Interactive mobile marketing: 3 tactics to turn browsers into buyers

Interactive mobile marketing: 3 tactics to turn browsers into buyers

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Although online shopping and the BOPIS model remain strong, browsing in-store is far from a lost pastime. As a matter of fact, a survey conducted at the end of 2018 showed that a majority of retailers (63%) are seeing in-store shopping make a comeback. Another report that used data collected around the same time found that 60% percent of consumers still make in-store purchases weekly, and 90% do so monthly. The desire to see and try products before buying them was cited as the shoppers’ main motivation.


Thanks to online retailing, shoppers in brick-and-mortar stores are better informed and more demanding than ever. They may love the in-store shopping experience, but it can be enhanced by interactive mobile marketing to create greater engagement. There are several tactics that can help your store engage and convert those browsers.

How to Engage Consumers With Interactive Mobile Marketing


Individual attention creates emotional attachment, even when it is delivered automatically. Personalization leads to customer retention and, according to research conducted by PwC, around a quarter of shoppers are willing to pay more—up to 16% in some cases—for a product specifically in response to personalization. PwC also found that, while 43% of U.S. consumers say they would not allow companies to collect their personal data, which is a necessary step for personalization, 63% say they would share data for the sake of a service they value.

Purchasing history, personal information provided by the customer and recorded browsing patterns are among the information sources for personalization. Human service is essential for a positive retail experience as well, but the human and the digital can work in tandem to create a fast and targeted experience. According to a Salesforce report issued in 2019, the use of AI for personalization in retail and consumer goods marketing is expected to grow to 70% over the next two years—a 176% increase.

Personalization uses a combination of familiar tactics and the latest technology to engage consumers. 

  • Targeting. As customers walk in the door with a shopping app turned on, they can be greeted by name and view product suggestions based on previous buying patterns.
  • Mapping. In large stores, customers can even be guided through the aisles to locate items of potential interest to them.
  • Events. Customers can receive invitations to special sales, product premiers, and appreciation events based on their shopping patterns.
  • Feedback. Giving customers an opportunity to leave feedback on items they purchase or read the feedback of others before making a purchase can enhance the shopping experience.
  • Chatbots. Using natural language, AI chatbots can engage customers on messaging services by providing product suggestions and information, customer service, and branded entertainment in a conversational format. Chatbots are available around the clock and can generally respond faster than human assistance. They can also be used to gather information about customers, simply by asking for it.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) is fun, informative, and easy to deliver—it is technically simpler to produce than virtual reality, and it requires no user headset. Consumers can use their smartphones to enrich the shopping experience. Augmented reality technology is still relatively new, making it enticing and exciting to most consumers. Many of them may be familiar with apps like Ikea’s that superimpose the seller’s furniture onto a view of their living rooms, or ones that find ATMs, stores and restaurants on the street.

Inform the Shopper

Customers can scan a QR code to find out the backstories of unique products, see demos or take a deep dive into the specs and options for products that interest them. The app might check the store’s stock for availability, sizes and colors as well, and even suggest alternatives until the shopper finds the item that suits them just right.

Try Products Out Virtually

Sephora makes even more extensive use of AR, allowing users to see what certain makeup products would look like on. A shopper looking for clothes might use AR to see a 360° view of garment on a model or combined with other garments. In a kitchenware store, a shopper might watch a demo of the countertop appliance on the shelf in front of them. 

Take Time, Save Labor

AR creates a rich, customized experience for shoppers, who can take in as much or as little information as they please, and work their way through alternatives of their choosing at their own pace. Only at the end of the experience, when the shopper has made their purchasing decision, does a salesperson need to become involved. Thus, the customer gets to enjoy the benefits of modern technology and the human touch too. 

Rewarding Loyalty

There are a number of ways to reward loyalty with interactive mobile marketing, and they are often among the most effective measures for retailers. Fifty-eight percent of shoppers visit stores where they are members of a loyalty program at least once a month—and 69% say their choice of retailer is influenced by loyalty programs.

These are some of the most widespread and popular tactics found in retail marketing.

  • Loyalty Rewards Programs. Many loyalty programs are available via a mobile app. In Shopkick’s case, shoppers can earn rewards for using the app when visiting a store and interacting with products at-shelf.
  • Proximity marketing. Beacon technology can be combined with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to guide shoppers to sale items. According to Beaconstat, 75% of U.S. retailers already use it, and its popularity is still growing. Shopkick worked with early adopters T.J. Maxx and Best Buy.

Interactive mobile marketing combines familiar tactics like rewards points and events with the latest digital technology to generate excitement and help shoppers make purchasing decisions. It presents ample opportunities to increase engagement among shoppers in your store and turn browsers into buyers. Using these tactics will create a satisfying shopping experience that is met with appreciation and positive response from your customers.

Shopkick is a rewards app that is wildly popular with millennials and the brands and retailers they frequent. Our partners use Shopkick to drive sales, steal market share, and produce incredible ROI. Contact us to get involved in 2020’s biggest shopping revolution.

The best shopping app for groceries when you’re on a budget

With three growing boys at home, I find myself spending a lot of time at the grocery store near my house. In fact, I spend so much time there that I have a favorite cashier, and her name is Andrea. That’s right, we’re even on a first-name basis. During each of my many trips to the grocery store, I always make it a point to hop into Andrea’s line. She’s fast and always makes sure I get the right prices on my items. It always surprises her when I find such great deals on items.  

As she rings me up, we also talk about trending topics and the latest shows. I also tell her about all the cool ways I find to make things work on my budget. Even though she works at the grocery store, I was surprised to find out that she didn’t know the best shopping app for groceries when you’re on a budget. It made me wonder how many others out there who are on a budget would benefit from hearing about the best shopping app for groceries, which is why today I’d like to share with all of you what I told my friend Andrea.

Shopping App for Groceries

What is a shopping app for groceries?

I couldn’t believe Andrea had never heard of a shopping app for groceries. So, before I could get to the business of telling her about my favorite, I had to explain to her what it is and how it works. The way a shopping app for groceries works is actually really simple, once you become familiar with it.

Any shopping app for groceries that is worth having is free to download. It should also work with either an Apple or an Android smartphone, so technology problems really aren’t a barrier. There are different types of shopping apps out there. Some of them are limited to only being used at certain stores, while others can be used practically anywhere—even online. 

What are the benefits of a shopping app for groceries?

the best shopping app for groceriesMy favorite types of grocery shopping apps are those that give you rewards you can trade in later for cash or gift cards. The main benefit of these apps is that you save money. There are different ways these apps work, but the best of the bunch gives you rewards for the shopping you already do. You can then trade those awards in for savings. The best shopping apps for groceries change the shopping experience altogether by adding a new layer of fun that actually makes you look forward to going to the store, as crazy as that sounds.

What is the best shopping app for groceries?

I think at this point in our conversation Andrea was hooked. She just wanted to know which shopping app for groceries I recommend she download. And you know what? I was more than happy to tell her about my favorite: Shopkick.

Shopkick gives me points for the things I do when I’m out shopping already, including walking into the store, interacting with products, and making purchases. These points are called “kicks” and you can trade them in for gift cards to use at your favorite stores. This helps me save money which is big for me for obvious reasons. More than that, though, Shopkick has changed the way I think about going to the store. I used to hate going grocery shopping. But with Shopkick, I have really started to look forward to going to the store, even if it’s my third trip for groceries that week. 

For those who might not enjoy going to the store as much as I do, Shopkick also caters to you!

For those who might not enjoy going to the store as much as I do, Shopkick also caters to you! You can discover products, recipes, and shop within the app via Walmart Grocery online if you can’t make it to the store.  

I hope you enjoyed hearing all that I have to say about the best shopping app for groceries, Shopkick. With three growing boys at home—and a budget that isn’t all that flexible—anything that helps me save money and have more fun doing errands is near and dear to my heart.

I really hope you all give Shopkick a chance. I’m almost certain you’ll love it as much as I do. There’s just no better way to save money while also having a good time shopping for groceries!

It’s time to get your kicks! Shopkick is hands down the best shopping app for groceries when you’re on a budget. Download the app today and start getting your kicks now! 

Image courtesy of Dmitry Kalinovsky

Leading Children’s Apparel Retailer

A leading children's apparel retailer partnered with Shopkick to drive incremental foot traffic and sales

Campaign Goals

A leading children’s apparel retailer was looking for an innovative way to bridge the gap between their digital and physical shopping channels, drive repeat visits and purchases amongst existing customers, and reach a new audience of shoppers. 

Shopkick Solution

Shopkick kept the retailer top of mind with shoppers at-home through contextually relevant branded lookbook content, high-impact promo units, and videos in the Discover Tab. Shopkick’s location-based messaging and push notifications helped the retailer reach shoppers on-the-go, drive shopping intent, and encourage store visits. Shopkick drove incremental foot traffic, sales, and customer acquisition by awarding kicks for visiting, scanning products, and making in-store purchases. Shopkick’s proprietary data shows what goes on in-store, in real time, helping retailers identify who their customers are and fill gaps in the customer shopping journey.


  • 2 million store trips driven (289K incremental)
  • $15.1M sales-driven (over 27% YoY)
  • 16.5:1 ROI (*$27.5K returned in gift cards)
  • 242M content impressions delivered as added value

Visa Incrementality Study

*July ’18 – Jan ’19
  • 84% share of total spend was incremental
  • 43% lift in spend over control group
  • 15% share of incremental spend for existing customers
  • 85% share of incremental spend for new customers




sales driven


of total spend was from new customers



Build brand awareness

Drive foot traffic

Boost sales amongst existing and new customers

Retailer Distribution


Products Used

Branded Lookbook and Collection, Promo Units, Push Notifications, Purchase Validation, Visa Incrementality Study, Gift Card in Rewards mall