Camp Shopkick: Family Fun Week

The summer fun themes continue, Shopkickers! Last time, we shared activities, recipes, and even crafts for you and your family to enjoy with your grill in mind. And, this week, we’re back with 10 new ways you and your family and play together in your backyard this summer and well into the fall. Let’s get started!


Tie-dye is the must-do craft this summer, and we think it’s because it’s quick and easy (albeit a little messy!). There are all-in-one kits for sale online from most craft stores, and we also discovered great tutorials from the dye brand, Rit. On their site, Rit shares new methods for creating tie-dye patterns, how to best prep your fabric before you dye it, and even faster ways to encourage your pieces to dry. Take a look!

Open a Little Free Library:

This summer, we have been reading non-stop! Although we have all largely been keeping our physical distance from our friends and neighbors, one fun way to help your community to feel more connected is by building a Little Free Library for your neighborhood. The idea is neighbors can stop by and take a new book, and the hope is they will add a new or used book to your library in return.

Put on a Play:

Put your family’s acting skills to the test and put on a play or talent show! You can encourage your kids to create a show of their own or have them recreate an old favorite. You can also encourage them to show off their talents. If friends and family want to see the debut performance, encourage them to stop by with masks and their own chairs placed 6’ apart.

Design a Fairy Garden:

We have suggested planting vegetable and fruit gardens, and flower gardens are always a given. But, we have a new garden idea: create a fairy garden! Country Living has great inspiration for you to use to create one of your own at home.

Jump Rope:

Whether your kids have already experienced the old-fashioned fun of jump rope games or they have yet to play, embrace this classic game at home! For new jumpers, consider having them begin by jumping rope on grass. This way if someone does trip, they’re falling on a soft surface rather than on hard pavement.

Make Popsicles:

What is summer without a cool treat to enjoy outside? Try your hand at making your own popsicles. With a few simple ingredients, you can create smoothie inspired popsicles your kids will love making and eating. Thank you to Lemon Tree Dwelling for sharing this delicious recipe! If you’re allergic to dairy, try adding extra fruit and orange juice in lieu of yogurt.

Add Swings:

If you have a large tree in your yard that feels like it’s simply waiting for a swing, now is the time to install one! Try shopping online, make your own, or stop by your local hardware store for a pre-made option. Another idea? Install a porch or deck swing!

Play Mini Golf:

Put your golfing skills to the test from home! Consider purchasing a mini golf set to enjoy in your backyard, or task your kids with coming up with a course for everyone to play. Don’t forget your clubs, balls, and scorecards!

Play Life-Size Memory:

We love playing backyard games because they feel even more fun when they’re life-sized. So, try creating your own version of memory! Make the cards big enough to create a large game in your backyard on your lawn. Who can match the cards the quickest?

Car Wash:

With soap, sponges, and a hose, you can create a few hours of fun for your kids outside with a car wash! Think about having them help you to wash the family’s cars, or create a “kid’s car wash” where they wash their own bikes and scooters. Everything could likely use a good clean. Why not make an afternoon out of this form of water fun?

How has your family been spending time outside together in your backyard this summer? Chime in on Facebook with your ideas!

3 effective digital marketing strategies to increase brand awareness

3 effective digital marketing strategies to increase brand awareness

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Digital marketing is an effective way to drive and increase brand awareness—for many reasons. By implementing digital marketing strategies to increase brand awareness, brands and retailers: 

  • Meet shoppers where they are: Americans spend over 12 hours a day interacting with digital media, be it radio, TV, laptops, and mobile phones. Reliance on foot traffic and in-person interactions can only go so far. Without a robust digital presence, it will likely be difficult to sustain a reasonable amount of growth.
  • Engage early: Many shoppers have admitted to doing research digitally at home long before they head to a store to make a purchase. Search terms that include the word “brand”—such as “beauty brands,” “best purse brands,” and “men’s watch brands”—are among the most frequently searched. Consumers are also using location-based search queries like “pizza near me” or “toy stores near me” to help them plan their in-store trips. And, 52% of shoppers are using mobile devices while in stores to narrow down their purchase options. 
  • Enhance the customer experience: It’s important for brands to have a social media presence. These days, many consumers use social media to research and communicate with brands. Brand interactions happen in real-time, so it’s important to take the opportunity to connect, whether it’s with an already loyal customer or someone entirely new. 
  • Target the right audiences: The digital sphere allows brands to hit every target with a different hyper-focused, personalized campaign, not to mention connect with people all along the purchase journey—even those who are just starting to get familiar with a brand. Outlining products and services, as well as company history, mission, and values is a great way to entice firstcomers. 
  • Remain flexible and responsive: If an in-store display isn’t converting as well as hoped, it could take hours, days, or even months to alter the plan. On the other hand, digital marketers can make real-time changes immediately if they notice customers bouncing off the website or complaining on social media, for example. 

Search Engine Optimization, content marketing, Pay Per Click advertising, social media marketing, and press releases are still relevant ways of reaching new customers; but this guide focuses on the effectiveness of cross-channel brand storytelling, combined with some of the more exciting, breakthrough digital marketing strategies to increase brand awareness and create a buzz. 

3 Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase Brand Awareness

1. Cross-Channel Brand Storytelling

To build a digital brand, you’ll use various channels: your company website, a blog, social media, email subscriber lists, video channels, and mobile apps. Making sure your brand’s story is consistent across your various digital channels is an important first step in strengthening brand awareness.

Today’s digital-savvy consumers routinely switch between channels before making a purchase—much different from a decade ago. The demand for multi-channel shopping experiences is an undeniable and irreversible trend.

What does it take to build a strong brand story to tell across channels for better awareness?

  • Being authentic: Listening to customers, prospects, and employees about what motivated them to choose your brand can tell you a lot. Take a look at the competition to consider what you do better and what marketplace trends exist. Think about why your company was started and how your brand has modernized over the years. In order for a company to have a strong narrative, it needs to take a clear stance on a particular problem it intends to solve and be 100% transparent about how it will achieve this solution. 
  • Answering questions: Early in the sales funnel, you want to focus on answering questions like: Who are you and what do you value? Why should I care about what you have to offer? What are the potential outcomes for me if I act or don’t act? Initial interactions should be informal, easily skimmable, and not overly salesy. On social media, you want to attract attention and solicit shares with content that is intriguing, useful, and emotion-evoking, whether it’s funny, clever, or heart-warming. 
  • Working together: Don’t work in silos. All parties working on a project should have regular conversations—monthly, at a minimum. Work out campaign messaging to align with particular goals. The stories and technical information shared should be universal across platforms to build authenticity and trust. Sure, your message on Twitter will be short and sweet, while the corresponding message on YouTube may be more visual and your blog’s content may be more in-depth. But no matter what, you should have similar colors, images, voice, and talking points. 
  • Consistent SEO: Google will connect information about your brand pulled from various sources across the internet. The “Knowledge Graph,” as it’s called, benefits from consistent Search Engine Optimization efforts from digital channel to digital channel. Any discrepancies could hurt your search visibility—while a consistent keyword strategy will be beneficial, connecting traffic to your site.

2. Mobile Communications

Mobile communications can be delivered via email, SMS/text, your custom-developed app, and mobile websites. The ability to connect with people in real-time, when they are closest to making a final purchase decision, is a tremendous asset.

App-based marketing allows you the ability to leverage:

  • in-store search, scan, and mapping
  • buy online, pick up in-store offers
  • mobile ordering for out-of-stock items
  • real-time status updates for orders

Having your own mobile app can boost sales 15%, but who says you have to stop there? You can also partner with a third-party shopping app like Shopkick to expand your reach.

In-App Video

Video is an excellent storytelling medium where, in a relatively short amount of time, you can capture audience interest, sway emotions, and demonstrate your unique selling proposition. 

There are many ways to use video in-app:

  • Show your product in action.
  • Deliver a tutorial for a soft sell.
  • Feature customer testimonials.
  • Entertain with product use ideas.
  • Tell a story from start to finish.

In one case study, pasta maker Barilla saw a 66% lift in brand awareness for their no-boil pasta. Fifty-percent of shoppers who viewed Barilla’s in-app video converted to a purchase. 

Proximity Marketing

Location-based marketing using beacons and text or in-app messaging allows marketers to reach consumers when they’re near a product or location. When mobile customers search using the phrase “near me,” they can connect with your brand in real-time.

Shopkick is a rewards-based proximity marketing program that uses points—known as “kicks”—to encourage store visits, purchases, and product engagement. Users can log into the app to see nearby kick offers from partnering brands and retailers. These interactions drive sales and brand recall, while providing actionable insights into consumer behavior.

Mobile Rewards

Shopkick users are attracted to the mobile shopping app because it offers them rewards for shopping—something they likely do regularly. The goal is to encourage members to visit partner stores and check out partner brands. They earn points by viewing curated content like lookbooks and in-app videos, by locating and scanning products at-shelf, and by making desired purchases. Shoppers redeem their points for gift cards, so you preserve value, since you’re not using coupons or discounts. 

The incentives offered by Shopkick truly help brands boost awareness and consideration at each stage along the path to purchase.

3. Strategic Partnerships

How do you get into the unknown prospect’s mind prior to a shopping trip? One method is to reach out to new audiences using another company’s digital channels of communication. 

When you partner with Shopkick, for instance, app users first learn of your brand during their pre-trip planning. They’ll see you’re offering kicks in exchange for in-store brand interactions. And depending on your campaign, they may be able to watch videos and learn more about your brand on a mobile device—anytime, anywhere. 

Partnering with a complementary brand, charity, local organization, delivery service, or shopping platform can help you achieve maximum brand awareness by introducing you to a new audience. Partnerships allow you to build trust, increase value, and generate buzz.
Brands and retailers shouldn’t leave awareness to chance. Instead, they should leverage digital marketing strategies that are designed to deliver the right message at the right time—during each step on the path to purchase. 

Shopkick offers our partners the opportunity to increase brand awareness among motivated shoppers. Contact us to see the benefits of partnering with Shopkick and adding this platform to your marketing mix.

Merry Christmas in July: How to Save Early with Shopkick

We have reached July, Shopkickers! One of the best things we have focused on this year is the joy of simply having something to look forward to, and Christmas definitely fits the bill. Even though Christmas and the holiday season are still six months away, that simply means there is plenty of time to sneak Christmas songs onto your playlist, start organizing your Christmas movie watch list, and begin prepping to save for the holiday season.

We know every little bit helps, especially during a year filled with so much uncertainty, so celebrating Christmas in July by sharing easy ways you can earn kicks and gift cards to stow away well in advance of the holiday season. Let’s dive into the simple steps you can take before, during, and after you shop! 

Before Shopping:

  1. Turn on Bluetooth for Walk-ins: When you open your Shopkick app, you will be prompted to turn on Bluetooth. Make sure you do! This enables you to receive kicks, whenever available, for walking into your favorite stores. 
  2. Link Your Card: Whether you’re shopping in stores or online, make sure to link your credit card. You can do this by clicking on the person icon in the upper left hand corner of the home screen. Then scroll down to “Linked Cards”, which is found under “My Account”. The trick is making sure to use the card that’s linked when you shop!
  3. Turn on Notifications: Whether you’re receiving notifications while you’re at home or as you’re walking into stores, make sure to enable them on your phone. This will allow you to be in the know about kicks before you start your shopping trip. 

During Shopping: 

  1. Scan While You Shop: While you’re shopping in stores, like Walmart, Target, and your grocery store, take a peek at the list of items that are available for you to earn kicks. While you’re strolling down the one-way aisles, scan! This is such a simple way to earn kicks on items you were already planning to purchase as well as those that might not be on your list during your current trip.  
  2. Submit Your Receipts: If you have scanned an item that also can be redeemed for more kicks by submitting your receipt, make sure you send a photo of your slip in! Your kicks will be rewarded shortly after your receipt is received by the Shopkick team. Keep an eye on your kick total, and watch it grow!

After Shopping: 

  1. Explore the Discover Tab: While you’re at home watching Hulu or enjoying your backyard, take a moment to explore the Discover Tab. You will find plenty of content, including lookbooks and links to blog posts. Plus, you also might just find hidden kicks!
  2. Watch Videos: Brands love launching videos in the app, so keep your eyes peeled! Videos appear while you’re shopping in stores, and they’re also on the Discover Tab. Make sure to watch so you can earn even more kicks.

What are your go-to ways to earn kicks? How are you saving for the holiday season? Let us know your best tips and favorite Christmas movies on Facebook!

5 Ways to Keep Kids Entertained in Summer

Since you and your family may not be able to head out on your typical vacations and day trips this summer, you might be running out of ideas of how to keep your kids entertained. Leave the brainstorming to us! We’ve got you covered. We compiled some of our favorites and ditched the typical suggestion to just “put on a movie to keep them busy for a couple hours.” Let’s get the kiddos moving, thinking, and out into the fresh air for a change all while staying safe at home. Take advantage of this time together and have a fun-filled summer making memories as a family! Start out by trying one of these activities:

1. Sidewalk Chalk:

A tried and true classic, you can’t go wrong with a little street-side art! Get the creative juices flowing by heading to any dollar store or craft store and picking up a pack of colorful chalk. There are so many options for activities you can do with chalk and your sidewalk as a blank canvas. Try guessing games like hangman, a game that gets you moving like hopscotch, or make original masterpieces! You could even try using your collective imaginations to create your own game – maybe something resembling a new version of a favorite board game like Candy Land or Pictionary!

2. Cornhole:

Try playing a fun lawn game like cornhole (or as some people call it, bags)! This is a great way to get everyone outside and moving and start up a little friendly competition. Is this a tired game for your family? Try tweaking the rules and turning it into a game similar to H-O-R-S-E. Show off your fancy moves and see how creative, silly, or impressive you can get with your trick shots. Can your family members match your skills or are you the one true cornhole master? Go find out!

Don’t have a cornhole set but are feeling handy? Try building your own! It’s a great way to try something new or if you’re a seasoned craftsman, you can teach your kids great life skills while having fun building something that you’ll enjoy together. Check out this guide!

3. Water Games:

If it’s too hot to be standing in the sun for long periods of time, turn to water games! Try setting up your sprinklers to turn on for a couple hours during the day while you’re burning up in the house. Head outside and just run around through the water to cool off, or make a game of it. Who can last the longest without getting sprayed? Better start practicing your duck and weaving skills! Also, don’t forget about other fun water games like water balloon fights. If you don’t have water balloons, try throwing household sponges to soak each other. You can also break out a Slip ‘N Slide, but if you don’t have one, you can also use any old water resistant tarp like you’d have for camping or painting. Just lay it out on the grass, spray it down with the hose, and get to sliding!

4. Themed Dinners:

If your family is really missing going out to your favorite restaurants, try having a themed dinner! Dress up like chefs and waiters and prep your kitchen and dining room for the evening. Pull out tablecloths and set out silverware to make it more realistic, and try making copycat versions of your go-to dishes from your restaurant of choice. Some fun ideas could be trying a hibachi night like at Benihana or a made to order burrito night like at Chipotle.

If you’re REALLY feeling creative, kick it up a notch by making it a whole event by dressing up for the part. For example, have a luau-themed night with fish or chicken teriyaki, fresh fruits, and fun cocktails (or mocktails). Don’t forget to wear your beach party best – think: leis, Hawaiian shirts, pool floaties, whatever you got! You could also do a Disney-themed night dressed as princesses or animal sidekicks with foods like Ratatouille or even ~the gray stuff~. Check out these Disney recipe ideas. Other ideas would include dressing up like characters from your favorite TV shows and movies like Scooby Doo, Tiger King, That 70’s Show, and more! 

5. Build a Fort:

Really set on the idea of staying in to watch movies? I totally understand! Maybe try spicing up your time on the couch by working together with your kids to build the greatest castle in all the land (read: pillow fort). Grab all your pillows, blankets, quilts, and stuffed animals to make it super cozy. Spice it up by adding some Christmas lights, ribbons, and other decorations! Turn it into a legendary movie night by heading into the kitchen and making some snacks to make it feel extra special. Popcorn and hot chocolate are always hits, but you could also get your kids involved with baking cookies or making hot fudge sundaes. 

Send us pictures of your summer fun on social media. We can’t wait to see what you came up with!

Camp Shopkick: Barbecue Week

Our summers may look different this year, but that means it’s time to get creative and make sure all of the fun of summer’s past is still in the mix at your home! To help you foster meaningful memories with your family, we’re launching Camp Shopkick. We believe it’s not summer unless your weeks are themed with plenty of activities, so we’ll be introducing a new batch of fun each week. To kick things off, it’s Barbecue Week!

Prep Your Grill:

Grilling is a summer family favorite, and there isn’t a week that goes by when we’re not cooking lunch or dinner outside over the flame. With that in mind, it’s important to keep your grill clean. For that task, we turned to the pros from Home Depot who shared this step-by-step article on how to clean charcoal and gas grills. Take a look!

Do a Craft:

Any experienced summer camper knows that a week at camp simply must include a craft! If you and your kids are going to be cooking on your grill, we thought you might want to add to your attire.

When we spotted these no-sew DIY aprons from Say Yes, we knew we had found the ideal craft for you to make with your kids. All you need is a dish towel (the author scored a $1 towel from Ikea), bonding tape, glue and glue gun, ribbon, fabric scissors, and an iron. The steps are simple, and this craft can be completed in no time. Plus, your kids will have a new apron to wear!

If your kids love to paint, another idea is to purchase canvas or fabric aprons and fabric paint. Encourage your little ones to paint their own designs on aprons for them or aprons for the adults they love. A sentimental idea is to have them add their handprints. These are pieces you will use and treasure for years to come!

Get Cooking:

Of course, the ultimate goal with grilling is to create new recipes. To help you to cook something new, here are a few ideas: 

  1. We shared three new-to-use recipes in the Shopkick app. As a fun hint: None of our recipes include hamburgers! We’re thinking beyond the classics.
  2. Check out this blog where we shared fruits, vegetables, and complete meals you can make on your grill. Pineapple, peaches, quesadillas, and pizza are all on the menu!
  3. Epicurious is a wonderful source for recipes for kids! Their team rounded up 16 barbecue recipes for kids that reach beyond hotdogs on their site. Take a look!

Have fun at camp during Barbecue Week, Shopkickers! Let us know what your family makes on Facebook.

Simple Ways to Get Outdoors This Summer

Summer feels a little different right now, so we have to take matters into our own hands and make the most of it! We are all definitely not trapped inside, so let’s keep making sure to get outside into the fresh air. Whether you’re a homebody or an adventurer, we’re sharing fun and simple ways to get outside, and we think you’ll find a perfect match among these suggestions! 

Host a Cookout

Not feeling up to planning a full day trip or excursion? Why not spend the day with loved ones by hosting a backyard barbecue?! While this may not be the most outdoorsy option, you’re bound to have a good time. Get creative by putting your own twist on classic recipes to make new traditions in your household. Plus, get active by pulling out a soccer ball or corn hole boards to get a little friendly competition going. Kids not around? Throw it back to your college years and dust off the old beer pong skills. Whatever activities you enjoy, getting out into the sun is key!

Start a Garden

Whether you have a small plot of land in your yard or a little planter box on your balcony, you can turn it into something beautiful and beneficial! Just by putting in a little bit of research into the types of plants that will thrive in your environment or based on the level of care you want to commit to, you’ll find something great that works for you. Will fresh herbs or tomatoes elevate your cooking? Will your favorite flowers (we love wildflowers and sunflowers!) liven up your space? Let’s find out! Grab some soil, seeds, and get to work! 

Check Out a Local Park

No matter where you live, there’s a park nearby to explore! An easy way to get out into a greener environment is to check out open, public spaces. Maybe it’s a metro park, neighborhood park, dog park, or even national park. Make a day out of it by bringing the kids, dog, frisbee, and picnic. Just getting some fresh air and a change of scenery can make a huge difference if you feel stuck in a tired schedule.

Go for a Hike (or Walk)

Hey outdoor enthusiast! You’re our type of gal/guy. A great way to get outside and embrace the natural world around you is to find a trail and get those steps in. Maybe you have a favorite hiking trail, or maybe you want to take up hiking as a new hobby. Either way, a great place to start is! You can plug in your location and find a spot that fits your desired location, activity, difficulty level, length, and so much more. Enjoy the warmer months by getting out and exploring nature! 

If a strenuous hike isn’t really your thing, you can still get moving with a low-intensity walk around similar trails, parks (see above), or even your neighborhood. Got kids? Building healthy habits and fun hobbies together like going on walks as a family is a great bonding opportunity.

Go Camping

If you’re really vying for a chance to get away from home, try planning a camping trip. It’s super easy to go online and reserve a campsite at a drive-in campground, or you could even backpack into a remote area if you’re feeling ambitious. Either way, just being immersed in nature and soaking up the sights, sounds, and smells can bring peace of mind and soul. Getting out of the house and finding adventure and/or tranquility within the natural world is an easy way to have a vacation on a budget. If you don’t have the time or energy to round up the troops and get away for the weekend, try pitching a tent in your backyard to have a fun but low-stress “getaway” with the kids!

Fruit Picking

It’s summer fruit season (a personal favorite of ours)! If day trips are more your speed, fruit picking is a fun, quick way to try something new, get out into the sun, and get your grocery shopping done. There are lots of fruits and veggies in season this time of year, so check out berry patches, stone fruit (peaches, nectarines, etc.) orchards, and local vegetable gardens that allow you to pick your own produce. If something like this doesn’t exist in your area, try hitting up a farmer’s market! You’ll still be able to find the freshest goods and greens, but the hard part of harvesting is already done for you.

How will you get outside this season? Keep the conversation going on Facebook!

5 Quick Work from Home Summer Lunch Recipes

During a season of spending more time at home than ever before, we’ve discovered one of the greatest perks is having a complete kitchen at our fingertips. This change has allowed us to have the freedom to mix up our lunch routine, and we have enjoyed trying new recipes. Now that summer is officially here, we have been wanting to try lighter fare that’s cool and refreshing while still packing a serious flavorful punch. So, we’re sharing five quick and easy summer lunch recipes you can either make in minutes before enjoying them or prep and enjoy throughout the week!

Chickpea Salad Sandwich:

If you’re looking for a new twist on a classic salad sandwich, try Real Simple’s Chickpea Salad Sandwich recipe! It still combines many of the classic ingredients used in chicken salad, but the biggest difference is in the name – chickpeas are used instead of meat. Prep the chickpea mash in advance and make in moments at lunchtime!

Broccoli Salad:

We love when salads are known to be even more delicious the next day or even a few days later as they are when they’re prepped fresh from the fridge, and this Broccoli Salad from Love and Lemons definitely fits the bill! It combines broccoli together with red onions, cranberries, and almonds. If you want to add meat for extra protein, we think chicken would taste delicious.

Easy Pasta Salad:

If you read our post about recipes to enjoy with a single box of pasta, you’ll remember we noted pasta is great in salads! So, we when spotted this Easy Pasta Salad recipe from Love and Lemons, we knew we needed to include it. Similar to the Broccoli Salad above, this is another recipe you can enjoy for several days. Pasta, cucumber, feta cheese, arugula, and chickpeas are a few of the ingredients in this salad, and there’s also instructions to create a homemade dressing. 

Egg Avocado Toast:

Avocado toast continues to be a staple, so who can argue with enjoying a new-to-us recipe for lunch? How Sweet Eats introduced us to her Egg Avocado Toast recipe, which includes shaved egg from a hardboiled egg you can prep in advance, avocado, radishes, chives, and salt and pepper. This recipe could not be easier, which means it will be on repeat this summer!

Asian Chicken Salad:

Damn Delicious shared an Asian Chicken Salad recipe, and it’s filled with bright colors. We’re certain it has plenty of bold flavors too! To create this recipe, you will want to have romaine lettuce, cabbage, mandarin oranges, chow mein noodles, and carrots on hand. Plus, she mentions cooking chicken at home, which would be delicious. But, we think adding rotisserie chicken would add just as much flavor while saving time (if needed!). 

What have you been making for lunch? Share your go-to ideas with us and our community on Facebook!