Mobile Shopping Apps: Why You Must Have One to up Your Shopping Game

“I coulda been a contender.” Brando may have made that line famous, but I prefer a sentiment closer to “I am always a contender!” I can turn just about anything into a personal challenge, even trying to beat my personal record for Instagram likes. Shopping for my family is no different.

A couple weeks ago, I found an absolute steal on trendy accessories at Target. I even pointed out the savings to the cashier who agreed I had hit the savvy shopper jackpot—it was a nice little bonding moment. Hey, I can’t possibly be the only one on a first name basis with my local Target associates!

the must have mobile shopping apps
Swap your outdated loyalty cards for an all-in-one app always at your fingertips | Image courtesy Pixabay user RawPixel

For me, experiences like that make shopping more fun—and let me modernize my wardrobe guilt free. I’ve gone to what some might consider extreme lengths to keep my savings on point and my deal record strong. I wake up at 2 a.m. for Black Friday every year. Every. Year. I’ve hidden dresses at the back of a rack so I could come the next day when I knew they’d be on sale. And, I’m a pro at finding the nearly unnoticeable flaw on a designer handbag so I can snap it up for half off. But who hasn’t, amiright? If you’re a master shopper, I’m looking at you.

I thought I knew every trick in the book—and then came rewards apps. Let me tell you, one shopping diva to another, there are some unbelievable shopping apps you simply must have if you’re always looking for ways to up your shopping game! Since I downloaded one to my smartphone, I’ve pushed my shopping to a whole new level. I’ve finally discovered smartphone apps that reward me for the type of competitive shopping I’ve done for years. It’s like, finally.  

So, get comfortable while I tell you why I can’t stop raving about these shopping rewards apps. Then, let’s hit the aisles with our smartphones out and start racking up some rewards points together. No coulda or shoulda; it’s easy to get out there and be a shopping rewards contender!

Mobile Shopping Apps: Why You Must Have One to Focus Your Rewards Game

As someone who’s more than a little obsessed with beating my own personal bests at pretty much anything, I can assure you the key to improving your shopping game is focus. And paying attention to mobile shopping rewards apps is step one in getting your focus on point.

The new generation of mobile rewards apps centralize the points you earn from the stores you already visit and the brands you buy time and again, whether it’s an incredible pair of wedges at Marshall’s or running to Target for your favorite face wash and a gallon of milk. There’s no need for multiple rewards cards that you can never find anymore. One thing I always have on hand? My smartphone. It’s so nice to solve these problems.

My favorite app also makes me feel like I’m part of a secret society of covert, competitive shoppers going under the radar to snap up points for big rewards, like free gift cards to Best Buy and Amazon. They really do help me focus my rewards game to make sure I’m earning while I spend—and that I have fun while I roll down the aisles.

How Mobile Rewards Apps Change the Game by Incentivizing Browsing

Incentivize your shopping with mobile apps you must have
Earn a free pick-me-up while you shop. Cheers to a new era in shopping! | Image courtesy Unsplash user Clem Onojeghuo

You’re sitting down, right? Your favorite store may be trying to reward you just for walking in. Am I blowing your mind? I know it blew mine when I first learned about it. See, all you need is a smartphone with space for a free app, and I know you have one of those (how else would you get driving directions to the mall out in Timbuktu for a mega sale?). All you have to do is hit download, open the app, then start getting paid to shop!

By downloading a free retail rewards app, I earn points for every aspect of my shopping experience, from walking through the door to exploring new products, and even buying kitchen staples. As soon as I’m in sight of that store entrance, my app and I are on the hunt. A shopping rewards scavenger hunt, that is.

How to Pick the Best Retail Mobile App for You

The new era of digital shopping has inspired a wave of retail mobile apps, each uniquely innovative in their own way. Every serious shopper needs to sit down and explore their options, comparing apps with their own shopping style. Here are a few things I personally looked for before choosing an app to be my shopping partner-in-crime:

  • A fun way to earn: Some retail rewards apps only offer points for filling out surveys. I don’t mind filling out the occasional survey, but they can start to feel more like work than something I’d do for fun. Make sure you’re going to enjoy the process of earning rewards. Your app should engage you while you shop, like a best friend with an eagle eye for new, hot products that have just hit the shelves.
  • Great rewards you can actually use: Look at the types of incentives an app offers before you download it. Some offer coupons to help you save a few cents here and there, but my app helps me gather points so I can earn bigger rewards, like gift cards to my favorite stores or a Pumpkin Spice Latte and a cream cheese danish at Starbucks (mid-shopping fuel, y’all!).
  • Easy to use: One of my closest friends isn’t what I would call technically savvy, but the retail mobile app my group of besties uses is so simple that even she’s using it like a pro. She’s snapping up rewards as fast as I am, and it makes me so proud to have her out there with me!
  • Free to download: This should go without saying, but don’t pay to play. Make sure the rewards app you choose is free to download and use.

If an app that offers all four of my criteria sounds like a savvy shopaholic’s dream, let me introduce you to my (very real) favorite shopping rewards app, Shopkick. The first time I opened this app, it was a revelation. I was getting rewarded for browsing the aisles and buying the latest fashions—and it all felt like a game (or a dream come true, perhaps?).

Shopkick was instantly rewarding me with points, called kicks, just for being my motivated shopper self. Plus, I’ve been getting bonus points for encouraging my crew and their families to sign up as well. I’ve been pushing myself to shop better most of my life but, with Shopkick, there’s never been a better time to be perusing the product shelves. Rewards, aisle 10!

Explore how Shopkick’s innovative retail mobile app works to bolster your shopping game, changing your shopping experience forever. Download the free Shopkick app to start Shopkicking before the next time you walk through those double doors. You can also get real-time updates on how Shopkick is revolutionizing shopping by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

How CPG Brands Can Gain Market Share from Competitors Via Third-Party Shopping Apps

Competition among consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands is daunting; the industry is estimated at $2 trillion and most segments are highly saturated. In fact, an estimated 56% of U.S. consumers said the number of brands they consider for a given product or service has increased significantly over the past 10 years. It makes sense, then, that when brand affinity is not a factor, consumers will often make purchases based on price alone.

gain market share as a CPG brand
In a crowded marketplace, consumers often feel as if they are comparing apples to apples—but the right marketing tools can help your brand stand out | Image courtesy Unsplash user Raquel Martinez

When markets are mature and saturated, it can be difficult for your brand to gain greater market share. Loyal customers want to stay with the brands they’ve already chosen. Cost-conscious consumers want the lowest price. Among all this competition, how can your brand hope to gain market share from its competitors? The answer is in leveraging digital marketing partnerships to reach new customers and build brand awareness.

The significant growth of the CPG marketplace over the past decade means that mass advertising and shelf placement are no longer sufficient to excite shoppers and convert them into customers. CPG brands often turn to coupons to entice and grow their customer base, but in the modern age of digital shoppers who are looking to deeply connect with a brand for more than just its price point, these steep discounts often result in nothing more than a one-time purchase—at a loss.

If your CPG brand wants to remain competitive in the new world of digital marketing, you need an alternative to the expensive discount programs of the past. This alternative can be found in mobile apps that drive consumers toward your brand as they shop. When consumers receive brand messages in real time while they are in a retail location, the sales funnel becomes short and effective, allowing your brand to naturally convert awareness into a purchase.

How Your Brand Can Leverage New Technology to Improve Market Share

In a study involving a diverse group of consumers, eMarketer noted that 73% of consumers cite price and value as top sales drivers. This hasn’t changed much in the history of selling CPG products. What has changed is how brands make consumers aware of their value and quality. Brands have to be able to gain the attention of consumers—and the digital space is the place where they must do it.

62% of millennials, one of the largest groups of consumers, use digital services to locate products. To gain the attention of these shoppers, your brand needs to shift its focus to the digital world, particularly mobile apps that travel with shoppers. The top benefits of mobile apps for CPG brands trying to determine how to gain market share from competitors are:

  • GPS technology accompanies consumers on their shopping trips: Given permission, smartphone GPS technology allows companies to follow consumers throughout their day, offering mobile deals when they’re most likely to buy—and close to a store entrance. Those quick trips to the store can be used to remind consumers of a particular brand, ensuring it is at the forefront of their mind while they’re about to make a purchase.  
  • Online rapport with customers: 81% of consumers research products online before making a significant purchase—and that number continues to grow. With reviews, comparisons, and the like available at their fingertips, savvy shoppers are becoming increasingly likely to turn to the internet before a purchase. That means that you may be able to take market share from CPG companies that are without a digital presence simply by having one yourself.  

As we review the statistics above, it becomes clear that a digital presence is crucial for any CPG brand competing in today’s retail market and attempting to gain market share over their competitors. However, developing an online presence requires time and significant investment, even for well-known brands like Band-Aid or Kleenex, names synonymous with a particular product. 2 million blogs, according to Hosting Facts, are published every day, with countless brands all trying to create an online presence.

Brand awareness is a major component of gaining market share. That’s no secret. But gaining that brand awareness requires the ability to stand out on digital platforms, which are often saturated with other brands attempting to do the exact same thing. To gain an edge in a highly competitive market, your CPG brand can’t start at square one. Instead, you need to find a way to use strategic partnerships to gain notoriety in the digital space.

Building Partnerships with Popular Shopping Apps

increased market share in a competitive market
Apps are ushering in a new era of retail marketing, helping brands emerge as leaders in a crowded marketplace | Image courtesy toddwmac

Instead of a high-cost, full-scale online marketing campaign, many brands are finding ways to work their way further down the sales funnel, reaching out to consumers where and as they shop. By leveraging the ease and flexibility of existing mobile retail apps, CPG companies can incentivize consumers without damaging their bottom line. Partnering with popular app offerings which have an established foothold in the retail market offers brands the opportunity to build product awareness and consumer trust which, in the end, leads to a greater share of their target market.

How is this accomplished? Consumers want to feel like fiscally savvy shoppers. However, CPG brands, often operating on slim profitability margins, can hardly afford to slash prices to make a sale, especially since this can lead to long-term devaluations of their brand name. After all, greater market share and customer loyalty don’t necessarily equate to profitability. Shopping apps that aggregate rewards from partner brands benefit both the consumer and the brand in three ways:

  1. They can help reduce overhead associated with a full-scale digital marketing campaign: A full-scale digital marketing campaign is not a cheap endeavor. However, by working with an established app as a part of their entire marketing campaign, brands are able to reduce some overhead costs.  
  2. They target motivated consumers: Shopping apps don’t target the general population. Instead, they target consumers who are interested in learning more about products. When consumers download these apps, they want the app to contact them about the brands they partner with. Rather than simply advertising at consumers, these apps interact with consumers. That interaction leads to brand affinity and ultimately larger market share down the road by creating a value exchange between the brand and the shopper.
  3. They offer an existing audience base: One of the biggest challenges in app marketing is gaining adoption. This is particularly challenging for CPG brands as consumers are very unlikely to download an entire app focused on one single product. This is why established shopping apps are ideal for CPG brands: they offer a built-in audience.

CPG brands spend roughly $225 billion on marketing each year, with discounts that cut into margins. Brand managers are beginning to approach marketing in a new way, however. App-based advertising programs are becoming a highly profitable addition to digital marketing strategies as they draw in consumers without requiring companies to compete at a loss.

Brand awareness breeds greater market share. Partnering with the right shopping apps can significantly increase awareness of your brand, allowing you to claim a greater share of your market segment from your non-digital competitors. By leveraging strategic partnerships with popular mobile shopping apps, your CPG brand is given access to an active user base in the digital space—and all without the risk and high cost of a stand-alone digital program.

Shopkick offers our retail and CPG brand partners a new voice in a saturated marketplace. To connect with Shopkick, contact us today.