How to get paid to play games: Money-making apps for techies

I’ve been playing games since I was just a little guy. My first home game console was the original Nintendo Entertainment System (yeah, that’s how old I am), and from there I graduated onto bigger and better things like the Super Nintendo, the Nintendo 64, the Sony PlayStation, and so on right up to modern day. I guess you could say I’m a gamer.

Recently, though, I’ve actually figured out how to get paid to play games through money-making apps for techies. These are apps that you can use to get that old gaming challenge, while also earning money, money that you can spend on even more games!

Anyway, that’s what I’d like to talk about today: how to get paid to play games with money-making apps for techies. There are a few different ways to do this, but for our purposes, I’m going to focus on the one I’ve found most useful, before giving you advice about my favorite.

Get Paid to Play Games with Shopping Apps

ways to get paid to play gamesAs any experienced gamer will tell you, the key to beating any game is to stick with it. It’s the same thing for apps that let you get paid to play games. You don’t want apps that feel short-term or like a fad, especially not if you’re a techie like me and you pride yourself on staying up on all the modern techie trends. Because of that, I tend to get tired of certain apps quickly.

That’s why I think the best way to get paid to play games is to find an app that pays you to go shopping. Let’s face it, no matter how much we may dislike shopping, we all have to do it. That’s why the ideal money-making app for techies, in my opinion, is one that turns shopping into a game you actually want to play!

How Shopping Apps Work

Now that we’ve determined the best way to get paid to play games is through apps that turn shopping into a challenge to find savings, it’s time to talk about how these apps work. The good news is that my personal favorites are perfect for techies, of course, but they also have a pretty simple step-by-step process that non-techies can figure out quickly as well:

  • Earn points just by walking into a participating store
  • Purchase certain items, use the app to take a picture of your receipt, and get even more points.
  • Trade those points in for gift cards to your favorite stores.
  • Savor the savings.

Before you know it, all your shopping turns into a hunt for the biggest savings. Anyway, this next part is probably more crucial for techies, but the best shopping apps you can use to get paid to play games also let you earn rewards while shopping online. The differences between how these apps work for online shopping versus in-person shopping is pretty small, though. Here’s how using one of these shopping apps online works:

  • Visit an online store and get points
  • View select products and get more points
  • Make mobile purchases and get even more points
  • Watch videos and score points yet again
  • Trade those points in for gift cards to some of your favorite stores
  • Savor the savings

The Best Shopping App You Can Use to Get Paid to Play Games

Of all of the shopping apps out there, my personal favorite is Shopkick. That’s because it has more ways to score points than most of the other apps I’ve tried, and it has the most fun social media channels, too, which as any techie will tell you is super important when it comes to staying engaged. It’s a guilty pleasure, but I actually have a ton of fun looking at Shopkick’s goofy Facebook posts. Oh, and I should note that Shopkick is available for both Android and iPhone too, so you can get in on the action regardless of your device’s operating system.

Shopkick gives you points for all the usual shopping things you do: walking into the store, going down aisles browsing products, and making purchases. There are other ways to use it to make money, too. In fact, there are tons of ways that Shopkick users can earn rewards right from the app without even physically going anywhere. These include kicks for watching videos and instant surprise kicks from going on Easter egg hunts in the app. Users can also get amazing deals where you can earn big points and rewards by shopping at stores like Amazon, Walmart, and Best Buy, which is my personal favorite.

I know it’s a little unconventional, but I really do think the best method for how to get paid to play games is by using Shopkick, my personal favorite money-making app for techies. Like I said, it turns every trip to the store into a fun hunt for points. In fact, I like it so much that I’ve started to kind of look forward to my shopping trips—just a little bit.

The best part is trading in your Shopkick points for gift cards to your favorite stores, which for me usually means anywhere that sells all the latest and greatest technology.

The best part is trading in your Shopkick points for gift cards to your favorite stores, which for me usually means anywhere that sells all the latest and greatest technology. I know, I know, I probably spend a little too much time staying up to date with modern technology, but hey, it’s fun!

Ready to start having fun by getting paid to play games with a great money-making app for techies? Download Shopkick for free and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered how rewarding—and fun—shopping can be!

And, if you love using your smartphone to stay up on social media, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping inspiration.

Image courtesy artiemedvedev



Shopkick is the fun and easy way to earn free gift cards for the shopping you already do. Download the app now!

How to get paid to play games: Money-making apps for techies



Shopkick is the fun and easy way to earn free gift cards for the shopping you already do. Download the app now!

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