Here’s how to earn cash back through PayPal on your next trip to the grocery store

I have absolutely no idea why, but I’ve always been a fan of games that are like puzzles. Not like jigsaw puzzles, but the kind that you need to really concentrate on to solve. My all-time favorite is Sudoku. I carry a big tattered Sudoku book with me everywhere I go. It’s seriously one of those things I don’t leave home without. However, another puzzle that involves numbers has also recently grabbed my attention: figuring out how to get as much cash back as I can on my trips to the grocery store.

One of the most effective ways I’ve found to solve the puzzle that is my monthly budget is by learning ways to earn cash back through PayPal on each and every one of my trips to the grocery store. The most effective way I found to do this is by using shopping rewards apps. That’s what I want to talk about today: how you can use shopping rewards apps to earn cash back through PayPal. I’ll also give you a recommendation for a great shopping rewards app that can help you earn free gift cards, too.

That’s right, the answer to solving your monthly budget puzzle is out there. You just need to know which apps you should download to use to solve it.

How Shopping Rewards Apps Can Help You Earn Cash Back Through PayPal

The first step in learning how shopping rewards apps can help you earn cash back through PayPal while shopping for groceries is, of course, learning all that you can about what shopping rewards apps are and what they do. Simply put, shopping rewards apps are exactly what they sound like: apps that give you rewards for shopping. For the purposes of our discussion here today, you want to make sure that the rewards you’re getting come in the form of cash back through PayPal.

There are basically two different types of shopping rewards apps. The first type is a coupon app, which functions a lot like old-school paper coupons. Basically, you get money off from your purchases, money that some of these apps funnel into an account that you can later use to get paid via PayPal. The other type gives you points for shopping and when you earn enough points you can get paid via cash back through PayPal.  

My Recommended Shopping Rewards Apps to Earn Cash Back Through PayPal

ways to earn cash back through PayPalThere are two apps I often like to recommend to earn cash back through PayPal while at the grocery store. The first is Checkout 51, which is a cash back app for groceries that you can use to plan your shopping trip before you ever set foot in the store. You just download the app and you can start to browse hundreds of listed offers. When you find one for a product you plan to buy, you simply select that offer, head out shopping, upload your receipt when you’re done, and enjoy your cash back! It really is that simple.

The second one is called SnipSnap, and it’s one of those apps I described above that works a whole lot like paper coupons used to. With SnipSnap, you basically just use it to take pictures of printed coupons. SnipSnap then goes ahead and transforms them into digital, mobile-ready coupons that you can use when you go out to the store. Saving money while shopping for groceries really is that easy.

My last piece of advice is probably the most important: you should also use this app called Shopkick, which pairs nicely with the two apps above, earning you free gift cards to go along with your cash back through PayPal. How it works is that Shopkick gives you points for things you already do whenever you go out shopping, things like walking into stores, going down aisles browsing products, and making purchases. You can then trade those points in for gift cards to your favorite stores.

What you choose to do with your extra room in your budget after you earn cash back through PayPal is up to you.

As if that weren’t reason enough to start using Shopkick, there are also tons of ways that Shopkickers can earn rewards right from the app—no need to go anywhere. These include kicks for watching videos and instant surprise kicks from going on Easter egg hunts in the app. Users can also get amazing deals where you can earn big points and rewards by shopping on your phone at stores like Amazon, Walmart, and more!

What you choose to do with your extra room in your budget after you earn cash back through PayPal is up to you. Some months it’s nice to help the kids get extra things they need for school, others it’s a great way to treat myself, especially when Shopkick starts earning me gift cards to Starbucks, which is a guilty pleasure of mine.

Get to work solving the puzzle of how to earn cash back through PayPal on your next trip to the grocery store. Download Shopkick’s free app today and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered how much you can earn with the help of a shopping sidekick.

And, if you’re on social media catching up with friends, be sure to also join Shopkick on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for a little daily fun and inspiration. 

Image courtesy Primakov



Shopkick is the fun and easy way to earn free gift cards for the shopping you already do. Download the app now!

Here’s how to earn cash back through PayPal on your next trip to the grocery store



Shopkick is the fun and easy way to earn free gift cards for the shopping you already do. Download the app now!

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