Leading Haircare Brand

A well known hair care brand partnered with Shopkick to drive engagement and sales at a leading beauty retailer

Campaign Goals

A well-known haircare brand was looking for an innovative way to drive sales at a leading beauty retailer. They were focused on building product awareness pre-shop, incentivizing engagement in-store, and ultimately driving incremental sales and achieving a positive ROI.

Shopkick Solution

Shopkick kept the haircare brand top of mind with shoppers at-home through contextually relevant branded lookbook content and high-impact promo units in Shopkick’s engaging Discover Tab.

Shopkick’s location-based messaging and push notifications helped reach shoppers on-the-go and drive them to their local beauty retailer.

In-store, Shopkick drove product engagement by awarding kicks for finding and scanning the barcodes of the featured haircare products in-aisle, boosting trial and consideration.

At the crucial moment of purchase decision, while the product was still in-hand, Shopkick offered additional kick rewards for making a purchase which drove valuable unplanned purchases and incremental sales.


  • 4.5M+ in-aisle product engagements
  • 2:1 ROI
  • $108K+ sales driven in just one month
  • 13M+ campaign impression

Post-Scan Survey

  • 54% of purchases were unplanned
  • 40% of buyers would likely purchase the brand again
  • 33% share stolen from competing brands
  • 9% scan to purchase rate



in-aisle product engagements


sales driven in just one month


campaign impressions



Build brand awareness

Drive foot traffic

Boost sales amongst existing and new customers

Retailer Distribution


Products Used

Branded Lookbook and Collection, Promo Units, Push Notifications, Purchase Validation

5 effective ways to reward customer loyalty

These days, rewarding customer loyalty is often expected in the competitive marketplace as part of doing business. One study found that 79% of customers will only consider shopping with brands that demonstrate they understand and care about them. Brands looking to prove to customers they care should consider ways to reward customer loyalty.  

On average, loyal customers are worth ten times the value of their first purchase, so it pays to court newcomers to become regulars. The decision to reward loyal customers is, of course, the easy part. The more difficult task is finding effective ways to reward customer loyalty that are also profitable for your business.

What Do People Want From a Customer Loyalty Program?

In any loyalty program, customers expect to:

  • Easily understand what your program is all about.
  • Save money through store credit or members-only discounts.
  • Have some choice in reward.
  • Receive a reward they don’t have to wait for. 
  • Receive special treatment with exclusive VIP perks.
  • Feel an emotional connection with your brand.

It’s not enough to simply say, “Thank You.” Businesses these days are expected to show their gratitude in a unique, brand-focused way. 

5 Effective Ways to Reward Customer Loyalty

Consider these popular methods of rewarding the most loyal brand ambassadors:

  1. VIP Services

Department stores in particular benefit from rolling out the red carpet for their shoppers; Forrester Research found that more than three-quarters of department store shoppers say they prefer to receive premium service through their loyalty programs. For instance, members of Nordstrom’s “Nordy Club” receive VIP services that other shoppers don’t have access to such as early access to the retailer’s anniversary sale, extra points with every purchase, curbside pickup, free clothing alterations, and priority access to special events. The program is free to join but is structured in four different levels, depending on spending, with benefits increasing at each tier. 

  1. Partnerships

5 ways to reward customer loyaltyStrategic brand partnerships are increasingly becoming more important, as companies look to add value; expand their benefits beyond what they alone provide; and find exciting new ways to reinvigorate their brand image. When the benefits are reciprocal, they also serve to increase the size of their loyalty base. The NikePlus Unlocks reward program began providing partner perks from Apple Music, the Headspace mindfulness app, and ClassPass studio fitness program membership when their own fitness app users reached running milestones or completed new workout routines. Select purchases also aligned with partner perks. Members purchasing a Nike Epic React Flyknit shoe in an exclusive color would receive four months of Apple Music for free. 

  1. Punch Cards

Punch cards are traditional ways to build brand affinity and encourage customer loyalty. What do you want your customers to buy or do? Clearly state the path and reward and watch participation grow. It’s as simple as offering a free coffee and a fresh punch card after a loyal customer has already purchased nine. They’re encouraged to return to your business with a promise of being rewarded for their loyalty.   

  1. Referral Bonus

Often, your already loyal customers will lead to even more loyal customers because people tend to trust their family and friends’ recommendations. Offering a referral bonus is an easy way to introduce yourself to an expanded network. The best referrals provide something free for the referrer and the referee, so it’s a win-win proposition. For instance, meal service HelloFresh provides three free referral gift cards worth $40 off for up to three months. Friends and family receive the discounted meals, while the referrer gets a $20 credit for each new referral. Once a person starts referring, the perks increase. 

  1. Gift Cards

For the last 12 years, the National Retail Federation has reported that gift cards are the most desired gift. When it comes to loyalty programs, consumers say they prefer gift cards 2:1 over any other type of reward. If consumers can choose their own gift cards, they are even more satisfied. Shopkick is a mobile shopping app that offers gift cards to retailers like Target, Walmart, and Sephora in exchange for shopper engagement. With Shopkick, consumers receive “kicks” that can be redeemed for gift cards to the retailer of their choice. These incentives don’t just encourage the use of the app. They also build brand affinity, as the consumer attributes the rewards to the brand they used to get them. 

For the last 12 years, the National Retail Federation has reported that gift cards are the most desired gift.

By leveraging one or all of these ways to reward customer loyalty, brands can bet on building a relationship that encourages customers to return time after time.  

If you’re looking for the most effective ways to reward customer loyalty, become one of our partners. Shopkick users are encouraged to engage with partnering brands and retailers through rewards and incentives. Contact us to learn how easy it is to offer greater rewards and earn customer loyalty. 

Image courtesy of Black Salmon

Can I use a shopping app to earn money?

When you’re growing up, you always hear people using the term “broke college student.” It wasn’t until I became one that I understood what it truly meant. With my hectic schedule that includes classes, internships, and trying to find time to have even a little bit of a social life, it’s very hard to find time to get even a part-time job for extra money. 

You might be thinking to yourself, “Well why would you even need a job with all of that going on?” The problem is, I’ve always liked to shop, and I can’t just turn that off now that I’m in college. I’ve had to figure out other ways to continue with my hobby but on a tighter budget. One way I’ve done this is by using a shopping app to earn money. That’s right, I’ve found a way to do what I love while also earning money. Here’s how.   

How to Use a Shopping App to Earn Money

Here are three easy steps that will help you get familiar with using shopping apps to earn money, too.

1. Make Sure You Have a Compatible Mobile Device

Look, I know this one sounds a little basic, but the first step to really learning how to use a shopping app to earn money is making sure you have a smartphone. I know, I know…if you’re anything like me, you can’t live without your smartphone, so this should be an easy one, but it’s still worth going over. The fact is, all of my favorite shopping apps require a smartphone to use them.

I’m personally an Apple iOS user, but I have a lot of friends who use shopping apps with Android systems, too. I’m told they both work equally as well. If you already have a smartphone with the capability to download apps, you’re one step closer to earning money. 

2. Download Shopkick

how to use a shopping app to earn moneySo, to be totally honest, I’m a little biased here, because I have a personal favorite shopping app that I want to recommend. My favorite shopping rewards app to use is Shopkick. Trying Shopkick involves more than just downloading it, of course, so I also want to tell you a little bit about how it works.

The way you can earn money with Shopkick is through getting what the app calls “kicks.” You can earn kicks by walking into certain stores (a favorite of mine as a college student), scanning the barcodes of participating products, buying things, and even doing activities at home like making purchases online or watching videos. After you’ve earned enough kicks, you can trade them in for gift cards to some of your favorite stores, which are just as good as cash. It’s really cool, and I’m sure once you try it, you’ll love it as much as I do.

3. Use Shopkick Frequently

In order to earn money with Shopkick, you’ll most definitely want to use it as much as possible. There are a lot of different free apps to earn money, but I love Shopkick because it turns every shopping trip into a fun scavenger hunt for kicks. I love that I can use Shopkick at many of my favorite stores, earn kicks while shopping, exchange those kicks for gift cards, and turn around and use them to shop even more.  

Another reason I love Shopkick is that I can also use the app to earn kicks online. And, obviously, I don’t have to go anywhere for that. I can do it from my dorm, the library, the coffee shop, or wherever else I happen to be. Shopkick being this easy to use is definitely one of the reasons I love it, and I’m sure you’ll agree once you give it a chance, too.

Shopkick being this easy to use is definitely one of the reasons I love it, and I’m sure you’ll agree once you give it a chance, too.

Want to Earn Money with a Shopping App? Try Shopkick

If you’re really busy because of school, or for any other reason, I think you should give Shopkick a chance. The way it works just makes it so easy to use; whether you’re earning kicks for shopping online or at your favorite store. Shopkick can help you get kicks that you can eventually turn into gift cards that are as good as cash.

I really love college. I know I talk about how busy I am, and that’s all true. Still, I’ve never had such a good time doing so many new things. Now I don’t have to give up my favorite hobby, because I’ve been using Shopkick as a shopping app to earn money. I just can’t recommend it enough!

Want to use a shopping app to earn money? Check out Shopkick! It makes it easy for everyone to earn money, even the super busy college kids. Download the app today and start getting your kicks now! 

Image courtesy of Jelena Zelen

How to earn rewards on your everyday purchases

My friends and family have always said that “kids are magical.” I think I have to agree. I mean, my three boys have this trick where they can make anything I buy disappear in what feels like the blink of an eye. Shampoo? Gone before I know it, usually because they love to make bubbles in the bath. Cereal for breakfast? Oh, I better say goodbye to that the minute it comes in the door. Even toothpaste has a way of ending up empty, and, much to my dismay, all over the sink.

Replacing all those “magically” disappearing items around the house can really add up—I don’t think my budget is a big fan of magic. Fortunately for me and my budget, I’ve recently found great ways to earn rewards on everyday purchases, the kind of purchases my kids are so great at making disappear. These methods have really made a difference, helping me find new ways to turn my own shopping into magic with great savings through gift cards and other rewards.

Now, I know magicians are not supposed to share their tricks, but I just can’t help myself here. Today I’d like to teach you all how to earn rewards on your own everyday purchases, so you and your budget can start benefiting just as much as I have. 

Trick #1: Consider Ditching Old-Fashioned Couponing

There are a few different ways to earn rewards on everyday purchases in order to lessen the blow on your budget when you have to constantly replenish. You can always clip coupons, but, quite honestly, who really wants to deal with that kind of hassle? Literally clipping out and organizing coupons is time-consuming, and when you’re as busy as I am with three growing boys, the stacks of mailers and newspaper inserts tend to pile up, reminding me every time I happen to glance at them that I don’t have the time.

learn how to earn rewards on everyday purchasesThat’s why I prefer using shopping rewards apps. These are apps that do exactly what we’re here to talk about today—they give you rewards for your everyday purchases. There are a few to pick from—and I’ll go into specifics about my favorites in a moment—but for the most part, these are apps that make grocery shopping easier, as well as most of the other shopping you have to do on a regular basis. You simply download them, get a feel for how they work, and watch the savings start to roll in…like magic! 

Trick #2: Combine Loyalty Programs with Rewards 

I think the most important thing for newbie shopping rewards app users to understand is that there are two distinct types of shopping rewards apps to choose from:

  • Branded rewards apps: These are essentially the new evolution of stores having shopper loyalty programs. They are apps created and maintained by specific stores—think Target, Ulta, Starbucks—that you can only use at those stores. They have specific deals and perks designed to reward loyal shoppers. They’re really quite helpful, although maybe not as helpful as what we’re about to talk about next.
  • Shopping rewards apps: These are apps that you can use at many different stores as well as online to earn rewards on your everyday purchases. They’re very versatile, and depending on how you use them, they can act as both grocery shopping rewards apps, as well as apps that rake in points for shopping online and at the mall. When you have to shop as much as I do, that kind of versatility is crucial.

Another really helpful thing to remember here, at least for me, is that you can use these two types of apps in tandem. So, let’s say you’re grocery shopping on a budget—like I am most months—you can use Target’s branded app to learn about exclusive deals for users of that app, while also using a shopping rewards app that gives you points for making purchases at Target. Cool, right?

Trick #3: Earn Rewards on Everyday Purchases with Shopkick

So, at this point, you’re probably wondering what these shopping rewards apps are all about because I’ve made them sound a bit like magic. Let me explain by telling you about my favorite of the bunch. It’s called Shopkick, and what it does is basically turn every trip to the store into a scavenger hunt for points, which the app calls kicks. Essentially, you go about your usual shopping and get your kicks by doing things like walking into stores, scanning the barcodes on items, and making purchases at checkout.

Shopkick is easy to use, too! I highly recommend you try it out!

These kicks are the rewards for your everyday purchases, which you can trade in later for gift cards to many of your favorite stores. I also really like this app because it almost always has bundles of special offers that help me stretch my budget even further. These bundles give me extra kicks for buying certain items, and I absolutely love feeling like I’m earning more points than I would have otherwise. Shopkick is easy to use, too! I highly recommend you try it out!

So, there you have it. These are my favorite tricks to earn rewards on everyday purchases. Thankfully, the days of coupon clipping are over and have been replaced by apps that are easy to use on your smartphone. Honestly, you won’t miss cutting out paper coupons at all. I know I don’t.

I’m far too happy with all the money I’ve been saving through my shopping rewards apps. I used to shake my head and marvel a bit at how fast my boys went through items like cereal and shampoo. I still do now, but I don’t worry about my budget nearly as much. And that’s a wonderful thing!

It’s time to get your kicks! Shopkick makes shopping a rewarding experience and allows you to earn rewards on your everyday purchases. Download the app today and start taking advantage of our bundles and other features to earn your kicks instantly! 

Image courtesy of Stokkete

The most effective marketing channels for CPG brands to reach customers

The most effective marketing channels for CPG brands to reach customers

Get In Touch

The most effective marketing strategy for CPG brands is an omnichannel strategy. You’re likely already dividing your marketing budget between traditional broadcasting, print advertising, digital advertising, and maybe social media—and all of these channels work together to increase brand awareness and hopefully steal market share from competitors who are doing the exact same thing. 

The beauty of the omnichannel strategy is its inherent flexibility. As the market shifts, you can A/B test and integrate new marketing channels that will be most effective for your business in the coming months. 

Three of the Most Effective Marketing Channels for CPG Brands 

The most effective marketing channels will depend on your particular situation, but the following three strategies are currently your best bet for maximizing opportunities in digital advertising. They should definitely be on your radar if you aren’t pursuing them already.

#1: Online Paid Advertising

We’d be willing to bet you’re already doing some significant work in this channel already—but are you utilizing the most up-and-coming methods within paid advertising? PPC and display ads seem to be losing priority in the wake of bigger and better opportunities that target your most valuable customers where they spend the most time: on social media, video streaming platforms, and the online marketplace.

Paid Social

CPG brands will find that paid video ads on social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook (and the newest craze platform, TikTok) are likely to bring in far more revenue than your internally-run social media campaigns themselves. The “stories” feature on each of these platforms is the perfect place for video ads to gain traction in 2020 and beyond. 

Video Streaming

Streaming platforms like Hulu, YouTube, and now Facebook Watch offer a unique opportunity for CPG brands to place full-length video advertisements that must be watched to completion. It’s like broadcast advertising on steroids—because of the sheer volume of users consuming content on these platforms on a daily basis, this is one category not to miss out on.

Amazon Ads

Amazon is already the #3 digital ad seller in the United States, and eMarketer forecasts that by the end of 2021 one out of every ten digital advertising dollars will be spent for placements on this platform. CPG brands should be capitalizing on the sponsored products and sponsored display categories—the second of which is still in beta and therefore has a lot of room for growth in the coming years.

#2: Search Engine Optimization

According to Google data, 80% of shoppers say mobile searches impact their purchasing decisions in the CPG category. Anecdotally, we know that an incredibly high percentage of shoppers use their smartphones in stores to compare products and prices. Knowing this, it’s amazing how few CPG brands are taking advantage of SEO as a marketing channel.

As eCommerce continues to boom and buy-online-pickup-in-store grows more and more prevalent, it’s more important than ever for CPG brands and retailers to invest in a positive website UX and an impressive presence in SERP results. If you’re not actively pursuing SEO strategies, consider implementing the following: 

  • Prioritize your technical on-page SEO. CPG brands often maintain an inventory of tens or even hundreds of products, which makes for complex websites with thousands of unique pages—all of which need optimized meta page titles, keyword-rich H1 tags, and alt text on every image. This is a heavy lift for sure but will guarantee that your site conforms to the most foundational SEO best practices. Most importantly, do whatever it takes to streamline your website and improve site speeds. Google (and your users) will thank you. 
  • Create keyword-targeted blog content. Very few CPG brands maintain a regularly-published blog schedule, but there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be tapping into the content marketing channel. Figure out your most valuable long-tail keywords and target each of them with an original, well-written, and insightful blog post. Question keywords are particularly valuable for CPG brands looking to build out a SERP presence through Google’s “people also ask” feature, and they make great fodder for social media syndication. 
  • Streamline your eCommerce experience. Even with all of the technological advancements available today, online shopping at individual websites continues to be a frustrating experience for consumers. eCommerce brands identify the result of this frustration “cart abandonment”—but in the SEO world, this translates to high bounce rates and lowered “Google trust.” Whether you outsource your eCommerce to Amazon or run your own native shop on-site, make sure it’s glitch-free and lightning-fast to ease the customer path to purchase
  • Achieve balance with PPC efforts. Most major CPG brands secure PPC ads for keywords that contain their brand name—but 8 out of 10 undecided shoppers aren’t searching by brand names at all. They’re typing in product types or categories instead. Start pursuing keywords like “best toilet bowl cleaner for stains” or “what is the top organic skincare brand” through a mix of PPC and targeted original content. While PPC and SEO are decidedly separate disciplines, anecdotal evidence suggests that their partnership could be the most promising for increasing product awareness for CPG and other retail brands. 

#3: In-App Advertising

Finally, we take a look at yet another emerging digital advertising trend—in-app advertising, which is often combined with proximity marketing and customer rewards. There’s a whole world of apps aside from social media that can help CPG brands reach low-funnel customers. Mobile games are an obvious choice. Innovative shopping apps are another.

Shopping rewards apps like Shopkick offer brands and retailers the opportunity to collaborate and give shoppers a truly unique experience. Our innovative shopping app turns shopping trips into scavenger hunts, rewarding customers for viewing branded content in the app, entering store locations, finding their way to sponsored products, and actually interacting with products in-aisle alongside targeted advertising. Shopkick lets you reach customers at the very moment where they’re most likely to make a purchase—in the aisle, with your product in their hands.

Here’s how a few major CPG brands are already using in-app advertising to reach their goals: 


Leading up to the 2018 holiday season, Kraft leveraged Shopkick to deliver targeted advertising content to customers. Through in-app videos, holiday-themed content, and recipes, Kraft managed to increase their pre-shop consideration metrics and drive over 18 million total campaign impressions. Fifty-five percent of purchasing customers report they weren’t intending to buy the Kraft products before interacting with them within the Shopkick app.


In order to cut through the noise of the cosmetics aisle, Rimmel-London used in-app advertising through Shopkick to increase their reputation as a top beauty brand. Customers were reached and rewarded through proximity messaging and an innovative “trial in aisle” program that resulted in a 5:1 ROI. Thirty-eight percent of those new customers had never used Rimmel products before—which resulted in 14% market share stolen from their closest competitors.


Tyson also increased their brand and product awareness through a partnership with Shopkick. They launched exclusive Superbowl-related content in the app to inspire customers pre-shop, and drove a significant increase in foot traffic and in-aisle engagement through targeted video advertising. This particular campaign resulted in an overall 85% video completion rate with a sales impact of over $195K in Sam’s Club stores.

Plenty of other retailers and brands have utilized similar in-app advertising strategies using Shopkick—including big name brands in convenience products, quick-service foods, coffee, wine, and household cleaning. Read more of their success stories here
In conclusion, the three strategies above have the potential to take any CPG brand to the next level in today’s marketplace. They could be the most effective marketing channels you experiment with this year. 
At Shopkick, we’re passionate about helping CPG brands reach customers in new and exciting ways. To join our partners in the innovative shopping app revolution, contact us today.

The most legit cashback apps for shopaholics on a tight budget

I used to hear people talk about a tight budget all the time, but, to be honest, I didn’t really realize what being on a tight budget meant until I became a full-time college student. Between my classes, my internship, and trying to have some sort of social life, I just don’t have much time to get a real job that can support my love of shopping. Luckily, I’ve found a solution…or three. They’re called cashback apps, and they’re fantastic.

Cashback apps are exactly what they sound like—apps that you can use to get cashback. I don’t know about you, but I love this idea. So, I’ve been trying out as many of them as I can, and I’m proud to say that I’ve nailed down a list of some of the most legit cashback apps for shopaholics on a tight budget, whether they’re in college or not. And today it’s my pleasure to share them with all of you!

3 Legit Cashback Apps

Check out this list below. I’ve got three very different types of apps that do different things, but I hope you’ll find them all to be as totally legit as I do.

1. SurveyJunkie

Okay, so this first one on my list of legit cashback apps is actually one that you can use during downtime while you’re shopping. It’s called SurveyJunkie, and you can use it from your smartphone to take surveys that give you cashback. My friends and I like to use SurveyJunkie while we’re waiting in line, taking a break somewhere and grabbing a coffee, or anywhere else we have a few free moments between classes.

One thing to keep in mind is that you have to be at least 18 years old to use it. How much cash you get back from this app really depends on how much you use it. There are some days I’m really busy with classes and whatever else, and I only end up getting $5 from it, but there are other days when I have plenty of time to use it to shop. During those weeks, I’m able to get as much as $50 cash back just for taking surveys. It’s great, and it’s so nice to have that extra money. I highly recommend it, even if you only use it while you’re standing in line to check out!

2. PayPal

This sounds funny, but the most important cashback app is the one that literally gives you cash back. I’m talking about PayPal, which is the site you can use to move cash around online, get gifts from your relatives (always the best), and do whatever other financial business you have on the internet. There is one thing to note: In order to receive cash back, shoppers must use the PayPal Cashback Mastercard which offers 2% back on everyday purchases as opposed to other apps that give you free gift cards.

An added bonus with this one is that my parents are totally cool with it too, because it’s known for being secure. I can already tell this is going to be an invaluable app for me, especially when it comes to shopping online. Plus, most of my favorite online stores accept PayPal. So, if you don’t have a PayPal account, I highly recommend creating one, because it’s one of the easiest ways to get cashback. 

3. Shopkick

try this cashback app legitDon’t get me wrong, the last two legit cashback apps I discussed are great, but this one is my absolute favorite. It’s called Shopkick, and I use it any time I do any shopping, which, if I’m being honest, is a lot. Shopkick is great because you can use it for both your online and in-person shopping to get cashback or free gift cards.

Shopkick is pretty simple and actually a lot of fun. This legit cashback app basically turns every trip to the store into a fun scavenger hunt for points called “kicks.” You can get your kicks in all kinds of ways, but the ones I like the best are walking into stores, scanning certain items, and, of course, making purchases. You can then trade your kicks in for gift cards to your favorite stores, which given how much I like to shop, is just as good as cash. In addition, with Shopkick you can also earn money shopping online, get kicks for making purchases, or even just for watching videos. It’s great, and, after Instagram, it’s probably the app that my friends and I have been using the most lately. I can’t recommend it enough!

On a Tight Budget? Try Shopkick

It can be hard to find the most legit cashback apps. Some apps don’t have as many great benefits as others, while some apps might not suit your personal tastes. Take it from me, a certified self-declared shopaholic, these are three of the best out there, and I’ve been using them all quite a bit lately. 

Take it from me, a certified self-declared shopaholic, these are three of the best out there!

As I said above, though, Shopkick is easily my favorite cashback app. I love it, and not just because I can use it at so many awesome stores, but also because it turns all of my shopping trips into fun scavenger hunts for kicks. I also love that on the days when I don’t feel like going out—or when classes are too hectic—I can still get my kicks by shopping online. Basically, it makes being a shopaholic even more fun than it already is!

It’s time to get your kicks! Shopkick is one of the most legit cashback apps, and it just makes shopping such a rewarding experience. Download the app today and start getting your kicks ASAP! 

Image courtesy of Dean Drobot

3 holly, jolly Christmas shopping hacks for last-minute shoppers

One of the things I’ve always loved about shopping is the challenge. Most of the year, when I say challenge, I’m talking about hunting for the best possible deal, whether that’s in person or online. When it comes to Christmas shopping, however, there is an entirely different set of challenges. There’s making the list of friends and family you need to shop for; making sure you actually find something for everyone on your list; and, of course, making sure you get everything on your list in time for the actual holiday.

There’s no bigger challenge than overcoming the odds to check everything off your Christmas list at the very last minute. Waiting until the last minute is risky, of course, but when you find yourself in that position year after year, you start to develop some very useful hacks. I know I’ve certainly learned some great Christmas shopping hacks over the years, so much so that I am absolutely confident in my ability to finish my list, even if I’m still out there at the last minute.

3 Christmas Shopping Hacks 

3 Christmas shopping hacksSince Christmas is the season of giving, today I’d like to share some of my most useful tips with all of you. Waiting until the last minute can mean that you inadvertently put yourself at risk of not finishing your list, but with these three super helpful Christmas shopping hacks for last-minute shoppers, you can rest assured that it will be a very merry Christmas for all of your friends and family!

1. Ask About Price Matching

This first Christmas shopping hack is for anyone out there who likes to shop at online retailers that are a bit off the beaten path and might not offer free next-day shipping like Amazon. I know in recent years I’ve found great last-minute gifts at obscure online retailers. The problem, however, can be that their shipping window is either too long to get the gift to you in time for the holiday, or that expedited shipping costs so much that you might as well drive to wherever they’re located and get it yourself, which for obvious reasons isn’t an option.

The good thing, though, is that in order to compete with online stores, almost all brick-and-mortar retailers these days offer price matching. You just have to ask. If you find something for a cheaper price online, simply ask a brick-and-mortar retailer that sells the same item if they’ll match the price. In this day and age, I would be shocked if they didn’t. That one simple question could potentially save you both valuable time and money at the end of the Christmas shopping season.

Here is a quick list of some retailers that may price match:

  • Bass Pro Shop / Cabela’s
  • Bed Bath & Beyond
  • Best Buy
  • Dick’s Sporting Goods
  • Fry’s Electronics
  • The Home Depot
  • JCPenney
  • Kohl’s
  • Lowe’s
  • Michael’s
  • Office Depot
  • Petco
  • Staples
  • Target

Holly, Jolly Score: 3/5 Hollies

2. Use Customer Loyalty Apps 

The next item on my Christmas shopping hacks list is also primarily for shopping at brick-and-mortar retailers, but don’t worry, we’ll get to one of the best Christmas shopping savings tips for in-person and online shopping in a moment. 

This tip involves using your smartphone to download the shopping apps offered by your favorite retailers. These are apps that have a wide range of features, from rewarding loyal customers with points to offering push alerts about new sales.

Here’s how these apps can save you time or money:

  • push notifications for sales
  • rewards programs
  • exclusive deals for users
  • in-store pickup after ordering on the app

The great thing is that there are just so many stores out there these days that have apps designed to help their loyal customers, which can really save you time, money, and sanity at the last minute during Christmas shopping. I know I’ve used my Starbucks app to purchase things like gift cards and mugs at the last minute. I’ve also used it to order coffee when I need a second wind to finish my last-minute shopping. So check around! Chances are, almost all of your favorite stores have apps of their own.

Holly Jolly Score: 4/5 Hollies

3. Use a Mobile Rewards Shopping App 

The last of my absolute favorite Christmas shopping hacks is an app called Shopkick, which you can use to make both your online and your brick-and-mortar shopping more fun! Simply put, Shopkick is one of the best Christmas shopping apps, if not the best. See, the way Shopkick works is that it rewards you with points, called “kicks,” for things you already do while shopping like walking into the store, scanning items, and making purchases. It’s also a level better than any of the usual free apps that give you gift cards because you can also get kicks when shopping online by watching videos, browsing through lookbooks, and of course, making purchases.

Then, you can redeem your kicks for cash back or free gift cards. Shopkick is my favorite Christmas shopping hack for a few reasons. I just love that I can use it to save even more at big online retailers from the comfort of my home. At the same time, it also gives my last-minute shopping a bit of a scavenger hunt vibe, which is really helpful when I’ve been out shopping hard for weeks and on the brink of being overwhelmed. 

What’s also great is that you can use Shopkick alongside the retail apps we mentioned earlier, doubling the opportunities to bolster your budget! Finally, getting my kicks is the absolute best way to take a little bit of the sting out of the pain that your budget suffers during the holidays. Plus, the Discover Tab in the app even has a handy gift guide, if you run out of ideas. Using Shopkick to help with your last-minute Christmas shopping is really a win-win situation!

Holly Jolly Score: 5/5 Hollies!!!

Earn Rewards During Your Last-Minute Shopping Trip

So there you have it—my gift to you. There are plenty of other hacks out there, too, but these have become my favorites over the years. I know I’ve used all three more than a few times to save myself time, money, and energy at the last minute.

There are plenty of other hacks out there, too, but these have become my favorites over the years.

I know that of those three, Shopkick is my absolute favorite. It’s such a versatile app, and I love that I can use it both online and when shopping in-store. I also love how much fun it brings to the holiday shopping process, and I truly hope you enjoy using it just as much as I do!

Christmas is almost here, but there’s still time to get your kicks! Shopkick makes shopping a rewarding experience. Download the app today and start getting your kicks as you finish all of your last-minute holiday shopping! 

Image courtesy of izzzy71

The best Christmas shopping apps for the 2019 ho-ho-holiday season

The Best Christmas Shopping Apps for the 2019 Ho-Ho-Holiday Season

Every year, the weekend before Thanksgiving, my girlfriends and I get together for one last leisurely brunch before the craziest time of the year—the Christmas shopping season. We catch up on life, kids, jobs, but always share some of our favorite holiday season survival tips as well. This is, of course, in between mimosas and laughing so hard that our sides hurt. For us, that last brunch is like the calm before the storm, or, to borrow my husband’s description of it, a huddle and pep talk with the team before the big game that is Christmas shopping.

We all know that the Christmas shopping season can get pretty hectic, but having the support of my closest friends is a big help. My girls, and that last pre-holidays brunch, aren’t my only support systems, though. There’s a ho-ho-ho-whole world of holiday help available right on your smartphone! My girlfriends and I actually came up with a list of apps, aka Santa’s Little Techy Helpers, at our brunch this year. We pooled all of our favorites together, and narrowed the field, so without further adieu, here are the best Christmas shopping apps for the 2019 holiday season.

The Best Christmas Shopping Apps for 2019

Amazon Shopping App

One of the keys to my holiday shopping strategy is using a mix of online and brick-and-mortar shopping. And, you know what? I am far from alone. All of my girlfriends agree that they’re doing more and more shopping online each year.

The Amazon Shopping app makes our list of the best Christmas shopping apps for 2019 because out of all of the options on our list, the selection on Amazon is unparalleled. And the best part is that whatever you buy on the Amazon app will be sent directly to your door. Now you have time to go hunting in brick-and-mortar stores for unexpected finds to surprise friends and family on your list.


The Amazon app is just so easy because it lets you check off so many things from your list by Christmas shopping from your smartphone. You can do your Christmas shopping while waiting in line, relaxing at home, or anywhere else you spend time on your phone, which, let’s face it, is everywhere these days. Amazon is also a great place to find unmatched deals on things like books, movies, and little stocking stuffers you know you’re going to need a lot of.


I love Amazon, but using it to get everything on your list just removes the thrill of the hunt. If you’re like me, you won’t want to do all of your shopping through the Amazon app because it takes away the fun of finding great gifts in person that they won’t be expecting.

The Target App

Ah, Target, our hands-down favorite hang out for girl time. Before we were all married, we used to go there together for home decor, clothes, and makeup. Now, our Target runs are usually for baby and kid gear. One thing we never forget on our Target runs? The Target app, which is why it made our list of the best Christmas shopping apps.

The Target app allows you to do online shopping, find in-store deals, and plan trips to your local Target store for in-stock goods. It’s a crazy versatile app, and we all swear by it. The Target app has also recently integrated with the store’s loyalty program, Target Circle, giving users access to things like personalized perks, the chance to earn up to 1 percent back on purchases, and early access to sales.


This is an essential and versatile app for anyone who shops at Target. You can use it to do everything from conducting receipt-free returns to finding exclusive savings. And, the wallet functionality on this app is easily among the best of any shopping app, making paying for your purchases fast and easy.


Obviously, the Target app can only be used at Target. While Target is known for having something for everyone, it may be hard to find some of those super-specific items on your list. Like Amazon, the Target app is a good choice for getting the basics of your Christmas shopping done quickly and easily—as well as picking up some surprises along the way.

The Starbucks App

An absolute necessity for me while I’m getting my holiday shopping done is a hot drink from Starbucks… or several. The coffee drinks are perfect for both picking up my energy level so I can get everything done, as well as for warming me up in the wintery weather so I don’t freeze while I’m out there doing it.

The reason the Starbucks app makes the list of best Christmas shopping apps of 2019 is that it makes it oh-so-much easier for me to get my beloved Starbucks drinks. And, it’s also a great way to get stocking stuffers and small gifts for everyone from teachers to co-workers, like mugs, ground coffee, and—the ultimate stocking stuff—Starbucks gift cards.


There’s a lot to like about this app, but if I had to break it down into two words, I’d say it’s free drinks. The Starbucks app lets you earn free drinks and food items by tracking how much you spend. And, you can use it to save time during the holidays by ordering your drink in advance so you can skip the line in the store.


Sometimes it makes it just a little bit too easy to grab a quick coffee. I know I definitely have a tendency to overdo it with the coffee when I’m out shopping and I get locked into that intense Christmas shopping zone.


Let’s face it, the holiday shopping season can be a bit hard on the budget. I know back in my younger days, I often needed to work longer days at the office to collect overtime during this time of year, or to cross my fingers and hope my annual bonus was a merry one. These days, I’ve found another helpful solution—Instacart.

Instacart pays you to go out and shop for others, which is a great way for someone who enjoys shopping as much as I do to shore up their budget this December. The fact that I get to spend my day shopping, help out others during the holiday season, and make money while doing it, is why this app lands on our list of best apps for Christmas shopping this year.


Instacart allows you to do shopping for others and earn a little extra cash while you’re at it. Another major advantage is that you can essentially set your own schedule while you’re doing this. Unlike a part-time holiday job, you can easily take nights or days off, and you can just stop when you’ve made enough extra funds to finish up your list. It’s very convenient that way.


The only real downside to Instacart is that it is actually work. I know I love shopping, but during the holidays, taking the time out to make a little extra money by shopping for others can be a challenge. If you’re a good planner, though, you can definitely make this app work for you.


Shopkick, simply put, is the one app on this list that can do it all while also making shopping more fun at the same time. Shopkick is an app that you can use to earn money for Christmas gifts with your everyday shopping. It’s not only one of the best Christmas shopping apps for the 2019 holiday season, it’s also the app that my friends and I love using All. Year. Long.

The way that Shopkick works is that you earn points, called kicks, for the things you are already doing while shopping. You can get your kicks by walking into stores, scanning featured products, as well as making purchases. That’s really all there is to it, and the end result is that it turns all of your trips to the store into a fun scavenger hunt for points, which you can trade for free gift cards to your favorite stores, or cash back.

Not only that, but there are also tons of ways that Shopkickers like us earn rewards right from the app—no need to even go anywhere. This list includes getting your kicks for watching videos, as well as getting instant surprise kicks from going on Easter egg hunts within the app. Users can also earn big points and rewards for shopping on their phones at stores like Walmart, Best Buy, and more. And, you can combine Shopkick with any of the other apps on our list.


There are just a ton of pros for using Shopkick. Three of the biggest for Christmas shopping, though, are that you can combine it with the other apps on our list, you can get gift cards or cash back for your shopping to instantly boost your holiday budget, and you can make your shopping more fun, which is especially important when it comes to summoning the energy to finish your entire Christmas shopping list that last week before the 25th.


There really aren’t any for Shopkick, which is the one app on our list today that does it all—and adds the fun of a scavenger hunt to all of your shopping trips.


When one of my girlfriends suggested Rakuten as one of the best Christmas shopping apps for 2019 at brunch, at first I was confused. I’d never heard of this app, but then she explained that Rakuten had previously been known as eBates.

Rakuten is another app that works really well with my personal favorite, Shopkick. The Rakuten app gives users cash back for online shopping purchases, which is a no-brainer budget boon during the holidays, especially when you’re also earning on Shopkick!


Like all of the other apps on our list, this one combines really well with Shopkick. Meaning, you can receive cash back for linked purchases with Rakuten while also earning kicks toward gift cards for your purchases with Shopkick.


When using Rakuten, you must manually start a “Shopping Trip” each time to earn cash back. If you don’t, your purchases aren’t tracked and you aren’t allowed to add previous purchases.


The next entry on our list is an old favorite of mine, eBay. I’ve been using this one for years and years, and it’s still one of my favorites for finding quirkier gifts for people on my list.

eBay’s setup is still pretty much the same as it’s always been: users put items up for auction, and buyers bid on them. I’ve found rare lamps, vintage clothes, and all kinds of out-of-print media with my eBay app. Whenever I want to surprise my friends and family, I go to eBay.


This is a great place to find rare and eclectic items, sometimes for really low prices.


Tracking and participating in auctions can be a bit time consuming during the holiday season, and there’s sometimes a risk associated with trusting that the item you’re bidding on will get to you exactly as it is presented online. Although, that last bit can be easily taken care of by making sure to check the sellers’ feedback sections.


Wish makes our list of best apps for Christmas shopping because of the deals you can find on there. Wish sells users unbranded items directly from the manufacturers, which enables them to offer those items at much lower prices. This was a new app to me this year, one that I’m grateful my girlfriends told me about, because I’ve already used it to find a wide range of gifts, including electronics, accessories, shoes, and more at far below retail.


The prices and the selection on this app are great. It’s a good one to find deals on, and the unbranded status of the products also makes it a perfect app to use for finding gifts for folks on your list who have unique tastes.


Wish doesn’t have quite the selection as stores like Amazon or Target, so what you gain in novelty and savings, you sacrifice a bit in being able to find something for everyone here.

So, there you are, the best Christmas shopping apps for the 2019 holiday season—as picked by my girlfriends and me at our annual pre-holiday shopping brunch. I should point out that we’re all seasoned and experienced shoppers who like to stay up on all the latest shopping trends, especially when it comes to apps like Shopkick that can make shopping more fun while also saving you money. I hope you’ve enjoyed the list, and I hope that you have as much fun as I do using these apps to find great gifts for your loved ones this year!

It’s time to get your kicks! Of the best Christmas shopping apps for 2019, Shopkick is the perfect choice to make this holiday season a truly rewarding experience. Download the app today and incorporate it into your Christmas shopping to start earning kicks instantly!