Interactive mobile marketing: 3 tactics to turn browsers into buyers

Interactive mobile marketing: 3 tactics to turn browsers into buyers

Get In Touch

Although online shopping and the BOPIS model remain strong, browsing in-store is far from a lost pastime. As a matter of fact, a survey conducted at the end of 2018 showed that a majority of retailers (63%) are seeing in-store shopping make a comeback. Another report that used data collected around the same time found that 60% percent of consumers still make in-store purchases weekly, and 90% do so monthly. The desire to see and try products before buying them was cited as the shoppers’ main motivation.


Thanks to online retailing, shoppers in brick-and-mortar stores are better informed and more demanding than ever. They may love the in-store shopping experience, but it can be enhanced by interactive mobile marketing to create greater engagement. There are several tactics that can help your store engage and convert those browsers.

How to Engage Consumers With Interactive Mobile Marketing


Individual attention creates emotional attachment, even when it is delivered automatically. Personalization leads to customer retention and, according to research conducted by PwC, around a quarter of shoppers are willing to pay more—up to 16% in some cases—for a product specifically in response to personalization. PwC also found that, while 43% of U.S. consumers say they would not allow companies to collect their personal data, which is a necessary step for personalization, 63% say they would share data for the sake of a service they value.

Purchasing history, personal information provided by the customer and recorded browsing patterns are among the information sources for personalization. Human service is essential for a positive retail experience as well, but the human and the digital can work in tandem to create a fast and targeted experience. According to a Salesforce report issued in 2019, the use of AI for personalization in retail and consumer goods marketing is expected to grow to 70% over the next two years—a 176% increase.

Personalization uses a combination of familiar tactics and the latest technology to engage consumers. 

  • Targeting. As customers walk in the door with a shopping app turned on, they can be greeted by name and view product suggestions based on previous buying patterns.
  • Mapping. In large stores, customers can even be guided through the aisles to locate items of potential interest to them.
  • Events. Customers can receive invitations to special sales, product premiers, and appreciation events based on their shopping patterns.
  • Feedback. Giving customers an opportunity to leave feedback on items they purchase or read the feedback of others before making a purchase can enhance the shopping experience.
  • Chatbots. Using natural language, AI chatbots can engage customers on messaging services by providing product suggestions and information, customer service, and branded entertainment in a conversational format. Chatbots are available around the clock and can generally respond faster than human assistance. They can also be used to gather information about customers, simply by asking for it.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) is fun, informative, and easy to deliver—it is technically simpler to produce than virtual reality, and it requires no user headset. Consumers can use their smartphones to enrich the shopping experience. Augmented reality technology is still relatively new, making it enticing and exciting to most consumers. Many of them may be familiar with apps like Ikea’s that superimpose the seller’s furniture onto a view of their living rooms, or ones that find ATMs, stores and restaurants on the street.

Inform the Shopper

Customers can scan a QR code to find out the backstories of unique products, see demos or take a deep dive into the specs and options for products that interest them. The app might check the store’s stock for availability, sizes and colors as well, and even suggest alternatives until the shopper finds the item that suits them just right.

Try Products Out Virtually

Sephora makes even more extensive use of AR, allowing users to see what certain makeup products would look like on. A shopper looking for clothes might use AR to see a 360° view of garment on a model or combined with other garments. In a kitchenware store, a shopper might watch a demo of the countertop appliance on the shelf in front of them. 

Take Time, Save Labor

AR creates a rich, customized experience for shoppers, who can take in as much or as little information as they please, and work their way through alternatives of their choosing at their own pace. Only at the end of the experience, when the shopper has made their purchasing decision, does a salesperson need to become involved. Thus, the customer gets to enjoy the benefits of modern technology and the human touch too. 

Rewarding Loyalty

There are a number of ways to reward loyalty with interactive mobile marketing, and they are often among the most effective measures for retailers. Fifty-eight percent of shoppers visit stores where they are members of a loyalty program at least once a month—and 69% say their choice of retailer is influenced by loyalty programs.

These are some of the most widespread and popular tactics found in retail marketing.

  • Loyalty Rewards Programs. Many loyalty programs are available via a mobile app. In Shopkick’s case, shoppers can earn rewards for using the app when visiting a store and interacting with products at-shelf.
  • Proximity marketing. Beacon technology can be combined with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to guide shoppers to sale items. According to Beaconstat, 75% of U.S. retailers already use it, and its popularity is still growing. Shopkick worked with early adopters T.J. Maxx and Best Buy.

Interactive mobile marketing combines familiar tactics like rewards points and events with the latest digital technology to generate excitement and help shoppers make purchasing decisions. It presents ample opportunities to increase engagement among shoppers in your store and turn browsers into buyers. Using these tactics will create a satisfying shopping experience that is met with appreciation and positive response from your customers.

Shopkick is a rewards app that is wildly popular with millennials and the brands and retailers they frequent. Our partners use Shopkick to drive sales, steal market share, and produce incredible ROI. Contact us to get involved in 2020’s biggest shopping revolution.

The best shopping app for groceries when you’re on a budget

With three growing boys at home, I find myself spending a lot of time at the grocery store near my house. In fact, I spend so much time there that I have a favorite cashier, and her name is Andrea. That’s right, we’re even on a first-name basis. During each of my many trips to the grocery store, I always make it a point to hop into Andrea’s line. She’s fast and always makes sure I get the right prices on my items. It always surprises her when I find such great deals on items.  

As she rings me up, we also talk about trending topics and the latest shows. I also tell her about all the cool ways I find to make things work on my budget. Even though she works at the grocery store, I was surprised to find out that she didn’t know the best shopping app for groceries when you’re on a budget. It made me wonder how many others out there who are on a budget would benefit from hearing about the best shopping app for groceries, which is why today I’d like to share with all of you what I told my friend Andrea.

Shopping App for Groceries

What is a shopping app for groceries?

I couldn’t believe Andrea had never heard of a shopping app for groceries. So, before I could get to the business of telling her about my favorite, I had to explain to her what it is and how it works. The way a shopping app for groceries works is actually really simple, once you become familiar with it.

Any shopping app for groceries that is worth having is free to download. It should also work with either an Apple or an Android smartphone, so technology problems really aren’t a barrier. There are different types of shopping apps out there. Some of them are limited to only being used at certain stores, while others can be used practically anywhere—even online. 

What are the benefits of a shopping app for groceries?

the best shopping app for groceriesMy favorite types of grocery shopping apps are those that give you rewards you can trade in later for cash or gift cards. The main benefit of these apps is that you save money. There are different ways these apps work, but the best of the bunch gives you rewards for the shopping you already do. You can then trade those awards in for savings. The best shopping apps for groceries change the shopping experience altogether by adding a new layer of fun that actually makes you look forward to going to the store, as crazy as that sounds.

What is the best shopping app for groceries?

I think at this point in our conversation Andrea was hooked. She just wanted to know which shopping app for groceries I recommend she download. And you know what? I was more than happy to tell her about my favorite: Shopkick.

Shopkick gives me points for the things I do when I’m out shopping already, including walking into the store, interacting with products, and making purchases. These points are called “kicks” and you can trade them in for gift cards to use at your favorite stores. This helps me save money which is big for me for obvious reasons. More than that, though, Shopkick has changed the way I think about going to the store. I used to hate going grocery shopping. But with Shopkick, I have really started to look forward to going to the store, even if it’s my third trip for groceries that week. 

For those who might not enjoy going to the store as much as I do, Shopkick also caters to you!

For those who might not enjoy going to the store as much as I do, Shopkick also caters to you! You can discover products, recipes, and shop within the app via Walmart Grocery online if you can’t make it to the store.  

I hope you enjoyed hearing all that I have to say about the best shopping app for groceries, Shopkick. With three growing boys at home—and a budget that isn’t all that flexible—anything that helps me save money and have more fun doing errands is near and dear to my heart.

I really hope you all give Shopkick a chance. I’m almost certain you’ll love it as much as I do. There’s just no better way to save money while also having a good time shopping for groceries!

It’s time to get your kicks! Shopkick is hands down the best shopping app for groceries when you’re on a budget. Download the app today and start getting your kicks now! 

Image courtesy of Dmitry Kalinovsky

Leading Children’s Apparel Retailer

A leading children's apparel retailer partnered with Shopkick to drive incremental foot traffic and sales

Campaign Goals

A leading children’s apparel retailer was looking for an innovative way to bridge the gap between their digital and physical shopping channels, drive repeat visits and purchases amongst existing customers, and reach a new audience of shoppers. 

Shopkick Solution

Shopkick kept the retailer top of mind with shoppers at-home through contextually relevant branded lookbook content, high-impact promo units, and videos in the Discover Tab. Shopkick’s location-based messaging and push notifications helped the retailer reach shoppers on-the-go, drive shopping intent, and encourage store visits. Shopkick drove incremental foot traffic, sales, and customer acquisition by awarding kicks for visiting, scanning products, and making in-store purchases. Shopkick’s proprietary data shows what goes on in-store, in real time, helping retailers identify who their customers are and fill gaps in the customer shopping journey.


  • 2 million store trips driven (289K incremental)
  • $15.1M sales-driven (over 27% YoY)
  • 16.5:1 ROI (*$27.5K returned in gift cards)
  • 242M content impressions delivered as added value

Visa Incrementality Study

*July ’18 – Jan ’19
  • 84% share of total spend was incremental
  • 43% lift in spend over control group
  • 15% share of incremental spend for existing customers
  • 85% share of incremental spend for new customers




sales driven


of total spend was from new customers



Build brand awareness

Drive foot traffic

Boost sales amongst existing and new customers

Retailer Distribution


Products Used

Branded Lookbook and Collection, Promo Units, Push Notifications, Purchase Validation, Visa Incrementality Study, Gift Card in Rewards mall

3 rewards app hacks (that you didn’t hear from us)

Sometimes I don’t think people really know the meaning of the phrase “hack.” For example, I’ve been taking a class at nights and one of my classmates recently said to me: “So, life hack: the best way to get ahead on this next test is to do all the reading and study the night before.” He said it like he was giving me some secret information that only he had figured out. I thought to myself, “Um, that’s not a life hack…that’s just life.” 

If you ask me, a life hack is a way to do something much easier. It’s usually something that’s not quite obvious and that a lot of people don’t already know about. I have friends who have told me about really valuable life hacks for things like washing their cars. But I think I’ve discovered some of the most valuable: rewards app hacks—all of which are so valuable, that if anyone asks, I’d deny telling you about them!

So without further adieu, let’s get to the three rewards app hacks that you didn’t hear from me!

The Best Rewards App Hacks

1. Find a Rewards App to Use Online

My first rewards app hack is a simple one: find a rewards app that you can use online. I know, it sounds obvious, but I just know so many friends who think in order to use a rewards app, you have to go to a physical store. That is true for some, but it’s not always the case. That’s why the first rewards app hack that I have to share with you today is to make sure you get one you can use both online and in brick-and-mortar stores.

Why is this a valuable thing to do? Well, because let’s face it, nobody has time to go to the store to do all of their shopping these days, and even if they did, there are some deals that you can only find online. It’s valuable to have a rewards app that you can use online because I’m pretty sure that all of us these days are doing some, or even most, of our shopping online. By only getting an app that you can use in-person, or even worse not realizing you can use the rewards app you have online, you could be leaving valuable rewards on the table. For obvious reasons, you don’t want to do that!

2. Use Two Rewards Apps at Once

3 rewards app hacksNow that you’re using your first rewards app hack, and collecting your rewards both online and offline, it’s time to move on to our next rewards app hack. This is one that I’ve been using for years. What you do is basically use two rewards apps at once. So, let’s think about the different types of rewards apps. 

There are store loyalty apps, like those that you can download from Target or Starbucks. There are also some rewards apps that require picking certain deals from a list that the developers update every week. There are also credit card rewards apps and programs that give you points every time you buy certain things with your credit card. Finally, there are rewards apps that you can use each and every time you go out shopping. The trick to this is to just remember to use more than one. So, let’s say you use your credit card that gives you 2% back on purchases. When you do, remember to also use a rewards app that gives you points each time you go out shopping, which is a nifty hack to basically double your savings! It really is that easy. 

3. Learn to Love Shopkick

Okay, so my final rewards app hack might fall into the category I described at the start, but I still really want to share it because it’s also my absolute favorite. Basically, this one entails simply downloading and using this app called Shopkick. That’s really all there is to it. You go to your smartphone, find Shopkick, download it, and use it each and every time you shop. Why do I like Shopkick so much?

Well, I’ll happily tell you! Shopkick is just a blast to use. It gives you reward points, which it calls “kicks,” for going shopping and doing things like walking into stores, scanning barcodes of participating products, and, of course, making purchases. You can also use it when you go shopping online, getting points for making purchases that way too. Before long, you’ll even start to like shopping more with Shopkick because it turns each and every trip to the store into a fun scavenger hunt for kicks. I just love it, and I’m sure you will too!

We all know life and shopping can be a hassle at times, but with these hacks, it’ll be that much easier for you!

There you go, three great rewards app hacks that you can start using today. So remember, the first step is to download a shopping rewards app—don’t forget my favorite, Shopkick. The next step is to go shopping. You can go shopping online or in-store and you can use Shopkick at the same time you’re using some of your other favorite rewards apps, such as the credit card that gives you a percentage back on purchases or the branded app to your favorite store. We all know life and shopping can be a hassle at times, but with these hacks, it’ll be that much easier for you!

It’s time to start earning kicks! Shopkick makes shopping a rewarding experience. Download the app today and start using all of our rewards app hacks to earn kicks! 

Image courtesy of WAYHOME studio

How to increase sales in grocery stores when CPG eCommerce is on the rise

We don’t have to tell you twice, but running a brick-and-mortar grocery store can be costly. Naturally, you want to maximize your returns when you’re shelling out around $160,000 just on inventory. In some ways, you’re competing against local competitors, but you’re increasingly competing against eCommerce players as well.

The share of US consumers who purchased groceries online in the past year jumped from less than a quarter to more than a third, with Amazon and Walmart driving sales. Nearly 40% of those surveyed said they plan to shop for groceries online in the next 12 months, but there is growth potential in the 21% who “don’t know” if they will buy online. This may leave retailers wondering how to increase sales in their grocery stores. 

Is CPG eCommerce a Threat to Grocery Store Sales?

Despite the surges and impressive forecasts, the reality today is that only 2.7% of the $743 billion CPG market gets purchased online, up from 2.2% in 2018. Even if it reaches the estimated 8% share of US grocery sales by 2022, it’s still a relatively small amount of sales—something to consider, but certainly not a “threat” to physical supermarkets by any stretch of the imagination.

Online grocery shoppers tend to make infrequent purchases and buy in smaller amounts, according to research. Just 11.8% of online shoppers bought “most” or “all” of their groceries that way, so you can feel confident that eCommerce will not fully replace brick-and-mortar grocery stores. A recent report found that 71% of shoppers surveyed spent $50 or more shopping in-store, compared to just 54% of shoppers who spent that much online.  

With that said, it’s a wise move to brace yourself for the uptick in eCommerce shopping by creating an online presence and linking up with a service provider like Instacart or Shipt to cater to those consumers who purchase online. Analysts believe that physical supermarkets will serve as the anchor for inventory fulfillment for customers ordering online, rather than a separate entity competing with online providers. Using mobile apps like Shopkick will bridge the gap between digital and in-store experiences, providing crucial information at the purchase point and rewarding shoppers for their loyalty.

How to Increase Sales in Grocery Store Environments

1. Give them retail therapy.

Remember what draws customers to physical stores. Sometimes it’s not even the products or the convenience so much as it’s the visceral experience that provides a way to de-stress from a long day or week of work—“retail therapy,” as it’s called. Nearly three-quarters of consumers admit to stress-shopping. Consider ways of redesigning or augmenting your space to make the trip more interesting and fun such as curated music, enhanced lighting, digital displays, interactive kiosks, and perks like a free drink or bite of food while shopping to improve your aesthetic.

2. Add trending items and departments to your inventory.

Grocery store growth has largely been fueled by the rise of organic and healthy options, specialty items, and innovations like meal kits and ready-to-go prepared foods. Supermarket departments are rapidly expanding to become more of the one-stop-shops people have come to expect—new sections like high-end bakeries and gourmet cheese shops, in-store bars and wine shops, larger beauty sections and sushi bars, Starbucks counters, and full-service banks.      

3. Offer in-store promotions and deals.

In one survey, 84% of shoppers admitted that they go into the store for a need, but end up walking away with an impulse buy want due to an attractive promotion or deal. Online retailers often entice shoppers with free shipping offers and deep discounts, but you can do the same in-store.

4. Reconsider shelf space, shifting unique items to eCommerce operations.

learn how to increase sales in grocery storeThe internet is routinely turned to for “that one product you can’t get anywhere else.” More and more, retailers are relying on analytics to gain insight into consumer preferences. Start with a large selection and let consumers decide what you should or shouldn’t carry in-store. Be sure to have your best-selling eCommerce items available on shelves as well. Use online sales data to update, reposition, or replace low-selling SKUs in both physical and online shops. If a particular flavor isn’t selling well in-store, make it exclusive to your online store. Often, the highest productivity comes from a rotating selection of new and niche products that keeps the shopping experience fresh and exhilarating.      

5. Bridge the online/offline gap with the integration of mobile applications.

Leading grocers and CPG companies understand that digital media must be part of the shopping trip planning process, according to research by Deloitte. A completely integrated digital strategy recognizes that shoppers use their mobile phones to find stores, make lists, check prices, research products, compare products, share content, and purchase. Offering an in-house app or partnering with a third-party mobile shopping app can enhance in-store product interactions and deepen the brand conversation, saving shoppers time, money, and hassle. 

Kraft rewarded Shopkick app users who purchased baker’s chocolate, pudding, and marshmallows for the holiday baking season with “kicks,” which they could then put towards a free gift card of their choosing. Through Shopkick, Kraft was able to engage with shoppers along the full path to purchase, whether they were on their mobile devices at home, or in-store at the shelf. More than a quarter of shoppers converted to purchase all three items. Fifty percent of the Shopkickers said they hadn’t planned on buying any of those items when they first walked into the store. Overall, Kraft’s campaign garnered greater than 7:1 return on investment.

Find Out How to Increase Sales in Your Grocery Store With Shopkick

Digital is here to stay, but brick-and-mortar grocery stores aren’t falling by the wayside. Price, quality, convenience, and selection will always be the key drivers, no matter which shopping channel a person uses. A partnership with Shopkick lets you add value and enhance the in-store shopping experience while also rewarding and encouraging customer loyalty.    

Digital is here to stay, but brick-and-mortar grocery stores aren’t falling by the wayside.

Looking for more information on modern tools that boost CPG sales in grocery stores? Read our partners’ success stories or contact us to learn how to appeal to mobile shoppers with Shopkick.

Image courtesy of Gts

How to earn cashback on household bills—the easy way

When you live in a household with three boys like my husband and I do, very few things are predictable. We never know how much they’re going to eat in one day, although we do know it’s a lot. We never know what kind of mess will be made but we know there will be a big one. In fact, I like to joke that the only things that seem to remain constant in our house are the utility bills and the need to go back out shopping.

As you can imagine, those are also the things that put the biggest strain on my budget each month. For many years I’ve often found myself wishing there was a way to save on one or the other. Well, as fate would just so have it, I recently found a way to save on one by doing the other—I found out how to earn cashback on household bills by shopping. That’s right! You can use your everyday trips to the grocery store to help out with other expenses around the house.  

Earn Cashback on Household Bills

If bills are straining your budget like they’re doing mine, you’re going to want to check out these ways to earn cashback on household bills. 


The first way I’ve found to earn cashback on household bills is by using Instacart. When I was first introduced to this app I was thrilled at the idea of having someone do the grocery shopping for me. Now, my budget doesn’t always allow me to take advantage of that. But thankfully, there’s another side of Instacart that I’ve found to be pretty beneficial. 

The way you can earn cashback on household bills through Instacart is by sort of reversing it and being the person who goes out and does the shopping. It’s really that simple. Someone like me who is just too busy to get to the store needs some shopping done, you go out and do that shopping, and then you have the extra cash to put toward your household bills. 

Starbucks App

how to earn cashback on household billsI guess I was maybe a little less than accurate earlier when I said that the only two things that stay constant in my house are my household bills and my need to go shopping. If I’m being honest, there’s also a third constant in my house—my own personal need for Starbucks, specifically flat whites, which are my absolute favorite. Even in the summertime, I’ll find myself stopping by Starbucks for a quick pick-me-up. And, there’s also a way to earn cashback for household bills in the process.

The way to do this is by downloading the Starbucks app. That way, every time you go into Starbucks, you’re getting points that eventually pile up and help you get free drinks. And you know what? If you’re anything like me, the money you’re spending on Starbucks drinks goes a long way, and it can really help you put a dent in your household bills. Oh, and one more tip: you can also use the Starbucks app to have your drink waiting for you when you arrive so that you can even skip the line! 


The last way to earn cashback on household bills also happens to be my favorite. It’s a shopping rewards app called Shopkick. What Shopkick does is give you points, which it cleverly calls “kicks,” that you can trade-in later for cashback through PayPal cash credit, or for gift cards to many of your favorite stores. Shopkick turns your everyday shopping into a way to earn rewards that you can use on later trips so that you have more money to put toward your household bills. It’s pretty awesome!

Why Shopkick is my favorite, though, is because it also turns every trip out to the store into a fun scavenger hunt to get your kicks. With Shopkick, you get kicks for things like walking into certain stores, scanning barcodes of certain products, and, of course, making purchases. I find myself looking forward to running out to the store just so I can push myself to get as many kicks as possible. When I don’t feel like going out, I can also earn kicks at home by shopping online or watching videos about partnering products in the app. Essentially, Shopkick is not only fun, but it’s also easy to use. In my book, there’s no better way to earn cashback on household bills.

So there you have it, three great ways to earn cashback on household bills.

So there you have it, three great ways to earn cashback on household bills. While I like them all, and I have been known to mix and match them in the past, I do have to say that Shopkick is my overall favorite. With three growing boys at home, I find myself doing quite a bit of shopping, especially grocery shopping. Thankfully, I have Shopkick to make it worth my while. 

It’s time to get your kicks! Shopkick makes shopping a rewarding experience. Download the app today and start to earn cashback to put toward your household bills now! 

Image courtesy of George Rudy

Leading Footwear Retailer

A leading footwear retailer partnered with Shopkick to drive incremental foot traffic and obtain new customers

Campaign Goals

A leading footwear retailer was looking for an innovative way to drive incremental store traffic, increase product engagement and awareness along the full-funnel purchase journey, obtain new customers, and achieve an efficient ROI.

Shopkick Solution

Shopkick kept the retailer top of mind with shoppers at-home through contextually relevant branded lookbook content, high-impact promo units, and videos in the Discover Tab.

The retailer utilized Shopkick’s location-based messaging and push notifications to reach shoppers on-the-go, drive shopping intent, and encourage store visits.

Shopkick drove incremental foot traffic, sales, and customer acquisition by awarding kicks for visiting, scanning products, and making in-store purchases. Shopkick’s proprietary data shows what goes on in-store, in real-time, helping retailers identify who their customers are and fill gaps in the customer shopping journey.


  • 314K store trips driven
  • 14-25% of trips were from new customers
  • 1.13M in-store product scans
  • 10.3:1 ROI

Shopkick’s unique solution helped the leading footwear retailer drive incremental foot traffic and expand their presence among new customers. By influencing purchase behaviors with rewards rather than coupons, discounts, or cash-back incentives, Shopkick allowed the retailer to maintain profit margins, and drove an efficient ROI of 10.3:1.




store trips driven


in-store product scans



Build brand awareness

Drive foot traffic

Boost sales amongst existing and new customers

Retailer Distribution


Products Used

Branded Lookbook and Collection, Promo Units and videos, Push Notifications, Purchase Validation

How retailers can leverage millennial buying power to boost sales in 2020

How retailers can leverage millennial buying power to boost sales in 2020

Get In Touch

According to the most recent data, over 72 million millennials currently live in the United States. These adults, who will be turning 24-38 in 2020, have a colossal influence on retail and the U.S. economy as a whole. Accenture estimates that millennials will make up 30% of total retail sales in 2020 with a total purchasing power of over $1.4 trillion. Alongside their younger cohorts in Gen Z, this powerful generation is actively shaping the way we view the brand-consumer relationship and influencing major changes in the marketing, sales, and retention strategies of major retailers nationwide. 

Retailers have realized that our youngest generations are looking for a totally new way to shop—and they have the power to vote with their dollars and make their voices heard. As a result, the following strategies have emerged as promising ways to harness Gen Z and millennial buying power and boost sales in 2020 and beyond. 

Ways to Leverage Millennial Buying Power to Boost Sales

Cash In on Convenience

More than any other generation, millennials expect a shopping experience based on convenience. This generation grew up with Amazon and Netflix, and have grown to expect instant gratification from the retailers they frequent. Forty percent of millennials are parents—young parents—who don’t have time to waste on lengthy errands. A buy-online-pickup-in-store strategy is one of the best ways to optimize for speed and convenience in the era of overnight shipping.

A smooth omnichannel retail experience is crucial for all consumers, but especially millennials. Sixty-eight percent of them expect a seamless and integrated retail experience no matter what channel they happen to be using. And when 54% of their non-grocery purchases are made online, millennials leave retailers wondering how to increase foot traffic in brick-and-mortar stores. “Buy online pickup in store” is the answer. If you’re not already using BOPIS, or are looking for ways to increase your success with this crossover strategy, consider the following tips: 

  • Prioritize website speed above all else. Consumers still use computers to online shop—but many individual retailers’ sites are slow to load and cumbersome to navigate. Clean up the back end of your website and streamline your sitemap so visitors can find what they need and load every page more quickly. This will also do wonders for your SEO and SERP presence.
  • Optimize UX for all mobile interactions. Make sure that your website isn’t just mobile-responsive, but mobile-first. Improve UX for your proprietary branded app. And make sure that all direct-to-purchase pathways from Instagram or Facebook are clean and lightning-fast. If you make your customers wade through a clunky UX, you might lose them.
  • Make the in-store experience fast and easy. BOPIS best practices dictate putting the pick-up station right up front in a prominent and immediately-accessible part of the store. Streamline logistics so that orders are ready at the time you say they will be, and shoot for same-day order fulfillment (or three hours, if you can make it). 
  • Provide real-time product availability. Surprisingly, 89% of millennials say that their choice of retail stores would be influenced by having access to real-time product availability data. When your bottom-of-the-funnel customer has the option of visiting your store or one of your local competitors, this could be the differentiating factor for you getting that sale. 

Invest Wisely in Social Media

Millennials spend an incredible amount of online time on social media platforms, so brands immediately want to establish a presence there. That much is obvious. However, certain social media strategies work better than others, especially for retailers in the CPG sector. Below we discuss how to optimize three intersecting aspects of your social media strategy: ads, influencers, and your own accounts.

Social Media Ads

Sixty-three percent of U.S. millennials use ad blockers when browsing and shopping online—and for good reason. Display and pop-up ads are intrusive and obnoxious to many, especially those who spend a lot of their free time online. In-app video ads on Facebook and Instagram stories (and streaming platforms like YouTube) tend to appear less annoying, as do in-feed image-based ads. By choosing wisely and investing in retargeting, you can use social media ads without alienating your audience. 

Influencer Marketing

Seventy-four percent of millennials report that their shopping is influenced by social media, and this could be attributed to the diligent work of influencers. Retailers have a lot to gain from partnering with micro-influencers, in particular in 2020, to deliver targeted content to their most valuable customers. Smaller content creators are most likely to appreciate the support from a large brand, and to agree to publish sponsored content on a regular basis. Building out a wide base of many micro-influencers will often perform better than one star contract.

Adding Value

In general, most millennials don’t follow brands on social media—unless, of course, they’re looking for deals. Instead of bolstering your proprietary social media accounts with a steady flow of content for sale, try adding value in other ways. Reward followers for opting into your messaging. Your social media fans are the perfect audience for an occasional holiday promo code or flash sale. They’ll be the most likely to develop into brand advocates who will share your content far and wide. By making your page more than a catalog, you’ll make a bigger impact. 

Reward Customer Loyalty

Believe it or not, research shows that millennials are more likely to respond to loyalty rewards and stay loyal to a retailer than any other generation of shoppers. Perhaps that’s because they align more closely with a brand’s values and consider their loyalty a small part of who they are as a person. Regardless, this loyalty should be cultivated and rewarded through innovative solutions.

Your company likely already has a proprietary app with a rewards program built in. You might also be running an email-based rewards program. But 58% of millennials make separate email accounts to house all of their brand communications—which essentially means these messages are falling on deaf ears. Millennials don’t want to be bombarded by branded content. But they do want to be engaged with personalized, targeted content that’s relevant to them. Innovative shopping solutions like Shopkick are helping bridge that gap and encourage the loyalty that younger generations are happy to give. 

Shopkick is an innovative rewards app that turns everyday errands into rewarding scavenger hunts. Users are rewarded by viewing in-app content (including video ads), entering retail locations, and even picking up items and scanning their barcodes. It’s quite a simple premise, really. When your best bottom-of-the-funnel customer is standing in front of your display with your product in hand, watching a compelling video ad to completion, they’re far more likely to place that item in their cart. 

Brands like Kraft, Kellogg’s, Purina, and Rimmel-London have partnered with Shopkick to reward customer loyalty and drive sales in retail locations like Target, Sam’s Club, and Walmart across the United States. If you’re looking for a powerful new way to leverage millennial buying power, this could be your chance. 

Shopkick is a rewards app that is wildly popular with millennials and the brands and retailers they frequent. Our partners use Shopkick to drive sales, steal market share, and produce incredible ROI. Contact us to get involved in 2020’s biggest shopping revolution.

The 8 Best Rewards Apps to Earn Free Fun Money

The 8 Best Rewards Apps to Earn Free Fun Money

Ever since I was young, I’ve always had to have the absolute best of everything. For me, the best doesn’t always mean the most or biggest thing. Instead, it’s something that makes me feel great. Lately, I’ve been obsessed with finding the best food trucks in my area. I fell in love with food trucks a few years ago when they started to pop up where I live, and now I’ve made it a mission to try them all in search of the very best!.

While I’m not quite ready to share the list of the best food trucks in my area, I can share with you a list of other best things that have made my food truck missions possible. Eating at so many food trucks obviously costs money and so today I want to talk about the eight best rewards apps that help me earn free fun money. The type of money that I can spend on every last food truck in town without guilt. While similar, many of these apps involve different tasks to earn money, so I’ve done my best to leave none of my favorites off the list.

8 Best Rewards Apps to Earn Money…for Free!

The Starbucks App

As a busy person, a coffee-lover, and someone who just has to find all of the absolute best bargains that are out there, I love the Starbucks app. There are two major benefits to using the Starbucks app. First, you can use it to do things like order ahead and skip the line, which for me is often a must. I just don’t know how many times I’ve been in a big rush, needed a quick pick-me-up, and the Starbucks app helped me grab a quick flat white while I’m out on the move. 

The other major benefit of the Starbucks app is that there are rewards built right in. What that means is that every time you swing by Starbucks for a quick coffee, you earn stars (or rewards points). You can later trade those stars in for free drinks or food. A lot of stores have this type of branded app that’s aimed at incentivizing your loyalty.

Type of App:

Branded for store loyalty.

Is it the Best?:

For coffee? Of course!


Instacart can be an absolutely life-changing app. I know for someone as busy as me, it’s definitely one of the all-time best time-saving apps. It essentially makes it so you can have someone shop for your personal grocery list, sometimes in as fast as an hour. I don’t know about you, but that saves me from so many potential headaches.

Did you know, however, that you can also earn money with Instacart too? The way you do that is by being the person shopping for others. It’s really a game-changer for your budget if you ever find yourself in a pinch or if you just want to pad your budget a bit, too. Instacart is a great way to get extra money to use to do even more shopping or to visit food trucks like me. 

Type of App:

One that pays you to shop.

Is it the Best?:

Sure. If you’re looking for a flexible, part-time shopping gig.

Checkout 51

Checkout51 is another cool app. The way this one works is that each week, it gives you a new set of deals from which to choose. You can then go make purchases that qualify for those deals, keep your receipt, and take a picture of it in order to collect your cash back.

I don’t think this is the all-time best rewards app, mostly because it is so heavily dependent on whether that week’s deals are good for you or not. Is it the best some weeks? Maybe. It really just depends. I will say, though, that one thing I really like about this app is how fun it is to check out the new set of deals each week and see what you’re interested in buying.

Type of App:

Rewards app for shoppers.

Is it the Best?:

It’s pretty good, but some weeks are better than others because of the way it works.


When it comes to picking the best rewards app to earn free fun money, my favorite is Shopkick. There’s so much to love about Shopkick, but one of the things that makes it the best is that you can combine it with almost all of the other ways to earn free fun money that we talk about on this list. You can use it with your Starbucks app, while you shop for Instacart, or even in tandem with Checkout 51. There’s just so much versatility to this app.

Shopkick basically turns going shopping into a scavenger hunt. You hunt down a featured product to get your kicks, which are points that you can later turn into free gift cards. I use it almost every time I go out to the store, and for me, that’s about as good as it gets.

Type of App:

Rewards app.

Is it the Best?:

Yes, Shopkick is my absolute favorite of all of the shopping rewards apps online. I highly recommend it!


You might know Rakuten as Ebates, which recently changed its name. The way this one works is that users head over to, sign up, shop online through the site, and receive cash back on certain purchases.

It’s a pretty great setup, and you can almost always find tons of excellent things to buy through Rakuten’s website. What makes it even better is that Rakuten also offers other ways to save such as daily deals, coupons, and promo codes. Like many of the other selections on this list, you can also combine it somewhat seamlessly with other apps, really enhancing the amount of free fun money that you can earn.

Type of App:

An online shopping app.

Is it the Best?:

Sure! If you prefer to shop only online.

Google Opinion Rewards

Google Opinion Rewards is a rewards app that lets you earn free fun money by answering quick surveys. That’s exactly what it sounds like. You get a survey, you answer it, and you get rewards, which in this case come in the form of Google Play credit. I’m sure that I don’t have to tell you that there are plenty of great ways to spend that.

This one isn’t, in my opinion, the all-time best of the rewards apps, but it’s kind of fun to give your opinion about all the different things it asks about. I know some of my girlfriends absolutely love giving their takes on a bunch of different things. It’s also something you can quickly do each day when you have a few minutes of downtime, which for someone with my schedule is an incredibly valuable thing.

Type of App:

Survey app.

Is it the Best?:

If you love to give tons and tons of opinions about things, sure.


I don’t know about you, but I just love taking photos. You know what I love even more than taking photos? Getting paid to take photos in free fun money. That’s where the app Foap comes into play.

The way Foap works is that you post pictures on it from your mobile phone. Other users can then buy your photos on the app for $10. Each time that they do, you get half of the money, which is eventually paid out to you at the end of the month via PayPal. The best part, if you ask me, is that you can sell the same photo over and over and over again, which means if you take one that people really like, there is no end in sight for your free fun money on this one.

Type of App:

An app to sell photos.

Is it the Best?:

It all depends on how strong a photographer you are.


Out of all the apps on this list, I think Slidejoy is the one where you have to do the least. See, all that Slidejoy really entails is letting the app modify the lock screen on your smartphone. It just replaces whatever you have on there now with things like trending topics, ads, and other content. Each time you click to look at it or even just to open your phone, you get points.

This is great for some really obvious reasons, namely that you can tally points by just opening your phone and occasionally engaging with the content that Slidejoy puts on there. Like some of the other apps on our list here today, this is one that you can use to fill your downtown, whether you’re waiting for a friend to arrive, killing some time, or whatever else. It’s that easy to use. In fact, sometimes I forget that I’m even using it at all.

Type of App:

Lock screen ads app.

Is it the Best?:

It’s a great one for making free fun money without really doing anything.

So there you have it: the eight best rewards apps to earn free fun money. Though, as I mentioned earlier, the best, in my opinion, is Shopkick, which you can combine with almost all of the other apps on this list. It makes going to the store fun, and, best of all, using Shopkick just gives you so many chances to earn gift cards that are just as good as cash…for free!

It’s time to get your kicks! Of the many rewards apps out there, Shopkick’s versatility, fun setup, and other qualities make it the absolute best rewards app. Download the app today so you too can earn fun money for free!