How to earn cashback on household bills—the easy way

When you live in a household with three boys like my husband and I do, very few things are predictable. We never know how much they’re going to eat in one day, although we do know it’s a lot. We never know what kind of mess will be made but we know there will be a big one. In fact, I like to joke that the only things that seem to remain constant in our house are the utility bills and the need to go back out shopping.

As you can imagine, those are also the things that put the biggest strain on my budget each month. For many years I’ve often found myself wishing there was a way to save on one or the other. Well, as fate would just so have it, I recently found a way to save on one by doing the other—I found out how to earn cashback on household bills by shopping. That’s right! You can use your everyday trips to the grocery store to help out with other expenses around the house.  

Earn Cashback on Household Bills

If bills are straining your budget like they’re doing mine, you’re going to want to check out these ways to earn cashback on household bills. 


The first way I’ve found to earn cashback on household bills is by using Instacart. When I was first introduced to this app I was thrilled at the idea of having someone do the grocery shopping for me. Now, my budget doesn’t always allow me to take advantage of that. But thankfully, there’s another side of Instacart that I’ve found to be pretty beneficial. 

The way you can earn cashback on household bills through Instacart is by sort of reversing it and being the person who goes out and does the shopping. It’s really that simple. Someone like me who is just too busy to get to the store needs some shopping done, you go out and do that shopping, and then you have the extra cash to put toward your household bills. 

Starbucks App

how to earn cashback on household billsI guess I was maybe a little less than accurate earlier when I said that the only two things that stay constant in my house are my household bills and my need to go shopping. If I’m being honest, there’s also a third constant in my house—my own personal need for Starbucks, specifically flat whites, which are my absolute favorite. Even in the summertime, I’ll find myself stopping by Starbucks for a quick pick-me-up. And, there’s also a way to earn cashback for household bills in the process.

The way to do this is by downloading the Starbucks app. That way, every time you go into Starbucks, you’re getting points that eventually pile up and help you get free drinks. And you know what? If you’re anything like me, the money you’re spending on Starbucks drinks goes a long way, and it can really help you put a dent in your household bills. Oh, and one more tip: you can also use the Starbucks app to have your drink waiting for you when you arrive so that you can even skip the line! 


The last way to earn cashback on household bills also happens to be my favorite. It’s a shopping rewards app called Shopkick. What Shopkick does is give you points, which it cleverly calls “kicks,” that you can trade-in later for cashback through PayPal cash credit, or for gift cards to many of your favorite stores. Shopkick turns your everyday shopping into a way to earn rewards that you can use on later trips so that you have more money to put toward your household bills. It’s pretty awesome!

Why Shopkick is my favorite, though, is because it also turns every trip out to the store into a fun scavenger hunt to get your kicks. With Shopkick, you get kicks for things like walking into certain stores, scanning barcodes of certain products, and, of course, making purchases. I find myself looking forward to running out to the store just so I can push myself to get as many kicks as possible. When I don’t feel like going out, I can also earn kicks at home by shopping online or watching videos about partnering products in the app. Essentially, Shopkick is not only fun, but it’s also easy to use. In my book, there’s no better way to earn cashback on household bills.

So there you have it, three great ways to earn cashback on household bills.

So there you have it, three great ways to earn cashback on household bills. While I like them all, and I have been known to mix and match them in the past, I do have to say that Shopkick is my overall favorite. With three growing boys at home, I find myself doing quite a bit of shopping, especially grocery shopping. Thankfully, I have Shopkick to make it worth my while. 

It’s time to get your kicks! Shopkick makes shopping a rewarding experience. Download the app today and start to earn cashback to put toward your household bills now! 

Image courtesy of George Rudy

The 8 Best Rewards Apps to Earn Free Fun Money

The 8 Best Rewards Apps to Earn Free Fun Money

Ever since I was young, I’ve always had to have the absolute best of everything. For me, the best doesn’t always mean the most or biggest thing. Instead, it’s something that makes me feel great. Lately, I’ve been obsessed with finding the best food trucks in my area. I fell in love with food trucks a few years ago when they started to pop up where I live, and now I’ve made it a mission to try them all in search of the very best!.

While I’m not quite ready to share the list of the best food trucks in my area, I can share with you a list of other best things that have made my food truck missions possible. Eating at so many food trucks obviously costs money and so today I want to talk about the eight best rewards apps that help me earn free fun money. The type of money that I can spend on every last food truck in town without guilt. While similar, many of these apps involve different tasks to earn money, so I’ve done my best to leave none of my favorites off the list.

8 Best Rewards Apps to Earn Money…for Free!

The Starbucks App

As a busy person, a coffee-lover, and someone who just has to find all of the absolute best bargains that are out there, I love the Starbucks app. There are two major benefits to using the Starbucks app. First, you can use it to do things like order ahead and skip the line, which for me is often a must. I just don’t know how many times I’ve been in a big rush, needed a quick pick-me-up, and the Starbucks app helped me grab a quick flat white while I’m out on the move. 

The other major benefit of the Starbucks app is that there are rewards built right in. What that means is that every time you swing by Starbucks for a quick coffee, you earn stars (or rewards points). You can later trade those stars in for free drinks or food. A lot of stores have this type of branded app that’s aimed at incentivizing your loyalty.

Type of App:

Branded for store loyalty.

Is it the Best?:

For coffee? Of course!


Instacart can be an absolutely life-changing app. I know for someone as busy as me, it’s definitely one of the all-time best time-saving apps. It essentially makes it so you can have someone shop for your personal grocery list, sometimes in as fast as an hour. I don’t know about you, but that saves me from so many potential headaches.

Did you know, however, that you can also earn money with Instacart too? The way you do that is by being the person shopping for others. It’s really a game-changer for your budget if you ever find yourself in a pinch or if you just want to pad your budget a bit, too. Instacart is a great way to get extra money to use to do even more shopping or to visit food trucks like me. 

Type of App:

One that pays you to shop.

Is it the Best?:

Sure. If you’re looking for a flexible, part-time shopping gig.

Checkout 51

Checkout51 is another cool app. The way this one works is that each week, it gives you a new set of deals from which to choose. You can then go make purchases that qualify for those deals, keep your receipt, and take a picture of it in order to collect your cash back.

I don’t think this is the all-time best rewards app, mostly because it is so heavily dependent on whether that week’s deals are good for you or not. Is it the best some weeks? Maybe. It really just depends. I will say, though, that one thing I really like about this app is how fun it is to check out the new set of deals each week and see what you’re interested in buying.

Type of App:

Rewards app for shoppers.

Is it the Best?:

It’s pretty good, but some weeks are better than others because of the way it works.


When it comes to picking the best rewards app to earn free fun money, my favorite is Shopkick. There’s so much to love about Shopkick, but one of the things that makes it the best is that you can combine it with almost all of the other ways to earn free fun money that we talk about on this list. You can use it with your Starbucks app, while you shop for Instacart, or even in tandem with Checkout 51. There’s just so much versatility to this app.

Shopkick basically turns going shopping into a scavenger hunt. You hunt down a featured product to get your kicks, which are points that you can later turn into free gift cards. I use it almost every time I go out to the store, and for me, that’s about as good as it gets.

Type of App:

Rewards app.

Is it the Best?:

Yes, Shopkick is my absolute favorite of all of the shopping rewards apps online. I highly recommend it!


You might know Rakuten as Ebates, which recently changed its name. The way this one works is that users head over to, sign up, shop online through the site, and receive cash back on certain purchases.

It’s a pretty great setup, and you can almost always find tons of excellent things to buy through Rakuten’s website. What makes it even better is that Rakuten also offers other ways to save such as daily deals, coupons, and promo codes. Like many of the other selections on this list, you can also combine it somewhat seamlessly with other apps, really enhancing the amount of free fun money that you can earn.

Type of App:

An online shopping app.

Is it the Best?:

Sure! If you prefer to shop only online.

Google Opinion Rewards

Google Opinion Rewards is a rewards app that lets you earn free fun money by answering quick surveys. That’s exactly what it sounds like. You get a survey, you answer it, and you get rewards, which in this case come in the form of Google Play credit. I’m sure that I don’t have to tell you that there are plenty of great ways to spend that.

This one isn’t, in my opinion, the all-time best of the rewards apps, but it’s kind of fun to give your opinion about all the different things it asks about. I know some of my girlfriends absolutely love giving their takes on a bunch of different things. It’s also something you can quickly do each day when you have a few minutes of downtime, which for someone with my schedule is an incredibly valuable thing.

Type of App:

Survey app.

Is it the Best?:

If you love to give tons and tons of opinions about things, sure.


I don’t know about you, but I just love taking photos. You know what I love even more than taking photos? Getting paid to take photos in free fun money. That’s where the app Foap comes into play.

The way Foap works is that you post pictures on it from your mobile phone. Other users can then buy your photos on the app for $10. Each time that they do, you get half of the money, which is eventually paid out to you at the end of the month via PayPal. The best part, if you ask me, is that you can sell the same photo over and over and over again, which means if you take one that people really like, there is no end in sight for your free fun money on this one.

Type of App:

An app to sell photos.

Is it the Best?:

It all depends on how strong a photographer you are.


Out of all the apps on this list, I think Slidejoy is the one where you have to do the least. See, all that Slidejoy really entails is letting the app modify the lock screen on your smartphone. It just replaces whatever you have on there now with things like trending topics, ads, and other content. Each time you click to look at it or even just to open your phone, you get points.

This is great for some really obvious reasons, namely that you can tally points by just opening your phone and occasionally engaging with the content that Slidejoy puts on there. Like some of the other apps on our list here today, this is one that you can use to fill your downtown, whether you’re waiting for a friend to arrive, killing some time, or whatever else. It’s that easy to use. In fact, sometimes I forget that I’m even using it at all.

Type of App:

Lock screen ads app.

Is it the Best?:

It’s a great one for making free fun money without really doing anything.

So there you have it: the eight best rewards apps to earn free fun money. Though, as I mentioned earlier, the best, in my opinion, is Shopkick, which you can combine with almost all of the other apps on this list. It makes going to the store fun, and, best of all, using Shopkick just gives you so many chances to earn gift cards that are just as good as cash…for free!

It’s time to get your kicks! Of the many rewards apps out there, Shopkick’s versatility, fun setup, and other qualities make it the absolute best rewards app. Download the app today so you too can earn fun money for free!

Can I use a shopping app to earn money?

When you’re growing up, you always hear people using the term “broke college student.” It wasn’t until I became one that I understood what it truly meant. With my hectic schedule that includes classes, internships, and trying to find time to have even a little bit of a social life, it’s very hard to find time to get even a part-time job for extra money. 

You might be thinking to yourself, “Well why would you even need a job with all of that going on?” The problem is, I’ve always liked to shop, and I can’t just turn that off now that I’m in college. I’ve had to figure out other ways to continue with my hobby but on a tighter budget. One way I’ve done this is by using a shopping app to earn money. That’s right, I’ve found a way to do what I love while also earning money. Here’s how.   

How to Use a Shopping App to Earn Money

Here are three easy steps that will help you get familiar with using shopping apps to earn money, too.

1. Make Sure You Have a Compatible Mobile Device

Look, I know this one sounds a little basic, but the first step to really learning how to use a shopping app to earn money is making sure you have a smartphone. I know, I know…if you’re anything like me, you can’t live without your smartphone, so this should be an easy one, but it’s still worth going over. The fact is, all of my favorite shopping apps require a smartphone to use them.

I’m personally an Apple iOS user, but I have a lot of friends who use shopping apps with Android systems, too. I’m told they both work equally as well. If you already have a smartphone with the capability to download apps, you’re one step closer to earning money. 

2. Download Shopkick

how to use a shopping app to earn moneySo, to be totally honest, I’m a little biased here, because I have a personal favorite shopping app that I want to recommend. My favorite shopping rewards app to use is Shopkick. Trying Shopkick involves more than just downloading it, of course, so I also want to tell you a little bit about how it works.

The way you can earn money with Shopkick is through getting what the app calls “kicks.” You can earn kicks by walking into certain stores (a favorite of mine as a college student), scanning the barcodes of participating products, buying things, and even doing activities at home like making purchases online or watching videos. After you’ve earned enough kicks, you can trade them in for gift cards to some of your favorite stores, which are just as good as cash. It’s really cool, and I’m sure once you try it, you’ll love it as much as I do.

3. Use Shopkick Frequently

In order to earn money with Shopkick, you’ll most definitely want to use it as much as possible. There are a lot of different free apps to earn money, but I love Shopkick because it turns every shopping trip into a fun scavenger hunt for kicks. I love that I can use Shopkick at many of my favorite stores, earn kicks while shopping, exchange those kicks for gift cards, and turn around and use them to shop even more.  

Another reason I love Shopkick is that I can also use the app to earn kicks online. And, obviously, I don’t have to go anywhere for that. I can do it from my dorm, the library, the coffee shop, or wherever else I happen to be. Shopkick being this easy to use is definitely one of the reasons I love it, and I’m sure you’ll agree once you give it a chance, too.

Shopkick being this easy to use is definitely one of the reasons I love it, and I’m sure you’ll agree once you give it a chance, too.

Want to Earn Money with a Shopping App? Try Shopkick

If you’re really busy because of school, or for any other reason, I think you should give Shopkick a chance. The way it works just makes it so easy to use; whether you’re earning kicks for shopping online or at your favorite store. Shopkick can help you get kicks that you can eventually turn into gift cards that are as good as cash.

I really love college. I know I talk about how busy I am, and that’s all true. Still, I’ve never had such a good time doing so many new things. Now I don’t have to give up my favorite hobby, because I’ve been using Shopkick as a shopping app to earn money. I just can’t recommend it enough!

Want to use a shopping app to earn money? Check out Shopkick! It makes it easy for everyone to earn money, even the super busy college kids. Download the app today and start getting your kicks now! 

Image courtesy of Jelena Zelen

How to earn rewards on your everyday purchases

My friends and family have always said that “kids are magical.” I think I have to agree. I mean, my three boys have this trick where they can make anything I buy disappear in what feels like the blink of an eye. Shampoo? Gone before I know it, usually because they love to make bubbles in the bath. Cereal for breakfast? Oh, I better say goodbye to that the minute it comes in the door. Even toothpaste has a way of ending up empty, and, much to my dismay, all over the sink.

Replacing all those “magically” disappearing items around the house can really add up—I don’t think my budget is a big fan of magic. Fortunately for me and my budget, I’ve recently found great ways to earn rewards on everyday purchases, the kind of purchases my kids are so great at making disappear. These methods have really made a difference, helping me find new ways to turn my own shopping into magic with great savings through gift cards and other rewards.

Now, I know magicians are not supposed to share their tricks, but I just can’t help myself here. Today I’d like to teach you all how to earn rewards on your own everyday purchases, so you and your budget can start benefiting just as much as I have. 

Trick #1: Consider Ditching Old-Fashioned Couponing

There are a few different ways to earn rewards on everyday purchases in order to lessen the blow on your budget when you have to constantly replenish. You can always clip coupons, but, quite honestly, who really wants to deal with that kind of hassle? Literally clipping out and organizing coupons is time-consuming, and when you’re as busy as I am with three growing boys, the stacks of mailers and newspaper inserts tend to pile up, reminding me every time I happen to glance at them that I don’t have the time.

learn how to earn rewards on everyday purchasesThat’s why I prefer using shopping rewards apps. These are apps that do exactly what we’re here to talk about today—they give you rewards for your everyday purchases. There are a few to pick from—and I’ll go into specifics about my favorites in a moment—but for the most part, these are apps that make grocery shopping easier, as well as most of the other shopping you have to do on a regular basis. You simply download them, get a feel for how they work, and watch the savings start to roll in…like magic! 

Trick #2: Combine Loyalty Programs with Rewards 

I think the most important thing for newbie shopping rewards app users to understand is that there are two distinct types of shopping rewards apps to choose from:

  • Branded rewards apps: These are essentially the new evolution of stores having shopper loyalty programs. They are apps created and maintained by specific stores—think Target, Ulta, Starbucks—that you can only use at those stores. They have specific deals and perks designed to reward loyal shoppers. They’re really quite helpful, although maybe not as helpful as what we’re about to talk about next.
  • Shopping rewards apps: These are apps that you can use at many different stores as well as online to earn rewards on your everyday purchases. They’re very versatile, and depending on how you use them, they can act as both grocery shopping rewards apps, as well as apps that rake in points for shopping online and at the mall. When you have to shop as much as I do, that kind of versatility is crucial.

Another really helpful thing to remember here, at least for me, is that you can use these two types of apps in tandem. So, let’s say you’re grocery shopping on a budget—like I am most months—you can use Target’s branded app to learn about exclusive deals for users of that app, while also using a shopping rewards app that gives you points for making purchases at Target. Cool, right?

Trick #3: Earn Rewards on Everyday Purchases with Shopkick

So, at this point, you’re probably wondering what these shopping rewards apps are all about because I’ve made them sound a bit like magic. Let me explain by telling you about my favorite of the bunch. It’s called Shopkick, and what it does is basically turn every trip to the store into a scavenger hunt for points, which the app calls kicks. Essentially, you go about your usual shopping and get your kicks by doing things like walking into stores, scanning the barcodes on items, and making purchases at checkout.

Shopkick is easy to use, too! I highly recommend you try it out!

These kicks are the rewards for your everyday purchases, which you can trade in later for gift cards to many of your favorite stores. I also really like this app because it almost always has bundles of special offers that help me stretch my budget even further. These bundles give me extra kicks for buying certain items, and I absolutely love feeling like I’m earning more points than I would have otherwise. Shopkick is easy to use, too! I highly recommend you try it out!

So, there you have it. These are my favorite tricks to earn rewards on everyday purchases. Thankfully, the days of coupon clipping are over and have been replaced by apps that are easy to use on your smartphone. Honestly, you won’t miss cutting out paper coupons at all. I know I don’t.

I’m far too happy with all the money I’ve been saving through my shopping rewards apps. I used to shake my head and marvel a bit at how fast my boys went through items like cereal and shampoo. I still do now, but I don’t worry about my budget nearly as much. And that’s a wonderful thing!

It’s time to get your kicks! Shopkick makes shopping a rewarding experience and allows you to earn rewards on your everyday purchases. Download the app today and start taking advantage of our bundles and other features to earn your kicks instantly! 

Image courtesy of Stokkete

The most legit cashback apps for shopaholics on a tight budget

I used to hear people talk about a tight budget all the time, but, to be honest, I didn’t really realize what being on a tight budget meant until I became a full-time college student. Between my classes, my internship, and trying to have some sort of social life, I just don’t have much time to get a real job that can support my love of shopping. Luckily, I’ve found a solution…or three. They’re called cashback apps, and they’re fantastic.

Cashback apps are exactly what they sound like—apps that you can use to get cashback. I don’t know about you, but I love this idea. So, I’ve been trying out as many of them as I can, and I’m proud to say that I’ve nailed down a list of some of the most legit cashback apps for shopaholics on a tight budget, whether they’re in college or not. And today it’s my pleasure to share them with all of you!

3 Legit Cashback Apps

Check out this list below. I’ve got three very different types of apps that do different things, but I hope you’ll find them all to be as totally legit as I do.

1. SurveyJunkie

Okay, so this first one on my list of legit cashback apps is actually one that you can use during downtime while you’re shopping. It’s called SurveyJunkie, and you can use it from your smartphone to take surveys that give you cashback. My friends and I like to use SurveyJunkie while we’re waiting in line, taking a break somewhere and grabbing a coffee, or anywhere else we have a few free moments between classes.

One thing to keep in mind is that you have to be at least 18 years old to use it. How much cash you get back from this app really depends on how much you use it. There are some days I’m really busy with classes and whatever else, and I only end up getting $5 from it, but there are other days when I have plenty of time to use it to shop. During those weeks, I’m able to get as much as $50 cash back just for taking surveys. It’s great, and it’s so nice to have that extra money. I highly recommend it, even if you only use it while you’re standing in line to check out!

2. PayPal

This sounds funny, but the most important cashback app is the one that literally gives you cash back. I’m talking about PayPal, which is the site you can use to move cash around online, get gifts from your relatives (always the best), and do whatever other financial business you have on the internet. There is one thing to note: In order to receive cash back, shoppers must use the PayPal Cashback Mastercard which offers 2% back on everyday purchases as opposed to other apps that give you free gift cards.

An added bonus with this one is that my parents are totally cool with it too, because it’s known for being secure. I can already tell this is going to be an invaluable app for me, especially when it comes to shopping online. Plus, most of my favorite online stores accept PayPal. So, if you don’t have a PayPal account, I highly recommend creating one, because it’s one of the easiest ways to get cashback. 

3. Shopkick

try this cashback app legitDon’t get me wrong, the last two legit cashback apps I discussed are great, but this one is my absolute favorite. It’s called Shopkick, and I use it any time I do any shopping, which, if I’m being honest, is a lot. Shopkick is great because you can use it for both your online and in-person shopping to get cashback or free gift cards.

Shopkick is pretty simple and actually a lot of fun. This legit cashback app basically turns every trip to the store into a fun scavenger hunt for points called “kicks.” You can get your kicks in all kinds of ways, but the ones I like the best are walking into stores, scanning certain items, and, of course, making purchases. You can then trade your kicks in for gift cards to your favorite stores, which given how much I like to shop, is just as good as cash. In addition, with Shopkick you can also earn money shopping online, get kicks for making purchases, or even just for watching videos. It’s great, and, after Instagram, it’s probably the app that my friends and I have been using the most lately. I can’t recommend it enough!

On a Tight Budget? Try Shopkick

It can be hard to find the most legit cashback apps. Some apps don’t have as many great benefits as others, while some apps might not suit your personal tastes. Take it from me, a certified self-declared shopaholic, these are three of the best out there, and I’ve been using them all quite a bit lately. 

Take it from me, a certified self-declared shopaholic, these are three of the best out there!

As I said above, though, Shopkick is easily my favorite cashback app. I love it, and not just because I can use it at so many awesome stores, but also because it turns all of my shopping trips into fun scavenger hunts for kicks. I also love that on the days when I don’t feel like going out—or when classes are too hectic—I can still get my kicks by shopping online. Basically, it makes being a shopaholic even more fun than it already is!

It’s time to get your kicks! Shopkick is one of the most legit cashback apps, and it just makes shopping such a rewarding experience. Download the app today and start getting your kicks ASAP! 

Image courtesy of Dean Drobot

3 holly, jolly Christmas shopping hacks for last-minute shoppers

One of the things I’ve always loved about shopping is the challenge. Most of the year, when I say challenge, I’m talking about hunting for the best possible deal, whether that’s in person or online. When it comes to Christmas shopping, however, there is an entirely different set of challenges. There’s making the list of friends and family you need to shop for; making sure you actually find something for everyone on your list; and, of course, making sure you get everything on your list in time for the actual holiday.

There’s no bigger challenge than overcoming the odds to check everything off your Christmas list at the very last minute. Waiting until the last minute is risky, of course, but when you find yourself in that position year after year, you start to develop some very useful hacks. I know I’ve certainly learned some great Christmas shopping hacks over the years, so much so that I am absolutely confident in my ability to finish my list, even if I’m still out there at the last minute.

3 Christmas Shopping Hacks 

3 Christmas shopping hacksSince Christmas is the season of giving, today I’d like to share some of my most useful tips with all of you. Waiting until the last minute can mean that you inadvertently put yourself at risk of not finishing your list, but with these three super helpful Christmas shopping hacks for last-minute shoppers, you can rest assured that it will be a very merry Christmas for all of your friends and family!

1. Ask About Price Matching

This first Christmas shopping hack is for anyone out there who likes to shop at online retailers that are a bit off the beaten path and might not offer free next-day shipping like Amazon. I know in recent years I’ve found great last-minute gifts at obscure online retailers. The problem, however, can be that their shipping window is either too long to get the gift to you in time for the holiday, or that expedited shipping costs so much that you might as well drive to wherever they’re located and get it yourself, which for obvious reasons isn’t an option.

The good thing, though, is that in order to compete with online stores, almost all brick-and-mortar retailers these days offer price matching. You just have to ask. If you find something for a cheaper price online, simply ask a brick-and-mortar retailer that sells the same item if they’ll match the price. In this day and age, I would be shocked if they didn’t. That one simple question could potentially save you both valuable time and money at the end of the Christmas shopping season.

Here is a quick list of some retailers that may price match:

  • Bass Pro Shop / Cabela’s
  • Bed Bath & Beyond
  • Best Buy
  • Dick’s Sporting Goods
  • Fry’s Electronics
  • The Home Depot
  • JCPenney
  • Kohl’s
  • Lowe’s
  • Michael’s
  • Office Depot
  • Petco
  • Staples
  • Target

Holly, Jolly Score: 3/5 Hollies

2. Use Customer Loyalty Apps 

The next item on my Christmas shopping hacks list is also primarily for shopping at brick-and-mortar retailers, but don’t worry, we’ll get to one of the best Christmas shopping savings tips for in-person and online shopping in a moment. 

This tip involves using your smartphone to download the shopping apps offered by your favorite retailers. These are apps that have a wide range of features, from rewarding loyal customers with points to offering push alerts about new sales.

Here’s how these apps can save you time or money:

  • push notifications for sales
  • rewards programs
  • exclusive deals for users
  • in-store pickup after ordering on the app

The great thing is that there are just so many stores out there these days that have apps designed to help their loyal customers, which can really save you time, money, and sanity at the last minute during Christmas shopping. I know I’ve used my Starbucks app to purchase things like gift cards and mugs at the last minute. I’ve also used it to order coffee when I need a second wind to finish my last-minute shopping. So check around! Chances are, almost all of your favorite stores have apps of their own.

Holly Jolly Score: 4/5 Hollies

3. Use a Mobile Rewards Shopping App 

The last of my absolute favorite Christmas shopping hacks is an app called Shopkick, which you can use to make both your online and your brick-and-mortar shopping more fun! Simply put, Shopkick is one of the best Christmas shopping apps, if not the best. See, the way Shopkick works is that it rewards you with points, called “kicks,” for things you already do while shopping like walking into the store, scanning items, and making purchases. It’s also a level better than any of the usual free apps that give you gift cards because you can also get kicks when shopping online by watching videos, browsing through lookbooks, and of course, making purchases.

Then, you can redeem your kicks for cash back or free gift cards. Shopkick is my favorite Christmas shopping hack for a few reasons. I just love that I can use it to save even more at big online retailers from the comfort of my home. At the same time, it also gives my last-minute shopping a bit of a scavenger hunt vibe, which is really helpful when I’ve been out shopping hard for weeks and on the brink of being overwhelmed. 

What’s also great is that you can use Shopkick alongside the retail apps we mentioned earlier, doubling the opportunities to bolster your budget! Finally, getting my kicks is the absolute best way to take a little bit of the sting out of the pain that your budget suffers during the holidays. Plus, the Discover Tab in the app even has a handy gift guide, if you run out of ideas. Using Shopkick to help with your last-minute Christmas shopping is really a win-win situation!

Holly Jolly Score: 5/5 Hollies!!!

Earn Rewards During Your Last-Minute Shopping Trip

So there you have it—my gift to you. There are plenty of other hacks out there, too, but these have become my favorites over the years. I know I’ve used all three more than a few times to save myself time, money, and energy at the last minute.

There are plenty of other hacks out there, too, but these have become my favorites over the years.

I know that of those three, Shopkick is my absolute favorite. It’s such a versatile app, and I love that I can use it both online and when shopping in-store. I also love how much fun it brings to the holiday shopping process, and I truly hope you enjoy using it just as much as I do!

Christmas is almost here, but there’s still time to get your kicks! Shopkick makes shopping a rewarding experience. Download the app today and start getting your kicks as you finish all of your last-minute holiday shopping! 

Image courtesy of izzzy71

The best ways to earn cash back for shopping with friends

My best friend Ella and I have known each other for a very long time. We’ve conquered middle school together, high school, and now we’re so happy to be college students. Of the many things we do together, one of our favorites is shopping—we’re most definitely shopaholics. Ella always snags the best finds but I’m always on the hunt for the best bargains and deals. One day we were out shopping at Ulta and I asked her if she had any rewards to redeem for cash back and she had no idea that was even a thing!  

I’m not going to lie, it felt good to be the one helping Ella discover something new for a change. We spent the weekend chatting and I told her everything I knew about how shopping rewards programs help me stretch my money now that my budget is pretty tight in college. Together, we came up with three easy ways to earn cash back shopping with friends—and now we want to share with you, too!

Use Store-Specific Apps to Earn Cash Back When Shopping

The first idea for how to earn cash back shopping with friends that Ella and I came up with was to start using those apps that are specific to certain stores. Some of our favorite places to both shop and hang out—like Starbucks, Target, and Ulta—have their own apps. The point is to reward loyal shoppers there, and we’re happy to accept. If you have a different favorite shopping mecca, look them up on the app store. Chances are, they’re as tech-savvy as we are.

I just realized that coffee can taste as good as it smells (thank you, white chocolate mochas), so I’ve been using my Starbucks app a lot lately. Starbucks rewards you with special free items when you’re a frequent visitor, which my friends and I are—especially when we’re fueling up for a shopping spree or study session. 

My forever favorite, though, is the Target app. Target gives you special notifications about deals and sales so you never miss out on stocking up on lip gloss and other essentials at killer prices. And, if you like to sometimes just hang out and browse around at Target like we do, you can even use it to find out what’s in stock and what’s not. 

Some of our other favorite store apps include: 

  • Fandango
  • Sephora 
  • Marshalls
  • T.J. Maxx

Become an Instacart Shopper to Earn Cash

Expenses as a college student seem to rack up, especially when you have to buy actual textbooks. One way we’ve found to earn some extra cash for school expenses is by working part-time for Instacart. Basically, Instacart is a job where you get paid to go shopping for other people. This is what we’ve started to call the other Insta (the first one being Instagram, obviously), and Ella and I have already found plenty of ways to love it.

Here are some reasons we are Instacart-ing super hard lately:

  • Flexibility: The best part about Instacart is that it’s flexible, so we can go after classes, on weekends, or whenever else we feel like it, really. 
  • Cash: Plus, this is literally someone else paying you to go shopping. They tell you where to go and what to buy, and you get paid for it—sometimes as much as $20 an hour.
  • Time with Friends: And since it’s so flexible, you can easily make plans to do this together, which for obvious reasons is just so much more fun than doing it on your own—although that’s always an option, too.

How Shopkick Helps You Earn Cash Back Shopping with Friends

earn cash back shopping with friendsThe last (and, tbh, the best) way to earn cash back shopping with friends is through this app called Shopkick. There’s a lot to love about Shopkick, but, personally, I think the best part is that you can combine it with all the other ways to shop that we talked about above—especially the Starbucks and Target store apps. See, Shopkick turns going shopping into a scavenger hunt: you hunt down featured products to get your kicks (kicks are points that you can later turn into free gifts cards or cash back).

Ella and I absolutely love Shopkick, and there are endless ways to earn kicks, like shopping for leggings at Fabletics, checking out the newest makeup at Ulta, or even getting tickets to the movies early with Fandango through Shopkick’s mobile shopping option. We’ve been using it pretty much whenever we buy anything, whether it’s while we’re hunting for deals at the mall, working part-time for Instacart, or even just to earn money shopping online while hanging out in each other’s dorms. 

Shopkick turns going shopping into a scavenger hunt: you hunt down featured products to get your kicks.

So yeah, those are the best ways to earn cash back for shopping with your friends that I’ve found so far. Shopkick is probably our favorite because you can combine it with the other two. They’re all good, though, and it’s crazy to think that we ever went shopping before without earning points and rewards for it.

I hope this helps you up your own shopping game. Oh, and if I can give you one last piece of advice, it would be to combine Shopkick with your own Instagram stories. You don’t have to be as good at it as my best friend Ella (really, no one is), but you can have a lot of fun showing everyone that you know how you get your kicks. I know I do!

It’s time to get your kicks by earning cash back for shopping with friends! Shopkick makes shopping a rewarding experience in so many cool ways. Download the app today and head out on your own shopping scavenger hunt to start earning kicks instantly!

Image courtesy monstArr on BigStock

How to Make Grocery Shopping Fun for Kids

Rarely has grocery shopping ever felt like a chore. From meal planning to letting me push the cart, helping to place groceries in bags at checkout to loading our car before we left, my parents always did a great job of including me on a weekly task that always felt like fun. To this day, I still view grocery shopping in a positive light!

I can completely understand why grocery shopping with kids might not be at the top of everyone’s list of enjoyable things to do, but I think it can be a great experience if you keep a few things in mind. Below are five tips for making grocery shopping fun for kids (and you!). 

Meal Plan Together:

This may not always work, especially if you have kids with more picky palettes, but my mom always asked us what we wanted to eat for dinner that week while she was preparing her list. We would rattle off recipes we enjoyed (some were frequent repeats!), and we would see how many of us were on board. The ingredients for the winners were placed onto the list, and we could get excited about that week’s meals. We would always chat through breakfast and lunch options too.

I’ve always thought meal planning together works well because I was able to be involved in making meal choices. I also knew decisions had already been made prior to the grocery store, so I was less likely to ask to add items to the cart that had not already been talked about before shopping.

Go on a Scavenger Hunt:

Another way to make grocery shopping fun for kids is to make your shopping trip into a game. Playing I Spy is always an option, but I’ve found creating a scavenger hunt with help from Shopkick is even more engaging. Simply open your app, view the items available to be scanned at your grocery store, and try to find as many as possible while you’re walking down the aisles. It’s engaging for kids because they feel encouraged to shop through the store with you, and it offers them something fun to do while you fill your cart. Plus, you earn kicks (reward points) you can redeem for a free gift card! 

Opt for Kid-Sized:

The inventor of kid-sized carts deserves an award! I remember being thrilled the first time I spotted a kid-sized cart at my grocery store. I insisted on not only pushing the cart myself but also filling it with as many items as possible. Having “my own” cart kept me endlessly entertained, and I know I’m not the only one! Today, I love seeing kids pushing carts at the grocery store because I can tell they’re excited to add new items to their cart as quickly as possible. While a smaller cart might not be large enough for a weekly trip to the grocery store, it is perfect for when you need to run inside for a few additional items throughout the week! 

Watch Videos:

Another great way to use your Shopkick app while grocery shopping is to watch videos. There are often videos available after scanning items, which allows you to earn additional kicks. Plus, your kids can also explore the Discover Tab to earn even more kicks while they watch videos from the comfort of the cart. Again, you will be well on your way to a free gift card! 

Time Alone with You:

Grocery shopping was always something my mom and I did together, and this “chore” always felt special as a result. Now, I have many friends who opt to turn grocery shopping into a date with their kids. Often, they will ask their older child to grocery shop with them alone while their younger child stays home with their partner. They have found it’s a great way to encourage one-on-one time and check off an errand at the same time. The great thing about kids is they are typically completely entertained by simple tasks, especially if they get to spend time with you!

What are your best tips for making grocery shopping with kids fun and engaging? Let us know on Facebook, and don’t forget to download Shopkick for free!

Shop for Groceries Online and Save with Walmart Grocery

Do you enjoy grocery shopping? On certain occasions, I truly do. However, when my schedule is packed or there’s a more interesting invitation on the table, grocery shopping can truly be a pain. Although there are several services in my area that will deliver groceries right to my doorstep, I’ve always been skeptical. However, I put everything aside when Shopkick launched their partnership with Walmart Grocery!

Each week (sometimes several times each week), I stop into Walmart. It’s one of the best stores to go to truly save money, and I always know I’m going to earn kicks while I’m there. Simply put, it’s a store I trust for both prices and top products, and I knew I would experience the same great quality and competitive prices while shopping online with Walmart Grocery. Here’s why you need to give Walmart Grocery a try:

Online Shopping

Shopping for groceries online with Walmart Grocery is quick and easy. You can shop by department, event (back to school!), or even by the specific item. Once you see the item you would like to purchase, simply add it to your cart. My favorite feature is the ability to create a “favorites list” of products I purchase often. The list appears on the homepage of the Walmart Grocery site, which makes grocery shopping even faster because you can add items to your cart with a few quick clicks.

Pickup or Delivery

I live in an area where Walmart Grocery delivers, which is wonderful. However, if Walmart Grocery doesn’t deliver in your area, their team can still shop for you. The only thing you will need to do is park in a designated Walmart Grocery parking spot, and their team will bring your order out to your car.

Purchase What You Need

While I don’t yet have kids who will inevitably request items that are not on the list, I do have to contend with myself in the grocery store. The rule is to never shop while you’re hungry, and it’s something I rarely remember to abide by. New things always end up in my cart! While it’s fun to try new items, it’s not always helpful when I would rather stick to my budget. Shopping online with Walmart Grocery means I only purchase what I need!

Shop Other Departments

Walmart has nearly every item you could ever need, which is wonderful. And, I’m happy to report Walmart Grocery is the same way! Like I mentioned, you can shop by category or department. It’s so simple to shop for everything you need for back to school season with Walmart Grocery. Plus, you can also purchase items for babies and pets, as well as toys, sports equipment, and more. I also love their Stock Up section to purchase well-loved items in bulk.

You Can Earn Kicks

I always know I’m going to earn kicks when I shop in store (or online!) at Walmart, and I was thrilled to learn I can still earn plenty while shopping online with Walmart Grocery. To offer you an extra incentive, you will earn 450 kicks every time you order with Walmart Grocery through your Shopkick app. It’s worth a try already!

Have you tried Walmart Grocery? What’s the biggest perk you’ve found? Let us know on Facebook

Shop Amazon Prime Day Deals with Shopkick

Are you addicted to Amazon Prime? I signed up for a subscription a year ago, and I have been hooked ever since. I love the convenience of shopping online with Amazon, placing orders for the items I need without fear I’ll pay a hefty shipping charge (you never pay for two-day shipping!), and knowing my purchases will be dropped off on my doorstep within two days. Sometimes, I even happen upon a box the very next day! Plus, when you’re a member, you receive access to Amazon Prime Day, which kicks off TODAY!

If you are not yet an Amazon Prime member, I highly suggest jumping onboard right now. Better yet, sign up for your first year of Amazon Prime with Shopkick! When you do, you will immediately earn a $20 Amazon gift card you can use during a future shopping trip. Plus, you will be able to access all of the Prime Day deals happening today through 11:59 p.m. PST tomorrow, July 16.  

Not only can you earn a gift card for signing up for Amazon Prime with Shopkick, but you can also earn plenty of additional kicks when you shop the sale using the app. Here’s how:

Amazon Devices

Amazon Kindles are wonderful because you have access to a never ending supply of books right at your fingertips. If you’re a member of your local library, you can also download books right to your Kindle from your library’s app. It’s wonderful, and it makes traveling even more enjoyable because you can pack light with one device. Shop for a new Kindle through Amazon Devices and SAVE during Prime Day. Plus, you will earn extra kicks!

Amazon Fashion

Take a look at Amazon Fashion while you’re perusing all of the sales! Amazon has their own fashion brands, such as Lark & Ro, Mae, Ella Moon, and Arabella. Expect to find everything from comfortable basics and active wear to outfits perfect to wear to work. Similar to Amazon Devices, you will earn kicks when you shop Amazon Fashion brands through your Shopkick app!

Amazon Subscriptions

Have you tried Audible? It’s part of Amazon Subscriptions, and it’s a complete library of audiobooks. If you’re trying to read more books each month, Audible may be a great choice for you because you can listen on the go or while you’re relaxing on the beach. When you sign up for an Audible Gold membership with Shopkick, you will save. You can also check out Amazon Music Unlimited and Kindle Unlimited memberships.

Amazon Home

Amazon Home is always stocked with the latest finds for your home, whether you’re searching for décor or appliances. Expect to save money because Amazon always has some of the best deals. When you shop via your Shopkick app you will also earn kicks toward a gift card, which feels like getting cash back on your purchases.

 Happy Prime Day shopping, Shopkickers! Let us know your shopping strategy on Facebook.

How to Take 10,000 Steps with Shopkick

Do you have a step goal? Do you try to reach it daily? Rumor has it, we’re supposed to reach 10,000 steps per day, which is equivalent to just under five miles. That’s quite a walk! If you live in a city and walk from place-to-place or you’re a runner, it likely isn’t terribly difficult for you to reach that milestone. However, it can present a challenge for those of us who don’t live in cities or run and work while sitting down during the week. With that in mind, I have discovered three 10,000 step hacks thanks to our Shopkick community on Facebook. A hint? Scan everything! Let’s get into the details.

1. Complete a Scan Scavenger Hunt

We asked fellow Shopkickers why they enjoy earning kicks, and many were quick to note the app helps them get their steps in! The top way our users are reaching 10,000 steps per day is by taking a walk and participating in their own scan scavenger hunts while shopping in-stores. To join in on the 10K step fun, simply open your Shopkick app when you walk into stores, like Walmart and Target, where scans are plentiful. Then try to scan every item on the scan list! You will find you will take a tour of the store as you attempt to find each item, which means you will take plenty of steps.

2. Run all of your errands in one day

Another great way to get your 10,000 steps in is to save all of your errands for one day. I frequently do this during the summer because I find I would rather skip single errands in favor of creating more time to spend by the pool or at the beach. In the span of a few hours on Saturday or Sunday, I can pick up a birthday gift at the mall (and do an extra lap to clock even more steps!), stop by Best Buy to purchase new headphones (and earn kicks with my QR code!), stroll through Target (and earn kicks for scanning and submitting my receipt!), and stock up on my weekly groceries. It’s a win all around!

3. Head to the mall

Not only is the mall a great place to go to earn kicks at stores like H&M, Harry & David, and Yankee Candle, but it’s also one of the best places to go to walk. The mall is like a more fun version of a track: it’s air conditioned, completely protected from the elements of the outdoors, and there’s plenty to see to keep your mind occupied if you’re not a huge fan of exercise. Think about inviting friends along, so you can catch up while you stroll (and earn kicks!). You could also pop in earbuds, sign up for Audible or Music Unlimited through Amazon Subscriptions on your app, and listen to either while you walk.

Reaching 10,000 steps per day no longer has to feel like a stretch, especially if you make your steps fun and engaging with Shopkick! Make sure you’re part of our Facebook community for even more tips.

Top Three Last Minute Ways to Celebrate Father’s Day

It’s official, we have entered into the final days of our countdown to Father’s Day because this Sunday, June 16, is for dads! If you’re feeling as though it was just January and suddenly we’re about to experience the middle of June, I am right there with you. In case the fact that the year feels like it’s flying by has officially caught up with you and you’re not quite ready to celebrate, I thought I would help you get back on track. Below, let’s chat through three simple, easy, fun, and completely doable last minute gifts and ways to celebrate Father’s Day with your dad with a little help from Shopkick!

1. Go on a Scavenger Hunt

If you’re on a budget but still hoping to do something fun, go on a kick scavenger hunt with your dad! Visit stores like Target, Walmart, or even the grocery store and see how many kicks you can earn by scanning throughout the store. You can even split up, set a timer, and see who can earn the most if you would like to have a friendly competition! If staying at home feels more your speed, open the app and view lookbooks and videos together. You can still enjoy a competition, and you will still earn kicks because they’re hidden throughout the content on the Discover tab! May the best shopkicker win! Shopkick Tip: You only need to earn 250 kicks to redeem for your first gift card, which can be earned in a single errand run!

2. See a Game with SeatGeek

In my opinion, experiences are always more enjoyable than things. This year, skip the tie and explore SeatGeek. You can purchase tickets to games, concerts, and more, and you could very well score tickets to enjoy on Father’s Day. Of course, another option is to purchase tickets and wrap them or simply place them in a card for you and your dad to enjoy together soon. Your dad will be thrilled time with you is on the horizon! Shopkick Tip: Make sure you shop for tickets on SeatGeek with your Shopkick app! Through this weekend, you can earn BIG KICKS per $1 spent, and you won’t want to miss out.

3. Stock Up on Tech

Dads love tech, and so do we! If you would like to check out the latest gadgets, plan an afternoon out together to explore everything Best Buy has to offer. He can view new televisions in person, finally purchase the new camera he’s been eyeing just in time for summer vacation season, stock up on phone accessories, buy a new printer (perhaps one to print family photos!), say “yes” to a new appliance, explore new movies and television shows, and so much more. Shopkick Tip: Once his cart is full and you’re checking out, make sure to present your Shopkick Best Buy QR code to the cashier before they click “total”! You will earn plenty of kicks, and you might just be able to redeem for a gift card too!

What are your top ways to celebrate Father’s Day? Join the conversation on Facebook and Instagram, and let us know!