Retail coupon apps that reward your loyalty

When I was a kid, my mom always took me with her shopping. If I wanted a pair of jeans or a shirt or anything that was full price, she’d ask me if I’d checked the clearance racks. More often than not, I could find something else I wanted, cheaper. Then she’d remind me of her favorite saying: “Save money now, spend dollars ahead.”

retail coupon appsDollars ahead. That’s what she called the money we saved by shopping sales, using coupons, and comparing prices. And, I’d imagine those dollars ahead of us, dancing in the distance, waiting to be spent on something fabulous.

These days I still look for ways to save money on my purchases. And one of my favorite tips is to use mobile loyalty reward programs and retail coupon apps. There are so many places I need to stop at anyway, like Walmart or CVS. I need to go shopping. Why not earn rewards while I’m at it?

Saving Money the 2018 Way with Retail Coupon Apps

Mom and I used to clip coupons out of the Sunday paper, but these days retail coupon apps make couponing way easier. There are coupon apps you can keep on your phone that give you points every time you visit a retailer, even if you don’t make a purchase. And, as often as I like to window shop, those points add up fast. It doesn’t have to be a store either; you can get points from shopping online, too. Then you can use those points on digital gift cards. And rewarding myself is the best part—it’s like an early Christmas!

There are coupon apps you can keep on your phone that give you points every time you visit a retailer, even if you don’t make a purchase.

My favorite retail coupon app is Shopkick, because it’s like a rewards app and a deals app rolled into one. You collect points, called “kicks,” which Shopkick alerts you to as you walk into a store. This part is great for me, and since I’ve started using this app I haven’t missed out on a bargain yet. I even put it on my mom’s phone. She still uses paper coupons, which work with Shopkick, giving her double-coupon savings.

My favorite retail coupon app is Shopkick, because it’s like a rewards app and a deals app rolled into one.

Sure, these apps are convenient, but why do you need a mobile loyalty reward program if you are using a retail coupon app? Because double dipping makes for better savings! Besides, you’ve rewarded them with your business, shouldn’t they give you something back? It’s really just the level of appreciation I’ve come to expect as a consumer. And, if they are giving points away free, it’s silly to miss out!

Some loyalty programs use cards you scan at checkout, but because mobile loyalty reward programs go everywhere with you on your phone, they are more modern and convenient. Unlike loyalty programs that use cards, these offer ways to get points even when you aren’t shopping by sharing socially, taking surveys, and other actions.

What’s So Great About Mobile Loyalty Rewards Programs?

If you haven’t noticed yet, mobile loyalty rewards programs are the best way to shop in 2018. They make shopping more fun—almost like a game, with prizes.

What makes mobile loyalty rewards programs so great? The best of them:

  • Make everyday shopping a joyful experience
  • Make you feel good about being a smart, savvy shopper
  • Help you get more gift-buying done during the holiday season
  • Offer more value for your money
  • Help your family stay on a budget
  • Turn trips to the store into a virtual treasure hunt

Mom and I have had the greatest time ever since we started using mobile loyalty rewards programs. You should really give one a try.

I love shopping. I love the satisfied feeling I get when I know I’ve gotten a good deal. And, by using mobile loyalty rewards programs I can enjoy shopping even more. I save money, I earn rewards, and I work for those dollars ahead. What fabulous thing will I buy with my next free gift card? I don’t know, but I’m so glad I followed mom’s advice!

Looking for a mobile loyalty rewards program and a deals app, rolled into one? Download Shopkick for free and join a community of Shopkickers who love the rewards of shopping with us!

Or join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and check in every day on your phone, no matter where you are, to learn about the hottest, newest deals.

Image courtesy of Maridav