Free apps to earn money for Amazon gift cards while you shop

For as much as I like to shop, there used to be some things that I could never remember to buy on time: shampoo, the Clif Bars my husband and I depend on for quick snacks, or those little pods for our dishwasher. It seemed like I was never remembering to buy any of them until the exact moment I ran out. But that all changed when I discovered monthly subscriptions from Amazon. Now, Amazon automatically sends me certain products I have to buy every month, right to my door.

I’ve been using Amazon subscriptions for at least a year and a half now, and in that time I’ve actually gotten better at using it. Weird to say about an automated service, right? But these days, I’ve started getting rewarded—and paid—for my shopping.

When I first signed up, Amazon would just charge my credit card for my subscription items. But now, I’ve discovered free apps to earn money for Amazon gift cards. I can use these apps to earn points while I shop at my favorite stores like Target, Walmart, and Walgreens—points I can later cash in for Amazon gift cards to use toward my monthly subscriptions. In fact, I’ve gotten my system down so well that it’s been months now since Amazon had to charge them to my credit card.

Now, I don’t have to actively buy things like paper towels, hand soap, or laundry detergent—and I don’t have to pay for them either! What a beautiful concept. Here are my personal rankings for apps that help you earn Amazon gift cards—for free!

Good Apps to Earn Money for Amazon

Amazon’s subscription system is just one small way that shopping has gotten better in recent years. New technology has made shopping both more efficient and more fun! I don’t know about you, but for me, the combination of phones with high-quality cameras and the rise of Instagram has made it a blast to take pictures.

In those pictures, of course, are so many of the things my ladies and I buy when we’re out shopping: jeans, handbags, sunglasses, cute shoes, etc. Would you believe me if I said I recently found an app that made Instagram officially a member of my shopping crew? If it seems too fun to be true, pay attention because I’m about to blow you away:

  • CoSign: With CoSign, whenever you upload an image to any social networking site (Facebook, Instagram, you name it), you can tag certain items that you and your friends are wearing, and include the price, brand, and other product info. Then, if any of your followers go online to actually buy select items in those pictures, you earn a 35% commission on the product’s price! And, it’s not just fashion. You can use this app to take photos of other featured items: furniture, books, food, and even movies! Once you rack up $40 in savings, you can then cash it out for what? Ding, ding, ding! Amazon gift cards to keep your subscription service running smoothly!
  • Other apps that fit this category:
    • Stylinity
    • Iconzoomer

Better Apps to Earn Money for Amazon

When I was growing up, one of my best friends worked at our local grocery store. She told me a story about something called a mystery shopper, who was actually someone the manager sent in to pose as a customer and then write a review of the service they received. It was a way to keep employees, like my friend, on their toes.

Well, technology has changed the way that mystery shoppers work too. With free apps on your phone, you can become a mystery shopper. These apps will assign you to go out and investigate a store’s service, then report back to the app. It’s a really cool system, especially if you happen to be heading out to that exact store in the first place because then you can make money for what you buy anyway!

  • Mobee: In terms of mystery shopper apps, my all time favorite of the bunch is Mobee. Mobee works exactly as I just described above, but it’s my favorite because you can get rewarded for your mystery shopper reports within 24 hours, redeeming the points you earn for gift cards or tickets to events. I, of course, always go with the Amazon gift cards so I don’t even have to think about paying for my monthly subscription service items anymore.
  • Other apps that fit this category:
    • Gigwalk
    • Zapiddy

The Best Apps to Earn Money for Amazon

This final app, in a class of its own, is Shopkick. You know what they say: save the best for last!

What I love about this app is that it rewards me for every part of my shopping experience. How Shopkick works is that you earn points, called kicks, for every aspect of your shopping routine: walking into the store, scanning the barcodes of certain products to get more info, and, of course, making purchases. Then, when you save enough of these points up, you can trade them in for Amazon gift cards! It has all the efficiency of the mystery shopper apps, plus all the fun of the photo apps, but also turns every trip to the store into a game that feels like a scavenger hunt. I even use it to get paid for shopping for groceries.

I mean, the Amazon subscription model has made my life so breezy, at least when it comes to keeping the house stocked

It really makes me wonder what kind of shopping tech is just around the corner that will make our lives even easier. I mean, the Amazon subscription model has made my life so breezy, at least when it comes to keeping the house stocked. And Shopkick has made all my other shopping trips so much more fun! It’s a win-win combo kick from shopping buddy, Shopkick.

Ready to start using free apps to earn money for Amazon gift cards while you shop? Download Shopkick for free and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered how rewarding it is to shop with us!

And, if you love using your smartphone to stay up on social media, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping inspiration.

Image courtesy elenathewise

Learn how to make money from apps to fuel your techie needs

The thing about working your hardest to stay up on all the latest tech trends is your work is never really done. That’s both the blessing and the curse of being a techie. Almost immediately after you invest in a new device with a new set of functionalities, tech companies are getting ready to turn around and announce the next evolution of what you just bought. It’s kind of exciting when you think about it, but the big problem is after a long enough period of time it can really put a strain on your wallet.

That’s why it’s absolutely vital to learn all you can about how to make money from apps. If you really get into it, I’m here to tell you, you can learn how to make money from apps at such a prodigious clip you can ultimately fuel your tech needs! At least until the next big things comes out. Kidding! Well, at least a little bit. Anyway, the point is that every little bit of money makes a difference when you’re really engaged in following new tech trends. Today, I’m going to share all I’ve learned about how to make money from apps.

We’ll go over the keys to success, the different types of money-making apps you can choose from, and, of course, my all-time favorite. I honestly wish someone would have sat me down and given me these tips sooner, but, hey, there’s no time like the present to start!

How to Make Money From Apps: Keys to Success

how to make money from appsThere are a number of different money-making apps you can use once you learn all there is to know about how to make money from apps. However, the key to success is consistency. And, that’s why I want to start by talking about the most important tips for using apps to make money.

Here are a few qualities I look for when deciding to use apps to make money:


  • Easy to use: In my experience, overly convoluted or complex technology is pretty much never a good thing, and this is especially true with apps, which are more or less always intended to help improve or simplify your life. So, with money-making apps, you’re going to want to make sure the one you settle on is simple and easy to use.


  • Consistency: To be frank, there are no money-making apps that you can use a couple times a year and expect to earn enough money to make a dent in your tech budget. Every one of these apps requires you to use them consistently. You’ll want to choose an app you won’t mind spending time on.
  • Fun: This sort of ties into the previous point, but you want to make sure the money-making app you go with is one you have fun using. If you’re able to do that, the consistency question basically takes care of itself.



How to Make Money From Apps: Type of Money-Making Apps to Choose From

Now that you’re an expert on the qualities to look for when choosing an app from which to make money, it’s time to look at your different options in terms of types of apps. App development is one of the broadest disciplines of new technology, with more and more apps coming out every day; money-making apps are no different.

There are three general types of money-making apps I’ve seen. The first is the most common: survey apps, and how it works is super simple. You download the app, put in your demographic info, and get paid to take surveys relevant to your lifestyle. The next type of common money-making app is a coupon app, which a whole like old-school coupon clipping but updated for the modern era. The third type of app is actually my favorite. It’s called a third-party shopping app.

How to Make Money From Apps: The Best App For You is Shopkick

My all-time favorite money-making app is called Shopkick, and it meets all the requirements in our first section: it’s easy to use, it lends itself to consistency, and it’s a whole lot of fun. How it works is pretty simple. With Shopkick, you get points for the things you do whenever you go out shopping, things like walking into stores, going down aisles browsing products, and making purchases. You can then trade these points in for gift cards to your favorite stores, including places like Target, Walmart, and Best Buy.

That’s not even the best part. There are also tons of ways that Shopkickers can earn rewards right from the app—no need to go anywhere. These include kicks (points) for watching videos and instant surprise kicks from going on Easter egg hunts in the app. Users can also get amazing deals where you can earn big points and rewards by shopping on your phone at stores like Amazon, Walmart, and, again, Best Buy! It’s really cool, and I use it basically any time I shop.

Keeping up with tech can be expensive and nobody knows that as well as tech-savvy folks like you and me. Luckily, you can also use tech to lessen the load your wallet has to bear. That’s why it literally pays to learn how to make money from apps, money that can fuel your techie needs.

That’s why it literally pays to learn how to make money from apps, money that can fuel your techie needs.

Like I said earlier, my all-time favorite money-making app is Shopkick. There’s just so many different ways to use it to earn points that you can trade in for gift cards. In fact, it’s gotten to the point that every trip out to the store feels a little bit like a scavenger hunt for me, and I’m definitely not complaining about upping the fun factor for my regular shopping!

Ready to learn more about how to make money from apps to fuel your techie needs? Download Shopkick for free and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered how rewarding—and fun—shopping can be!

And, if you love using your smartphone to stay up on social media, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping inspiration.

Image courtesy Rido

7 Things Moms Really Need When The Kids Go Back To School

With summer coming to a close and fall kicking into full swing, it’s finally time for the kids to rush off back to school. On one hand, the daily activities, endless pool days and lack of school structure that filled your summertime schedule left you happy to spend time with your kids, but you also may feel much more exhausted than you expected! That is why this back-to-school season is the perfect time for you to find ways to cultivate a little rest and relaxation at home!

Before the school year gets too hectic, use the first couple weeks of back-to-school as a self-care recharge frenzy! You finally have six hours of uninterrupted time to regroup before diving into the demands of the school year and family life. You are (dare I say?) … free. Check out these ideas for things you can easily do to truly wind down, mama! You won’t regret any of them.

1. Stay-at-Home Spa

Create a mini-spa experience at home. It’s so easy to set up a self-care station with manicure and pedicure essentials, skin care, and face masks. Put on your favorite show and relax while your nails dry! No doing dishes for you.

2. Beauty Bath

Not only are bath bombs the most aesthetically pleasing invention ever, but they also make your skin feel amazing. Set up a warm bath with some of your favorite bath bombs and rose petals, and don’t forget to light at least one incredibly scented candle to really set the mood!

3. Sweat It Out

Between summer camp, sports practices, and pool days, you rarely had time to exercise. Use these few hours to get back into a healthy routine whether that means yoga, the gym, or running around the neighborhood. Don’t forget to wear breathable clothes and stock up on your favorite reusable water bottles.

4. Netflix Binge

One more episode of anything on Nickolodean could make you cry at this point, so why not have a binge on your favorite TV shows and movies during the day? It’s only been, what, a year since you last saw a movie you wanted to see? You deserve it!

5. Read A Book

Some of the best moments in life are the smallest moments. Happiness is usually found in between the pages of a really good book. Find your favorite genre and curl up in bed or outside and enjoy the beauty of turning one page at a time.

6. Solo Pool Day

With just a few weeks of warm weather left, you should be rushing to the pool for the most relaxing day yet! Grab your softest beach towel, most comfortable swimsuit, and get ready to snooze in the sun.

7. Take A Nap

Sleep is so important for your body to feel your best physically and mentally. It aids in focus, wellbeing, and your ability to take care of others. Take a guilt-free nap, and wake up refreshed and ready for the afternoon rush when the kids get home!

Whether you loved the back-to-school season rush or felt stressed by the frenzy of it all, it is important to stop and take a moment for yourself. Take a relaxing bath, exercise in new fitness gear or take a much-needed nap! Do things differently and pamper yourself in the few hours you have free before the after-school rush kicks in. You deserve it.

*To see more products and ideas that can help you relax and unwind, check out the Shopkick App! It allows you to shop for products you need and earn points back, called kicks, to redeem gift cards. Happy Shopkicking!

Redeem points for cash to fund your next shopping spree

I hate to admit this, but I think you can tell my age by the type of shopping sprees I’m always fantasizing over. When I was growing up, I used to fantasize about being one of those kids that got to run through Toys R Us stuffing as many things into their cart as they could as fast as possible. Then, when I was in my teens, I used to imagine a wealthy relative coming from overseas to fly me out to Beverly Hills to shop on Rodeo Drive. Now, I reminisce about old episodes of the game show Supermarket Sweep.

As I’ve gotten older, my fantasies have gotten a bit more mundane; they’ve also become more real. In fact, I’ve found a way to earn and redeem points for cash to fund shopping sprees. That’s right, and I’d like to share this magical way to redeem points for cash to fund your next shopping spree with you.

So stick with me today, because I’m about to let you in on the different ways you can earn and redeem points for cash to fund your next shopping spree. If you really want to get prepared, maybe go out and buy some comfortable shoes? You won’t necessarily be running through the aisles like I used to do in my fantasies, but, hey, it’s nice to have the option!

Earn and Redeem Points for Cash with Survey Apps

Let’s get the least exciting option to earn and redeem points for cash out of the way first: survey apps. Yes, I really think of all the ways you can make money from home with your phone, this one is my least favorite, but it still works so I find myself using it from time to time, even though I don’t like it as much as the other options on my list.

earn and redeem points for cashThere are actually a number of different apps you can choose from that you can use to eventually redeem points for cash by first taking surveys at home on your smartphone. I personally find surveys a little tedious, but maybe you can try a few and find one that works for you. They all work pretty much the same: just download a survey app, enter your demographic information, and the app sends you surveys. The more surveys you take, the more points you can earn; it’s that simple.

Earn and Redeem Points for Cash with Couponing Apps

The second way to earn and redeem points for cash is kind of old-school. There are these apps I like to call couponing apps, and they work a whole lot like how cutout paper coupons used to work way back in the day. Thankfully, there a few different types of coupon apps to choose from.

The first type lets you select from a whole bunch of different coupons online that give you points when you go in to buy certain items. You can, of course, use these points later to get cash back to use on your future shopping sprees. The other kind of coupon app is even more like clipping physical coupons. You use your device to scan certain coupons, and then you use them at the store as if they were paper, which gives you money off your bill right then and there. Either way, you’re clearing space in your budget, and I’m sure we all agree that’s a very good thing!

Earn and Redeem Points for Cash with Shopkick

Of all the options on our list that you can use to earn and redeem points for cash, my absolute favorite is this app called Shopkick. How it works is super simple, too. Basically, Shopkick gives you points for the things you do when you go out shopping anyway, things like walking into stores, going down aisles browsing products, and making purchases. You can then redeem the points you earn for gift cards to all your favorite stores. Save up enough of those gift cards, and it’s shopping spree time!

That’s not even the best part, though. There are even other ways to earn points with Shopkick, too. There are tons of ways that Shopkickers can earn rewards right from the app—no need to go anywhere. These include kicks for watching videos and instant surprise kicks from going on Easter egg hunts in the app. Users can also get amazing deals where you can earn big points and rewards by shopping on your phone at stores like Amazon, Walmart, and more!

I can barely even remember what it’s like to go shopping without it!

Yes, all three of those types of apps are great ways for you to earn and redeem points for cash to fund your next shopping spree, but, truth be told, I like Shopkick the best because it’s just so much fun and it also has the most ways to earn points. I can barely even remember what it’s like to go shopping without it!

I love the steady stream of gift cards I’ve been earning with Shopkick in recent years. It’s fun to fantasize about sprees, but this really has become an integral part of my budget. I earn points while shopping for everything from groceries at Walmart to subscriptions on Amazon, and I love all the money I’m able to save with Shopkick gift cards!

Start using one of the best ways to earn and redeem points for cash to fund your next shopping spree. Download Shopkick’s free app today and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered the rewards of shopping with a free, smartphone app sidekick.

And, if you love social media as much as you love shopping, join Shopkick on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for a little daily shopping inspiration.

Image courtesy ESB Professional

Get the most out of your budget with these apps that save you money

My oldest son recently wanted to buy a pair of high top sneakers even though he hadn’t yet grown out of his current pair, which basically looked brand new. On one hand, I was really proud of him for taking such great care of the nice shoes my husband and I bought for him. On the other hand, I realized he was long overdue for the speech about getting the most out of your things; and, since I could give him so many examples of how I get the most out of my budget, I was in a great position to give it.

I’ve really become a budget wizard. Yes, I know that’s not exactly the same as taking good care of your shoes so they last, but both jobs take a little bit of hard work, dedication, and a special touch. I actually think these days it might be easier for a mom like me to get more out of a budget than it is for a kid, like my son, to take great care of his shoes. You’re probably wondering why, and the answer is tons of great apps that save you money at our disposal.

That’s also what I want to talk about here today: how to get the most out of your budget with apps that save you money. I’ll start by talking about what these apps are and how they work before giving you a couple examples of the type of app I like the best, as well as some details about my all-time favorite. Just like I was happy to give my son a speech about his cool shoes, I’m happy to tell you about apps that save you money.

Types of Apps That Save You Money

The first thing you need to know when it comes to apps that save you money is there are several different types of apps that save you money. There are so many, in fact, it can sometimes be difficult to figure out where to start. Well, don’t worry because I’m here to help!

get the most out of the apps that save you moneyMy general sense is the most common of the apps that save you money are survey apps, which are exactly what they sound like—apps that pay you to take surveys. Now, I’m not a big fan of these myself, but I might use them from time to time. Another common type is an app that pays you money to do small errands, like taking pictures and straightening displays. These are a little better, but still not my favorite. My favorites are the shopping rewards apps, which I’m going to talk much more about in the next section.  

Shopping Rewards Apps That Save You Money

Shopping rewards apps, for those of you who have never heard of them, are apps that pay you to go shopping. Chances are, you go shopping all the time, both online and in person. Well, how these apps work is pretty simple: they give you rewards for doing certain things or buying certain products while you’re out shopping.

I should also tell you there are essentially two types of shopping rewards apps. One kind works like old-school coupon clipping. In fact, there’s even an app out there that has you use your phone to scan coupons that you can use later at the store. My favorites, however, are the shopping rewards apps that give you points for the things you do while you’re out shopping. Yes, these really exist!

My All-Time Favorite of the Apps that Save You Money

Of all the excellent shopping rewards apps that save you money, my all-time favorite is an app called Shopkick. How it works is a lot like what I described in the section above. Basically, Shopkick gives you points for all the things you do while you’re out shopping already, making it so you can get paid for buying groceries, for example. You can earn points (“kicks”) with Shopkick for things like walking into stores, going down aisles browsing products, and making purchases. You can then trade those points in for gift cards to many of your favorite stores.

Physically going out shopping isn’t the only way to get points with Shopkick, though. You can make money right from your phone. There are tons of ways Shopkickers can earn rewards right from the app—no need to go anywhere. These include kicks for watching videos and instant surprise kicks from going on Easter egg hunts in the app. Users can also get amazing deals where you can earn big points and rewards by shopping on your phone at stores like Amazon, Walmart, and more!

There are tons of ways Shopkickers can earn rewards right from the app—no need to go anywhere.

Now you know my secrets for using apps that save you money. I hope you’re already thinking of ways to put them to use getting the most out of your own budget. It really makes things so much easier on both you and your household—I know it definitely has for me.

I think everyone who goes shopping (and isn’t that all of us?) should be using Shopkick. I mean, it essentially turns each and every trip you make out to the store into a fun scavenger hunt for points, points you can trade in later for gift cards to your favorite stores. Trust me, once you start using Shopkick on the regular, you won’t be able to remember how you used to get by without it!

Are you ready to start getting the most out of your own budget with these apps that save you money, too? Well, simply download Shopkick and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered the rewards of shopping with us!

And, if you love using your smartphone to stay up on social media, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping inspiration.

Image courtesy Dean Drobot

Fall is for Football: Let’s get ready to tailgate and cheer!

Every season feels as though it was designed specifically for the sport played throughout, and the fall makes football feel even more poignant. Perhaps this time of year makes you remember all of the Friday nights you spent under the lights in high school. Maybe you remember attending your very first game with family or friends and finding yourself completely amazed as you took in the sights and sounds of the field and players you cheer on in person. Perhaps it’s simply the joy found in cheering on your college, city, or town as they begin a new road toward records broken and games won. Whether it’s nostalgia that draws you to the sport or a complete devotion to where you reside, football allows those of us who are fans to feel a renewed sense of camaraderie. For these reasons, we cheer for Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays when our fall sport of choice kicks off once more.

Because football season is enjoyed best when you’re prepped and ready for all of the tailgates and cheering to come, we thought we would share our go-to products for you to keep on hand from our favorite stores, all while earning kicks for every $1 spent through your Shopkick app. Make sure to take a peek below or open the app now as we get ready for game time right along with you!

Get ready for Game Time

There is an art to tailgating, and there’s nowhere better to stock up on supplies than! Add a new portable grill to your cart so you can make the best barbeque, and make sure to add all of your go-to barbeque ingredients to your cart too (hamburgers, hotdogs, rolls, and all of the fixings are key!). You can’t attend a tailgate without drinks, and water and soda are great to buy in bulk. A party isn’t a party unless you can enjoy your food and drinks, so don’t forget to purchase plates, napkins, cups, and utensils (not to mention trash bags!). A canopy tent can save the day when you’re enjoying your party in the parking lot of your stadium on a hot or rainy day. Lastly, would it be a tailgate if you didn’t have a football to toss? Of course not! You will want to add one of those too.


Boxed is the place to go to buy in bulk! If you’re a seasoned tailgater, you already know all of your group’s favorite snacks to enjoy. So, why not save time and money by purchasing them in bulk in advance? Simply add bags from your order to your tailgate stash, and you will be ready to go well in advance of kickoff!

If you’re attending a football game, you have to rep your team! Stop by’s NFL section to add long and short sleeve t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, and more to your cart. You can also purchase an official jersey in honor of your favorite player. There are so many options, you will be able to wear something different for each week your team is in the mix to win! P.S: Your kids likely have spirit days at school, and football t-shirts and jerseys are perfect to wear!


As much as we enjoy watching our favorite teams at home, there is nothing that compares to cheering on our players in person! If you are hoping to attend even just one game this season, we cannot recommend SeatGeek highly enough. Simply type your team’s name into the search bar on the homepage, press enter, and watch as all of your team’s upcoming games fill your screen. Then click on the one you want to attend. There you will find a whole listing of tickets for a complete variety of prices, and you will be greeted by a map of the stadium so you can see exactly where you will be sitting. Once you find tickets that meet your needs, purchase them! Many are e-tickets you will receive right away.

What are your top tips for tailgating? What team do you cheer on? Let us know in the comments!

Savor Your First Sip and Save with Starbucks

Whether it’s the feeling that time has paused as you enjoy your morning commute momentarily lost in your current read, the luxury experienced on vacation, or a long summer day filled with the perfect mixture of nostalgia from season’s past and a joy for the present moment, all three share a common theme: leisure. But, the happiness and relaxation found in moments of rest does not need to be limited to specific days. Instead, leisure can be cultivated every morning when you savor your first sip with Starbucks.

For many, including us, going to Starbucks for coffee (or tea!) is not something we do to simply check something off of our morning to-do list. Whether we’re on our way to work, leaving the gym, or running through drive through as we take our kids to school, Starbucks is more than coffee; Starbucks is a ritual. Although we’re all often in a rush to get to our destination, we’ve learned the best way to enjoy Starbucks is actually not on the go. Instead, the best way to enjoy Starbucks is slowly and with leisure.

In order to cultivate a more leisurely Starbucks experience, we have started brewing our coffee at home. That’s one of the not-so-hidden gem facts about Starbucks. The drinks you love to enjoy, whether it’s a French Press, pour over, espresso, or even just a regular cup, can be created on your own without a barista in sight with Starbuck’s brew guide. And, now you can save on select Starbucks products with select retailers in store and online with Shopkick! Simply open the app, scan your Starbucks products, and submit your receipt.

How to earn kicks while saving money

shopkick starbucks

Step 1: Get kicks in stores or online by scanning or purchasing select Starbucks products



shopkick starbucksStep 2: Choose your favorite brew method




shopkick starbucksStep 3: Enjoy your coffee and savings




With the savings you earn by using Shopkick, you can create even more leisure in your day. Think about purchasing the coffee pot you’ve been eyeing that will make your Starbucks taste even more flavorful, opt to add the book you’ve wanted to read to your cart, or whip together a delicious brunch menu and invite friends over for coffee and conversation. Saving on Starbucks means you can design a better morning during the week or just on the weekend that feels indulgent and fulfilling. There is no better way to enjoy savings than that!

Your first step toward a new leisurely morning routine is as simple as enjoying your first sip of your morning cup with Starbucks at home. Welcome to the Morning Club. We’re so happy you’ve joined us to savor a few slow moments before the rest of the day begins.

Don’t have Shopkick yet?

Download it now to start earning free gift cards the fun and easy way!

Don’t miss out on big Labor Day kicks!

Ready for more kicks? Celebrate Labor Day with great deals and big kicks all weekend long! Earn tons of kicks in stores when you walk in and purchase using your linked card. Plus, earn kicks for every $1 spent online through the Shopkick app.

View the kick plan below or open your app to start earning. Happy shopkicking!

Get big kicks in stores
8/31 – 9/3
4 kicks/$1
was 2 kicks
*using your
Shopkick QR code
8/31 – 9/3
150 kicks
9/1 ONLY
150 kicks
9/1 ONLY
6 kicks/$1
was 3 kicks
9/2 – 9/3 ONLY
150 kicks
9/1 ONLY
6 kicks/$1
was 3 kicks
8/31 – 9/3
150 kicks
9/1 ONLY
6 kicks/$1
was 3 kicks
8/31 – 9/3
150 kicks
9/1 ONLY
6 kicks/$1
was 3 kicks
8/31 – 9/3
100 kicks
8/31 – 9/3
10 kicks/$1
was 5 kicks
8/31 – 9/3
200 kicks
8/31 – 9/3
8 kicks/$1
was 4 kicks
8/31 – 9/3
2 kicks/$1
was 1 kick
*also available at
8/31 – 9/3
Linked debit cards must be run as credit in order to receive your kicks.
Get big kicks online
8/31 – 9/3

25 kicks/$1
was 8 kicks

25 kicks/$1
was 15 kicks

20 kicks/$1
was 9 kicks

20 kicks/$1
was 10 kicks

15 kicks/$1
was 7 kicks

10 kicks/$1
was 5 kicks

10 kicks/$1
was 5 kicks

10 kicks/$1
was 5 kicks

10 kicks/$1
was 7 kicks

6 kicks/$1
was 3 kicks

6 kicks/$1
was 4 kicks
Some exclusions may apply. Please check the app for more information.


Still need the app?

Download Shopkick today to start earning your free gift cards?

Get the Best Deals on Amazon With These 8 Techie Hacks

Get the Best Deals on Amazon With These 8 Techie Hacks

Amazon is something I’ve come to rely on in my life pretty heavily, and I have a sneaking suspicion I’m not alone. Scratch that! I know for a fact I’m not alone! Since first coming on the scene about two decades ago, Amazon has steadily gotten bigger and bigger, reshaping the way we shop, budget, and overall live. I know that’s definitely true in my life.

One of Amazon’s biggest success tactics has been a simple one: reeling people in with deals they just can’t refuse. Prices are low on Amazon, often lower than what you might find at the store. One of the things you’ve probably noticed is prices for items on Amazon can sometimes fluctuate, meaning you have to do your due diligence to keep an eye on them. Simply put, finding the best deals on Amazon can be a bit like wandering a maze. Well, with that in mind, what I want to give you today is the map or cheat sheet for finding the best deals on Amazon.

These eight great hacks for techies like me involve finding efficient ways to stay on top of prices or using apps to earn free Amazon gift cards. While a little different, all of these hacks offer a great way to get the most out of your budget and ultimately save yourself money. That’s something I know I’m excited about, and I’m sure you are too. So, without further ado, let’s get into eight techie hacks to get the best deals on Amazon.

Amazon Techie Hack No. 1: Search Online

Okay, so this piece of advice about how to get the best deals on Amazon might sound a bit obvious and not exactly like a techie hack, but the simple truth is it really works. You can often find the best deals on Amazon by using your favorite online search engine and entering “best deals on Amazon.”

The reason why this is so effective is there are plenty of publications out there that regularly round up the best deals on Amazon. Seeing as prices on the website tend to change all the time (sometimes from minute to minute if you click away) this is a really helpful thing to know about. Of course, these roundups won’t always have exactly what you’re looking for, but, who knows, you could end up getting a great price on something you forgot you needed.

Amazon Techie Hack No. 2: Join Amazon Prime

To get the best deals on Amazon, it’s crucial to join Amazon Prime. When users purchase a new Amazon Prime membership (the $119 membership, specifically) through Shopkick, they receive a $20 gift card. For that price, you get unlimited two-day shipping on the millions of items included in Amazon Prime, as well as associated discounts. I mean, I don’t think there’s any question about this one. If you don’t sign up for Amazon Prime, you just won’t be able to get the best deals on Amazon, no matter how many of the other techie hacks on this list you use!

In addition, signing up for Amazon Prime also gets you access to the Prime Video service, which has all kinds of cool movies and TV shows you can watch on your compatible devices. Plus, Prime Music has approximately 2 million songs that you can stream without having to listen to ads. You can pre-order video games through Amazon, often discounted by 20 percent.

Amazon Techie Hack No. 3: Learn to Love the Amazon Best Sellers List

Did you know that Amazon keeps a running list of its best-selling items? Well, if you didn’t, now you do! It’s really helpful when it comes to finding the best deals on Amazon. Why? Because it turns out that the overwhelming and vast majority of people really like to save money, and as a result, items that are marked down and listed at extremely affordable prices.

It’s also super easy to sort through the Amazon Best Sellers list because it breaks it down items into more than 30 different categories. There are also easy-to-read red and green arrows on the list that show you which products happen to be rising or dropping in popularity. That doesn’t necessarily help you find the best deal, but it is a cool little thing to check out. I highly recommend making this list a usual part of your regular Amazon browsing.

Amazon Techie Hack No. 4: Clip Amazon Coupons

Remember when you were a little kid and your mom or dad used to clip actual coupons out of the newspaper or from junk mail? I do. My mom used to keep her coupon clippings in a kitchen drawer. She must have gotten some great deals that way because she did it throughout my entire childhood. Part of getting the best deals on Amazon involves collecting coupons, too.

Thankfully, like everything on Amazon, you do it entirely online. You just head on over to the Amazon Coupons Hub and check out the digital coupons that are featured. When you find one, use the “Clip Coupon” button to save it to your cart. Then, it’s automatically applied to your total at checkout. It’s definitely easier than cutting out paper coupons with scissors and stuffing them into a drawer.

Amazon Techie Hack No. 5: Don’t Sleep on Amazon Warehouse Deals

I can also remember times when my dad used to love going to places like Best Buy and Target to see if there were any open box deals on display. I think usually these were items that someone had bought and returned. Obviously, the stores couldn’t sell them for full price because the boxes had been opened, but they could put them on sale at a discount for guys like my dad. There’s actually a section on Amazon that sort of recreates this experience!

The Amazon Warehouse Deals section is another place on Amazon where you have to be diligent and always check because the page changes a lot—sometimes even from minute to minute. Basically, the Amazon Warehouse Deals section includes products that have been returned, warehouse-damaged, refurbished, or used. It also includes products that are new, technically speaking, but don’t live up to Amazon’s usual quality requirements for various reasons. If any of that worries you, all of the products are tested and given a grade you can see. Sure, you may be taking a risk, but because of the way it’s set up, you won’t be in for a whole lot of surprises, which I find to be pretty awesome.

Amazon Techie Hack No. 6: Subscribe to Household Goods and Snacks

I have a confession to make. When it comes to getting the best deals on Amazon, there was one thing I ignored for way longer than I should have: subscribing to certain products. I’m sure you’ve noticed a lot of things you’re likely to repeatedly buy—things like toilet paper, toothpaste, or granola bars—have an option for you to subscribe at a lower price.

Well, I noticed that for a long time, but it wasn’t until now that I started to actually use the subscription service. I guess I was worried I wouldn’t need the stuff when it shipped or the savings wouldn’t be significant enough. Well, let me tell you, neither of those things are really a problem. You can space out how much you subscribe to purchase, and even if the savings seem minor at first, they really add up. I absolutely recommend subscribing household goods and snacks as a way to get the best deals on Amazon.

Amazon Techie Hack No. 7: Amazon Family

This is maybe the most specialized tip on to get the best deals on Amazon on our entire list because it basically only applies to folks who have a family. If you have kids, it’s a hack that will save you a ton of money. Amazon has a parent-focused page where you can find some really great deals on things like diapers, lotion, and other must-haves for little ones.

The best part, though, is by subscribing to those items—which any parent will tell you is a must given how fast kids go through basically everything—you can get up to a 20 percent discount. Remember earlier when I said subscriptions don’t seem to save you that much in the beginning? Well, this category is a definite exception! This is also where you can set up things like baby registries, which I’m sure all your friends and family will very much appreciate.

Amazon Techie Hack No. 8: Use Shopkick

Out of all the choices on our list, my absolute favorite hack is this shopping rewards app called Shopkick. Unlike the other techie hacks for the best deals on Amazon we’ve been through today, this one is actually a third-party app that gives you rewards for buying groceries and really any other type of shopping that you do. How it works is pretty simple. Shopkick gives you points for things you do when you go out shopping already, things like walking into stores, going down aisles browsing products, and making purchases. You can then trade those points in for gift cards to your favorite stores, including Best Buy, Starbucks, and, of course, Amazon.

There are also literally tons of ways that Shopkick users can get rewards right from the app without having to physically go anywhere. These include kicks for watching videos and instant surprise kicks from going on Easter egg hunts in the app. Users can also earn kicks for dollars spent by shopping Amazon Home’s selection through the Shopkick app. This is why I think Shopkick is my favorite out of all the great tips and strategies on our list. There are just so many ways to earn points that can get you free Amazon gift cards.

While you’re shopping on Amazon through Shopkick, users can earn kicks for dollars spent by shopping for Amazon Private Label Fashion brands, such as Lark & Ro, Mae, Ella Moon, and Arabella. These brands are Amazon’s own brands, and they’re great for stocking up on basics as well as more trendy pieces. Further, users can also shop for accessories, luggage, and even shoes while earning points! Users can also earn kicks when they purchase Amazon subscriptions through Shopkick, like Audible, Music Unlimited, and Kindle Unlimited.

These are just some of the tips and techniques that I’ve picked up during my many years of using Amazon. As an early adapter to things like online shopping, I like to think I have a pretty good handle on quickly figuring out how to get the most out of these platforms, and that includes finding the best deals on Amazon. I hope that my advice ends up being just as useful for you as it has been for me!

Like I said, though, my all-time favorite of all of these is Shopkick, which is a great way to save money on your Amazon shopping, as well as many of the other stores that you like to shop at. So, that’s my advice to you: learn the many ins and outs of getting the most out of the Amazon platform. You’ll be amazed at the deals you start to score!

Start using one of these great techie hacks to get the best deals on Amazon. Download Shopkick’s free app today and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered the rewards of shopping with a free, smartphone app sidekick.

And, if you love social media as much as you love catching up with friends, be sure to join Shopkick on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for a little daily shopping inspiration.

3 ways to earn a free Sephora gift card before your next night out

There’s nothing like a great night out with the ladies. I know, if you know me, you’re thinking I say the same thing about brunch with the ladies, spin class with the ladies, and hitting the shops with the ladies. Hey, what can I say? I just absolutely LOVE my friends. Still, I think there’s something special about getting all dolled up for a night out on the town, especially if you can swap skincare and makeup tips while you’re getting ready together!

When it comes to hair and makeup, my absolute favorite store is Sephora. I swear, I could spend hundreds of dollars there and still not get all of the beauty products I wanted! There are just far too many great choices! Luckily, I recently found a way to earn a free Sephora gift card. Actually, scratch that, I found three great ways to earn a free Sephora gift card. Because I’d hate to think you wouldn’t have them to get ready for your next night out, I’ll share them with all of you!

So, stick with me and we’ll go over all three of these great ways to earn a free Sephora gift card before your next night out. If you’re anything like me, you’ll also want to take notes on all this so you can share it with your girlfriends the next time you see them!

How to Earn a Free Sephora Gift Card No. 1: Sephora’s Loyalty Program

earn a Free Sephora gift card

The first way I recommend to earn a free Sephora gift card is to participate in Sephora’s own loyalty program. This is one of those great internal shopper loyalty programs that gives you perks for being a repeat visitor to stores. While this program technically might not give you a free Sephora gift card, it gives you plenty of things that are just as good as a free Sephora gift card!

For example, if you sign up, you’re automatically eligible for free beauty classes. If you go a step further and spend $350 or more in a calendar year, then you can earn yourself free monthly gift sets that are filled with samples from top brands, a free 45-minute custom makeover once a year, and the ability to sign up for free two-day shipping for an entire year for just $10. If you spend $1,000 a year at Sephora (which I’m honestly close to spending that amount), you can earn invitations to exclusive sales events as well as use of a private hotline with a Sephora beauty advisor who’s available to answer all of your questions.

How to Earn a Free Sephora Gift Card No. 2: Survey Junkie

Another slightly, less glamorous way to earn a free Sephora gift card is by taking surveys through Survey Junkie. It’s pretty simple. Basically, you put in all of your demographic information: age, gender, family status, where you live, etc. Then the app sends you relevant surveys. The more surveys you fill out, the more points you get.

You can then eventually trade those points in for—that’s right, you guessed it—a free Sephora gift card. I like this one because, to be totally honest, taking these surveys is really easy and doesn’t require a whole lot of thought. Sure it gets a little boring, but I can generally do some surveys in the morning when I wake up, on my breaks at work, or at night while I’m making dinner. When I take enough surveys, I can earn myself yet another free Sephora gift card!  

How to Earn a Free Sephora Gift Card No. 3: Shopkick

My absolute favorite way to earn a free Sephora gift card is with this shopping rewards app called Shopkick. How it works is that Shopkick gives you points for the things you do when you go out grocery shopping, to the mall, or even to stores like Best Buy and Walmart. This includes things like walking into stores, going down aisles browsing products, and making purchases. You can then trade in the points you earned for a free Sephora gift card.

Physically going to a store isn’t the only way to earn a free Sephora gift card. There are tons of ways that Shopkickers can earn rewards right from the app—no need to go anywhere. These include kicks for watching videos and instant surprise kicks from going on Easter egg hunts in the app. Users can also get amazing deals where you can earn big points and rewards by shopping on your phone at stores like Amazon and Walmart.

Physically going to a store isn’t the only way to earn a free Sephora gift card.

Like I said, there are a few different ways to earn a free Sephora gift card for your next big night out. I personally like to combine all three of these ways; I take surveys when I’m bored, participate in the loyalty program when I shop at Sephora, and score points via Shopkick when I shop at most of my other favorite stores. It really adds up!

However, Shopkick is easily my favorite. I just love how it turns all of my trips out to the store into a little scavenger hunt for points. I also really like jumping in on the jokes and other discussions on the Shopkick social media channel. It’s a great place to share tips about the app, or anything really. I highly recommend it!

Get to know the absolute best way to earn a free Sephora gift card before your next night out on the town with the ladies! Download Shopkick’s free app today and become a part of a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered just how much you can earn with the help of a free shopping sidekick.

And, if you’re on social media catching up with friends, be sure to also join Shopkick on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for a little daily fun and inspiration.

Image courtesy TY Lim /

How to make grocery shopping on a budget fun for the whole family

I know it sounds a little cliche, but there really is nothing like finding an activity that’s fun for the whole family. Making sure that the kids are having fun, of course, is always ideal when you have three boys at home like we do—it keeps them occupied and out of trouble! But, if you can find something that you and your partner also enjoy, well then you’re really on to something. Recently, I found an activity that we can all enjoy together that also helps me save money.

I’ve discovered a way to make grocery shopping on a budget fun for the whole family. It’s really a miracle! What I found was a shopping rewards app that helped me save money while I was out at the store and also turned the experience into a game. Before I knew it, my husband and I were looking forward to all the money that we would save while our boys were looking forward to the new game-like components. It really was a win-win situation for us.

So, today I’d like to share our secret with all of you. There’s just so much to love about having fun with the kids while shopping and saving money at the same time. I think it would be selfish to keep it to myself!

Making Grocery Shopping on a Budget Fun for the Whole Family: Find a Shopping Rewards App

The first step to making grocery shopping on a budget fun for the whole family is getting a shopping rewards app. For those who don’t know, these are apps that you can use to save money at the store. There are a few different types of these apps. One is a couponing app that basically simulates the old-school experience of clipping and using coupons.

The other works differently, giving you points for certain behaviors you do while you’re out shopping (more on exactly what those behaviors are below). To be totally honest, this is certainly the type of rewards app you’re going to want to go with. The reason being is that it’s much more like a game than couponing apps are and finding an app that works like a game is key to your kids having fun.

Making Grocery Shopping on a Budget Fun for the Whole Family: Teach the Kids How to Use It

grocery shopping on a budget with the familyThe next step, of course, is making sure that your shopping process is fun for your kids. This is obviously a bit of a challenge. Speaking from my own experience, my boys seem to have an allergic reaction to walking into stores, one that causes them to start running around and wanting to leave immediately. This is where the shopping rewards app comes in.

With the right shopping rewards app, you can turn your trip to the store into a game. Many of these apps reward you points for doing things in the stores and points are something my video game-loving little guys can really engage with. Basically, it takes the daunting task of shopping and turns it into a challenge for them. Now when we go out, we spend the time in the car on the way to the store talking about how much fun it’s going to be earning points in the aisles. It’s almost like they look forward to shopping these days!

Making Grocery Shopping on a Budget Fun for the Whole Family: Embrace Shopkick

The last piece of advice for making grocery shopping on a budget fun for the whole family is also the simplest: choose the right shopping rewards app, which—in my opinion—is an app called Shopkick. How it works is that Shopkick gives you points for the things you do while you’re out shopping already, things like walking into stores, going down the aisles browsing products, and, of course, making purchases. You can then trade these points in for gift cards to so many different stores, including Walmart, Starbucks, and Best Buy.

Having all these different ways to get points is what turns it into a game that your kids can enjoy. Here’s a little tip: you can also use Shopkick when you don’t have the energy to go out with the whole family or even just to go out. There are tons of ways that Shopkickers can earn rewards right from the app—no need to go anywhere. These include kicks for watching videos and instant surprise kicks from going on Easter egg hunts in the app. Users can also get amazing deals where you can earn big points and rewards by shopping on your phone at stores like Amazon, Walmart, and more!

Having all these different ways to get points is what turns it into a game that your kids can enjoy.

I hope your family starts to have as much fun using Shopkick as mine does. Going out shopping these days is such a different experience now that my boys are excited to help me earn points. Everybody gets something they want out of it!

Even better, though, is that our newfound love of Shopkick has given us another way to spend time together. I spend a lot of time at the store, but, now with Shopkick, my little guys are excited to come with me! Using Shopkick at the grocery store has turned shopping into a fun scavenger hunt for points.

Ready to start making grocery shopping on a budget fun for the whole family? Download Shopkick for free and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered how rewarding—and fun—shopping can be!

And, if you love using your smartphone to stay up on social media, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping inspiration. 

Image courtesy vectorpouch

Get SWEET kicks this Blue Weekend plus a chance to win a Disney gift card!

The sweetest kicks of the summer are here! Earn up to 18,500 kicks when you walk in, scan, submit receipts, and make purchases with your linked card in stores like T.J. Maxx, Carter’s, Brighton, and more. You can also earn up to 25 kicks per $1 spent online through Shopkick on Groupon,, and many more! Check out our kick plan below or open the app now to start scooping up kicks!

Plus, get entered for a chance to win $500 in kicks toward a DISNEY GIFT CARD when you use your linked card as credit in stores, submit a receipt, or make a purchase online through Shopkick during Blue Weekend.

SWEET kicks in stores

August 24 – 26

 50 kicks
Aug 25 only

 50 kicks
Aug 25 only

150 kicks
Aug 25 only

 4 kicks*
was 2 kicks/$1

150 kicks
Aug 25 only

 2 kicks**
was 1 kick/$1

150 kicks
Aug 25 only
 6 kicks
was 3 kicks/$1

150 kicks
Aug 25 only
6 kicks
was 3 kicks/$1

150 kicks
Aug 25 only
 6 kicks
was 3 kicks/$1

100 kicks
10 kicks
was 5 kicks/$1

200 kicks
 8 kicks
was 4 kicks/$1
*Scan your Shopkick QR code
**Also available at

SWEET kicks through the app

August 24 – 26

25 kicks/$1
Aug 24-25
30 kicks/$1
Aug 26
was 8 kicks/$1

25 kicks/$1
was 15 kicks/$1

15 kicks/$1
was 7 kicks/$1

15 kicks/$1
was 5 kicks/$1

15 kicks/$1
was 3 kicks/$1

15 kicks/$1
was 5 kicks/$1

15 kicks/$1
was 5 kicks/$1

10 kicks/$1
was 3 kicks/$1

10 kicks/$1
was 3 kicks/$1

10 kicks/$1
was 3 kicks/$1

10 kicks/$1
was 2 kicks/$1

15 kicks/$1
was 7 kicks/$1

10 kicks/$1
was 5 kicks/$1

15 kicks/$1
was 6 kicks/$1

10 kicks/$1
was 3 kicks/$1

Chance to win BIG at Disney

But wait, there’s more!

disney giveaway blue weekend

Get entered for a chance to win $500 in kicks toward a DISNEY GIFT CARD when you use your linked card as credit in stores, submit a receipt, or make a purchase online through Shopkick during Blue Weekend. Check out more details here: or open the app now to start scooping up the sweet kicks!

*Some exclusions may apply. Please check the app for more information.

Don’t have the app?

Download it here to start earning free gift cards for the shopping you already do!