10 Pantry Essentials to Always Have on Hand

Today, we’re excited to team up with Joy of Mom as they reveal the 10 pantry items they suggest we always have on hand. The timing for this post feels perfect because we’re all spending more time at home, and our kitchens feel like they’ve never been used more as we continue to whip up new recipes for our families. Below, Joy of Mom shares their top staples as well as why they are important and how you can use them to make your own recipes. We hope you will feel newly inspired in your kitchen!

1. Flour

We always have all purpose flour on hand, and I try to keep 00 flour and gluten free flour on hand. We use these to make homemade pastas, bread, flour tortillas, and anything that has a roux base like a lasagna or mac n cheese. 

2. Olive Oil

We try to buy organic when we can. We use extra virgin olive oil for salad dressing, marinating, sautéing vegetables, prepping anything that is going to go on the grill, as well as browning meats. 

3. Kosher Salt

We try to purchase a really good brand of salt,  I use it for cooking, marinades, salad dressings and table side to add extra seasoning to anything we are eating. 

4. Rice

I try to keep a couple of different varieties of rice on hand. We always have Jasmine rice on hand because I think it is the most versatile. I love Forbidden rice cooked in coconut milk. It’s an amazing rice to make risotto and as a side or base for a lot of recipes. 

5. Diced Tomatoes

I use this to make homemade spaghetti sauce and shakshuka, in any kind of soup that has a tomato base, as well as to thicken up things like stews. 

6. Coconut Milk

I try to buy organic when I can. It is great to cook your rice in this! Anytime I am doing an asian dish, I cook the rice with ½ coconut milk and ½ water, and it adds great flavor. It is a great base for currys – we make a lot of fish and chicken curry. It is also a great staple for baking.

7. Quinoa

My favorite is the Tri-Color Quinoa. We cook this in broth to add flavor and like to add a tiny bit of diced onions, spinach, and parmesan while it is cooking. It is a great side for salmon and chicken, and you can use it as a base for chili as well as some soup recipes. 

8. Beans

I always have garbanzo (chickpeas) on hand. We use this for homemade hummus or toast them up and put them with sautéed mushrooms and kale with pasta or throw them on a salad. Any kind of butter beans, Italian beans, or kidney beans can be used in soups or chili or can make a great side if you add a little bit of spice. 

9. Olives

I usually try to keep two types on hand – Castelvetrano and Greek olives. I usually buy the pitted kind because they are easier to work with. I use them for cocktails- but you can also slice them up and add them to your pastas, put them on top of avocado toast, or on a cheese board. 

10. Tahini   

Tahini, which is just crushed up sesame seeds, is a staple for us. It is a base ingredient for hummus which we make often.  You can use it as a base to make a bunch of salad dressings if you mix it with a little bit of sriracha, miso paste, or lemon juice. We also love to spread it on toast with a little bit of honey! 

Make sure to visit the app to view Joy of Mom’s video about pantry staples, and check out our Facebook community for more inspiration.



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10 Pantry Essentials to Always Have on Hand



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