How to get a Walmart eGift card to score the latest tech trends for free

I was thinking about Walmart recently, and how I’ve been shopping there for a pretty significant part of my life. See, I first started shopping there regularly when I was in college because they had the lowest prices on both toiletries and groceries (and also usually beer… but that’s another story). I stopped shopping there for a while as a young professional, but recently I’ve been drawn back to Walmart.

One of the main reasons for this is that I’ve figured out how to get a Walmart eGift card to help myself score the latest tech, which as I’ve talked about a few times in the past is an absolutely vital part of keeping up with the latest tech trends. Technology is, obviously, my favorite hobby, but it’s also one of the most expensive. To that end, I’m always looking for little ways to give my tech trends budget a boost, and I’ve discovered that figuring out how to get a Walmart eGift card is one of the most effective ways to do that.

That’s what I’d like to share with you today: my own secrets for how to get a Walmart eGift card to keep up with the latest tech trends. I may not be a penny-counting college student anymore, but I still love a good deal. With these strategies and subtle tips, keeping up with the latest tech trends becomes so much easier.

How to Get a Walmart eGift Card Tip 1: Savings Catcher

how to get a walmart egift card to score techBasically, there are two main ways that I’ve found that help me get a Walmart eGift card to spend on anything. But, of course, I generally use them to get new gadgets. The first way I’ve found to do this is through an app that Walmart offers itself: the Walmart Savings Catcher app, to be exact.

To really maximize the amount on the Walmart eGift cards that you earn, it’s pretty crucial to make sure you’re using the Walmart Savings Catcher app regularly. Savings Catcher rewards you by cross-referencing anything you buy from Walmart with the advertised prices of the same item at other retailers nearby. Then, if any of those other stores just so happen to have a lower price, Walmart delivers that difference back to you in the form of an eGift card. It’s really a great app because it gives you the peace of mind of knowing that you got the best possible deal.

And you don’t even have to be all that tech-savvy to use it because it’s pretty simple. Here’s how it works:

  • Scan your store receipt after you go shopping at Walmart: This is every bit as easy as it sounds. Once you get done with all of your shopping, just take out your phone, open the app, and scan the receipt.
  • Let Walmart compare the prices: You don’t actually have to do anything for this step; Walmart just goes ahead and compares what you paid with the advertised prices at all of its local competitors.
  • Enjoy your eGift card: If Walmart finds the same product someplace else for a lower advertised price, it will deliver the difference back to you, putting it right onto the balance of your eGift card account.

I often times forget that I even have this eGift card account. Then every so often when it comes time to head to Walmart to pick up the latest tech, I’ll remember, and I’ll go check to see how thoroughly it’s bolstered my budget. Sometimes it’s a lot, sometimes not so much, so to really push your savings, I suggest that you combine it with a third-party shopping app, which is what we’re about to discuss here next.

How to Get a Walmart eGift Card Tip 2: Shopkick Rewards App

This second method to get a Walmart eGift card is actually one that you can pair with the Savings Catcher app, which means you can use them both whenever you go shopping. The way this method works, though, is quite a bit different. Racking up eGift cards by using a third party shopping app, specifically my favorite, which is called Shopkick. How it works is that it gives you points for things to do when you’re out shopping already, things like making purchases, scanning the barcodes of certain items for more info, and even just walking into the store.

Then, you can trade those points in for gift cards. You can also use it at other stores, and then use those points to score gift cards at Walmart. It’s pretty flexible like that. I know for me personally I use it quite a bit at Best Buy, but it has such a big list of stores that I’m sure you’ll be able to find more than a few that you frequent. While I haven’t kept track of the exact amount of eGift card rewards I’ve earned through Shopkick, I know that pairing it with the Savings Catcher app has been an invaluable move for more ongoing efforts to purchase new tech.

With Shopkick, however, earning points has made my trips feel doubly productive, because it’s like I’m also playing a game while I’m there, a game that saves me money, and I’m a HUGE fan of that.

So yeah, those are the two best tips I have for how to get a Walmart eGift card so you can score the latest tech trends for free. They’re both apps, I know, but if you’re a tech connoisseur, that kind of thing is probably a bonus for you. I know it definitely is for me.

Overall, I like shopping with Shopkick quite a bit, and not just at Walmart. I’m not the biggest fan of going out to get groceries, because I usually have a pretty tight schedule. With Shopkick, however, earning points has made my trips feel doubly productive, because it’s like I’m also playing a game while I’m there, a game that saves me money, and I’m a HUGE fan of that.

Ready to start figuring out for yourself how to get a Walmart eGift card so you can score the latest tech trends for free? Download Shopkick for free and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered how rewarding—and fun—shopping can be!

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Image courtesy bigtunaonline



Shopkick is the fun and easy way to earn free gift cards for the shopping you already do. Download the app now!

How to get a Walmart eGift card to score the latest tech trends for free



Shopkick is the fun and easy way to earn free gift cards for the shopping you already do. Download the app now!

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