Grocery retail apps: Why they attract millennials to CPG brands

Gaining millennial interest for a CPG brand is a common challenge marketers face. Grocery retail apps could be the answer. Millennial purchase behaviors are often erratic, not due to the fact that millennials themselves are erratic, but because of their reliance on technology.

retail apps for grocery storesCurrently, millennials make up one of the largest buying groups in existence. Understanding their behavior is the key for CPG brands to maintain their relevance and their market share in today’s crowded marketplace. Millennials are the first generation to grow up with access to the internet. They use it as a tool to influence their everyday purchase decisions. Because of that fact, the internet has a profound impact on their buying behaviors.

CPG brands that want to attract their attention must be willing to do so through technology—specifically, through retail in-store apps. Grocery retail apps can help a brand connect with a millennial audience, often simply by being conveniently available to consult as they make their purchase decisions.

How Millennials Shifted the Marketing Paradigm

Chances are, you’ve noticed how important the smartphone is to millennials. The average  millennial touches their phone 150 times a day. This behavior doesn’t mean they’re addicted to their cell phones, per se; instead, it’s due to the fact that the smartphone is this generation’s television. It doesn’t just provide entertainment, it connects them to the world.  

Millennial-focused marketing is a major paradigm shift for many marketing and advertising professionals because social media and digital marketing have created a more transparent and direct connection between brands and these consumers. Millennial shoppers also have more access to information period, whether that information is about international politics, financial matters, or new trends and products. Because of the major role the internet has played in their lives, millennials typically are:

  • Socially responsible: The first Earth Day was held in 1970 but it didn’t gain widespread popularity until the early 80s, which is when the first millennials were born. Millennials grew up with an environmental conscientiousness that wasn’t seen in generations that came before them. As a result, brands that focus on digital marketing, which does not unnecessarily waste resources, tend to resonate well with them.
  • Fiscally savvy: About one-third of millennials have a financial or savings plan in place. That far exceeds the planning of older generations, including Generation X and even baby boomers. Millennials seem to have learned from the mistakes of those who came before them, planning for retirement early and keeping unnecessary spending down.
  • Highly sensitive to scarcity: Because of their easy ability to access up-to-the-minute information on just about everything, millennials are more easily impacted by scarcity, otherwise known as the “fear of missing out,” or FOMO.

Millennials depend on technology to help them make informed decisions. They are open about sharing their signals of purchase intent if it makes their brand experience better. In the past, the internet may have been used as a resource for researching high-ticket items. However, because millennials live in an age flush with accessible data, even their small dollar purchase decisions are likely to be impacted by the abundance of information they can conveniently access. This is why grocery apps act as such a major persuader to the millennial market.

Using Grocery Retail Apps to Impact Millennial Purchase Decisions

Millennials don’t just want to buy from a brand; they want to create a relationship with that brand. They are attracted by brand awareness campaigns that create a real and genuine relationship. This is why mobile marketing is such a powerful purchase influencer for them as it:

  • Offers Rewards: Apps like Shopkick, a retail shopping rewards app, provide recognition for making smart purchase decisions in the form of reward points that users can later redeem for gift cards. This acts as an efficient purchase driver as, often, the perceived value of these kicks is even higher than the dollar amount they cost marketers.
  • Creates a social environment: Users of grocery shopping apps, like Shopkick, are encouraged to share their shopping and saving experiences online via Facebook and other popular social platforms. This creates a community of fiscally savvy consumers who discuss money-saving tips.
  • Communicates in the moment: As already discussed, millennial consumers touch their phones hundreds of times a day. An app that can connect with them as they’re in the shopping aisle is extraordinarily effective for gaining brand recognition.
  • Extends social responsibility: Digital apps offer a benefit that paper circulars and advertising materials can’t: They’re scalable and responsible. That means that millennials don’t have to worry about the waste involved with paper coupons or offers—and brands don’t have to spend money printing materials.  

Today’s millennial consumers are not coupon clippers, but they are fiscally intelligent. They want to save money while they’re saving the environment. This is why grocery retail apps are so appealing to this group. They allow shoppers to collect the rewards that make them feel fiscally responsible while limiting the waste of paper coupons or rebates.

Millennial shoppers are informed shoppers. They don’t want to just buy from a CPG brand, they want to know more about the brand than the product they sell. They want to know where that product came from, how it was sourced, and how it can make their lives better. Marketing to the millennial consumer is therefore not just about sales; it’s about providing a free exchange of information.  Using technology, brands can better express their sustainability methods, money-saving ideas, and incentivized sales in a way that truly resonates with these new consumers.

Shopkick offers a platform for fiscally savvy millennials to explore while our partners get the opportunity to interact more thoroughly with this unique consumer base. For more information on how our platform creates relationships with today’s millennial consumer, contact us today.

Image courtesy GeorgeRudy

Tech-forward iPhone apps that pay you cash

When my friends and I get together, talk always inevitably turns to basketball. The other day, one of my buddies was telling me a story about how he saw the most amazing college basketball game of his life during his senior year of high school back in 2006. He said he’d never been to a more alive game, and that he still wishes he’d had a camera on him so he could have taken a picture. I asked him why he didn’t just use his phone and my friend replied that, back then, he was still on a flip phone—one that didn’t even have a camera.

apps for iphone that pay you cashFor a minute, I was shocked; 2006 really doesn’t seem like all that long ago. But it’s true. In terms of smartphone and app development, it was basically an eternity ago. In fact, nobody even knew what an app was 12 years ago. Nowadays, it’s rare to find someone who doesn’t have a smartphone, though. And, as these phones have become so prevalent, so too have the apps we use on them. I like to think of myself as a pretty tech-forward kinda guy, but even I get surprised sometimes. Like, for example, did you know that there are iPhone apps that pay you cash?

That’s actually what I’d like to talk about today: iPhone apps that pay you cash and how, among all the many incredible things you can use your smartphone for, one of my personal favorites is to earn cash money. Who would have guessed way back in 2006—when my poor friend was at the basketball game of his life without any way to capture the memories—that our phones would have such broad capabilities a short decade later?

How Do iPhone Apps That Pay You Cash Work?

The thing about iPhone apps that pay you cash is that they’ve sprung up quickly and evolved fast—so fast, in fact, that there’s more than just one type. So, let’s start by discussing the different types of tech-forward money making apps for your iPhone!

Here are some of my personal favorites:

  • Survey apps: There are a lot of cash-paying survey apps to choose from, but they all tend to generally work the same way: You download the app, enter some information about yourself, and the app begins sending you surveys to take. You then get paid for taking them! In my experience, the longest of these surveys can take about 15 to 20 minutes, but the longer the survey, the more they pay. In general, you can also expect most survey apps for iPhones to pay roughly $1 each, with the longer ones paying a bit more. Like all the apps on our list today, these are becoming more tech-forward by including videos and other interactive features.
  • Advertisement apps: These advertisement apps pay you to watch trailers and short ads. You generally earn about $.50 each time you watch a quick 30-second clip. In my experience, this adds up quickly—and sometimes the trailers and ads are pretty interesting. It’s always a little bonus when you get paid to watch one that you would have chosen to watch for free. In terms of being tech-forward, the ads from these apps are also becoming more complex, often involving videos or little games.
  • Shopping apps: Like I’ve mentioned in the past, I’m the type of shopper who gets in and out of a store as fast as possible. It’s not that I hate shopping, it’s just that I have a million other things on my mind, like work or stuff to do around the house—and fantasy football, of course. Shopping can feel like an obstacle between me and my priorities. I can tell you, though, I like shopping a whole lot more now that I’ve discovered I can make money shopping using free iPhone apps. These apps give you points for the shopping you would be doing anyway. You can then cash in those points for gift cards or even sometimes checks or cash. What makes these apps so tech-forward is that some of the best of them find new ways all the time to help you earn more points. For example, there’s one that knows when you walk into a partner store and automatically gives you points, even if all you end up doing is browsing!

The Best Tech-Forward iPhone App that Pays You Cash

There are plenty of options to choose from when it comes to iPhone apps that pay you in cash but, believe it or not, my favorite of them all actually happens to be one of the shopping apps. I know, shocker, right? But it’s true.

Now, I actually look forward to running into the store throughout the week.

It’s an app called Shopkick and how it works is super simple. Just like I described above, this app gives you points for the stuff you already do when you go out shopping, like walking into stores, scanning barcodes on featured products for more info, and, of course, making purchases. What I really like about Shopkick is that in addition to being really user-friendly with its tech-forward design, this app has also done something that I used to think was impossible: Shopkick has made shopping fun, turning it into a scavenger hunt for points. Now, I actually look forward to running into the store throughout the week.

So, there you have it, an overview of the tech-forward iPhone apps that pay you cash, plus a quick intro to my all-time favorite one. I use Shopkick so often that I can hardly even remember a time it wasn’t downloaded to my phone. It sort of makes me wonder what, in 12 years from now, the new technological advances will be that we’ll be shaking our heads at and wondering how we ever did without.

Ready to get in on one of the most cutting-edge and tech-forward iPhone apps that pays you cash? Download Shopkick for free and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered the rewards of shopping with us!

And, if you love using your smartphone to stay up on social media, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping inspiration.

Image courtesy Daniel Ernst