The top apps for making cash to bolster your budget

There are some things in the world that are mighty and bottomless. Okay, okay, mostly I’m referring to the stomachs of the three growing boys at home. I swear, as soon as I get home with groceries, they pounce and before I know it, half of what I’ve just bought is gone!

the top apps for making cashYes, it really is a never-ending battle to keep these awesome little guys fed, whether it be with cereal or sandwiches or even ice cream! This means my need to find ways to save on groceries is also mighty and bottomless, which is why I think I’ve become such an expert on the top apps for making cash to bolster your budget—including some of my all-time faves, like those that pay you to grocery shop.

If I were to graph it, you’d probably see that my knowledge of these apps is directly proportional to my boys’ heights. Too funny! Anyway, thanks to all this research and knowledge, I’ve been saving quite a bit of money on grocery shopping, shopping at other stores, and even on workouts! Today, I’d like to share this knowledge with you. After all, I know I’m not the only one with growing kids at home.

Top Apps for Making Cash No. 1: Pact

To properly make a weekly grocery run that can feed growing kids, you need to be in shape. You need to be able to bend down and get the cereal from the lowest shelves, to carry a near-infinite stack of canned goods, and to haul bag after bag of groceries in from the car. You know, if the guys are really into a video game, they aren’t going to come out and help!

This is part of the reason Pact easily makes my list of top apps for making cash. Pact works by giving you cash for achieving your fitness goals. You just download the app on your device, make a pact with it to exercise more or eat healthily, and then you use the app to track your goals, earning on average between $0.30 and $5.00 every week for achieving your goals. The app also keeps you honest by making you verify your activities through GPS, photos, and other services. It’s really great!

Top Apps for Making Cash No. 2: AppTrailers

A proper grocery trip that brings home enough food to (briefly) satisfy the stomachs of a trio of growing boys tends to take a long time. I, however, have found a way to maximize my efficiency by using one of the top apps for making cash when I’m out in the aisles.

The one I’m talking about now is called AppTrailers, and what it does is pay you to watch trailers about new apps. Each of those trailers takes about 30 seconds. I usually set my phone on my cart next to grocery my list and watch these as I navigate the aisles. I’m also a big fan of watching when I’m at my gym on the treadmill. For each trailer I watch, I get 500 points, which is equivalent to $0.50. I can then redeem points for gift cards or cash via PayPal. We’ve talked about this in the past but using multiple apps really is the best way to up your shopping game!

Top Apps for Making Cash No. 3: Shopkick

The third and final app on my list today also happens to be the most effective—and my all-time favorite among the top apps for making cash. It’s an app called Shopkick and, to be frank, I just absolutely love it! How it works is pretty simple: Shopkick gives you points for your normal everyday shopping activities, including walking into stores, scanning the barcodes on certain items for more information, and, of course, making purchases. If you’re shopping online, it also gives you points for visiting certain online stores, watching videos about certain products, and, once again, making purchases.

You can trade these points in for gift cards to all your favorite stores, including places like Target and Walmart, which are both great spots to get your boys food and the school supplies they’re always waiting until the last minute to let you know that they need. I’ve been using Shopkick for a while now, and it’s honestly saved me more than I can even count! Especially given the amount of food it takes to feed my guys.

I’ve been using Shopkick for a while now, and it’s honestly saved me more than I can even count!

Even before I had my kids, I was always looking for ways to squeeze some more bucks out of my budget. Years ago, I did this through things like paper coupons and savings club cards. Nowadays, I can do it just by pressing a few buttons on my phone. So, whether or not you have three boys at home, all of these top apps for making cash are great options for saving money.

The only real challenge, to be perfectly honest, is remembering to use these apps, and sticking with them. This isn’t really a problem when it comes to Shopkick because it turns every trip online or down the aisles into a fun little hunt for points—not unlike the ways my boys scavenge in my cabinets for food. Just kidding … sorta!

Learn how you too can get paid to grocery shop with one of the top apps for making cash. Download Shopkick’s free app and get ready to be wowed. Welcome to the fun, Shopkicker!

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Image courtesy Wavebreak Media Ltd