Coupon apps for groceries you would be crazy not to download

Coupon apps for groceries you would be crazy not to download

It feels nostalgic when I bring in the mail and there’s a booklet of paper coupons. When I was growing up, you could hardly get your mail or check your newspaper without finding them. But these days, however, whenever I happen to find a booklet of them in my mailbox, it feels like they were sent to me from another era. So much of what we do these days, from the way we shop to the way we save, is entirely online and digital.

However, I’ve recently found a modern way to use coupons just like we used to when I was a kid. It’s a new concept called coupon apps for groceries, and what it does is it takes the old coupon-clipping concept and modernizes it for the digital age. The general concept is the same—as are the great savings that you can find within it—but the way it works has been translated for our favorite devices, so we don’t have to handle paper coupons at all and can instead conduct the whole process with our tablets or phones.

Surprisingly, I found that not everyone has heard of coupon apps for groceries, which I think is a shame! That’s why today I want to talk about my favorite coupon apps for groceries that you would be absolutely crazy not to download. These are so simple and effective that I just can’t think of a single argument against using them unless of course, you have an odd aversion to saving money!

Use Coupon Apps for Groceries Through Loyalty Cards


You know all of those customer loyalty cards that you signed up for and also carry around with you when you go out shopping? Well, this first selection on our list works by sending coupons directly to those customer loyalty cards. All you do when using this coupon app for groceries, is open it, go to the “My Cards” tab, and select the card you want. You can then scroll through and tap all the deals you can use.

Cellfire sends those deals to your loyalty card like magic. If there is a problem with Cellfire, however, it’s that of all the apps on our list, it has one of the most limited selections of participating stores. When there is a store on its list near you, however, Cellfire is well worth your time! At my local grocery store, for example, I recently found 21 coupons, many of which I was able to use in a single trip! That’s the type of value I’m looking for from my favorite grocery savings apps.

Based on the name of this app, you can already tell that it’s an obvious fit for our list of coupon apps for groceries you would be crazy not to download. Quite frankly, is invaluable when it comes to saving on the groceries that you buy all the time. When you use this app, you get to choose from three different ways to collect your savings.

The first way is through an email coupon that you print and take with you to the store. This one is not my favorite, since it’s somewhat of a logistical hassle, at least in my house where one of my three boys has always used up the ink in our printer. The second way is by printing it directly from your mobile app, which gives me the same problem. The third is my preferred mechanism, and it lets you store the coupon on your loyalty card so you can scan it at checkout and save money instantly!

Grocery IQ

Grocery IQ is another coupon app for groceries that allows you to collect your deals through the loyalty card program that you may or may not have already signed up for at your local grocery store. This one, however, stands out from some of the others that we’re discussing here today. It’s actually best used if you’re the type of shopper who buys the same items each week.

The reason that it’s best for that type of situation is that with Grocery IQ, users start by making their grocery list. Next, the app works for them to match the items on their list with applicable coupons, automatically saving those same items for future usage. Finally, you can collect these coupons all the same ways that you collect your savings: by printing them out from your desktop or mobile device, or through your loyalty card program. My only word of caution here is to be prepared for this one to take a good amount of time to set up.

Use Coupon Apps for Groceries Through Rebates and Discounts

Checkout 51

This app is one of the overall simplest apps on the list. To use it, you just go grocery shopping as you normally would, and then once you’re done, you use Checkout 51 to upload a photograph of your receipt.

Checkout 51 then gives you rebates in the form of credit for any eligible items that you may have purchased. The money adds up quickly, which is good because you need to have $20 worth of saved credit in order to cash out. Once you decide to do that, Checkout 51 will go ahead and mail you a receipt. Simple, right?

Coupon Cactus

With Coupon Cactus, you get discounts on certain items at participating stores. The big difference is here you can do it online, too. Isn’t that nice? Your savings either add up to a percentage of the total price—generally up to 30%—or savings come in the form of a set amount, like $2 off a featured product.

So, it pays to literally keep an eye on the fine print so you know what to expect from this great coupon app for groceries. Once your total savings from rebates and discounts reaches $10 or more, you can cash out via PayPal or get a check issued on a quarterly basis.


You’d be crazy not to download this coupon app for groceries because of how much you can save with it through rebates. This one is like Coupon Cactus in that is has a fun old-school component to it, one that lets users take pictures of printed coupons, which it then transforms into digital, mobile-ready ones. It kind of recaptures the feel of clipping paper coupons, which is something that I personally enjoy a great deal if I happen to be in the mood.

Users can also browse online directories with SnipSnap and take advantage of coupons that their friends have “snipped” as well, turning it into a shared and social database for savings. This one doesn’t exactly pay, though. Instead, users save their rebate money at the time of purchase like a traditional coupon. The idea is that coupons can all be easily kept in one digital space, instead of having an overflowing little billfold stuffed with paper clippings. To be honest, it’s a lot cleaner and easier to handle.

Use Coupon Apps for Groceries to Earn Shopping Rewards


Ebates is an app that lets you save by giving you shopping rewards and it actually has a special place in my heart because it was the first one I used when my kids were little. Basically, Ebates is a centralized platform where shoppers can search for deals and coupons that are offered by nearly 2,000 retailers. It’s also pretty handy when it comes to shopping online, which is something I’ve done more of in recent years.

Though, I haven’t used Ebates as much as of late because I’ve moved on to more comprehensive apps to bolster my budget. I’ve actually ended up seeking out newer apps, many of which are way more fun to use! And I’m going to talk more about one of those here soon. First, though, I want to stress that finding a grocery app to earn rewards for shopping that is also fun to use is key because then it’s much easier to remember to use it. At least for me that’s how it works!


I use SavingStar because it pays users to shop at grocery and drugstores. One thing I like about SavingStar is how versatile it is. In fact, more than 60,000 stores are part of SavingStar; they represent more than 100 retail chains.

Also, SavingStar is generally free to use, but you do have to be careful. If an account is inactive for 180 consecutive days, they will charge a fee of $3.99.

To take advantage of SavingStar, users either link their existing store loyalty cards to the app or submit receipts after they make purchases. Their savings add up and users can eventually cash out through PayPal, Upromise, or in the form of Starbucks, iTunes, or AMC Theater gift codes.


Of all the great coupon apps for groceries that you would be crazy not to download, it’s my personal opinion that you would be craziest not to download Shopkick. Shopkick is a shopping rewards app, and how it works is that it gives you rewards for many of the activities that you already do when you go out grocery shopping. With Shopkick, you get your first points just for walking into the grocery store, and then you can continue to earn more points by scanning certain items for more info and, of course, for making your purchases.

You can then trade those points in for gift cards, which are just as good as cash back if you ask me. The reason that Shopkick is my favorite, though, is that it turns every trip to the grocery store into a game, like a fun scavenger hunt for points. With three boys at home, I’m a regular at the grocery store. With Shopkick, I can take that time to see if I can top my previous point totals, saving a good amount of money in the process! It’s truly a win-win situation.

If passing up free money for shopping behaviors that you do anyway is crazy, then you’d definitely be crazy not to use these coupon apps for groceries, especially Shopkick, which not only saves you money but turns your trips to the store into a lot more fun. I know I felt crazy for not finding out about it sooner!

So don’t make the same mistake I did. Start using these great coupon apps to save on your grocery bills today. One of the great things about all of them is that they often work in tandem. For example, I like to use SnipSnap to reap the benefits of the occasional packet of coupons that arrive in the mail and then I also like to scan my receipt with the Shopkick app so that I can be rewarded even more. It’s a nice little system and I highly recommend that you give it a try!

Get one of the best coupon apps for groceries that you would be crazy not to download. Download Shopkick’s free app today and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered the rewards of shopping with a free, smartphone app sidekick.

And, if you love social media as much as you love shopping online, join Shopkick on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for a little daily shopping inspiration.

How to get a free Starbucks eGift card for your next bestie coffee date

I must admit that I am a creature of habit. I know, it sounds so boring! But that’s just the way I’m wired. Anyway, because of this, I have a standing monthly coffee date with one of my oldest and dearest friends. Her name is Jeanette and we’ve actually known one another since grade school! Can you believe that? I pride myself on keeping in touch with my besties.

Anyway, Jeanette and I both just so happen to love Starbucks, from a plain cup of the blonde roast right on down to fancier things like mochas and—my personal favorite—flat whites. We’re also both in fun places in our lives now where we’re raising our families…while also managing the complicated budgets that go along with that. Long story short, the last time we met up, one of the main topics of conversation was whether or not we could find a way to earn a free Starbucks eGift card for our next bestie coffee date. And I’m happy to report that yes, I have found a great way to do just that!

In fact, this discovery has been so great for me, that I’m now using it to earn free Starbucks eGift cards, as well as gift cards to many of my other favorite stores. It’s been so great that I just have to share my discovery with all of you! So, get ready to be caffeinated, because I’m about to tell you about a fantastic and foolproof way that you can earn a free Starbucks eGift card for your next bestie coffee date, too!

How to Get a Free Starbucks eGift Card Through Shopping Rewards Apps

how to earn a free starbucks egift cardI haven’t even told my old friend Jeanette about this yet (I’m going to surprise her!), but I’m happy to share it with all of you because that’s how helpful it’s been for me. My secret for how to earn a free Starbucks eGift card is this simple new concept called a shopping rewards app, and how it works is that it gives you rewards for shopping. What kind of shopping? Basically, all of them! From clothes shopping to shopping for groceries!

There are a few different ways these apps work. Some of them are what I like to call coupon apps, and what they do is re-create the old clipping paper coupons experience, either by offering you a number of coupons to pick from online or letting you use the app to scan and store actual paper coupons that you come across on your own. The other type is a lot more fun because it rewards you for real-life activities that you do anyway when you’re shopping. I’ll go into more detail later, but essentially you just download the app, shop, and collect points that you can trade for free Starbucks eGift cards. Yes, it really is that easy!

The Best Shopping Rewards App to Earn Free Starbucks eGift Card

While there are quite a few shopping rewards apps to pick from, my absolute favorite one to use to earn free Starbucks eGift cards is Shopkick. How it works is that Shopkick gives you points for things like going into certain stores, scanning barcodes to learn more about certain products, and scanning your receipt once you’ve made your purchases. If it sounds like it turns all of your shopping trips to the store into a super fun scavenger hunt for points, that’s because it really does!

One other reason that Shopkick is my absolute favorite of all the various shopping rewards apps is that Shopkick also lets you earn points toward more free Starbucks eGift cards when you do your shopping online. I don’t know about you, but these days my shopping routine has turned into a hybrid between actual old-school, physical shopping and shopping online. What’s great about Shopkick is that it also rewards you for things like making purchases online, visiting certain online stores, and watching videos about certain products. I just love that kind of versatility!

Jeanette and I have been old friends for so long that we always have a million things to talk about when we see each other for coffee, but this time I have our first conversation topic all planned out. I’m going to smoothly and slyly offer to pay for the coffee with my eGift card, and then I’m going to mention how I earned it. That should get us off to the races and talking about shopping rewards apps.

And when it comes to shopping rewards apps, I just can’t stress enough that I highly recommend Shopkick. It’s super versatile, it works at almost all of my favorite stores that I frequent, and it turns every trip down those aisles into a super fun scavenger hunt for points. In fact, I’ve started to like my time with Shopkick so much that I can barely remember what life was like before I had it, much like my long-time friendship with Jeanette! I really hope that you heed my advice here and give Shopkick a spin for yourself. I just know that you’re going to love it as much as I do!

Get to know one of the best shopping rewards apps that you can use to get a free Starbucks eGift card for your next coffee date, as well as one of the best shopping apps, period. Download Shopkick’s free app today and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered how much you can earn with the help of a free shopping sidekick.

And, if you’re on social media catching up with friends, be sure to also join Shopkick on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for a little daily fun and inspiration.

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