How to Jumpstart Your 2021 Goals: Part 1

The first week of the new year often provides many of us with a much-needed boost of energy after a relaxing week and a half of family time and never quite knowing what day it is. We’re excited to embrace schedules again, and many of us are also ready to start tackling our goals.

We’re more than optimistic about everything we hope 2021 has in store, but we’ve also been feeling a bit more cautious as we set our intentions for the new year. If you’re feeling uncertain about planning big things for the year ahead due to Covid-19 or you’re not quite sure how to start working toward your goals, we thought we would break down some of the most common goals or resolutions so often set on January 1 in a two-part series. 

Today, we’re detailing ways to travel, lessen screen time, or workout more in 2021. And, we’ll be back next week with our second installment of our goals series! 

Let’s kickoff 2021 with positivity and put your goals into action together! 


Throughout 2020, travel looked different for many of us, and we have a feeling that will continue for much of 2021. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t explore! 

Look into hiking trails to experience, nearby towns you have never explored, museums and zoos that have long been on your list to visit, and lakes and beaches to frequent as the weather warms up again. Although each option may be close to home, we do believe you can still create plenty of memories with your family! 

If you’re still missing your favorite city or attraction, take a peek on tourism websites to see which museums and sites are offering virtual tours (here + here for ideas!)

Lessen Screen Time:

Our days are spent on Zoom, and we’re reaching for our phones more than ever before. Many people have a desire to lessen screen time for themselves and their kids, and it’s definitely possible!

Consider creating specific windows with start and end times for being on a screen. You can set limits on your smartphone for specific apps, and your phone will notify you when you’ve hit your limit. The key is then walking away! Another idea is to cultivate a new hobby that’s away from your screen – reading, crafting, or working on a home improvement project are all popular. Lastly, think about schedule game nights with your family.

The best way to start a new habit to stop an old one is to find things you are more excited to do than anything you can experience on a screen. It’s possible! 


Many people set fitness goals as a new year begins, so the key is to get moving! But, sometimes the next question is how?

One idea is to start simple – create a window to take a 15-30 minute walk outside. Even if the temperatures are less than ideal (it’s winter after all!), wrap up with a coat, hat, and gloves. Once you get moving, you will warm up; we promise! Create a playlist, find a podcast you enjoy, or choose an audiobook to listen to while you walk. 

If your goal is to take workout classes, search for ones you might enjoy on YouTube (here’s a list of great online classes). You can also sign up for an app, like Peloton, for less than $15/month to take a variety of classes.

Think about asking a friend (or many!) to join you on your fitness journey. Then, text each other to check in to see who has completed their workout for the day. Accountability groups can work wonders to keep you on track!  

What step can you take today to start working toward your goals? Keep the encouragement going on Facebook!


Mobile shopping drives sales and a new native audience to eBay

Campaign Goals

eBay was looking to increase exposure to mobile users, given that about 61% of eBay’s transactions are touched by mobile in some way.  eBay was therefore eager to reach Shopkick’s loyalty program and valuable audience, as eBay does not have its own loyalty program but being a part of other loyalty programs is a large part of its sales model. eBay’s partnered with Shopkick to reach a new audience and drive sales on mobile.

Shopkick Solution

Shopkick first built intent to shop by curating products and showcasing top offers to drive awareness of product assortment and special promotions. 

Shopkick then drove site traffic, app installs, and purchases by motivating with kick rewards. 


eBay saw positive results across all key metrics including new user acquisition, frequency of purchase, and overall sales volume. 


App install rate


New audience (had not purchased in past 12 months)


Repeat purchase rate

Shopkick is an opportunity to get in front of a captive audience that wouldn’t necessarily be native to us—we’re reaching a new audience
-Marie Langhout-Franklin, Head of Partner Marketing



Acquire New Consumers

Drive Mobile Sales

Drive Repeat Purchasers

Retailer Distribution


Products Used

Lookbook, Kicks for Purchase, Mobile Shopping

11 Fun Family Activities for Winter Break at Home

In between celebrating the holidays this week and counting down to the new year next week, many families will be spending time at home together. We always enjoy the final two weeks of the year because they feel both fun and relaxing at the same time. Even though we have spent more time at home than ever before this year, there are still fun ways to make your time off feel like a true staycation. So, we’re detailing 11 fun family activities you can do at home with kids of all ages! 

Build a Fort:

Kids (and adults!) love building and spending time in forts, so gather pillows and blankets together and start building. You can even add string lights inside! Think about naming your fort and drawing a sign to make things official. Cozy up inside and watch a movie, read a book, play a game, or tell stories together.

Write a Story:

Your kids likely have books they love to read and reread again and again. To spark their imaginations, ask them to write their own story complete with words and illustrations. Computer paper is perfect for this because you can easily have the pages bound together at an office supply store. You can also tell stories aloud or write a family story together. Whatever you and your kids create will become a new favorite!

Do a Scavenger Hunt:

We know many of you love to spend time outside! One of the easiest activities to do is to take a walk. To keep kids entertained, think about doing a scavenger hunt in your neighborhood while you stroll. Decorations will likely still be on display for much of this week and next, so consider giving Studio DIY’s scavenger hunt a try!

Make a Calendar: 

Rather than purchasing a calendar, create your own with photos you have captured this year! Sites like Minted and Shutterfly have great easy-to-use options to create desk and wall calendars to use in your home or work-from-home office spaces. Ask your kids to help you to choose the photos and design each month together! You’ll love looking back on past memories throughout 2021. 

Do a Puzzle: 

Puzzles are a great activity you can complete all in one sitting or return to throughout an extended period of time. Working on a puzzle on the floor always works well because there’s plenty of space. If you’re working on a larger puzzle, however, you will likely want to house it in a spot that it can stay until it’s complete. A card table, desk, or dining room table works wonders for this purpose! Then you can add a piece or two whenever you walk past or settle in for a longer session. Stores like Target and Walmart have puzzles, and you can also find them at bookstores. If you want to make your own from a photo you captured, look into Zazzle!

Play Board Games:

If you can’t quite remember when you last played a board game together or you play them frequently, choose one to play together! You can even create a tournament where you play multiple games throughout the week or weekend, and the person with the most wins gets a prize.

Send Mail:

During the holidays, many of us are sending and receiving holiday mail. But, once January arrives, the “fun” mail tends to stop. So, ask your kids to draw pictures or make cards for friends and family. Their January days will be brightened instantly!

Make a Wrapping Paper Craft:

Before you throw away the wrapping paper that’s tossed aside after opening holiday gifts, think about saving it. We spotted this article from Buzzfeed that details plenty of crafts you and your kids can make from wrapping paper as a way to reuse it! 

Play with Water:

Even though it may be a little cold in many areas to go swimming in a pool or the ocean, that doesn’t mean your kids can’t play with water. Young kids love to “help”, so have them wash their toys in the bath or sink. You can also play with water beads! Another simple idea? Add bubbles to a bath. 

Donate Toys:

The holidays typically mean adding more toys to your collection. If your kids have toys they no longer play with or you simply want to create more space in your home, why not spend time choosing toys to donate. Think about placing a number around the donation, like 5-10 toys, and then asking your kids to review what they love and what they really don’t play with as much anymore. Giving old toys a new home means they can keep being enjoyed, which is the goal!

Have a Spa Day:

The week in between Christmas and New Year’s Eve is one we hope is relaxing. To enhance the relaxation and fun, host a spa day at home! Purchase face masks you have yet to try, do manicures and pedicures, soak your feet, and enjoy a bubble bath. This is also the perfect time to officially wear sweatpants and leggings! After your day at the “spa”, read a book, catch up on a TV show, or watch a movie…and order takeout.

A quick tip: bookmark these ideas for the winter and rainy days! Most of these ideas aren’t holiday specific, so refer back to them whenever you need an idea for something fun you and your family can do inside together. As always, make sure to keep the conversation going on Facebook!

Top 6 benefits of mobile marketing in retail: Everything you need to know for 2021

Top 6 benefits of mobile marketing in retail: Everything you need to know for 2021

Get In Touch

There’s no doubt mobile devices have become a ubiquitous, indispensable part of the American lifestyle. It is reported that 96% of Americans own a cellphone, with 81% being smartphones. This percentage has nearly doubled in less than a decade. The average smartphone user checks their device 47 times a day and spends nearly four hours browsing mobile content. Forecasts estimate that 73% of Internet users will access the web solely by smartphone as soon as 2025.

These statistics show that mobile will remain and continue to grow as a vital link to personalized, timely, location-relevant, and rewarding information. The benefits of mobile marketing in retail cannot be overstated. If your retail establishment has been on the fence about whether to invest more heavily in 2021 or hold off, here are six compelling reasons to pursue mobile marketing strategies with the greatest possible dispatch.

Marketing Efficiency.

Text message marketing and push notifications pay off. In a study of 300 businesses, 72% found that mobile and web app push notifications offer a greater or equal return on investment (ROI) when compared to email.

A little over half of retailers spend 21% or more of their digital marketing budgets on mobile, typically as a way to acquire new customers.

Further, 82% of companies say push notifications help them meet or exceed their business goals.

In addition to the efficiencies these marketing tactics provide retailers and businesses, customers’ response to these marketing efforts far exceeds other methods.

It is reported that the average open rate for text message marketing campaigns is 98% vs. email marketing campaigns which have a 20% open rate.

Another study also found that push notifications can increase app `by up to 88% and boost app retention rates by 3-10x.

Only 14% of retailers are considered “mobile-first” retailers, but this elite group sees a number of benefits:

  • 66% say mobile increases customer satisfaction. 
  • 65% say mobile increases sales revenue.
  • 62% say mobile has made their businesses more efficient.
  • 33% say mobile has lowered the cost of providing services to customers.

Customer Satisfaction.

Mobile devices have largely become the digital media consumption vehicle of choice, with two-thirds of Americans engaging with the web on smartphones rather than desktops.

Further, smartphones are the preferred mode of managing a loyalty program, with 70% of shoppers feeling more satisfied with a mobile app over a physical card, web app, or mobile wallet.

Through a mobile rewards app like Shopkick, consumers not only have the convenience of their program, points, and personal information in the palm of their hand, but they also have access to a wealth of information that can better inform their purchasing decisions.

Aside from consumers benefiting from the information provided by mobile rewards apps, retailers benefit just as much! Mobile rewards apps can hold a myriad of data, like past searches and purchases, favorites, and wish lists.

Retailers can use this data to create a personalized shopping experience for their consumers, providing them with tailored recommendations and helpful information all along the customer journey. In other words, retailers who can see the past can better inform the present.


Timely content keeps your brand top of mind. The fact that mobile devices are always on and available allows for greater timeliness than any other channel. Most SMS messages can be read at a glance, which appeals to the eight-second attention span people have today. Thankfully, the response time for SMS messages is equally quick—just 90 seconds—compared to the 90-minute response time for email.

Location-Based Relevance.

Location-Based Relevance.

Ninety percent of customers are willing to share their location as long as they receive something of value in return. This figure is up from just 20% a decade ago. Retailers can interact with locals to boost store traffic on a slow day or use contextual details to determine who is most likely to benefit from their products at the moment. For instance, a downtown basketball arena is a great place to market if you’re a sporting goods retailer or neighboring restaurant.

Instant Rewards.

Instant Rewards.

Instant gratification, like real-time rewards, is preferred by 63% of shoppers. Personalized and/or surprise rewards are also appreciated by loyalty club members who seek greater communication and connection with their favorite retailers. Almost 60% of consumers believe earning reward points is one of the most valued aspects of the shopping experience. And mobile is one of the top delivery vehicles, with 48% of loyalty program members rating SMS texts as “highly valuable.”

Lasting Impact and Increased Brand Value.

Mobile marketing helps retailers stay top of mind and drives incremental sales long after shoppers engage in smartphone-based promotions.

To successfully accomplish this, retailers partner with Shopkick, a leading mobile shopping app that drives engagement and rewards loyalty. The platform rewards shoppers with “kicks” (reward points) for completing a number of engaging activities, such as stepping into partnering retailers’ stores, locating and scanning the barcodes of promoted products, watching branded videos, browsing curated lookbooks, shopping with a linked credit card, and making retail purchases.

Once enough kicks are accumulated, they can be redeemed for a gift card of the shopper’s choosing (which can potentially be a gift card with the retailer where they initially earned the kicks).

Visa Decision Sciences measured retail sales for 12 months prior to initiating a partnership with Shopkick. They wanted to determine the incrementality of Shopkick’s program, and identify how many sales, transactions, and driven customers would not have occurred without Shopkick.

VISA found that 57% of all sales driven by Shopkick were incremental. The mobile campaigns were an effective way for retailers to expand their reach to new audiences and increase sales with new customers, who accounted for 73% of sales. Shopkick became a crucial platform for sustaining engagement and driving repeat purchases.

The benefits of mobile marketing in retail continue to create prosperity for businesses in 2020, and are almost guaranteed to continue doing so going into 2021. Partnering with an existing mobile app is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to dive into mobile marketing campaigns. An added perk of working with an existing mobile platform is that you can access your partner’s unique user base to grow your own audience. Membership for apps like Shopkick continues to grow, year over year, so why wait until the new year to get started on your very own mobile retail marketing campaign?

Shopkick offers retailers a partnership that provides all the benefits of mobile marketing in retail. Our partners use our mobile shopping platform to drive sales, capture market share, and produce an incredible ROI. Contact us to get started on your campaign today.

5 Ways to Save Money Before the Holidays

Believe it or not, we have all officially made it to the middle of December! And, can you believe Hanukkah is well underway and Christmas is in just over a week? Suddenly, this month feels like it’s flying by, especially because our to-do lists are all full and (likely) overflowing. If you’re still purchasing gifts for everyone on your list or prepping to enjoy the holiday season, we thought we would share five ways to save money and keep your budget in check. Yes, it’s still possible! Keep reading below.

1. Watch for Sales:

As retailers and small businesses alike try to meet their sales goals this holiday season, many are still launching opportunities to save daily. We find the sales can change quickly from day-to-day, so if you think the price of an item on your list might come down there’s a solid chance it might. This is especially true if you’re purchasing clothing. The key thing to do is to keep tabs on your email if you’re signed up to receive emails, or pop onto the retailer’s website daily. You never know when the sale you’ve been hoping for will launch, and the best thing you can do is to be ready.

2. Redeem Your Kicks:

When was the last time you checked your kick balance? We know you check it often, but if it’s been a minute pop into the app and see how many kicks you have earned. Then, redeem them for a gift card! This is a great way to save because you can redeem your kicks for a retailer that has items you still need to purchase on your list. Checking off the final items will feel great when you know you can use a gift card to lessen the amount you owe!   

3. Follow Your List:

December always means extra trips to retailers and grocery stores alike, and it’s so easy to veer off of your list. In order to keep your budget in check, make a list before you go and stick to it! If you do see items that inspire a different idea, consider if it’s worth it to change course. The thing to do, though, is to edit – don’t add and spend more than you had planned.

4. Shop Online, Pick Up In-Store:

This year, shopping online and picking up your order at the store has become incredibly popular. And, we’re fans for several reasons! First, shopping online still means you can earn kicks. Second, shopping from home means you’re going to be much less likely to purchase items that aren’t on your list. You’re visiting a specific webpage rather allowing additional things to catch your eye as you search for what you need in the store. Third, shopping online is a great way to avoid shipping costs, and you can pick your order up on the same day in many cases. Fourth, it’s the easiest way to social distance! Have we convinced you to give it a try?

5. Go Homemade:

Homemade gifts are typically the most thoughtful gifts given and received year after year. And, it’s for a great reason! They require thought, time, and care, and family and friends typically love to see what you have created with them in mind. So, make an ornament, frame photos you print at the pharmacy, bake cookies, cook and deliver a meal. The options are endless, and the time you will spend creating your DIY will be well worth it both as you save money and experience the reaction of your recipient opening a gift that’s truly one-of-a-kind.

How are you saving money as we near the end of the holiday season? Chime in with our community on Facebook!

Comparing customer loyalty programs: Which marketing strategy is right for your brand?

Customer loyalty does more than signify the groundwork of a fruitful, long-term relationship between brand and customer; it provides a multitude of strategic benefits that improve the health and success of a brand. Continue reading “Comparing customer loyalty programs: Which marketing strategy is right for your brand?”