3 ways to make money while shopping with friends

When you’re as busy as I am, it can be hard to find time to spend with friends. Work, family, and just about everything else tends to get in the way. Thankfully, I’ve found a great way to spend more time with my friends while also running a few errands; and it’s definitely paid off. You see, we’ve always been the group of friends who bond over shopping. When we were teenagers, we would go to the mall and help each other pick out outfits. Now that we’re older, with families of our own, we don’t have much time to spend shopping. And, when we do find the time, we have to make our budgets stretch because we have more responsibilities; adulting, bleh. 

Recently, I’ve been looking into ways to make money while shopping with my friends and I was surprised to find that there are so many opportunities out there. Some of them allow you to earn money and others allow you to earn gift cards that are just as good as cash if you ask me. Of course, I couldn’t jump on every opportunity, so I decided to choose three that would fit into our busy schedules and also be a fun way to stretch our budgets

If you’re looking for ways to make money while shopping with your friends, you should check out what I discovered. 

How to Make Money While Shopping With Friends

how to make money while shoppingOne of the best pieces of advice I have for anyone who wants to make money while shopping with friends is that you should choose the best option that works for you. You don’t want to make the mistake and choose a way that takes the fun out of shopping, ruining your favorite hobby. Here are the three ways that I found to be both fun and rewarding. 

Become a Mystery Shopper

One way to make money while shopping with friends is by signing up to become a mystery shopper. A mystery shopper is someone who goes shopping at a store and evaluates the shopping experience, providing feedback on how to improve and make that experience better. This has been a concept for a long time, and becoming one now is a great way to make money while shopping with your friends.

There are a number of different ways to become a mystery shopper. You can find lists of mystery shopper opportunities online, but the fact is these opportunities change often. That’s why I suggest regularly conducting your own research. It takes a little bit of extra work, but it’s worth it to find the best mystery shopper opportunities available. One thing to note, though, is that you might not always be able to visit your favorite stores which may take the fun out of shopping. 

Shop for Others

Another great way to make money while shopping with friends is to work for services that make it possible for you to shop for others, and, obviously, get paid to do it. Like being a mystery shopper, there are different ways to do this. My personal favorite is a service called Instacart, which I also use as a customer. 

The way Instacart works is simple. It’s an app that people who are too busy to shop for themselves can download, order groceries, and have someone else do the actual shopping in-store and deliver it to their doorstep. I’ve definitely used this service as a customer before when I found that I was even too busy to shop. (I know, right? No one should ever be too busy to shop!) Now, I’ve been using it with my friends to shop for others and make money while doing it! It’s a great way to spend time with my friends and make extra money to support my own shopping habits.

Use Shopkick

This last way to make money while shopping with friends is actually my favorite. It’s an app called Shopkick, and the way it works is pretty straightforward. Shopkick is a shopping rewards app that gives you points—which it calls kicks—for things you do while you’re out shopping already. With Shopkick, you can earn kicks by doing things like walking into stores, scanning barcodes, and making purchases. You can then trade your kicks in for gift cards, which are just as good as cash!

The potential to earn rewards while shopping at my favorite stores is one of the things that makes Shopkick my favorite. I also like that you can combine Shopkick with both of the other ways to make money shopping with your friends that I mentioned before. Shopkick also brings an added layer of fun to shopping by turning every trip to the store into a fun scavenger hunt for points. And, I can’t forget to mention that Shopkick is so convenient that I can use it to shop online on my phone while chatting over coffee with my friends. 

The potential to earn rewards while shopping at my favorite stores is one of the things that makes Shopkick my favorite.

So, there you have it—three ways to make money while shopping with your friends. There’s nothing better than shopping, but the simple truth is that it can sometimes get a little expensive. That’s where these ways come in handy.

If you’re looking for a fun way to make money while shopping with friends, I highly recommend you download Shopkick. It’s made going shopping with my friends even more fun while at the same time helping me earn kicks toward gift cards to do even more shopping. 

It’s time to get your kicks! Shopkick is easily the best way to make money while shopping with friends. Download the app today and start to get your kicks instantly! 

Image courtesy of MaxStrogiy



Shopkick is the fun and easy way to earn free gift cards for the shopping you already do. Download the app now!

3 ways to make money while shopping with friends



Shopkick is the fun and easy way to earn free gift cards for the shopping you already do. Download the app now!

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