
Claritin partnered with Shopkick to boost awareness and drive sales in peak allergy season

Campaign Goals

Claritin, a leading allergy relief brand, was looking for a way to build product awareness and drive in-store sales at Walmart during peak allergy season. The brand was in need of a full-funnel solution to build awareness at home, motivate traffic and in-aisle product engagement, and drive purchase consideration and conversion in-store. 

In the brand’s key season, it needed a way to differentiate itself and direct attention away from competitors. In order to drive sales without damaging profit margins, Claritin turned to Shopkick to increase awareness, engagement, and purchase intent without the use of coupons or discounts.

Shopkick Solution

Shopkick first used educational in-app content to boost awareness of Claritin allergy products, but also to shine light on a charitable partnership the brand was taking part in during the spring season. This content helped drive both awareness and brand affinity amongst both knew and existing customers. 

Once in-store, Shopkick offered rewards for engaging with products across Claritin’s brand portfolio in the crowded allergy relief aisle, effectively shutting out the competition. By rewarding shoppers for picking up the products in-aisle and scanning their barcodes, Shopkick increased consideration and purchase intent when it mattered most: while the consumer was at-shelf, with the product in their hands.


Shopkick’s full-funnel solution helped to drive awareness and engagement for Claritin, with over 28M total campaign impressions. The campaign was highly successful in driving sales, boasting an impressive 4:1 ROI. Many of the sales driven were incremental, as 59% of those who went on to purchase after engaging with a Claritin product at-shelf weren’t planning to make a purchase before visiting the store.




of total spend was incremental


campaign impressions



Build brand awareness

Drive trial and consideration

Boost Sales

Retailer Distribution

National Walmart retailers

Products Used

Branded Lookbook, Promo Units, In-Store Scans, Purchase Validation, Consumer Research Study

Leading Pet Supply Subscription Company

A leading pet supply subscription company partnered with Shopkick to drive incremental sales both online and in-store

Campaign Goals

A leading pet supply subscription company was seeking an omni-channel solution to bridge the gap between its digital and physical sales channels, and drive purchases both online and in-store. The brand turned to Shopkick to influence purchase behavior at home, online, and in-store without the use of coupons or discounts.

Shopkick at Home & On the Go

Shopkick’s always-on mobile commerce offering allowed the pet supply company to engage shoppers at home and drive consistent online sales. Through incremental, multifaceted digital marketing campaigns (including branded emails, in-app messages, and push notifications) Shopkick highlighted reward earning opportunities and built intent to shop. By increasing reward incentives sporadically through these incremental campaigns, Shopkick grew demand exponentially and saw more than a 650% increase in orders over non-campaign days.

Shopkick In-Store & At Checkout

To drive in-store sales, Shopkick used branded in-app content to build pre-shop awareness and consideration, and to incentivize shoppers to visit Petco, PetSmart, or Target to earn rewards. In-store, Shopkick guided shoppers  directly to the featured pet products in-aisle, and used rewards to incentivize product engagement. By offering heightened rewards for making a purchase, Shopkick drove incremental, unplanned sales.

Results – Online

  • 653% average lift in online orders on promotional days
  • 326% average lift in gross merchandise sales (GMS) on promotional days

Results – In-Store

  • 5:1 Return on investment
  • 69% of purchases were unplanned
  • 20% scan to purchase conversion
  • 86K+ in-hand product engagementt A 


Avg. lift in online orders on promotional days




Of purchases were unplanned



Build brand awareness

Drive omnichannel consumer engagement

Boost sales amongst existing and new customers

Retailer Distribution

National: Target, Petco, PetSmart

Products Used

Branded Lookbook, Promotional Units, In-Store Scans, Purchase Validation, Consumer Research Study, Digital Marketing Messaging (Email, IAM, PNS)

Top 5 Thanksgiving Hacks to Make Hosting Fun and Easy

When we think about Thanksgiving, family favorite recipes and visions of loved ones gathered together immediately comes to mind. During a year when we have spent more time apart from family and friends than ever before, a holiday spent (safely!) together sounds like an absolute delight. 

Even though Thanksgiving is one of the most joyful holidays, there’s also an element of stress for the host. So, if you’re planning to host your first Thanksgiving or your fiftieth, keep reading! We’re sharing our own list of 5 tips and tricks to make this year’s hosting duties a breeze.

Top 5 Thanksgiving Hacks to Make Hosting Fun and Easy |

1. The Early Shopper Always Wins: 

This year, Thanksgiving is on Thursday, November 26. You’re likely thinking you have plenty of time to shop – and you do! But, why wait until the week of Thanksgiving when grocery stores will be packed to purchase everything you need? Instead, start adding nonperishables and paper products (more on this below) to your pantry, especially if items are on sale. As the holiday approaches, you will only have items like turkey, vegetables, and any fruit still on your list.

Top 5 Thanksgiving Hacks to Make Hosting Fun and Easy |

2. “I’m attracted to pie.”

We’ve all heard that homemade recipes are the best recipes, but Lorelai Gilmore wouldn’t knock pre-made pie and neither should you! Consider picking up a pre-made pie or use pre-made pie crust for your pumpkin pie recipe. By purchasing pre-made where you can, you can still add a homemade twist. The difference is the time needed will be far less and will feel much more doable.

Top 5 Thanksgiving Hacks to Make Hosting Fun and Easy |

3. Warm it Up: 

Most Thanksgiving dishes require differing temperatures and timelines for cooking, so warming settings will prove helpful. Consider using slow cookers to keep dishes, like mashed potatoes, stored and warm. You can also use thermoses to keep gravy warm, and you can always warm things up in the microwave.

Top 5 Thanksgiving Hacks to Make Hosting Fun and Easy |

4. Dress Down Your Code: 

If ever there was a year for a casual dress code, 2020 is the year! While we do suggest wearing something other than your daytime pajamas, encouraging your family and friends to arrive in clothes they feel comfortable wearing will create a more relaxed atmosphere. This year, the focus is truly on spending time together.

Top 5 Thanksgiving Hacks to Make Hosting Fun and Easy |

5. Make Cleanup a Breeze

Holidays are typically when we all like to use the “good china”, but why? On holidays, we’re joined by more people than those who typically sit around our tables on an everyday basis. That means more cleanup! To make cleanup a breeze, opt for paper products for everything from plates and napkins to silverware and cups. The added bonus of paper products this year is you won’t be washing used items (a great added safety layer during Covid). 

Do you have any Thanksgiving hacks to add to our list? Join the conversation with us and our community on Facebook!

Leading Off-Price Department Store

A leading off-price department store partnered with Shopkick to drive foot traffic at a positive incremental profit

Campaign Goals

A leading off-price department store was looking for an innovative way to drive incremental foot traffic and increase sales. They were focused on both winning new customers and strengthening loyalty and shopping frequency amongst existing customers.

Shopkick Solution

Shopkick kept the retailer top of mind with shoppers at-home through contextually relevant branded lookbook content, high impact promo units, and videos in the Discover Tab. Shopkick’s location-based messaging and push notifications helped the retailer reach shoppers on-the-go, drive shopping intent, and encourage store visits. Shopkick drove incremental foot traffic, sales, and customer acquisition by awarding kicks for visiting, scanning products, and making in-store purchases. Shopkick’s proprietary data shows what goes on in-store, in real time, helping retailers identify who their customers are and fill gaps in the customer shopping journey.


  • 3.2 million store trips driven (over 1,370 per store)
  • 28:1 ROI (+20% of spend returned in gift cards)
  • $78 million in sales driven (*46% in Linked Card sales)
  • 129 million content impressions delivered as added value

Visa Incrementality Study

*Oct. ’18 – July ’19
  • 54% share of total spend was incremental
  • 2.2% lift in spend over control group
  • 35% share of incremental spend was from existing customers
  • 65% share of incremental spend was from new customers




of total spend was incremental


of total spend was from new customers



Build brand awareness

Drive foot traffic

Boost sales amongst existing and new customers

Retailer Distribution


Products Used

Branded Lookbook and Collection, Promo Units, Push Notifications, Purchase Validation, Visa Incrementality Study, Gift Card in Rewards mall

3 ways to boost your B2C digital marketing strategy

3 ways to boost your B2C digital marketing strategy

Get In Touch

The B2C market varies greatly from its B2B counterpart. B2B buyers typically spend much more than B2C customers, and conduct extensive research, draw up reports, and take their time deciding before purchasing; in other words, the sales cycle is long and complex. 

On the other hand, B2C customers can be frugal or impulsive. They are more apt to making their purchasing decisions emotionally rather than logically. While B2B clients will want to see immediate value or return on investment (ROI) from their purchases, B2C customers may be more interested in gamification, entertainment, and VIP perks offered as exciting parts of the buyer’s journey, though a value-rich deal certainly adds to the fun. 

While it may seem to be easier marketing to consumers compared to businesses, B2C strategies have a tendency to get stale quickly and need constant optimization. If your website traffic is stagnating, your email list isn’t growing, or your number of repeat eCommerce transactions fails to increase month over month, it is probably time to finetune your B2C digital marketing strategy. To improve your strategy’s performance, you can simplify the decision-making process to help consumers overcome mental fatigue and cut through the clutter; focus on taking transactional relationships to the next level by cultivating a better brand experience; and drive better brand awareness to reel in a stream of new prospects. 

Simplify Decision-Making.

Cornell University found adults make about 35,000 conscious decisions per day, including over 226 decisions related to food.

Decision-making fatigue is a state of low willpower caused by investing effort into making too many choices. Consumers end up avoiding decisions altogether or making spontaneous decisions in a superficial manner, which can ultimately affect purchase conversion.

To combat this, marketers can help shoppers cut through the clutter by offering relevant product information through multiple mediums. For example, Shopkick—a top-performing omnichannel loyalty mobile app—allows partnering retailers and brands to interact with users in different ways all along the path to purchase.

Marketers can become involved in the decision-making process at several critical junctures:

  • Need Recognition — Know what pain points your consumers face. Develop content based on these problems, pitching how your products or services make the perfect solution. 
  • Information Search — Build comparison charts with popular alternatives to show where you differ. Create videos showcasing your products or services in action compared to competitors. 
  • Remove Obstacles — Aim to alleviate or remove obstacles to purchasing, such as time, money, convenience, return and exchange policies, brand loyalty, or unfavorable brand perceptions. 
  • Simplify Selection — If possible, reduce the number of product or service choices offered through consolidating, rotating offers seasonally, or showing personalized option menus. 
  • Final Push — Make sure your website is optimized with basic product, price, and location information. Product samples, coupons, or rewards provide an added incentive to try.

Go Beyond Single Transactions.

Transactional marketing focuses on increasing efficiency and volume at the point-of-sale through four P’s: product, pricing, placement, and promotion. The emphasis is more on alleviating obstacles related to selling rather than cultivating a long-term relationship with prospects. Once a transaction is completed, there is typically no further interaction with the customer.  

To boost your B2C marketing efforts, focus on keeping the conversation going with relationship marketing tactics like sending out post-sale surveys and follow-up emails, personalizing social ads using a CRM system that tracks consumer behavior, and launching a loyalty program with an easy-to-use app.

If you’re debating whether this is the best strategy or not, consider this: Reichheld & Schefter found relational marketing increases customer retention rates by 5% and increases profits from 25% to 95%.

Cultivating Long-Term Customer Loyalty in B2C Digital Marketing Strategies

Nurture Relationships With Email.

Brands make an average ROI of $42 for every dollar spent on email marketing, making it one of the most cost-effective ways to nurture a B2C relationship.

Email is also an easy-to-sell “buy-in.” Consumers freely give their email because they want access to a tangible confirmation regarding their purchase, but it also becomes an open invitation to helpful, relevant communications in the future. (after receiving consumer permission, of course!) 

Consumers also subscribe for:

  • Discounts and promotions
  • News and announcements
  • Educational content

Setting up “drip” campaigns triggered by specific consumer behaviors is a great way to minimize the risk of users unsubscribing. For instance, after a person visits your product page, your email campaign might include a message reinforcing benefits and features, followed by a discount offer to sweeten the deal. 

Another example—after someone makes an initial purchase, your email campaign may start with a welcome letter with a little more information about your company values and approach to customer service, followed by a “helpful tips” email that ensures customers get the most out of their purchase, followed by an upsell email featuring commonly purchased accessories. Seek to establish a human connection with your emails to keep subscribers for life. 

Personalize for a Great Experience.

Today’s consumers expect companies to truly “know” them, despite marketing at-scale. One-to-one marketing is essential to delivering a memorable buyer experience.

Here are a few simple marketing ideas:

  • Have humans (not bots) email.
  • Use automation tools.
  • Develop marketing personas.
  • Segment email lists by persona at sign-up.
  • Create persona-driven content.
  • Build targeted landing pages.
  • Send location-based texts.
  • Craft identity-based campaigns.

Content is king when it comes to personalization. Use your content across platforms—whether it’s a dedicated landing page, a text message promotion, an email, a video, a social media post, or an app’s lookbook—to connect with unique individuals. According to Monetate, 40% of consumers buy more from retailers who personalize the shopping experience across channels. 

You should consider using comprehensive CRM software by HubSpot, Salesforce, SEMRush, or Google 360. The right CRM system can level up your business and prioritize marketing activities. Companies that use CRM software see sales increases up to 29%, 34% improved productivity, and a 40% boost in forecasting accuracy. 

Launch a Loyalty Program.

The Edelman Brandshare report found 87% of consumers want relationships with brands, but just 17% believe brands make an honest effort to establish such ties. Since 80% of your future profits will come from the top 20% of your buyers, it makes sense to prioritize them.

A loyalty program is an ideal way to:

  • Treat VIPs to exclusive offers.
  • Solicit customer feedback.
  • Keep buyers up-to-date.
  • Track and incentivize behavior.

While launching your own loyalty program is beneficial, partnering with a third-party loyalty app can be easier and more affordable, not to mention more convenient for shoppers experiencing loyalty fatigue and/or juggling several loyalty programs. Shopkick is a mobile app that offers “kicks” (reward points) when consumers interact with partnering brands and retailers by various means. 

Kicks can be earned by: 

  • Engaging with branded in-app content like videos and lookbooks.
  • Walking into partnering retail stores.
  • Seeking out featured products in-store, and physically interacting by scanning product barcodes with a mobile device.
  • Making in-store purchases and submitting receipts.
  • Making online purchases.
Shopkick is an innovative platform used to foster brand loyalty, as it rewards consumers for engagement, not just purchases. It also works across channels, whether a shopper wants to browse or buy online or in-store.

When eBay partnered with Shopkick, they were able to increase their app install rate by 6%, boost their new audience participation rate 62%, and achieve an 18% repeat-purchase rate. 

Best of all, Shopkick rewards with points instead of immediate discounts, so there is no need to worry about diluting profit margins or devaluing your brand.  

Drive Brand Awareness.

Awareness is the first step in reaching a bigger potential buyer market. Once you have a person’s attention, you have a chance at converting, forming a lasting relationship, and encouraging repeat purchases. 

Studies have found that consumers show an overwhelming preference for brands with high awareness despite quality and price differentials, proving brand awareness to be a dominant consideration factor when shoppers are faced with a choice among various brands. Furthermore, brands in the initial consideration set can be up to 3x more likely to be purchased when compared to brands that are not in it. 

There are many ways to boost brand awareness through digital marketing methods–whether you partner with a popular shopping app, create engaging and educational videos, produce more high-quality social content, or introduce a promotional offer.

You don’t necessarily need to reinvent the wheel by overhauling your entire B2C digital marketing strategy; it’s likely you can see big results by turbocharging your existing strategy through new tactics. By simplifying your message, cultivating stronger relationships, and generating more effective brand awareness, you’ll have the tools in place to powerfully compete in the saturated marketplace.

Shopkick is an omnichannel loyalty rewards app that can effectively boost your B2C digital marketing strategy. Our partners use Shopkick to increase sales, form strong relationships with repeat buyers, and expand their markets. Contact us to start your first campaign.