The Best Brand Awareness Campaign Ideas for 2018

The Best Brand Awareness Campaign Ideas for 2018

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Building brand awareness in the modern marketing era is no easy feat. Ironically, it’s because there’s almost too much opportunity to build it. The once high expense of advertising acted as a gatekeeper. However, thanks to the rapid rise of technology and innovative marketing mediums, consumers are now exposed to up to 5000 ads per day compared to only 500 in the 1970s.

Television, newspaper, and radio ads used to be the most effective options for marketing branded content. Then came the introduction of internet-connected devices continuously pushing branded advertising. As a result, marketing professionals looking for opportunities to gain brand awareness in 2018 are at the forefront of a new era in advertising, one with a much lower barrier to entry.

Brand awareness has become less about how much a company is willing to spend and more about how well content connects with consumers, regardless of budget. If your marketing team is trying to expand brand awareness or market share in 2018, you’re likely going to have to consider options that were unheard of even a few decades ago.

Advances in all realms of technology have companies rushing to adopt the latest high tech approaches to gaining an audience’s attention. However, some of the best brand awareness campaign ideas for 2018 aren’t going to be high expense advertisements. Instead, they’re going to be designed around personalizing the consumer’s experience by traveling with them and reaching them right where they are.

Targeted, Not Big, Advertising for the Best 2018 Brand Awareness Campaigns

Back in 2004, Chanel No. 5 earned a Guinness Book of World Records slot for creating the most expensive marketing campaign ever. The star-studded, four minute long film cost $33 million to create and certainly garnered a lot of attention during its release. Primarily displayed in movie theaters prior to feature films, the advertisement was successful in creating brand recognition for the iconic perfume among a new generation.

This is a prime example of big advertising, where the goal of the ad is to create buzz throughout the industry. However, it’s also a huge risk. Chanel could only afford to do such a massive campaign because they already had an extensive, recognizable brand. For the most part, these major advertising campaigns won’t work for smaller brands because:

The ROI is limited:

The math for the ROI on Chanel No. 5’s commercial is pretty simple. The commercial cost them $33 million to make. The cost per bottle of perfume is around $130. To break even on the commercial, the company would have to sell about 255,000 units. That’s an extremely high break-even threshold that most smaller brands offering products at a lower price point can’t reasonably hope to meet.

The audience isn’t targeted:

Big advertising means a broad audience. It’s a bit like that old saying about fishing with dynamite. While the ad may get exposure to a giant audience, only a percentage of that audience is interested in buying the product. Without targeted marketing, consumers don’t feel a personal connection to a brand.

Consumers’ attention spans are getting shorter:

Commercials are short for a reason. According to a Microsoft study, the average human attention span is about 8 seconds when it comes to advertisements. That’s down from ten seconds in the early 2000s. Much of this can be directly attributed to increased competition for consumers’ attention. In 2004, when the Chanel advertisement came out, the iPhone was still three years away from being released, so cell phones posed less of a distraction than they do now.

Big advertising to a mass market may no longer be the most viable option for most smaller brands seeking brand awareness to increase market share. Larger brands, as well, may need to complement their above the line ad campaigns. In general, brands need to shift their thinking from making a large impact with a single, oversized campaign to making a hundred smaller, more personalized impacts with repeated interaction on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and mobile apps. With the technological resources available today, this can be done inexpensively and has the potential to reach a far more targeted audience.

Advertising in the modern media age should center around capitalizing on shorter attention spans and the consumer’s desire for more meaningful interaction. This approach works for brand awareness campaigns because it offers:

  • Highly target audiences: Expanding the focus from mass media to social media allows you to better target campaigns based on demographic and prior purchase behaviors.
  • Increased ROI: Using less costly tactics – that are still highly effective – increases ROI
  • Shareable content: Social media allows consumers to share your marketing material, organically increasing brand awareness with no additional investment required.

Micro Mobile Moments Are Behind the Best Brand Awareness Campaigns

The average consumer touches their phone an astonishing 2,617 times a day. Sometimes it’s only for a few seconds to check an email. Other times, it’s to look something up online, watch a video, check social media, or send a text. Nearly every one of these moments, though, is an opportunity to market. Brands can use these micro mobile moments to quickly connect with consumers and build brand awareness.

Goodyear is a company that has capitalized on these micro moments. Instead of focusing on advertising, they focused on catching consumers’ attention during these tiny slots of time when users turned to their phones for information. When consumers type in a phrase like “how do I change a tire” or “how much should a rotation cost me,” results from Goodyear are prominent.

While the company doesn’t use these opportunities to directly advertise their services, their answers are branded with their logo. This approach naturally increases brand recognition by offering a memorable and, most importantly, personalized moment. When a consumer is looking for information about a product or service, the brand that provides the answers is the one that gets to capitalize on that moment.

Micro mobile moments offer brand recognition through repetition. By leveraging mobile opportunities, your brand can create a campaign that connects with the right audience at the right time, even if only for a moment. This approach is one of the best brand awareness campaign ideas for 2018 because:

Repetition is king when it comes to brand awareness:

Repetition through micro moments increases brand recognition—and consistently reinforces that awareness.

It approaches consumers where they are—their smartphones:

This approach leverages the personal device most consumers use to research products.

Your brand gains trust points:

By answering consumers’ questions, you’re able to present your brand as a subject matter expert, which doesn’t just increase a consumer’s awareness but improves consumer opinion of your brand.

However, micro moments aren’t entirely dependent on mobile search. In fact, mobile-based apps can offer an even greater opportunity to connect with consumers.

App-Based Opportunities in Building Brand Awareness Campaigns in 2018

Building brand awareness via apps can be done one of two ways. Either the company can create a branded app or they can leverage an existing third-party app. Branded apps are designed specifically for your brand, which sounds like a benefit. However, they’re challenging to get consumers to adopt. In fact, 75% of apps are downloaded once and never used again.

Unless you’re in a position where you’re able to create a unique, useful app that prominently displays your brand, it’s unlikely that you’ll see significant success with a branded app. For the most part, consumers don’t use branded apps focused on a single brand or product regularly, the exception possibly being retail stores such as Target and Walmart as their offerings are more diverse.

While number of downloads is the primary metric for many companies, average daily users is a far more useful number. This is the key to success when you’re leveraging mobile apps for marketing as 24% of apps downloaded in 2017 were only used once. As such, instead of using a branded app, companies instead may piggyback on an existing app, partnering with a third party that has an already established audience. This allows the brand to instantly gain access to a high volume of average daily users, easily increasing brand recognition within a highly targeted audience.

When choosing a third party app to represent your brand, you should consider the following elements:

Relevancy to your brand and product offerings:

When you partner with a third-party app, it needs to be relevant to your brand and fill a need for your consumers. Disney Parks did this when they partnered with Lyft for their Minnie Vans program. The promotion used the Lyft app to provide transportation to Disney Parks.

A targeted demographic:

Before your brand partners with an app, thoroughly understand its demographics and break it down to its niche audiences. It’s no longer enough to focus on gender or generations. Mobile apps offer the opportunity to understand your audience on a deeper level. Individuals often access these apps by signing in through social media, which shares info not just about gender and age, but also about marital status, if the user has children, prior purchases, income, and more. When choosing a partner app, confirm that your brand can access that data to give you a very specific picture of their average user.

Timely marketing opportunities:

Ideally, you want to be able to leverage the app at the right time. So, while gaming or social media apps might be popular among consumers, they aren’t used for a specific task. However, a consumer who uses a shopping app while grocery shopping is motivated to buy and therefore an extremely valuable audience for gaining brand awareness—and converting that awareness into market share.

Permissive use for marketing:

While social media apps are filled with active, regular users, these users aren’t there to be marketed to, they’re there to be social with friends and family. As such, heavily pushing advertisements to consumers on these apps is often frowned upon. However, apps specifically designed for consumers seeking out purchase options, like shopping apps, are ideal. Consumers using these types of apps are open to advertisements—that’s the reason they signed up for the shopping app in the first place.

Shopping apps are particularly effective at gaining brand awareness as they fulfill each of these components, facilitating interactions between brands and consumers. Shopping apps also travel with the consumer throughout their day via their smartphone. And a partnership with a popular, well-respected app allows for successful cross-marketing opportunities.

Consumer dependence on technology has inevitably changed the world of advertising. Brands are presented with thousands of opportunities every day to use that to their advantage for building successful awareness campaigns. In 2018, the ideal way to leverage those opportunities is via third-party shopping apps. Consumers are already using mobile devices to assist them in choosing products; mobile shopping apps make it easy to then incentivize purchase and increase your market share—the ultimate goal of most brand awareness campaigns.

Is the Average ROI on Mobile Coupon Advertising Strategies Worth the Investment?

Advertising might have seen its fair share of changes over the years but one thing remains consistent: giving customers a deal is probably the first thing marketers think of when they’re trying to get them to try out a new product. As technology has advanced, deals have gone digital, with coupon codes and mobile apps replacing the standard circulars of old. In 2015, 80% of retailers who invested in digital advertising reported they spent at least a portion of their advertising dollars on mobile coupon strategies.

average roi coupons for smartphonesHowever, the question needs to be asked if this strategy offers the kind of brand awareness and market growth companies are seeking—or if marketing professionals are erroneously choosing coupon advertising as a marketing mainstay because it appears safe. When we do the math, we can clearly see that the average ROI on mobile coupon advertising isn’t quite as high as many brands may hope.

If you’re considering digital coupon offers as an aspect of your brand’s growth strategy, you must first consider the potential cost, which includes not only the cost of the discount that will inevitably cut into your bottom line but also the cost of implementing the program, converting consumers to buyers, and paying for the technical aspects of the program. These combined costs have the potential to make that seemingly safe marketing bet decidedly less so—especially when there are more profitable options that have the ability to maximize conversions while limiting campaign costs, both incidental and direct.

Calculating the Average ROI on Mobile Coupon Advertising

Calculating the ROI on mobile coupon advertising is challenging as you can’t always obtain the most accurate numbers until after you have run the campaign. One thing you can’t argue, though, is that coupons are effective for at least a one-time conversion, as 79% of consumers report that they have tried a new brand based on receiving an offer. However, that one-time conversion might actually come at a loss.

Here’s what you must consider when calculating the potential return on investment of mobile coupons for your brand:

  • The price of your featured product: This is the amount the consumer pays for your product.
  • The cost of the discount: This is the immediate cost to your company for selling the product at a discount.
  • The cost of the campaign: The is the overall amount you pay to make consumers aware of the coupon deal.
  • The number of times redeemed: This is how many times your coupons are used at purchase.
  • The campaign cost per redemption: This is the cost of the campaign divided by the number of times your coupon is redeemed.

Additionally, it should be noted that while the average redemption rate for mobile offers is 25%, the actual redemption rates of the coupon can cause your costs to fluctuate significantly, as you cannot successfully predict how many consumers will use your coupon. And, mobile coupons have some unique traits that limit their effectiveness over the long term, meaning you may not be making up that loss with future purchases at full cost.

Issues that Reduce Mobile Coupon Impact and ROI

When a company chooses to implement a mobile couponing strategy, they’re often seeking out ways not only to make an immediate profit but to increase market share. However, this isn’t always as effective as brands may hope for a number of significant reasons:

  • Mobile coupon advertising comes at an immediate cost: Taking a loss, even a small one, when trying to sell a CPG product is a risky strategy. Right out of the gate, you’ve already cut into your bottom line by reducing your product’s price—with no guarantee it will pay off in the end.
  • Product perception may be harmed: There’s a reason why high-end brands don’t focus heavily on discounts; consumers often equate low-cost with low-quality. This is an issue for brands as quality is quickly becoming a brand differentiator. Reducing your price can reduce the perception of that quality—and 86% of consumers report they’re willing to pay more for better quality, across industries.
  • It may not accurately target the right audience: Consumers who seek out discounts tend to be price-focused. That means that when they’re looking for a new product to purchase, they’re not going to use loyalty as a basis for purchase, but price. Unless you discount the product every time they buy, you can’t hope to gain return customers over the long-term.

Mobile coupons may be trendy with consumers, but many brands will find themselves disappointed by the ROI and long-term impact of such campaigns. They can be quite costly and, when your goal is to gain greater market share, they lack longevity. Most of these mobile couponers will only stay with your brand until the offer is redeemed. For a longer tail option that keeps consumers coming back, mobile shopping apps that offer rewards may be the best alternative.

Using Mobile Shopping Apps as an Alternative to Coupon Programs

Coupons are limited in their long-term impact for your brand because they are only used once. As an alternative, shopping apps that offer points that build into valuable rewards are used repeatedly by the consumers who download them, automatically giving this strategy an edge over coupons.

They work by connecting brands with consumers as they’re ready to make a purchase. About 60% of shoppers use their phones to find products before they buy. Therefore, partnering your brand with mobile shopping apps can significantly increase the likelihood of your products being discovered as the users of these apps tend to be very actively engaged.

Another unique benefit of these platforms is in the way they allow your brand to track and influence consumer behavior. With coupon-based programs, the only individual habits you can track are from those consumers who actually redeem your coupon. With a shopping app, however, you’re better able to pinpoint what’s trending in the consumer’s space with real-time data. This allows a much more diverse market sample that can be highly valuable if your brand’s primary selling point isn’t its price but its quality.

Finally, as mentioned, some shopping apps – like Shopkick – offer rewards, not discounts. These apps work by creating brand awareness through strategically timed notifications that increase the likelihood of purchase, much like a coupon does, but without the need to offer a discount.

When you consider the relatively short shelf life of mobile coupon-based strategies, as well as the surprisingly high cost, you may find that the ROI simply cannot justify a coupon campaign for your company. Coupon-based programs often don’t target the right consumers and they can cost your brand not only its limited marketing dollars but also its reputation by lowering its perceived value. Mobile shopping apps, however, can follow your consumer throughout their purchase pathway, helping you create timely opportunities for brand interaction. That interaction breeds growth, ultimately resulting in a greater share of the market for your brand.

At Shopkick, we offer our partners the ability to connect with their target audience without implementing costly coupon campaigns. If you’re interested in partnering with our solution to increase your company’s market share, brand awareness, and customer engagement, contact our team today.

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How to Earn Amazon Gift Cards the Fast and Easy Way in Time for Christmas

We all have friends who use social media as their go-to for advice, right? They ask where they should eat when they visit a new city or they ask if anyone’s seen the latest movie. Or, maybe they just want to know what everyone is doing this weekend. And when I see those questions as I’m scrolling through my Facebook feed, I’m the friend who can’t help but give advice.

quickly earn amazon gift cards using an app
Even Santa’s getting his kicks | Image courtesy Wavebreak Media Ltd

I’ve written at least 100 reviews on sites like Yelp and Amazon and Tripadvisor. At least. Maybe I have a helping my friends on social media just a little too much problem? Okay, I know I do, but to be honest, I probably won’t ever change. I love helping my friends out.

Recently, one of my friends put out a holiday advice red alert: “Getting an early start on my holiday shopping. I need to know how to earn Amazon gift cards for Christmas gifts the fast and easy way. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Go!”

And go I did! Actually, I had to break my answer down into three different posts, which I’ve shared below. So, without further adieu, let me offer my favorite advice for stocking up on Christmas gifts early by earning free Amazon gift cards.

How to Earn Amazon Gift Cards for Christmas Pt. 1: Take Surveys

Why, you might wonder, do I spend so much time responding to my social media friends when they have a question? I know my husband definitely wonders this. Ha! Anyway, I’ll admit it: on social media, I can be a bit chatty. So, that’s why when I love something—like, really love it—all my friends and family tend to get an earful (or is that an eyeful since they’re reading it on their screens…). Anyway, you get the point.

I think that’s also why I’ve always been a good fit for this first way to earn Amazon gift cards online: taking surveys. Here are a few I like to use:

  • Quick Thoughts: Quick Thoughts is probably the fastest and easiest way to snag Amazon gift cards. With Quick Thoughts, you fill out surveys and get paid between $1.00 and $3.00 for each, plus $.10 every time you try to qualify for a survey. You can take as many as five surveys a day. FYI, this app doesn’t generate its own surveys, but instead searches for paid surveys from more than 1,000 sources and then directs you to them. Once users collect $10.00, they receive a $10.00 Amazon gift card. Fast and easy!
  • Opinion Outpost: Okay, to be honest here, I think the name makes me like this one even more. Like Quick Thoughts, you simply take surveys and earn credits that you can redeem for Amazon gift cards and claim codes. A bonus here is that they have a quarterly contest and every time you take a survey you’re entered into it. After each quarter ends, there’s a drawing and the winner gets $10,000. You can buy a whole lot of Amazon gift cards with that. Well, $10,000-worth to be exact.
  • Survey Junkie: This is the third survey site I love to use. It works the same way as the other two except that the surveys come directly from retailers and brands, which always makes me wonder if my opinion influenced that new sheet set at Target that I want for my imaginary guest room (aka my kids’ playroom). Pretty cool!

How to Earn Amazon Gift Cards the Fast and Easy Way Pt. 2: Trade-Ins

I have to admit to something else I do all the time: I share my friends’ social media posts when they have something for sale like a car, a bike, their little ones’ outgrown clothes, you name it. I just think that part of being a great friend on social media is sharing posts the way you’d want your own posts to be shared. It’s the golden rule of the digital age.

When it comes to how to earn Amazon gift cards fast and easy, though, you don’t have to try and sell your old things online by having your friends share posts. Nope. Amazon actually has its own trade-in program! Basically, they’ll buy your old and used items in exchange for Amazon gift cards. It’s super easy to use and pretty fast to find out exactly how much they’ll pay you for that stuff at home that’s spilling out of your spare room closets or the cardboard boxes in your garage.

There are literally hundreds of items that I know you have at home that are eligible for this. Just go to Amazon, find out if your item is eligible, print out the free pre-paid shipping label, and send it in. Then the folks at Amazon evaluate it and send you an e-mail in about two days letting you know whether it was accepted. If it’s accepted, they put the money directly onto your trade-in balance. If not, they send it back to you free of charge, making this not only a fast and easy way to earn Amazon gift cards but also a great way to get your house organized!

Here are some items you probably have at home that might qualify:

  • Video games
  • Kindles
  • Cameras
  • Calculators
  • Books
  • Cell phones
  • Smart watches

Easily Earn Amazon Gift Cards Fast Pt. 3: Shopping Apps

After I comment on my friends’ statuses offering them advice, I almost always go back a few times in the next day or two to see if they’ve responded. I mean, that’s the point of social media, right—sharing about your life with your friends? Another thing that’s more fun when shared? My third way for getting free Christmas gifts from Amazon gift cards—using shopping rewards apps that pay you in gift cards.

For those of you who don’t know, shopping apps are these really cool (and free!) apps that you can download right to your smartphone that give you points for the shopping you do every day, even when you’re out having fun with friends. The best ones also give you points just for walking into certain stores. What do you do with these points? By now, I bet you can guess: you cash them out for Amazon gift cards, or for gift cards to tons of other stores you know and love. Basically, these are free apps that pay you to shop.

My personal favorite, and the one I recommend to all my friends, is an app called Shopkick. They call their points kicks, and there are just so many ways to get your kicks with this app (pun intended). This app is seriously fun! Plus, how it works is really easy: shop like normal, get your kicks, and trade them in for Amazon gift cards.

Another thing I really like about Shopkick is that it’s a great way to stay social. Shopkick has a really cool social media atmosphere, and I don’t know how many hours I’ve spent on their Facebook and Instagram pages trading Shopkick tips with other expert kickers. So, yes, Christmas is coming and maybe you’re like my friend who wants to earn Amazon gift cards the fast and easy way just in time for the holidays. I just hope you find my advice helpful; that, my friend, is my little Christmas gift to you!

Learn how you can start to earn Amazon gift cards just in time for Christmas. Download Shopkick’s free app and get ready to be wowed. Welcome to the fun, Shopkicker!

If you’re as social media savvy as you are shopping savvy, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily shopping fun.