The Walmart savings catcher app: how to maximize your savings with it

Anyone who knows me knows that I talk about shopping at the gym, at lunch with friends, at my office, and even on my Facebook and my Twitter feeds! I love shopping, and I might love even more the conversations I have about my favorite stores, upcoming sales, and the best ways to find discounts. Probably my newest obsession to talk about is in-store branded apps!

walmart savings catcher appShopping apps are basically everywhere nowadays and, if you’re anything like me, you probably have a hard time even remembering what it was like before we used them. If you’ve never heard of these apps, first of all, where have you been? Second, wow, are you in for a treat! Shopping apps are the best way today for shoppers to save money! The best way to explain them—and I’ve had practice doing that, believe me—is to compare them to those old store loyalty programs. Basically, these are apps that give you rewards for making certain purchases. There’s a huge variety out there, but today I want to hone in on just one: the Walmart Savings Catcher app!  

What is the Walmart Savings Catcher App?

Of all the apps that individual stores offer to their loyal shoppers, the Walmart Savings Catcher app stands out. What this app does is cross-reference your Walmart purchases with the advertised prices of the same item at all the local retailers in your town. Then, if any of those other stores have a lower price on the merchandise, Walmart delivers the difference back to you. It’s a great app to use because it gives you peace of mind that you got the absolute best deal.

It’s also popular because it’s super easy to use. Here’s how it works:

  • Scan your store receipt after you go shopping at Walmart: This is exactly what it sounds like. Once you finish your shopping at Walmart, just take out your phone, open the app, and scan your receipt.
  • Let Walmart compare the prices: You don’t actually have to do anything here because Walmart will compare what you paid to the advertised prices at all the local competitors.
  • Enjoy your savings: If Walmart finds that someplace else locally had a lower advertised price, it will deliver the difference back to you in the form of a gift card.

It’s this simplicity and ease of use that, in my humble opinion, makes the Walmart Savings Catcher app one of the best apps to make cash to bolster your budget. But, there are other ways to make it even more rewarding.

Walmart Savings Catcher + Other Shopping Apps = More $$$

I know I said I was going to focus on just one shopping rewards app, but the truth is there’s actually a way to get extra savings out of the Walmart Savings Catcher app, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t teach you how to maximize your rewards while using it! As it turns out, you can double dip (sort of) on all those Walmart savings if you combine the app with one of my favorite shopping rewards apps.

The app is called Shopkick and it is great because it perfectly augments the Walmart Savings Catcher app. How Shopkick works is that you use it to get points just for walking into a Walmart, for scanning the barcodes of certain products to get more information, and for scanning your receipt after you’ve made your purchases—which you’re going to be doing anyway at Walmart. With Shopkick, you get points for all those activities which you can eventually trade in for gift cards. So, not only are you getting the guaranteed lowest price on everything you buy at Walmart, you’re also earning reward points that you can turn into future gift cards to buy more of the things you love, at places like Walmart!

Not only are you getting the guaranteed lowest price on everything you buy at Walmart, you’re also earning reward points that you can turn into future gift cards to buy more of the things you love.

Of course, Shopkick is not limited to just Walmart. It’s also a great third-party savings app to combine with the apps from other stores, including Whole Foods and Target. Put simply, the Walmart Savings Catcher app is absolutely great, but it’s even better when you combine it with Shopkick!

One thing I’ve learned from my chats with friends about the best ways to use apps to save on shopping is that after they get all of this information, they usually become anxious to go out and start taking advantage of these apps! So, with that in mind, I’ll leave you to it. If you want to talk at some point later, though, I’m always available. I just love love love hearing about success stories that involve Shopkick.

Learn how you can combine the Walmart Savings Catcher app with Shopkick today to save even more money. Download Shopkick’s free app and get ready to be wowed. Welcome to the fun, Shopkicker!

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Image courtesy Walmart



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The Walmart savings catcher app: how to maximize your savings with it



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