How to shop your way to free gift cards

Shopping has brought so many new things into my life. (I mean, bringing new things into my life is literally the point of shopping.) I’ve made friends with gals who like to shop at the same stores I do, for instance, and it has taught me things like the thrills of value hunting and to appreciate the folks who work so hard to make shops and restaurants run smoothly.

shop your way to free gift cardsAnother thing I’ve learned that really stands out is that you can shop your way to free gift cards. That’s right, you can get free gift cards to your favorite stores just by doing the shopping you normally do!

Not to diminish the lessons I’ve learned or the bonds I’ve forged, but getting these free gift cards is about as good as it gets. That’s why today I want to share some of my top tips for how to shop your way to free gift cards. As much as I love the knowledge that my shopping hobby is earning me great rewards, I’d enjoy it even more if you were sharing in the love, too!

How to Shop Your Way to Free Gift Cards by Downloading a Shopping Rewards App

The most important piece of advice I have for those of you who want to shop your way to free gift cards is to download a shopping rewards app. Some of you may be familiar with these, but for those who aren’t, how they work is by giving you points for shopping. Maybe you’ve used an in-house app, like the Walmart Savings Catcher, and that’s great, but I’m talking about a third-party app that you can use at many, many stores, instead.

Shopping apps come in a couple of variations. A few—coupon apps—are basically the digital version of that paper coupon clipping system of old. With these, you can search for and use coupons from your phone. The other type—which is my favorite—is a true shopping rewards app, like Shopkick, and how these work is by giving you points for the things you do while you’re out at the store already. You can then trade those points in later for gift cards.

Shop Your Way to Free Gift Cards with a Shopping Rewards App

You have plenty of choices when it comes to choosing a third-party shopping app, but let me tell you about my personal favorite: It’s called Shopkick and, as far as I’m concerned, it’s the most versatile and the most fun to use of all the options.

I use Shopkick when I’m grocery shopping, clothes shopping—you name it. It’s great because it comes complete with its own shopping list function that helps me stay organized and shows me when a product gives extra points. And, I immediately start to collect points (they call them kicks) just for walking through the door of certain stores. As I browse the aisles, I can rack up even more kicks by scanning barcodes on featured items, all of which turns my trip into a super fun scavenger hunt for points. Finally, once I’ve made my purchases, I simply use the app to scan my receipt, and, voila! even more points. Oh, and as a bonus, you can even score kicks for shopping online!

I use Shopkick when I’m grocery shopping, clothes shopping—you name it.

Shopkick has really changed how I shop. Now, I look forward to busting out my phone before I even hit the store just so I can see which stores are offering points, and which items or brands will give me kicks for scanning. Another great thing about Shopkick is that it has the most fun social media channels. I don’t know how many times I’ve burst out laughing right in the aisle at a funny joke or meme some other Shopkicker has posted.

So, for those of you who want to shop your way to free gift cards (and have fun doing so), I strongly urge you to give Shopkick a try. Not only has it given me an excuse to go shopping with girlfriends, it has actually made even grocery shopping fun again. In fact, my favorite part of shopping these days is how easily I earn gift cards with Shopkick. I’d be willing to wager a gift card or two that you’ll love it as much as I do!

Ready to start shopping your way to more free gift cards than you can handle? Download Shopkick for free and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered how rewarding—and fun—shopping with us can be!

And, if you love using your smartphone to stay up on social media, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping inspiration.

Image courtesy weyo



Shopkick is the fun and easy way to earn free gift cards for the shopping you already do. Download the app now!

How to shop your way to free gift cards



Shopkick is the fun and easy way to earn free gift cards for the shopping you already do. Download the app now!

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