fall.

10 Easy Flowers to Grow in Your Garden | www.shopkick.com

10. Zinnias:

Similar to gerbera daisies, zinnias are also known for their rich and bright colors! Consider pairing zinnias with vincas or petunias for a vibrant flower box, and make sure to remove flowers that have died. As long as you maintain them, zinnias will keep blooming throughout the summer season and into early fall.

What flowers will you grow in your garden? Chime in on Facebook!

*All photos via The Home Depot.

The Best House Plants for Your Home

While we have been spending more time at home, we have been looking for ways to bring nature inside. It’s felt like a welcome respite to see plants and flowers throughout our homes! In order to source new house plants, we have been looking for online options with great selections. And, we have noticed 1800Flowers.com has plenty to explore! After searching through their inventory, we thought we would share some of the house plants we have discovered that promise to last for years while only requiring you to follow simple care instructions. 

The Best House Plants for Your Home | www.shopkick.com

Dieffenbachia Plant:

The Dieffenbachia Plant is available in three sizes on 1800Flowers.com – floor, table size, and shelf – which means you can choose the best option for your home. The leaves feature a variety of green and yellow tones, which we’re drawn to. Plus, the plant loves indirect sunlight and evenly moist soil. The care is simple, but it will require a little more effort than other options on our list.

The Best House Plants for Your Home | www.shopkick.com

My Pet Plant:

We spotted this Pet Plant, and immediately thought of dog and cat lovers as well as kids. The plant that arrives in the cat or dog planter is a spider plant, which only requires water when the soil is dry. Spider plants don’t love direct sunlight, but any other kind of light will work! If you opt to purchase this house plant, you can also choose to have it arrive with cat or dog treats for your real life animal.

The Best House Plants for Your Home | www.shopkick.com

Pilea Peperomioides Plant:

If you have heard about propagating, which means starting a new plant using a leaf and roots from an existing plant, the Pilea Peperomioides Plant might be for you! 1800Flowers.com describes this plant as one that has extra bright and airy green leaves. It requires water when the soil is dry, which means the care is very simple! Plus, it doesn’t grow too large, which means it will always look wonderful on a table, desk, or counter.

The Best House Plants for Your Home | www.shopkick.com

Snake Plant:

Snake Plants grow vertically, so they will always feel like 1800Flowers describes – modern and architectural. Similar to the other options on our list, snake plants only require water when the soil is dry, and they do enjoy indirect sunlight the most. A bonus? They purify the air! 

The Best House Plants for Your Home | www.shopkick.com

Fiddle Leaf Fig Floor Plant:

If you have spent any time reading blogs or exploring Instagram, you have likely seen Fiddle Leaf Fig trees! They are one of the most popular house plants, but be warned – they do require a bit more work in order to truly thrive. According to 1800Flowers.com, Fiddle Leaf Figs do best in inside spaces that offer indirect sunlight, watering when the soil is dry paired with daily misting, and space to grow. Humidity is also a bonus for Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees, so you will definitely benefit if you live in the south!

Do you like to grow house plants at home? What plants would you recommend that are easy to care for? Let us know on Facebook!

5 Books Turned into Shows to Watch on Hulu

Since the debut of streaming services, like Hulu, there has felt like there is a complete plethora of new movies and series. That’s definitely beneficial now while many of us are practicing physical distancing at home! We’re always most curious to watch shows that originated as books because we’re eager to see how the production and creative teams have changed the storylines (if at all). So, today we’re highlighting five books turned into TV shows that you can start streaming now on Hulu! 

1. Little Fires Everywhere

Celeste Ng’s “Little Fires Everywhere” debuted in March as a new series on Hulu, and Hello Sunshine, Reese Witherspoon’s production company, is one of the teams behind the series. Reese also stars in the show as Elena, one of the main characters, along with Kerry Washington, who plays Mia – an artist who moves to town with her daughter Pearl. Through twists and turns, the series follows both women and their families as their lives intertwine in the ‘90s in Shaker Heights, Ohio. You will be guessing about who started the little fires you see in the first scene until the very end of episode eight when the season comes to a close. We’re already hoping there will be a season two!

2. Big Little Lies

Liane Moriarty’s “Big Little Lies” is one of the author’s most well received novels. It weaves together the story about Madeline, Celeste, and Jane, and the book opens with a murder. The book felt made for TV, so when Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, and Shailene Woodley debuted on the screen as the famed characters, the series was immediately a cult favorite. The first season featured seven episodes, and fans were quickly requesting a second season. The creative team happily obliged, so there are currently two seasons available on Hulu!

3. Pretty Little Liars

If you enjoy YA novels with a mysterious twist, you will likely be a fan of “Pretty Little Liars”. The book series is set outside of Philadelphia, and it centers around the lives of five high school best friends. The problem is one of their friends, Alison, is found dead in her yard, and the four remaining friends keep receiving messages from “A”. Who is “A”? You’ll have to watch the series, which is available on Hulu, to find out! There are seven seasons available.

4. Pride & Prejudice

In 1995, Jane Austin’s “Pride and Prejudice” debuted on the BBC starring Colin Firth. Now, the famed novel and series are both available for you to stream on Hulu. There is only one season available, but it does tell the complete story of the Bennett sisters and their love interests, including Mr. Darcy.

5. Younger

Can Liza successfully find a new job in publishing after raising her daughter? Will her peers believe she’s half her age? “Younger” originated as a book by the same name by Pamela Redmond Satran, and the series, which is set in New York City, follows the same arc (with new twists, of course). Starring Sutton Foster and Hilary Duff, the series is reminiscent of “Gilmore Girls” if Lorelai and Rory were living in the city. There are currently six seasons of “Younger” available on Hulu, and the next season will hopefully debut later this year on TV Land. 

Will you read the book before watching the series? And, which series piques your interest the most? Let us know on Facebook!