The 3 top benefits of video marketing to in-store shoppers

Most marketers are well aware of the benefits of video marketing in general but are less versed in its potential in the store. As technology has improved and consumers have more access to mobile video experiences, some brands are seeking out ways to use these videos when consumers are out and about.

Video is in high demand for consumers, which is why most marketers are looking at ways to leverage it. However, marketers don’t often consider videos’ potential as consumers are shopping, instead focusing on reaching them in their homes. Mobile video in the shopping aisle offers the opportunity to increase sales, improve the customer experience, and leverage other high ROI marketing methods.

Video Marketing Benefit #1: Mobile Video Ads Increase In-Store Sales

Often times, the endgame to a mobile marketing campaign is to increase product sales. Many brands that leverage mobile technology in the retail industry note that these campaigns deliver higher in-store sales than regular video campaigns. Major retailer Walmart reported as such when studying the results of an in-store mobile video campaign. The brand discovered this type of campaign was two times more effective than its standard video ads for increasing sales. There are a few reasons that in-store video improves sales, including:  

  • Proximity: The fact that a consumer is near the product when it is advertised makes it more likely that they will purchase it.  
  • Scarcity: Videos can increase a feeling of scarcity when the consumers are in the store. Consumers may watch the video and feel that they should pick the product up right away when they know it’s in stock, rather than risking coming back later only to see it’s sold out.  
  • Message retention: Stores may play advertising on televisions and other displays, but rarely will consumers stop and watch the content. By delivering the content via mobile, the brand increases the likelihood that consumers will actively watch the video advertising, helping to improve brand message retention.

All three of these factors can lead to an increase in in-store sales. Advertisement timing is crucial, and in-store advertising offers the optimum time for these messages. Video allows consumers to learn more about your brand and your products, which can also serve to enhance the customer experience.

Video Marketing Benefit #2: Video Improves the Customer Experience

Probably one of the most prevalent marketing goals today is improving the customer experience. That experience includes not just offering customers products but helping them use those products. It’s essentially like turning a product into a service, in that you’re teaching the consumers new things through your marketing.

Mobile video in the shopping aisle is ideally suited for this as consumers overwhelmingly prefer video over other forms of media. About 56% of consumers state they prefer video content over images, text, or audio options. These videos can give consumers advice while stealthily advertising specific products. For example, if a consumer is in the store, looking for a gift for Father’s Day, and they see that store has a mobile video available that offers gift ideas, this video is seen not as advertising but as assistance.

These videos improve the in-store experience while also building trust between the consumer and the brand, which is what enhancing the customer experience is all about. By delivering these videos via mobile, as the consumers are in the store, the likelihood of a sale also increases.  

Video Marketing Benefit #3: Video Is Easier to Combine With Other High ROI Methods

top benefits of video marketingOne of the significant benefits of video marketing is it’s easier to combine with other high ROI marketing methods, like social media and incentivized interactions. In social media campaigns, video generates 1,200% more shares than image and text. Rewarded video—where consumers receive rewards points for watching video—also offers high engagement while creating a positive brand impression for the consumer.

The benefits of video marketing in the shopping aisle are often underestimated merely because there’s limited data available to prove its advantages.

Shopkick leverages this strategy through its rewarded video platform, incentivizing users to watch partners’ branded content. As consumers receive kicks (aka rewards points) for viewing this content, they walk away with a favorable impression of the brand. If they see this content in the shopping aisle, that impact is heightened to the point where the consumer may be more likely to seek specific products out. This strategy leverages brand affinity when it matters the most—as the consumer is preparing to make a purchase.

The benefits of video marketing in the shopping aisle are often underestimated merely because there’s limited data available to prove its advantages. This means that the brands that choose to take advantage of in-store video will stand out more, as the platform is not as crowded as YouTube or other social media, for example. If you’re considering ways to leverage the high conversion potential of video marketing, choosing an option that allows for in-store watching can significantly boost your results.

Shopkick is invested in the impact of in-store video and offers our partners the opportunity to leverage it through our innovative mobile app. For more information, contact us.

Image courtesy of JacobLund



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The 3 top benefits of video marketing to in-store shoppers



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