Daily Health Hacks

If you open up any media platform, you’ll likely be told that intermittent fasting, a workout regimen, massive caloric deficits, or a complete home gym will lead you to a healthier lifestyle. We’re excited to tell you that your self-care journey does not need to be so consuming (or expensive!) Small changes can have much larger benefits, overtime. Here are some simple steps to incorporate into your daily routine that will lead you to a happier and healthier version of yourself.


Many of us are used to starting our days with coffee; however, it is time for a change. Drink water first! Then you can make your way to the coffee pot. We’re all aiming to drink more water, so find ways to make it more fun by buying yourself a cute water bottle or tumbler. If you’re someone who wants to drink more water, but simply forgets, we encourage you to download an app like Hydrocoach that will send you reminders to drink up.


The early bird gets the worm! Having a morning routine is amazing. If you can, go on a walk or drink your coffee outside (after your water, of course)! Not only is exercising in the morning good for your metabolism, it will also give you a few moments of peace to start your day.


Take a moment to pour your imagination into a sketch. No pressure, just draw! Drawing can be very calming. In fact, many studies show that art as a therapy form helps with  depression and anxiety. If you aren’t particularly creative, go buy yourself a coloring book so you don’t miss out on the fun. Coloring isn’t just for kids, we promise!


Stretching is very underrated, especially since so many of us struggle to squeeze in ways to be active throughout the day. Set some stretching reminders to reset your wrists and neck throughout your work day. Plus, stretching before bed may even help you get better sleep. Give it a try!


Eating healthier while saving money? We promise this isn’t too good to be true. Eating healthy is a great way to boost your wellbeing, and it can be so easy with modern meal-kit providers like HelloFresh that will plan your meals for you and send you the perfect amount of ingredients!


Next time you take a break to watch your favorite show, sit on the floor. It will realign your body after being bent over your screen all day. Kneel, squat, or sit with your legs stretched out.


Time goes by crazy fast when you’re scrolling through Facebook and Instagram. It’s important to be able to step away from scrolling when you need to. Put your phone down and pick up a book, play a game, or just sit outside and nature watch!


Don’t forget to prioritize YOU. Buy the skirt you’ve been eyeing for the past month, eat the cupcake, try the yoga class, take some time to rest – you deserve it! 

Sometimes, it can be difficult to separate what you think you need from what you actually need. When it comes to mental and physical health, there are so many suggestions for how you should be spending your time and money. Wellness means something different for everyone. Just do your thing! And take care of yourself, please.



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Daily Health Hacks



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