How to save money on groceries without coupons

My friend Lisa has always had a deep appreciation for all things retro. She loves to go shopping at thrift stores for retro clothes—from 1950s dresses to leg warmers from the ‘80s. She has beautiful retro magazine covers framed and hanging all over her house. In fact, she even saves money on her groceries in a retro way: coupon clipping. When I came to her about wanting to save money on groceries, she recommended I give it a try. 

We’ve been friends for a long time so, of course, I trust her judgment; I decided to give coupon clipping a try. Man, was it a fail! I didn’t make it a full two weeks before I was completely over it; it took too much time and effort—sifting through newspapers and sales papers for the best deal and physically cutting them out to place in a binder, just to get to the store to have to spend even more time searching for the products on sale. I realized that I needed to learn how to save money on groceries without coupons. Then I remembered something I read online about a shopping rewards app for groceries and how much I could save without having to do the work of couponing.  

I shared the article with Lisa and while she was a bit hesitant to give up on her strategy, she said she’d give mine a try to return the favor. After about a month, Lisa told me how much time and money she’d saved by using a shopping rewards app instead of clipping coupons. 

If you’re tired of spending countless hours clipping coupons, you’ll definitely want to read on to learn how to save money on groceries without coupons.    

Say Good-Bye to Coupons and Hello to Shopping Rewards Apps

I definitely understood Lisa’s fondness for clipping coupons. She said—and I agreed—that it helps you relax and organize your shopping plan; I’ll give her that. But, in the end, shopping rewards apps were just so much more convenient. We all know how clipping coupons work, and, in fact, I’m sure many of us grew up doing it with our parents. Some of you, however, might be less familiar with shopping rewards apps, so I’ll explain how they work.

What Are Shopping Rewards Apps?

how to save money on groceries without couponsThere are many types of shopping rewards apps out there but the best ones allow you to earn points for things you do when you go out shopping already, things like walking into stores, scanning barcodes of products, and, of course, making purchases. The more activities you do or the more you spend, the more potential you have to earn points. Once you’ve earned enough points, you’re typically able to trade them in for some sort of reward like cash back or gift cards to use towards future purchases. 

Like coupons, shopping rewards apps can’t help you save money if you don’t use them. Having a shopping app that is fun to use makes you less likely to forget it when you go out to the store, and that means you’ll have the chance to earn points towards savings each and every time you shop! 

How to Save Money on Groceries Without Coupons 

My favorite shopping rewards app is called Shopkick; and, how it works is pretty simple. Shopkick gives you points—which it calls kicks—for things you do whenever you shop for groceries, things like ordering groceries online, walking into stores, scanning barcodes on items, and making purchases in-store. Once you get your kicks, you can then trade them in later for gift cards that you can use to purchase even more groceries—no coupons required. And, if I forget to open the app while shopping, no worries. By linking my Visa or MasterCard to my Shopkick account and making purchases, I can still earn kicks—maximizing my credit card rewards, too!   

There’s a lot to love about Shopkick. For example, if you’re ever in need of meal inspiration, there are tons of recipes featured within the “Discover” tab of the app, making planning meals a breeze! Another one of my favorite things about Shopkick is the way I can use it to order my groceries online with Walmart and receive 900 kicks! I can open the app and shop directly on Walmart’s site and have my groceries delivered or I can pick them up. It’s the perfect way to save money while also earning rewards points towards gift cards to use on future purchases. Shopkick even has a cool feature that gives me ideas for recipes, helping me plan ahead. Many of the recipes feature products that allow me to earn kicks towards gift cards when purchased together. Shopkick has definitely turned into my shopping companion; I take it everywhere I go!

Shopkick has definitely turned into my shopping companion; I take it everywhere I go!

Speaking of shopping companions, I ran into Lisa last week while out shopping for groceries and it was so funny because we were both scanning the same product to earn kicks on Shopkick. We looked up at each other and laughed. We were saving money and having fun while doing it! Shopkick has literally turned every trip out to the store into a fun scavenger hunt for points. It’s so fun to use and if you’re a competitive shopper like me, you’ll want to use it as much as possible to boost your savings.  

So there you have it, a way to save money on your groceries without coupons. And, Lisa and I both agree that when it comes to shopping, there’s no better way to do it than by using Shopkick!

It’s time to let go of the old way of shopping for the best deals and start earning kicks! Shopkick makes shopping a rewarding experience, and it’s the perfect way to save money on groceries without coupons. Download the app today and start getting your kicks instantly! 

Image courtesy of mangostock