How to Ditch Multiple Rewards Program Cards for an Easy to Use App

My kids were in that mood. You know, the one where if causing trouble was an Olympic sport, they’d be setting all time records. We were at the grocery store and they were careening down the aisles, knocking cereal off shelves in their wake—and sneaking giant bags of M&Ms into the cart when I wasn’t looking. I finally managed to wrangle my little wrecking crew up to the checkout line only to have further chaos ensue when the cashier asked if I wanted to use my rewards card.

multiple rewards cards
Lighten your wallet (in a good way) by switching to a smartphone app for shopping rewards | Image courtesy Unsplash user Clem Onojeghuo

Of course I wanted to use my frequent shopper card—if only I could track it down inside my giant handbag. I used to have a card for every store I frequented. Rewards were, and still are, a vital piece to my budget puzzle. The problem is, they seem next to impossible to organize (kind of like my kiddos).

While fumbling through coupons, credit cards, lipstick, hand sanitizer (and the collection of Matchbox cars my son must have added to the stash), I lost my hold on the purse, spilling the entire contents of my purse into a heap right there in the checkout line. My kids, eyes wide, watched silently as a blue truck rolled under the magazine rack. And that’s when I just had to laugh. Sitting proudly on top of the mess was the rewards card I been trying to hunt down.

I look back on that day now as my superhero origin story. My spilled purse was the lighting bolt I needed to go from a mild mannered mom into a super shopper. I had to take action, to simplify my multiple rewards program cards into a manageable shopping strategy. What I discovered that day was my own form of superhuman power. Now, regardless of which store I duck into for my weekly groceries, my kids’ school supplies, or my husband’s allergy meds, all of my rewards are in one easily accessible place—my smartphone—and yours should be too.

It’s no myth—it’s a free app. Here’s how you can also ditch multiple reward program cards for an easy (and fun) to use smartphone app.

Step #1: Ditch Rewards Program Cards You Never Use

I want you to start the process of freeing yourself from a jumble of rewards program cards by first opening up your purse or wallet. Go ahead and do it right now.

What do you see? If there are loyalty cards you don’t remember signing up for—let alone using in the past month—cluttering up your bag, then you have room for improvement, just like I did.

A valuable rewards program is one you remember to use. It’s one that’s easy to access when you visit your favorite stores and purchase your family’s trusted brands. More than that, though, it should encourage you to explore new products, new retailers, and new restaurants—and allow you to get paid for your adventurous shopping spirit. So, ditch the cards you don’t use. Make way for something new!

Step #2: Decide Which Rewards Program Features Are a Must Have

Take out your smartphone and open up the notepad, we’re going to make a list! Brainstorm the features that would make an all-in-one reward program app valuable for you. Here’s my own list to get you started:

  • Free: A rewards program should be absolutely free of cost. Paying money when you’re trying to save money is something I would think long and hard about.
  • Easy to use: Budgets are tough to stretch, but schedules can be even more inflexible. The less I have to do to use my rewards program, the more I love it.
  • Works at your favorite stores: The best rewards programs are ones you can use at popular retail outlets like Target, Walmart, Whole Foods, and even the local grocery store around the corner—basically, the places you’re already going.
  • Fun: Remember when shopping and fun used to be synonymous? With the right rewards program, finding deals can go from a necessity to a creative challenge, kind of like a scavenger hunt.
  • All-in-one: One app should be all you need to start saving money like a superhero saves the planet!

Step #3: Download Your Shiny New Rewards Program App

Your smartphone is still out, right? Because it’s time to shop—the app store, that is.

There are a few different types of loyalty card apps to choose from, including apps that pay you for surveys, apps that give you coupons or discounts, and apps that reward points for the shopping you do anyway.

cards for rewards programs
Feeling bogged down before you even hit the aisles? With a shopping rewards app, all you carry is your phone (and you do that anyway) | Image courtesy Unsplash user RawPixel

My personal app pick is Shopkick; it’s replaced nearly all of my old reward program cards. With Shopkick’s help, I accumulate and track rewards, then get paid for the shopping I already do when I trade in my points, called kicks, for gift cards to retailers like Target and Amazon—or the occasional mid-shopping spree treat at Starbucks (I think my supermom kryptonite is their Iced Caramel Macchiato).

Shopkick is always adding new gift card options to their lineup of stellar brands and retailers. Plus, it’s fun! It’s kind of like treasure hunting for gift cards for their users, affectionately known as Shopkickers. If shopping was starting to feel like a stressful day at work, Shopkick can make it feel like you’re at a game night with friends.

My Shopkick app is so much easier to find than that old stray rewards program card. Is it a universal truth that the one you need is always at the bottom of your bag, or what? I not only spilled out the contents of my purse that fateful day, I spilled out my shopping stress—and replaced it with Shopkick, my all-in-one shopping sidekick.

Ditch your collection of outdated rewards program cards and get your savings all in one place. Download Shopkick’s free app and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered the rewards of shopping with a free, all-in-one smartphone app.

If you love social media as much as you love to save, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping inspiration.

Free Apps That Pay You to Grocery Shop

My group of mama friends and I recently got together for a rare girls’ night and a glass of wine. The hors d’oeuvres had been served, the glasses filled, and we were getting down to serious business—chatting about our families. A friend with teenage sons happened to mention her astronomical grocery bill, inducing a round of head nods from most of the ladies. And that’s where the conversation started to get interesting. You see, these gals also happen to be my favorite shopping buddies—and I had some shopping gossip to spill.

apps that pay you to grocery shop
Earn points for the shopping you already do | Image courtesy Unsplash user Zoe Deal

“There are free apps that pay you to grocery shop.” Heads turned and glasses returned to their coasters, then one friend squeaked out, “Someone pays you to push a cart around a grocery store?”

To put it mildly, everyone was a bit skeptical at first, but I persisted; anything to save my friends with growing families from a stifling budget. I whipped out my smartphone and, within moments, had turned my friends into super savvy shoppers, ready to tackle the aisles searching for rewards. Several of them have even joined me in a quest to earn free gift cards to tuck into our kids’ Christmas stockings this year.

Now my posse and I love opening our favorite shopping app while strolling the aisles together. It’s like we’re on a scavenger hunt every time we go out to the store—a scavenger hunt for big-time rewards. And, guess what? You’re invited to join in! I bet you’re ready to find out how.

How Apps That Pay You To Grocery Shop Work

If you’re anything like most of my mom crew, you probably haven’t changed your grocery shopping technique for years. Maybe you get a few things online these days, but for the most part the process goes like this: go through the fridge, jot down a list of what you need on the back of some junk mail, ask the kids if there’s anything special they want, tell them sorry but a lifetime supply of Ben and Jerry’s isn’t an option, head out to the nearest grocery store, then rinse and repeat in a few days.

Smartphone shopping apps that actually pay you to grocery shop are a game changer, though. Actually, I should say they’re turning everyday shopping into a game! One you can play against yourself to see how far you can push your savings. And, they’re incredibly easy and intuitive to use. Even my friend Sharon who’s still a Facebook holdout loves using the app.

Here’s how getting paid by an app to grocery shop works:

  1. Walk into your favorite grocery store; think Target, CVS, Walmart, or the local upscale market that’s your secret happy place. Earn rewards.
  2. Open the app and scan product barcodes. Earn more rewards.
  3. Purchase your family’s favorite products—and maybe some new ones you’ve been curious about. You guessed it, earn even more rewards!

And those staples you like to have shipped right to your house? You can get paid when you buy those, too. You can even get points for watching product videos and for referring friends, family, and coworkers; it really is almost too easy.

How You Get Paid for Using Shopping Apps

Remember the friend I mentioned above, the one who isn’t known for being shy about speaking her mind? Well, she also wasn’t shy about getting down to money talk after I’d shown her that, yes, these apps are indeed real, not a figment of my savvy shopper dreams. She wanted to know exactly how the payout of rewards works.

get paid to grocery shop using free apps
Bring home healthy choices for your family—and your pocketbook | Image courtesy Unsplash user Kelly Sikkema

First of all, I told her to keep in mind that, no, these apps don’t pay you the way a job would; you’re not going to get an hourly rate for cruising the aisles. What you will get are valuable rewards that bring back the thrill of the hunt.

What kind of rewards? I’m talking free gift cards at your favorite stores, like Target, Best Buy, and even Amazon, allowing you to treat yourself, your spouse, and (sometimes, wink, wink) your kids. It really is like a game, a game you’re guaranteed to win.

How much are these rewards worth? While they vary from product to product and store to store, they’re always worthwhile. I can tell you that this year alone I was able to cash in on shopping rewards worth over $200 on Target gift cards, which made it oh so much easier to get the kids the supplies they needed for school. I think I even had some leftover for new sunglasses if I remember correctly.

Above and beyond the financial rewards, my grocery shopping app also brought a bit of extra fun into my marriage. I was actually able to get my husband to use a loyalty or rewards program for the first time! All of a sudden he was offering to run the store on weeknights just so we could increase our rewards total. Now on the weekends, we even use the app together, stopping in at each other’s favorite stores and scavenging for points.

Which Type of Shopping Rewards App Should You Download?

If your crew of besties is anything like mine, you probably have what I like to call a healthy diversity of opinion; it keeps things interesting. As with friendly opinions, there are also a few different styles of shopping apps available.

  • #1: The Survey App. Apps that reward you for filling out surveys about your shopping experience
  • #2: The Coupon App. Apps that give you coupons and discounts
  • #3: The Rewards Program App. Apps that reward you with a fun and easy method for earning points for shopping you’d do anyway

Did that last one intrigue you? Ding, ding, ding, this is also my personal favorite! It offers the thrill of the scavenger hunt, all without altering how I already shop. I just watch my points pile up while I peruse my local stores and try out new or family favorite brands.

The app I recommended to my own friends is Shopkick. It’s user-friendly, generous with the points (called kicks!), and did I mention yet just plain fun? Honestly, the real challenge with this app sometimes is waiting to get enough rewards to earn the bigger gift cards, without cashing them in early for a quick Starbucks treat, a constant temptation (darn you, pumpkin spice).

So, let’s recap. My friends learned I’m not some crazy person who invents fake apps; there are, in fact, ways to get paid to grocery shop! And, we all learned how to bring the fun back to grocery shopping by racking up rewards and getting paid while shopping for our growing (and hungry) brood. Teenagers may have an endless pit for a stomach, but they’re no match for my Shopkick app!

Learn how you can start getting paid to grocery shop before your next trip down the aisle. Download Shopkick’s free app and get ready to be wowed. Welcome to the fun, Shopkicker!

If you’re as social media savvy as you are shopping savvy, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping fun.

SeatGeek Rewards with Shopkick

Nothing is better than grabbing a seat to your favorite concert or sports game at a great rate! As we all know, knowing you paid less than the people right next to you adds that little something extra to the experience. It’s just a fact. Enter SeatGeek: an easy to use ticketing hub helping the internet find the best deals on all the cool events you’re interested in going to. And what’s even better? You can now earn gift cards every time you buy tickets by using Shopkick!

What is SeatGeek?

According to SeatGeek’s twitter account they are “The place where the Internet buys their tickets,” which seems quite accurate. To date, the company has hosted tickets for 136,393 events, 509,985 teams, and artists at 367,949 venues. They have the largest inventory of tickets on the web and search through other ticketing websites for the most comprehensive offering of live event tickets online.

Get the Best Deal with SeatGeek and Shopkick

To start earning your gift cards while getting the best deals on all live events follow these steps:

  1. Download the Shopkick app

  2. Click on the SeatGeek button

  3. Shop to your heart’s content


SeatGeek provides a seating chart of the venue and a score on how good of a price the tickets are.

SeatGeek deals and rewards with Shopkick

Additionally, if you create an account, SeatGeek will learn what you like and provide recommendations and alerts when tickets become available near you. Just remember to visit your account through the Shopkick app so you can earn your gift cards too!


Happy Shopping!

How to get a free gift card on every trip to Best Buy!

With the stream of exciting opportunities we’ve announced over the last week, it’s hard to believe we still have more to tell you, BUT WE DO! Starting today you will have over 250 scans available every week at Best Buy! Yes, you read that correctly: Two. HUNDRED. and Fifty. Scans!

Dancing Best Buy associates SNL gif

For those Shopkick users who have been with us for a while, you may remember back in July when we launched weekly scans at Best Buy. We started with 300 kicks available per week, and with the addition of more scans, you’ll now be able to earn over 1,000 kicks every week at Best Buy. Needless to say, this is taking it to a whole new level.

How to see all 250+ scans available each week:

  • If you haven’t already, download the Shopkick app

  • Open the app to check out the stores nearby, and click on the Best Buy icon

  • Scroll down to see the categories of available scans

  • Swipe left to view all the items available in each category

  • Not a fan of scrolling? You can also jump to specific categories to see the full number of scans available in each department

Best Buy gift cards with Shopkick


How to quickly earn a free gift card at Best Buy.

In order to help you earn gift cards as fast as possible, we asked a few top earning Shopkickers for some tips and tricks. Here’s a few to get you started:

Get your phone out early

“Make sure you have the app open when entering Best Buy and start at the back of the store by the TV’s.”  -Karen S.

Look for clues

“Always look for the red sign next to the price, it indicates that the item is on sale and could be what you’re looking for.” – Kurt J.

No need for heavy lifting:

“If you can’t find or reach the barcode on the item, use the barcode on the price tag.” -Abby J.

Get more kicks for purchasing

“Always be on the lookout for some great clearance or sale deals, the best part is you get points off your purchases.” -Marcella Z.

(and if anyone asks what you’re up to…)

“Most people are curious about what Shopkick is and once I give the details, they are interested in trying it out themselves. I give them my invite code and it’s a win/win for us all.” -Neeka D.

Happy Shopkicking!

Introducing rewards for travel! joins the Shopkick family.

A message from our CEO, Bill Demas:

We are pleased with the traction we’ve seen with our new Mobile Shopping offering since its launch in last month. In just three short weeks, we saw repeat purchase rates close to 20% at two of our leading m-commerce partners, and Shopkick users tapped 8x more than industry benchmarks.

As we continue to grow our product offerings, we focus on what our users want and pay close attention to their feedback. I love receiving emails from our users and read everything that comes to One consistent theme has been requests to earn kicks while traveling. 

Some examples:

“Please add reward travel for Marriott, Hilton and airlines. My parents are getting old and I wanna take them on one last epic trip.”

“Want kicks to travel to a family reunion with the first cousins.”

“I am retired and love to travel. Was a foster parent for teenage girls for 15 years.  Now it’s OK to do something for me.  Want to use kicks to travel.”

Today, I am happy to announce that Shopkickers can earn kicks at, a popular online accommodation booking website with properties all over the world, when booking a stay at one of their huge assortment of hotels. is our first partner in travel with more to be announced shortly.

Now, our users can enjoy earning kicks while they travel!  After the trip, they’ll have more kicks waiting to be redeemed for gift cards at Amazon, American Eagle, Best Buy, eBay, Groupon, Starbucks, TJ Maxx, and our ever-growing list of rewards partners.

Other additions to our m-commerce platform include Minibar and SeatGeek, which mark our entry into the alcohol delivery and ticketing spaces.  

Happy Shopkicking and feel free to reach out to me anytime at I welcome your feedback!

eBay, Groupon and Amazon gift cards join the Shopkick rewards mall

If Starbucks, Target, and Sephora weren’t enough excitement for you, we’ve now added 3 new gift cards to the Shopkick app! Please join us in welcoming eBay, Groupon, and Amazon gift cards to the rewards mall!

eBay and Groupon gift cards

Recently added as a way to earn kicks in the Shopkick App, eBay and Groupon have become some of our users’ favorite places to shop online. With eBay’s 1 Billion active listings and Groupon’s daily savings on experiences, services and more, there’s plenty of items to shop through and earn kicks at checkout. eBay gift cards are available for every $5-$10 you earn and Groupon’s gift cards are available in $10-$25 increments. Once you cash in your kicks, the gift cards are digitally downloaded into the rewards section of your account, and can be used instantly! Yeah, it’s just that simple.

Mindblown gif shopkick Amazon gift cards

How to get free gift cards

If you haven’t used Shopkick before, then it’s time for you to download the app and give it a try! We have several ways to earn kicks (our point system) that can be cashed out for gift cards. Unlike competitors in the coupon and rewards space, Shopkick also allows you to earn points for simply walking into stores and scanning products.

Happy Shopping!

eBay and Shopkick team up to deliver hot deals and free gift cards

Shop and you shall receive. Online shopping with eBay is now more rewarding than ever thanks to a new partnership with Shopkick, the app that gives you free gift cards for shopping online or at the local grocery or mall. When you visit eBay through the Shopkick app and make a purchase, you can earn Shopkick points (called “kicks”) that can be immediately redeemed for free gift cards. That means shopping for date night outfits from eBay can lead to a free gift card to The Cheesecake Factory, free movie tickets from Fandango, or a variety of other rewards.

How eBay works

Connecting millions of buyers and sellers around the world, users can find pretty much anything they’re looking for on one site. Navigate to eBay from the Shopkick app to discover deals on everything from vintage teacups to trendy clothes, cool treats and more. Place a bid on a product or buy it right away. This year, eBay has even launched a price match guarantee on over 50,000 products to ensure that an eligible deal is the best available price online.

Visit eBay through Shopkick the next time you’re in the market to save money and get rewarded with free gift cards for your everyday shopping.

Do you want to earn free gift cards, don’t have Shopkick? Download it today.

We know you don’t want to miss out. 

Need one more reason?

We’ve also added gift cards for eBay in the Shopkick app! So get out there and start Shopkicking.

Groupon and Shopkick team up to save you money

What a sweet deal: Groupon has launched with Shopkick! Save money on local services, getaways, and restaurants while also earning Shopkick points (called “kicks”) that you can turn into free gift cards. It’s a win-win all around!

How to save money

Make a purchase or claim a deal from Groupon through the Shopkick app. Not only will you save a ton of money by scoring an awesome discount, you’ll also earn kicks that you can redeem towards a free gift card to stores like Amazon, Best Buy, Target, Sephora, and more.

How Groupon works

With Groupon, you can find the best a city has to offer–at a fraction of the price. Score coupons and deals on local events, services, restaurants, and even travel getaways! Every day you’ll find new deals and discounts. Promotions are for a limited time only, so make sure to buy a deal before it’s gone. Save money and earn free gift cards with Groupon and Shopkick today!

Cute clothes and free gift cards: Spring launches with Shopkick

Fashionistas, pay attention: your next online shopping haul could get you free gift cards. Spring, the digital shopping destination with over 1,500+ brands and 200,000+ products, has partnered with Shopkick. With new arrivals every day and exclusive sales, what’s not to love?  With free shipping and free returns, it’s so easy to get what you love or try something new totally risk-free.  

How to get your free gift cards

View products and make purchases from Spring through the Shopkick app to earn Shopkick points (called “kicks”). Cash in those kicks for free gift cards to Sephora, American Eagle, Tory Burch, and much more.

Don’t have Shopkick yet? Download it today.

Stylish savings

Spring offers a variety of products from clothing to beauty, lifestyle and more.

Spring and Shopkick bring you free gift cards shopkick and free gift cards and rewards with spring shopping Kids clothing and free gift cards for Spring purchases with Shopkick

So treat yourself to the latest designer trends, lifestyle goods, and beauty products on Spring while earning kicks for your free gift card with Shopkick.

Date night outfit ideas on a dime!

As a mommy of three boys who desperately looks forward to a date night with the hubby when the opportunity arises, one of my first thoughts on the subject is usually “What am I going to wear?!?!?” This is always a bit of a struggle, as my normal wardrobe consists of business casual for the workday and yoga / athletic wear for the after hours baseball games and kids sporting events that consume nearly every evening. Needless to say, neither my closet nor my budget allows me the luxury of Jimmy Choo’s and a fabulous new little black dress to wow the hubby. So, what is a girl to do when looking for a fresh date night outfit?

Utilize the All-Powerful Pinterest

More often than not, a few lingering minutes on Pinterest actually does my heart and my fashion sense some amazing good. Many times I stumble across a date night outfit that I LOVE, and then I head straight for closet with that inspiration to see if any of my current clothing items can work together and achieve a knock-off version of that style. It is always amazing to me when I find a gem buried in the back of my racks that is just what I need to pull an outfit together.

Raid a Friend’s Closet

As a mom on a budget, one of my favorite thrifty tips for clothing is to have a friend or sister who will share her wardrobe with you. Even if your bestie isn’t the same pant or shoe size, many tops and accessories can be made to fit a variety of people. Plus, if you both share what you’ve got, it doubles the options for both of you and gives a lot more possibilities for new outfit combos.

Shop Used Clothing Options

Another way that I keep my date night wardrobe hot without breaking the bank is by buying used. From thrift stores and garage sales to Facebook marketplace and Ebay auctions, there are TONS of very nice clothes out there that can be purchased for pennies on the dollar because they hung in someone else’s closet for a bit before finding their way to you.  

Looking for new outfit ideas for date night? We've got you covered!

Mix up an Old Favorite

If your husband is anything like mine, he remembers baseball stats from 2 years ago, but likely couldn’t tell you what I wore the last few times we had a date night. Being a woman of opportunity and budget, I use this to my advantage and recycle old date night outfits. Of course, I remember what I wore and like to keep things fun and fresh, so I mix up that repeat dress with a fun cardigan, a different shoe choice, and maybe a scarf or belt accessory.

So now that you have some ideas brewing on HOW to find fab outfits, let me give you some advice on WHAT to wear! Here are my favorite “go-to” ways to dress amazingly using a lot of what I already have on hand.

Dress Up Jeans with a Sexy Top

Whether you are into a super skinny pencil jean, a slightly distressed boyfriend style, or even white or brightly colored denim, pairing jeans you already own and love with a sexy top is a great way to create a new style without having to reinvent the fashion wheel. My most recent favorite is my dark grey skinnies paired with a slightly sparkly black top. Depending on the date, pair with either heels or flats to finish the look. You can find affordable options at T.J. Maxx or Marshalls (and don’t forget to earn free gift cards while you’re shopping!). 

Monochromatic with a Jacket

When I was in high school, my mom warned me never to wear the same color on top and bottom. As I grew older and learned to beat to the rhythm of my own fashion drum, I found that I really love pairing a monochromatic outfit with a jacket, blazer, or cardigan of some sort. All black is a favorite for its slimming quality and goes great with my cutesy cropped jean jacket for a casual look, as well as with my khaki blazer if I want a bit more sophistication.  I also sometimes opt for a monochromatic gray outfit when I am feeling edgy and pair it with a stunning leather jacket. If you want a bit more depth and color, add a scarf to the mix and you’ve got a great date night style.

Show A Little Skin

As a mom, I am not normally the epitome of a sex kitten when I am in my natural habitat of work or home.  My husband thinks I am beautiful no matter what I wear, but one of the things that I have come to realize is that choosing an outfit for date night that shows a little more skin than normal really gets him excited. While I stay away from these styles for the office or PTA meetings, I do have a few outfits in my repertoire that I bring out especially for him. Ideas to try include off the shoulder or no shoulder tops, shorter than normal skirts or dresses, low cut blouses or those with open back designs.

No matter what style, fabric, color, or genre your date night outfit falls into, be sure that you have fun with it! The sexiest outfit you will wear is one that you feel beautiful, confident, and fabulous in.

National Breast Cancer Foundation Wins $50,000 Donation from Shopkick!

Please join us in congratulating our Kicking for a Cause champions, National Breast Cancer Foundation!

Final leaderboard showing NBCF as the winner

Over the past month, users joined one of 5 charities to earn as many kicks as possible to keep their team in the lead. The National Breast Cancer Foundation team collected over 12 Million kicks alone to snag our winning $50,000 donation!

“Thanks to Shopkick and their users for their support of our mission to help women now facing breast cancer,” says NBCF Founder & CEO, Janelle Hail.  “Their donation of $50,000 will allow NBCF to provide thousands of free early detection and patient navigation services to women in need across America.”

We are thrilled to be able to support such an amazing organization helping women and families affected by breast cancer every single day.

All 5 charities will remain available in the Rewards Mall for a limited time, so we hope you will continue to kick for a cause with us by donating your kicks to National Breast Cancer Foundation or to the charity of your choice through the app now!

Donate your kicks now

Holy wholesale: Boxed brings smart shopping to Shopkick

Holy wholesale! Boxed, the awesome online wholesaler, has launched with Shopkick. Stock up on just about everything you need and get free gift cards in return. When you visit Boxed or make purchases from them through the Shopkick app, you’ll be able to earn Shopkick points (called “kicks”). Redeem those kicks for free gift cards to stores like Best Buy, Sephora, and much more.


Bulk shopping means big savings

Wholesale sizes mean you get more for your money and shop less. Boxed delivers bigger savings without membership fees everywhere in the lower 48 states. What’s not to love about a 2 day shipping time? You even get free samples with your delivery!   Boxed has the A+ lineup you need to stock up for back to school shopping in minutes. Buy in bulk, get free gift cards: Shop with through the Shopkick app. Don’t have Shopkick? Download it today and join the millions of Shopkickers who have redeemed over $63.8 million in free gift cards.