New Year, New You

With 2022 just around the corner, it’s time to start preparing for the New Year. Whether you’ve got a million New Year resolutions or just one, we have some ideas to keep your goals on track. Try some of these tips to help break down your resolution into more manageable goals that are sure to leave you feeling accomplished. Here we go:

1. What are your resolutions?

First thing you need to do?  Decide your overall New Year resolutions. Write down a list of all your goals or resolutions, stopping to visualize and determine what your end goal is. For example: reading more books in 2022.

2. Turn your resolution into a SMART goal

Once you have your end goal, it’s time to dive a bit deeper. This is where your SMART plan comes into play. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. For example: I want to read more books in 2022. I’ll aim to read 12 books over the course of the year. I’ll achieve this goal by reading one book per month.

3. What resources do you need?

The next decision is figuring out what resources you need to make this goal happen. How much money will you set aside each month for a book, or will you borrow books from friends or the library? For example: I’ll sign up for the Book of the Month club or save some cash by buying my books through the Shopkick app.

4. Track your resolution

Now it is time to decide how to hold yourself accountable and track your progress throughout the year. For example: I’ll join a book club or find a reading partner. We recommend creating a simple tracking spreadsheet to keep up-to-date. The possibilities are endless for this one.

5. Complete your resolution

The final step is completing your resolution by December 2022. And with these tips guiding you through the year, that should be the easiest part!

Happy New Year and enjoy your resolutions! Resolutions can be tricky to keep up with and we’ve had our fair share of slip-ups or neglected ones in the past. However, if you follow these steps, you’re bound to have a great start to your year.